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Menopause Matters magazine ISSUE 76 out now. (Summer issue, June 2024)


Author Topic: Down with a bang !!!  (Read 4458 times)


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Down with a bang !!!
« on: December 14, 2014, 01:56:10 PM »

Hi all,

I have had the most amazing few months, wedding planning for my son and his new wife, they got married last week on the 6th December.

Firstly i love Christmas and always first in the family to put tree up (some would say i do it to early) but this year my son who is 27 asked if i would wait until after the wedding as it wasn't a Xmas wedding, no problem it was his and his new wifes day and tbh i didn't
 have the time anyway.
We all had the most amazing day, it was a big wedding cost them a fortune (we and her parents did help lol) was very emotional Alex (son) is my eldest and first to marry and Helen (dil  :)) is only child, so im sure some of you can imagine what the day meant to all of us.
Anyway a week on the kids are sunning themselves in wonderful Mexico on honeymoon (lucky kids) and me well i have hit rock bottom,
on the Sunday 7th had to go to room to pick up cake and various things, Monday take all 10 suits back to hire shop, Tuesday at 10.30pm kids realised they hadn't printed of travel insurance so was with them until 1.30am, Wednesday my birthday oh dear!!! awful mood moaned all day didn't put cards up sat here crying moaning, 1 good thing kids arrived safe in mexico, thought ok snap out of it put the tree up, no such luck the lights weren't working, so off i go again, Thursday go get new lights get back don't like them but wot the heck just get the dam thing up, Friday do half the Xmas shopping not got a thing so had to be done, Saturday do other half wrapped it all up all £850 worth nothing there to show for it  :( today just want to cry don't want Xmas at all, got my mum hubbies dad daughter her partner 2 grand kids and my youngest son for Xmas dinner and just don't want it, i ache all over feel like poo, so tired i could sleep for England, when i get to go to bed cant sleep, i just want it all over and done with,
don't know why i feel like this as i said i love Xmas but this year i don't care it can come and go without me.

sorry for the rant some things i have got to say that cant be said to family.



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Re: Down with a bang !!!
« Reply #1 on: December 14, 2014, 02:05:02 PM »

I think you have just burnt out. You have been so busy and running on adrenaline and now everything is done you have just run out of steam.

Feet up for the next few days, eat well and try to relax. Let others fuss you for a little while. You will soon get back to normal and be able to enjoy Xmas as usual.

The wedding sounds amazing and obviously a lot of hard work too.

We forget we are not as young as we once were and this kind of thing takes it out of you.

Take care and I'm sure you will feel much better soon.



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Re: Down with a bang !!!
« Reply #2 on: December 14, 2014, 02:16:01 PM »

kazy68 this sounds familiar. I was running on adrenaline for weeks back in the Spring/Summer up to our daughter's wedding and beyond. The adrenaline carried me along. Of course once normality resumed the adrenaline dropped like a stone and I dropped with it. My energy levels went to zero and I had nothing left to give. I went down with a virus and it wiped me out, now I have another cold and am running on empty.

I sincerely sympathise but its just that our bodies can't take that level of physical and emotional activity day after day without some pay back.

I am having to cut back on a lot of Christmas stuff as I just can't cope. Looking through my album of the wedding photos helps me as it was such a beautiful day and I would do it all again.

Congratulations to your son and new daughter in law.  Be kind and gentle with yourself and it will pass and you will get back on an even keel in the Spring, so will I x


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Re: Down with a bang !!!
« Reply #3 on: December 14, 2014, 03:16:44 PM »

It's awful ain't it  :'( ……….. how are you 2-day! 


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Re: Down with a bang !!!
« Reply #4 on: December 14, 2014, 04:02:34 PM »

Adrenaline is great when we need it, but oh that crash afterwards is horrid. Give yourself a few days to try & chill a bit. Sure you will feel better for it. Can you manage to fit in some pampering before the 25 th? A nice facial or back massage to soothe yourself, might help you get a decent sleep too.


