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Author Topic: Vaginal burning  (Read 18177 times)


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Re: Vaginal burning
« Reply #15 on: July 26, 2014, 04:14:28 PM »

Hi all,
Thanks so much for all the feedback,we'll one decision I have finally made is I definitely won't be having a biopsy, I'm really interested in estring maybe that might work for me,I will be asking my gyno about it.At the age of 48 I am post menopausal,which my gyno says is very early to be,but I haven't had a period from the time my last gyno cauterised using the Litz procedure my smear tests were always clear so why he removed cells I really don't know,Sometimes ignorance can be bliss but other times it can do you more harm than good,knowing and understanding your own body is the first step but trying to get your gp to understand what your telling them is a massive hurdle.I have many health issues no cancer scares Tg but have had lots of surgeries througout the years and then being diagnosed with ms in 2012, I often wonder what's the next thing to go wrong ,my hearing seems fine :D not that my  husband would agree he often tells me it is selective.Getting myself sorted is top priority for both of us as it effects him as much as me,so I will be asking a lot more questions and pushing a few more buttons to get my gyno to make some kind of beneficial decision other than one for research. ;). Hilary 66


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Re: Vaginal burning
« Reply #16 on: July 26, 2014, 04:17:26 PM »

No one should do an invasive procedure without telling the patient exactly why, that is why Consent Forms are so important!

Are you state-side?  Maybe you and DH should make a list to take to the appt.,  ;) let us know how you get on!


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Re: Vaginal burning
« Reply #17 on: July 26, 2014, 05:18:31 PM »

That's good about no biopsy, I had a dermatologist who wanted to do one, just to see what it might show, I went and got a second opinion and she said there is nothing that causes any worries that requires a biopsy, she said if she is even 0000.1% concerned she will do one but I really don't need one! I sat on the bed in a rather odd state holding a mirror whilst she explained everything to me.

NO ONE knows our bodies like we do,  and I have had a lot of issues down below since January and I have gone the least invasive route and really educated myself on what's wrong, two doctors thought I was a nurse and where more than happy with my list of questions and suggestions.

Its a shame I have had to pay to get my diagnosis/treatment, as I knew the route my local uro/gynae was taking was wrong, the internet is Dr Knowledge and Dr Death all in one. Friend and foe, but I wouldn't have found out what I know without it, or found the specialists I needed to see.

I am also nearly 48. Had my children young to enjoy these years with my husband :-\


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Re: Vaginal burning
« Reply #18 on: July 26, 2014, 05:51:16 PM »

Hi ladies
Just to clarify - I wasn't suggesting we should ignore the leaflets that come with drugs - it's just that the leaflet that comes with any local oestrogen treatment is the same as for full systemic HRT so is not necessarily appropriate - many ladies on here have expressed the same opinion.  I am certainly frightened off taking many things because of the potential side effects stated in the leaflets but sometimes just bite the bullet and hope for the best because the doctor wants me to try it.
I think it is a shame that there is still so much scare mongering about HRT when it is clearly a relatively safe treatment for many women. 
Hilary66 - at 48 you are still very young to be deficient in oestrogen. There are ladies who post on this site with MS who take HRT and I believe some feel it actually helps the MS.
Perhaps start a separate thread to encourage support about this?
I would urge you to at least try some local oestrogen to help with the burning.
Good luck  Dg x


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Re: Vaginal burning
« Reply #19 on: July 26, 2014, 06:48:59 PM »

I seem to have spent more time checking my bits in the mirror than I have actually looking in it.The only thing I said to the gyno was that I felt open all the time and she said that my inner and outer labia seem to be sticking to each other and that the feeling of openess was probably as a result of my ten pound baby boy that I gave birth to in 1996, I did ask at that stage why it never felt like that before now and why sex was so painful she told me then that I obviously either tore or was cut between the back area and front during birth and that there was very little skin left there and that causes pressure on the bowel during intercourse,and I just didn't have a reply for that, and honestly I still am trying to absorb what implication that might have where sex is concerned.I ordered some yes yes yes products from England and have found the water based one relieving at times but the oil based one burns,unfortunately there are only two stockists of these products in leinster and they are about 50 miles from where I live. I will ask my gp about some local oestrogen and see what he says.


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Re: Vaginal burning
« Reply #20 on: July 26, 2014, 10:09:03 PM »

Inner and outer labia sticking together = dryness ……… possibly due to vaginal atrophy  :-\ therefore requiring treatment.  The weight of your baby is irrelevant - you are dealing with 'the now'  ::)


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Re: Vaginal burning
« Reply #21 on: July 27, 2014, 07:55:17 AM »

Hi. When I started using the yes oil based one it also burnt. It is now completely fine, I have to have pelvic floor physio and part of my homework was to stop looking and touching, I have not looked for over two weeks and I just massage the oil based one in twice a day on the outer and inner labia, not internally and the burning on the outside has all but gone.

