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Author Topic: Terrified (MRI scan needed)  (Read 17639 times)


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Terrified (MRI scan needed)
« on: April 02, 2015, 05:20:53 AM »

Just when I thought my sleeping was getting back on track, I've had the most awful night...

Last week I had a colonoscopy and biopsy and they called me back yesterday for a repeat so they could take a more in depth biopsy. I had a call from the nurse a couple of hours later as now they want to do a CT and MRI scan. I've to go back in at 9am today to have my blood taken, hopefully the scans will be arranged in the next few days.

Google really can be the enemy on these things....a stray onto the NHS site last night claims that MRI scans are used to see if and to where the cancer has spread. Erm, that's really not what I want to hear. I'm so, so hoping this is just ultra caution on behalf of my hospital.  I've spent a night quite terrified about it all, and gave up trying to sleep at 4am and so have been sat in bed working.  I'll ask more questions when I'm back in the unit this morning but at the moment I'm feeling quite sick with the thought.

I do have to say my local hospital, Stepping Hill in Stockport, are superb (making up for my shower of a GP surgery) so I'm using that thought to convince myself this is just a belt and braces approach....

GG x


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Re: Terrified (MRI scan needed)
« Reply #1 on: April 02, 2015, 06:17:34 AM »

did they say anything last week when the tests were performed ?

I think doctors are quite geared up to saying if they suspect something bad to keep you in the picture , let's hope they are just being over cautious

Lots of hugs and positive vibes sent to you


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Re: Terrified (MRI scan needed)
« Reply #2 on: April 02, 2015, 08:33:08 AM »

did they say anything last week when the tests were performed ?

I think doctors are quite geared up to saying if they suspect something bad to keep you in the picture , let's hope they are just being over cautious

Lots of hugs and positive vibes sent to you

Last week they found something but the doc couldn't work it out. They took a biopsy and called me on Monday this week to go back in for another colonoscopy and bigger biopsy (yesterday). I did question the nurse when she called me yesterday afternoon but she simply said they don't know yet...

I've just been in (and out very quickly) to get my blood taken but it was simply a nurse from the endocrine department testing for urea and electrolytes and he didn't know much more.

I'm feeling a bit more rational now, at 4 am everything looms so much larger and scarier.  I'm going to fill the Easter weekend with as many nice things as possible as a distraction and try and keep an open mind. Oh and ban the search 'cancer' from Google!

GG x


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Re: Terrified (MRI scan needed)
« Reply #3 on: April 02, 2015, 08:41:03 AM »

Try not to panic.  It could just be polyps (you can get the most places in the body). 

I had a similar scare when I had a scan for gallstones and something was found.  It did mean though that I had to go back at at regular intervals over 2 years plus.  The only way make sure  gallbladder polyps are not more sinister, is to re scan to check they don't grow. 

I was able to forget about it most of the time until my scan day came up, but got the all clear in the end.


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Re: Terrified (MRI scan needed)
« Reply #4 on: April 02, 2015, 08:45:25 AM »

Thanks Rosebud. They did think it was a polyps originally but it's not proving typical and they don't like the look of it. That said, I have to remind myself they didn't jump up and say "Oh my God" when they found it, it was more a case of scratching their heads. The first biopsy was inconclusive, no results back from yesterday's yet but the doc was concerned enough to request scans.

I'm feeling much more pragmatic about it today. I had a similar scare over Christmas with a breast lump and the hospital left no stone unturned. It fortunately was a cyst rather than anything more sinister but the treatment was definitely belt and braces. I'm hoping that's just the way they work it there and err on the side of caution.

GG x


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Re: Terrified (MRI scan needed)
« Reply #5 on: April 02, 2015, 08:56:51 AM »

I think you are right, they are just being very thorough and covering all the bases.

Hopefully you will get some good news soon. :hug:


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Re: Terrified (MRI scan needed)
« Reply #6 on: April 02, 2015, 09:02:39 AM »

did they say anything last week when the tests were performed ?

I think doctors are quite geared up to saying if they suspect something bad to keep you in the picture , let's hope they are just being over cautious

Lots of hugs and positive vibes sent to you

Last week they found something but the doc couldn't work it out. They took a biopsy and called me on Monday this week to go back in for another colonoscopy and bigger biopsy (yesterday). I did question the nurse when she called me yesterday afternoon but she simply said they don't know yet...

I've just been in (and out very quickly) to get my blood taken but it was simply a nurse from the endocrine department testing for urea and electrolytes and he didn't know much more.

I'm feeling a bit more rational now, at 4 am everything looms so much larger and scarier.  I'm going to fill the Easter weekend with as many nice things as possible as a distraction and try and keep an open mind. Oh and ban the search 'cancer' from Google!

