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Author Topic: Will GP refer me for intolerance testing?  (Read 13130 times)


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Will GP refer me for intolerance testing?
« on: November 12, 2014, 04:48:08 PM »

If I asked my GP for testing for food intolerances would I get referred or just get short shrift? Don't want to waste their time.


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Re: Will GP refer me for intolerance testing?
« Reply #1 on: November 12, 2014, 04:55:49 PM »

It's never wasting our GP time, it's what they are paid for?  How about looking on the web-site to see what specialities they 'cover'?  Mine is quite comprehensive on what they tell patients to expect.  Or visit a Pharamacist in your LLoyds/Boots and see if they know which GPs are more likely to send patients for testing? 

You may find that your Hospital has a good web-site, some are better than others but usually list the various Consultants and their Specialities.  Usually intolerance is done by withdrawal of what might be triggers …… so it can take a while.

I had pin **** allergy tests in the 1970s - nothing showed up but I have had allergic rhinitis since then.  It turns out I have a mild allergy to cat hair - we had 3 cats for years then a gap but I realised when I looked after a neighbour's cats, my symptoms returned.  I have been much better since DH began hoovering more thoroughly around our bed! particularly the surfaces close by.  Less sneezing.  I no longer wake with an itchy nose in the night which means I get better sleep. 

I had begun to think that I was allergy to DH  :o


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Re: Will GP refer me for intolerance testing?
« Reply #2 on: November 12, 2014, 05:05:37 PM »

I already know I can't take any form of dairy, even the lactose free stuff, or I end up with the scoots. Egg is a bit of a hit or miss. Was really bad couple of months back after eating eggs. Can tolerate in cakes, meringues. But laid off eating actual eggs. Tried again the other day and was OK, but tried Mayonnaise yesterday, just a teensy bit & tummy a bit upset today. Mayo was full fat stuff, so no cream in. Egg free Mayo is  :sick02:
Will check out GP website but not holding my breath.


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Re: Will GP refer me for intolerance testing?
« Reply #3 on: November 12, 2014, 05:21:16 PM »

Oh I can't digest eggs as an egg - but we kept chooks  ;D
In cakes it's OK.  The 1st thing I was offered after Wisdom teeth removal was a boiled egg  :beaurk: - the Nurse said 'we'll have an egg for breakfast shall we?' - "You can eat an egg if you want to but if you put one in front of me you'll need a mop for the floor"  ;D - sorry I digress  ???

Do try the Hosptial website too!


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Re: Will GP refer me for intolerance testing?
« Reply #4 on: November 12, 2014, 06:17:08 PM »

I don't know how this works these days, but I would have thought if you are already experiencing a digestive reaction to certain foods that is causing you discomfort and inconvenience, then it would make medical sense to try to identify what the problem is.

I also had the pin**** tests done in the mid 60's and turned out I was allergic to cats and dust - well we have always had cats, and as for dust .... we have plenty of it!  ;D

Hurdity x


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Re: Will GP refer me for intolerance testing?
« Reply #5 on: November 12, 2014, 06:25:29 PM »

My brother had it done in the 60s too. He already knew fish was a no-no. He suffered with swollen tongue, throat. However, he had very bad eczema & they were trying to find a cause. Only showed up the fish though, which of course he didn't eat. He can take tinned salmon & can tolerate prawns too.

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Re: Will GP refer me for intolerance testing?
« Reply #6 on: November 12, 2014, 06:39:19 PM »

I had the pin**** tests in the early 60s, but my mum was told I was allergic to just about everything they tested for. Im still here! I'm glad to say that I have become less and less allergic to things as I get older. I do have some some food intolerances, which are much more difficult to identify, as the reactions are usually delayed and not life threatening. I sort help from a nutritionist a few years ago, who helped me identify some of the less obvious foods and several, I have been able to reintroduce back into my diet.

 If you are allergic to anything, you have to check when in hospital. My daughter cannot tolerate lactose or eggs and had pre-eclampsia. She had to check all medication as more than once she was given medication with lactose in it.


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Re: Will GP refer me for intolerance testing?
« Reply #7 on: November 12, 2014, 07:08:02 PM »

My GP told me they did not do certain intolerance tests but he did not say what they did do.
Many years ago I had patch tests. Loads of things put on my back by a consultant dermatologist. It was done privately though. It was not for food. They were trying to find out what triggered my dermatitis.

