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Author Topic: Prem or Early Meno...any under 45s here?  (Read 11422 times)


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Prem or Early Meno...any under 45s here?
« on: October 16, 2014, 06:21:42 PM »


I'm fairly new and just wondered if there was anyone wishing to share their experience of specifically,  premature or early menopause. I'm 38 now- my periods started to go 'missing' when I was 36. Apart from the obv heartache of not being able to get pregnant, I feel I've escaped a lot of the common symptoms...that was up until last year when I began struggling with anxiety.

I'm not even sure if the whole thing does differ due to age but was interested to know wht others at this age were being advised from gp's etc.


Kikidee x


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Re: Prem or Early Meno...any under 45s here?
« Reply #1 on: October 16, 2014, 08:12:06 PM »


I'm fairly new and just wondered if there was anyone wishing to share their experience of specifically,  premature or early menopause. I'm 38 now- my periods started to go 'missing' when I was 36. Apart from the obv heartache of not being able to get pregnant, I feel I've escaped a lot of the common symptoms...that was up until last year when I began struggling with anxiety.

I'm not even sure if the whole thing does differ due to age but was interested to know wht others at this age were being advised from gp's etc.


Kikidee x

I'm 48 and peri, but I started meno when I was about 42-43, but, I was not aware I was in perimenopause until last year.
Around that time I was detoxing off valium and I put my heat, sweats, anxiety and depression down to valium withdrawal.
I was 47 when I started to become aware I was in peri.
Prior to this, I assumed meno was early fifties.

I am sorry you are going through this at a younger age, but I am with you on the anxiety, depression, flushes and sweats.
With depression this bad, I am immobilised and fretting or crying most of the time I am awake.
I did not absord femoston 2/10, a pill hrt that is very successful with most women.
I think my bowel was affected by lack of oestrogen, which is probs why  I am not absorbing it.
I start on estradot 25 in 10 days plus utrogestan 200 for the last 12 days of the cycle.
Doctors only given me a months supply of hrt, all three gp i saw are very hostile and arrogant and are not even  open to the emails I have got off Dr currie. Anyway, I am duplicating info now, cos this stuff is in other posts of mine, on here.

Just to say, you are not alone, and my heart goes out  to you.


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Re: Prem or Early Meno...any under 45s here?
« Reply #2 on: October 16, 2014, 08:59:57 PM »

There are a few on the forum who have had an early menopause and I'm sure they will be along soon.

There is a website called The Daisy Network that could offer some help.

Have you been offered any hormone treatment as you are very young to go without hormones that should be rightfully yours.



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Re: Prem or Early Meno...any under 45s here?
« Reply #3 on: October 16, 2014, 09:45:57 PM »

There are a few on the forum who have had an early menopause and I'm sure they will be along soon.

There is a website called The Daisy Network that could offer some help.

Have you been offered any hormone treatment as you are very young to go without hormones that should be rightfully yours.

Sorry to hijack thread
thanks for the signpost to daisy network hb.
I will go over onto daisynetwork cos I had an early one too, with no hormones. I was wondering what has been going on with my body this last 5-6yrs now I know.


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Re: Prem or Early Meno...any under 45s here?
« Reply #4 on: October 16, 2014, 09:51:24 PM »

That could be just the thing for you Dandelion. Lots of women there who will have the same problems as yourself that could be able to help.

Think you have to pay though to access the whole site.



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Re: Prem or Early Meno...any under 45s here?
« Reply #5 on: October 16, 2014, 09:59:27 PM »

Hi honeyb,

Thanks for your msg. No I've not been offered hrt ...or anything actually. I don't know if I need to at least have some sort of a bone check? Would be great to hear of other prem meno journeys. I'll pop over to daisy network.

Thanks again,

Kikidee x


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Re: Prem or Early Meno...any under 45s here?
« Reply #6 on: October 16, 2014, 10:22:34 PM »

It's something that you need to think about. You could ask for a referral to a meno clinic.

Have you had a look at the menu on the left. There is a section for early meno.

HRT will protect your bones and your heart and also help all the other symptoms but it is a personal choice of course.



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Re: Prem or Early Meno...any under 45s here?
« Reply #7 on: October 16, 2014, 10:36:26 PM »

That could be just the thing for you Dandelion. Lots of women there who will have the same problems as yourself that could be able to help.

Think you have to pay though to access the whole site.

Hi honeyb

Yeah I paid 20 smackers membership and introduced myself on that site.
I never heard of POF, but now, I have also looked at Dr Curries info on it, on this site.
My GP's didn't mention it at all, mebbe I should let my doctors know I have been getting peri symptoms for 5-6, but, tbh, i am intimidated by them, cos of their hostile attitude to anything gynae.
I have psychological problems also, and this plus doctors obstacles gets in the way of what I need.
Thank you again for daisynetwork, i'm sure the 20 bigguns is worth it, for the additional support.
Online support for me is excellent, but offline support is sh"t


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Re: Prem or Early Meno...any under 45s here?
« Reply #8 on: October 17, 2014, 12:01:36 AM »


I'm 37 and had a hysterectomy at age 26/27 (day before my birthday). I had completed my family, and kept my ovaries. One had to be removed a few years later, and I found out this week that my remaining one has now failed and I started HRT today.