GG x

It's much easier said than done, but you're right to keep yourself busy.
Nothing on the same level really but I always worried when further tests were wanted and realised that I was wasting time worrying over it because until results confirm something there's nothing I can do and will deal with it, as it comes

Age 40 I suddenly developed palpitations, first search led me to COPD, embarrassingly I went into work and said I think that's what I got, results came through as arrhythmia

A breast lump, I told same boss that I think I have cancer, scan revealed breast tissue had formed the lump (strange thing is on both of these I didn't tell my daughter until I found out results were clear and she ballistic at me for not telling her at the onset)

Googling is handy, but can scare the living day lights out of us

I really hope you can try to relax over the weekend


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Re: Terrified (MRI scan needed)
« Reply #7 on: April 02, 2015, 11:28:29 AM »

I had an almost identical experience a few years ago, and if its any comfort the eventual diagnosis was diverticulitis - like you I was in a major panic at the time convinced they were hiding something from me.  It does annoy me that we are put through such things - in an ideal world information should be given at all stages so the patient doesn't panic unnecessarily - what is "routine" to doctors and such isn't routine to the patient - and human nature being as it is we mostly think the worst!  Fingers crossed for you x


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Re: Terrified (MRI scan needed)
« Reply #8 on: April 02, 2015, 12:41:58 PM »

Hopefully the hospital are just erring on the side of caution.  Try and enjoy the Easter weekend without worrying too much - and no more DR GOOGLE!!!


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Re: Terrified (MRI scan needed)
« Reply #9 on: April 02, 2015, 01:37:57 PM »

I agree! Stay well away from Google! It's so difficult to tell the good information from the dodgy and downright wrong. Good luck. It's true; hospitals always have to err on the side of caution.


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Re: Terrified (MRI scan needed)
« Reply #10 on: April 02, 2015, 02:30:07 PM »

Age 40 I suddenly developed palpitations, first search led me to COPD, embarrassingly I went into work and said I think that's what I got, results came through as arrhythmia

A breast lump, I told same boss that I think I have cancer, scan revealed breast tissue had formed the lump

Sort of along the lines of "guess what I'm dying of today?"  :)  (Sorry but that tickled me). I do feel a little like that as I had a cyst just a few months ago and my partner was devastated when we first  thought it cancer, he's devastated again but I do worry about crying wolf on this in case he starts to think I'm hypochondriac. I'm not, I've had 47.5 years with nothing worse than chicken pox, it's just these things seem to come at once.

Thanks for all the reasurance everyone, I'm feeling much more positive now.

GG x


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Re: Terrified (MRI scan needed)
« Reply #11 on: April 02, 2015, 02:48:25 PM »

I was embarrassed!
The most recent one was my knee last October it stated hurting (still does) and they tested me for RA, I went on good ole google and yep I had the symptoms.  My partner said to stop telling myself I've got what they're testing for

So now I put everything down to menopause, even my eye and burning mouth thing !

I'm getting better at dismissing bad things , honest xx


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Re: Terrified (MRI scan needed)
« Reply #12 on: April 08, 2015, 06:13:36 PM »

I have to say I actually feel well and am not paranoid, it's the medics that seem to have taken charge of this and sent me for one test after another. I've had a little rectal bleeding which I mentioned to my doc in passing and suddenly I'm having Stockport's NHS budget splurged on me (obviously the start of the financial year!).  I've had an MRI scan today which I really didn't like - far too claustrophobic - but it was over in 25 mins so not a great hardship. CT scan tomorrow then we're off to Switzerland on Friday which will be far more painful - 5 nights holiday with my Teenage Girls, ugh.  ;)

It has terrified me that I've been sent for so many tests but along the way I'm finding quite a few people who've had similar scans for every day type issues - my mind had immediately connected them to the big C.

No doubt results will be back next week sometime and I'm hoping that whatever the issue is, it's something easily resolvable - and I can go and find "something else I'm dying of today"  ::)

GG x


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Re: Terrified (MRI scan needed)
« Reply #13 on: April 08, 2015, 06:19:29 PM »

It's best to get it all checked out, for peace of mind if nothing else.

Have a great holiday and let us know how you get on.



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Re: Terrified (MRI scan needed)
« Reply #14 on: April 08, 2015, 06:39:17 PM »

I came home from my Easter break to a letter from the gp surgery saying "due to our recent chat about me worrying about my heart' she's written to the cardiology dept and they want to see me

I've not had a chat about me worrying about my heart
I told her I don't like the palpitations but had my heart thoroughly checked out 3 years ago when the peri symptoms started .  And categorically told her I'm not at all worrying about my heart as I know why I'm having them, just that I don't like them, so so far I've collected the following hospital appts (again)

Tissue specialist
Eye specialist

I'm sure soon I'll be off the ENT again soon as the tinnitus is playing up and of course the bone dr (mind is mushy over the names lol) as my hip and back is constantly hurting and maybe the vagifem will prevent me from seeing the bladder dr

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