Why don't you call your surgery and ask. That way you can find out if it's worth while making an appointment.



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Re: Will GP refer me for intolerance testing?
« Reply #8 on: November 12, 2014, 07:18:31 PM »

 She had to check all medication as more than once she was given medication with lactose in it.

Know what that's like. Even my asthma inhalers have to be lactose free. GPs have to get out their "bible" to medicate me. Mine all started after needing heaps of ABs for pneumonia.


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Re: Will GP refer me for intolerance testing?
« Reply #9 on: November 12, 2014, 08:16:55 PM »

Some injections are egg based …….. patch tests, thanks - that's the word  ::)

Oil seed rape when it comes into flower makes my chest tighten up, willow pollen irritates my nose …….

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Re: Will GP refer me for intolerance testing?
« Reply #10 on: November 12, 2014, 10:25:46 PM »

My idea of hell was being in the middle of a field rapeseed. We used to go and stay with my in- laws every summer, but one year I couldn't go as they had planted it in the field next to the house. I seem to cope better now. Age and better medication, probably.

I suspect my daughter always had an intolerance or allergy to lactose, for she was constantly filling her nappies, had horrendous nappy rash and projectile vomiting, but seemed very healthy otherwise. Her son was fine until she tried him on dairy products and the same thing happened to him. Obviously he didn't have dairy from her milk. When she had breathing problems, she was told she couldn't have asthma as the inhalers didn't work! If she has any lactose or eggs now, she has to rush to the loo within half an hour. The nutritionist I saw was able to identify the problem and her breathing improved and she now responds to ventolin if need be. She is very cynical about doctors now.


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Re: Will GP refer me for intolerance testing?
« Reply #11 on: November 13, 2014, 01:52:02 PM »

Phoned surgery today. They do refer patients for intolerance testing, so made appointment for Wednesday morning, with new GP at surgery. I really do need to get to bottom of this once & for all. Dairy I know is a big no-no, but the egg one one has me flummoxed & thinking it might be something else, as was OK with egg but not mayonaise. My stomach gurgled like nobody's business for hours yesterday. Then boom running for loo. No pain, just sudden need to go. Ended up taking immodium as I needed to go out. Years ago I was told it was IBS, but it doesn't behave like IBS. I know folk with IBS & they are in lots of pain soon after eating the offending item. I, on the other hand, am fine, then couple of days later it hits me.


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Re: Will GP refer me for intolerance testing?
« Reply #12 on: November 13, 2014, 04:15:23 PM »

Intolerance and IBS are different.  I love onions but they make me ill within 12 hours.  Pain.  On the loo for hours - and I LOVE onions.  Makes eating out hard work and we can't go Indian or Italian …… and sometimes soups are based on onions  ::)

Eggs can be difficult to digest.  Some people are allergic to shellfish ……….

Glad you have an appt..  Will you make a list of your daily diet to take with you to see if there are any 'triggers'? 

My Dad had late onset asthma at aged about 65.  He gardened all his life but did use 'dope' - no, not that kind but the 'thinners' painted on fine paper to stiffen it on model airplanes.  Smells like a sweetie - name escapes me, oh pear drops ……. we had to ban him from the house with it otherwise we would be coughing!

Mayo is  :sick02: …..  prefer salad cream ;-)

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Re: Will GP refer me for intolerance testing?
« Reply #13 on: November 13, 2014, 10:34:31 PM »

CB, I have IBS and I don't often have pain. The runs can take me by surprise, though usually I have the opposite problem!

I am intolerant to wheat. I used to get spasms in my oesophagus, which is very painful after the smallest amount. I would bring up whatever and be unable to swallow anything sometimes for hours. Meantime, I could be very hungry! Now I can eat wheat in some forms, for eg biscuits, but not others like bread, but the reaction is now mild. A sensation of food getting stuck and slight discomfort, which wears off. Makes eating out less stressful now


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Re: Will GP refer me for intolerance testing?
« Reply #14 on: November 13, 2014, 10:52:01 PM »

I also have very infrequent pain with my IBS. I have the runs most mornings and on a bad day after lunch and then dinner. Mostly morning problems though.

I don't think that any particular foods set me off. If I eat too many vegetables which I frequently do then I pay for it the next day. However my anxiety triggers my IBS.

I rarely take any medication, I just try and control it with herbal drops which at least let me get out of the house in the morning.

It's a worry though. The thought of getting caught short really bothers me.

I hope you get your tests very soon CG

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