I know my experience is very different but just wanted to say hi and although I am new to this and don't have the answers, I am here any time xx


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Re: Prem or Early Meno...any under 45s here?
« Reply #9 on: October 17, 2014, 02:10:12 AM »

Hi everyone :) I am 46 and going through the early peri menopause. My FSH is 70 high and I have been missing periods for the last year - right now I am in my 80th day without even a single spotting. I am feeling old :-\


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Re: Prem or Early Meno...any under 45s here?
« Reply #10 on: October 17, 2014, 09:07:21 AM »

Hi dazedandconfused76
I am now 58 so all this happened more than 20 years ago. My story is very like yours.
My periods never settled down after the birth of my son when I was 33. I put this down to breast feeding etc. but I did start to notice that when I was approaching my period I did get hot and bothered.  My periods became very erratic, I got lots of horrible headaches etc. Sometimes I got a period for a week then another a week later - then a long gap - everything was all over the place. Eventually went to the GP who sent me for a D&C - I was 36 by then.  After the D&C my periods stopped completely!!! When I went back to the hospital for my post procedure appointment the blood test they had down showed I was peri menopausal. When I mentioned this to my mother she blithely said " Oh yes, my periods stopped in my 30s"!!!! Thanks for warning me Mum. It turns out my grandmother had had the same problem.
Initially I thought I wouldn't need HRT as I was ignorant of what was really going on though I was advised that I should be using HRT.  I tried chinese medicine which did seem to get the cycle going - although erratic - I now realise this probably would have happened anyway because I was still peri meno and the peri stage can last years.  Chinese medicine is very expensive and I became worried about what was in this nasty brown gunge I drank every day having boiled it up!!! Apparently it can be very toxic.
I went back to my GP to discuss things and she simply said" If I was her daughter she would insist I take HRT". I did as I was told.  I think I was lucky to have a pretty experienced and clued up GP.  I tried various different HRT types with varying success and eventually went to a private meno clinic called 'The Amarant Centre'. They took me off HRT for a month to assess the situation (I was quietly hopping the diagnosis of early menopause was wrong and that I didn't need HRT). Sadly peri meno was diagnosed and they put me on the best regime I'd tried thus far.  This was Oestrogel with separate progesterone for 10 days to produce a withdrawal bleed. I was able to adjust the level of oestrogen with this gel and only needed one pump per day throughout next few years while I was peri meno. I started to get some burning atrophy when I was around 43 (I was probably post meno by then) and felt I needed some more oestrogen so upped my dose to 2 pumps per day. The only down side for me on this regime was the nasty headache and then period pain I got prior to the withdrawal bleed - but I coped with this as I felt good for the rest of the time.
I came off HRT when I was 49 because of all the scares. I struggled on for 3 years without HRT before going back on so I could cope with all the dreadful stresses I had in my life at the time.  I came off again last year and because life has been calmer I've coped wuite well but I am not ruling out going back on HRT to help with sleep, atrophy and general wellbeing.
I'm afraid I believe anyone who has a premature menopause should use HRT (unless there health issues preventing this)until at least 50 but you do need to try various HRT preparations to fine the right one for you.
I hope that helps.  Good luck.
DG xxx


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Re: Prem or Early Meno...any under 45s here?
« Reply #11 on: October 17, 2014, 09:13:37 AM »

Hi ladies :)

Thanks for your replies. It can be quite isolating going thru this at this age can't it...the chance of having someone in your life experiencing it too is nigh on impossible so is good to come on here.
yeahrightmorris...gosh that's so young, how thankful u must be that you'd had your children already. Are u given hrt straight away in that situation or did u request it because of symptoms? I hope it works out for you...let us know how it goes :)
Nata...we kind of sound like we're at the same stage - my last period was in April and prior to that they were very sporadic, the first sign something was up was when I was 36 and suddenly went 6 mths without a period. I've had no spotting at all either. I too feel old, especially when I get out of bed and my knees feel 80 yrs old as I walk down the stairs :/ Hopefully we're nearing the end of it, unsure how long this typically goes on for or when symptoms peak???
Wishing you strength ladies xxx


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Re: Prem or Early Meno...any under 45s here?
« Reply #12 on: October 17, 2014, 05:07:17 PM »

Please note ladies that menopause symptoms can go on for many years and for a small percentage of women they never stop once they start.
It is very important to replace oestrogen, until at least the age of 50, if you experience a premature menopause unless there are health reasons for not using it.
If you have not been advised to use HRT I would print off the info from this site and get back to your GPs and ask why you haven't been offered HRT. This may sound extreme but I personally feel the medical profession could be deemed to be negligent if they do not treat premature menopause appropriately, as the long term consequences of oestrogen deficiency can be serious.
Keep us posted.  Good luck  DG x


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Re: Prem or Early Meno...any under 45s here?
« Reply #13 on: October 17, 2014, 05:15:59 PM »

Hi Nata - your FSH level of 70 seems to be about right for your age. Peri menopause lasts for around eight to ten years before menopause proper which, for most women, means you are in peri from around the age of 43 so don't feel old. I would say you are on track for 46. Are you getting any other symptoms?

Taz x  :hug:


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Re: Prem or Early Meno...any under 45s here?
« Reply #14 on: October 18, 2014, 03:26:22 PM »

Hi I've also had an early menopause didn't realise until 37 when cane of seroxat an antidepressant. Symptoms kicked in straight away. Had a diagnosis if anxiety for a couple if years thought I was going mad. I am also now on estrogel and trying to get best dose. I am lucky I had already had my children. Not sure how many years been peri as antidepressants had been keeping things at bay. Good luck I got referred to meno clinic which helped x
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