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Re: Down with a bang !!!
« Reply #5 on: December 14, 2014, 04:03:48 PM »

Feet in a bowl of warm water ……… wriggle the toes about.  Might help.  Deep breathing. It's the crash which comes after using up adrenaline.


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Re: Down with a bang !!!
« Reply #6 on: December 14, 2014, 06:12:17 PM »

As a child we had huge xmases, with lot of family.  I always felt overwhelmed so as a adult we have alway kept it low key.  I still don't like xmas very much.  Money, work and hype.  If I had a choice I would go on holiday instead.  Perhaps that's an Idea for you, to escape and recharge your batteries.

Have you noticed the increase in posts about stress at the moment.  IT should be called 'STRESSMAS'
« Last Edit: December 14, 2014, 06:22:54 PM by rosebud57 »


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Re: Down with a bang !!!
« Reply #7 on: December 14, 2014, 07:07:48 PM »

Rosebud I thoroughly agree!  Huge family events which went on for days - with people I only saw annually and between each meeting had forgotten ……


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Re: Down with a bang !!!
« Reply #8 on: December 14, 2014, 08:28:25 PM »

Thanks all for your replies,

I know you are all right, having things keeping me busy over the last few months has kept me going, now its the big come down having time to myself feels strange at the moment, not having to think of other people and if everything is sorted, especialy now i have done everything for Christmas as well.

I have done as most of you suggested and had a really chilled day, visited my mum saw close family who have moved away and i haven't seen for a while, came home and more or less sat on the sofa most of the afternoon-evening, had a nice hot bubble bath and now feel relaxed, have got a busy few days ahead but plan on thinking about ME FIRST and if i don;t want to do thinks i will start to say no, hard for me but i have got to do it, hope i will feel better tomorrow.

hope you all have a good evening
thank you for comments


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Re: Down with a bang !!!
« Reply #9 on: December 14, 2014, 09:04:29 PM »

Seeing people can raise the adrenaline levels to a 'coping' level and one feels better.  Little steps  ;)


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Re: Down with a bang !!!
« Reply #10 on: December 15, 2014, 10:05:35 AM »

saying 'no' is one of my hardest things as I worry what the person asking will think of me as I was brought up to be quiet and be a people pleaser.

I am trying to work on it though for my physical and mental health's sake.

You will get through this x


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Re: Down with a bang !!!
« Reply #11 on: December 15, 2014, 12:39:40 PM »

The more we learn to say 'no' the easier it becomes  ;) - when asked to do something in the future I tell the person that I need to refer to the His and Hers calendar to make sure we aren't double booked ..... and even when I do agree, I always make sure there is a back up.  In case ..... I can site my elderly mother may need urgent attention ..........  :whist:


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Re: Down with a bang !!!
« Reply #12 on: December 19, 2014, 12:38:50 AM »

I can't sleep and was just looking through the posts etc and came across this one Kazy68...hope your feeling better

Iv been searching for answers to the way Iv been feeling this past while and it sounds a bit like the way you've been feeling (minus the wedding!).

All the lovely replies and comments are so heartwarming with great advice....some of them Im going to take on board too!!

I feel Im running on empty, Iv also got 2 coldsores on my lip and all the other meno problems, I came back from a lovely 2 week holiday at the end of Oct to a smashed window, broken washing machine, microwave, laptop and heating...I just went into auto pilot mode and everything took a month to fix, sort out insurance, contact police etc etc etc. Then I got a bout of IBS and haven't felt right energy levels and I had my bloods checked and they came back fine.

Think I need to take it easy and think of me glad I read through this thread, thank you ladies ❤️❤️❤️


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Re: Down with a bang !!!
« Reply #13 on: January 05, 2015, 10:38:19 AM »

I think all of the above responses are right, you're like an engine which has been running at full steam, but now you've just run out of a bit of R&R and 'me time' is probably you're best bet! However, I personally think Christmas is a difficult time anyway, the excitement levels are cranked up to a ridiculous level, and it promises so much...but in the end it's just one day an poof, it's over! We had what most people would think of as a great Christmas, and yes it was, but by about the 28/29 December, I start to feel quite depressed, and I want to take all the decs down and forget it only me?!