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Author Topic: No emotions!!  (Read 4214 times)


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No emotions!!
« on: August 06, 2014, 12:40:20 PM »

I'm currently taking elleste duet 2mg....I have a Doc app on Monday and I cannot wait.

To say I feel awful on the 2mg is an under statement,  I also felel numb with emotional's like I have no feelings, I know that sounds weird. The bloating, tiredness, dryness, anxiety etc I can get help for but on and off since going through the menopause it's the emotional side of things that Im struggling with too.

I just feel numb, that's the only way I can describe it!!

I miss feeling loving and king towards my hubby, family and friends. I feel like Iv went from being a loving person to irritated, cynical and cold.

I just miss being me. :( xx



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Re: No emotions!!
« Reply #1 on: August 06, 2014, 01:32:46 PM »

Hi Renee

from what your saying in earlier post - you had 3 monthly (tridestra?) and climagest 1 and 2mg hrt's - these were both Estradiol valerate.
With Elleste your now on Estradiol.

The Estradiol valerate is taken into your body more slowly.
Could it be your body prefers the Estradiol valerate versions of HRT.
Did your changes follow blood tests to check what levels were at btw?

Also if you had mid cycle break thru - that could be your own cycle butting in to the process. Did you try letting your breakthrough bleed complete and then restarting a brand new climagest pack? Just to see if you could sync with your own cycle? Sorry if you have been over this before.

One last thing - read an article on other ladies going to private meno doctor - and they were trying out taking 1mg in the morning - and 1mg 12hrs later - to balance out the estrogen part of their HRT during the whole day.

Hope all goes well with the next visit to the doc :)


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Re: No emotions!!
« Reply #2 on: August 06, 2014, 01:49:04 PM »

Hi Peegeetip,

I asked my doc last week if I could get hormonal bloods taken and she said there would be no point due to it being a false reading. I did feel better on the Climagest and it was only changed because of the break through bleeding.

When I initially started having menopause symptoms a few years ago, I did get hormone bloods done and that's how it was determined I was going through the menopause.

I started on 1mg of Elleste duet and was on it a few months but didn't feel much better and had a lot of bloating and my periods were just like dark discharge. I also have fibroids and a thickening of the womb.

I have one tab left to take of the elleste duet 2 mg and Im not starting another pack, I called the doc just after I wrote my post as I'm not due to see her until Mon and that will leave me with no HRT for a few days. The doc will call me tomorrow.

Just feel like I did before taking HRT.

Thank you on the info regarding estradiol valerate HRT. I wouldn't have known. Xxxx


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Re: No emotions!!
« Reply #3 on: August 06, 2014, 02:33:09 PM »

Hi Renee

so sorry your feeling this way :(

the doc saying it would be a false reading does not make any sense.
Even when your on HRT - they should still be able to check on your current levels - and spot if anything is higher or lower than it should be.
Especially if your feeling this bad. From earlier posts you said you had thyroid issue too - so double important to do a check on levels.

IMHO - its more saving money and hassle factor :) Dont let doc talk you out of a check this time.

Also try to get back to your earlier HRT that you felt well with as a first starting point.
Try to get rid of a problem at a time.
The breakthrough problem can be secondary issue to how you feel day to day for now.

All the best for Monday  :-* ;)

Just another thought - how and when are you taking your thyroid tablets and your hrt - at the same time - empty stomach etc?

« Last Edit: August 06, 2014, 03:00:01 PM by peegeetip »


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Re: No emotions!!
« Reply #4 on: August 06, 2014, 03:27:07 PM »

Hi Peegeetip,

I had bloods for thyroid and iron levels a few days ago and they are fine. When I asked for hormone levels to be done too, doc said that because Im on HRT it would be a false reading.

I take thyroxine first thing then wait 30 mins then have breakfast then take HRT.

I'm going to ask to go back on Climagest as it worked for me, then I had a few breakthrough bleeds and had a scan which showed several fibroids 1.6mm and thickening of the womb, that's when I was advices to change my HRT.

Thank you so much for our chat and your advice, it's made me re think my situation and get done answers and help, hopefully  :) xxx


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Re: No emotions!!
« Reply #5 on: August 06, 2014, 04:25:48 PM »

Hi Renee

Glad its helped you think around things.

Be strong if the doc is dismissive or not listening or rolls their eyes etc etc.

Just a thought on your taking the thyroxine on an empty stomach in the morning which is great.
But have you thought about taking your hrt later in the day or at dinner time (12hrs on)?
You can take the hrt any time you like.
Might be good to see if you can totally avoid any possible interaction.

Let us know how its goes later if poss :) :-*



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Re: No emotions!!
« Reply #6 on: August 06, 2014, 05:50:36 PM »

Maybe an idea to space them out....never thought of that either!!

I will let you know how I get on with a Doc and thank you again.

You've been a great help  :) xx


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Re: No emotions!!
« Reply #7 on: August 07, 2014, 07:37:33 PM »

Hi Peegeetip,

Doc called today and I'm going back on Climagest 1mg, I'm hoping that it helps me as it did before.

Iv just got to contact her if I have break through bleeding again or pain in my lower tummy and they will re scan me to check the fibroids aren't growing.

The joys of menopause !!! X