I also feel "open" I had three 9lb babies in under four years with  very eye watering episiotomies. As we enter peri/meno are pelvic floor muscles also start going South like the rest of us, especially after vaginal births.

I assume you have been checked for prolapses? as that can give a feeling of openness. Interestingly the worse " feeling" of my openness has gone since my long course of antibs for my undetected UTI.

Most women have small ones after having babies anyway even if they don't notice themselves. I have three, but small. Painful sex will be from drying, if yes is burning at the moment then be careful if you put Ovestin on your outer bits, I nearly orbited to the moon and back when used externally and internally.

I can't have sex in the near or distant future, but you can cuddle and do other things.

Sorry it's a bit over the place I keep going back and reading what you said, it's possibly hurting now as the scar tissue will have less elasticity in it from the possible atrophy, having sex shouldn't hurt your bowel, you may be feeling it in your rectum from the drying in the vagina, there are so many nerves down there it is hard to know what does and doesn't hurt, and once nerves become alive they pass messages onto the others to join in. Hence stop prodding and poking.

Almost all gynaes do not know about the vulva and outer bits they have a stab at it, my local uro/gynae had a " go" at what was wrong, when I ended up going to London I was passed onto a vulva specialist for the outer area. Gynaes know a bit here and a bit there about the vulva and out.



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Re: Vaginal burning
« Reply #22 on: July 27, 2014, 12:43:56 PM »

 :thankyou:  also if one is constipated sex can feel 'different'.


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Re: Vaginal burning
« Reply #23 on: July 27, 2014, 09:08:11 PM »

Hi,CLKD I don't suffer with constipation I take 2 movicol Every night to keep the bowel moving and have done for the last number of years after 2 episodes of blockage due to adhesions ,and sex always felt good up until lately we haven't even attempted for the last few months which is damn frustrating ,and from what my gyno was insinuating it could be for a while longer ???
MaryJane,I was really interested to read what you said a lot of your symptons are similar to my own I don't have a prolapse she checked that at my consultation she just said I had a few issues 1 the thinning of the inner labia  and the co joining of both labias she just prescribed ami to block nerve pain and said to see how that worked,and if it didn't improve to have a biopsy to see if it could be treated with a cream,and basically get on with it!!!! Maybe I should look to see if there is a vulva specialist I could  see, this is all costing me a fortune consultant s are €200 for every appointment but if I could get relief it would be worth it.I really wish it wasn't always my rear end that needs to be viewed between haemorhoidectomy last year and them being injected 2 weeks ago it's like I don't know if I'm coming or going.Im finding the yes water based  product is helping to ease the burning and I left my underwear on when washing my hair in the shower,just incase that was aggravating the area,I think it's down to trial and error at this stage thanks so much for sharing information with me it's so much easier to discuss problems like this with others who suffer the same. ;)


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Re: Vaginal burning
« Reply #24 on: July 27, 2014, 09:12:40 PM »

You need oestrogen gel to put into the vagina to ease symptoms.  Amitriptalynene (sp) may/not work  ::) ..... did absolutely nothing for the neurgalgia I had .........

Ouch, piles  :o ........... do the injections ease pain?

Go and ask for vaginal atrophy treatment, print off any info from here and if you don't get sympathy then change your Doctor!


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Re: Vaginal burning
« Reply #25 on: July 27, 2014, 10:06:19 PM »

Hi CLKD ,we'll my consultant says it could take 5 weeks before I might see the benefit of the injections,he needled 3 internal piles I still feel a fullness there but I'm optimistic..the haemorhoidectomy I had done May of 2013  still gives me grief the remaining scar is very tender  and using sudocream sometimes is the only  relief,but my gyno says not to use anything as this could aggravate my lady problems more, so I'm damned if I do, and I'm damned if I don't.


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Re: Vaginal burning
« Reply #26 on: July 28, 2014, 10:58:38 AM »

Does the Sudacrem cause problems with other areas, if not and you gain relief, I would still use it  ;)


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Re: Vaginal burning
« Reply #27 on: July 28, 2014, 02:10:37 PM »

I was using sudocream for my sore back passage, just didn't put to much on it to migrate round to the front.

My three babies who where all girls, had copious amounts of sudocream when they where in nappies, it's what you used all those years ago and it went everywhere, none of them every got nappy rash.

Love the smell takes me back. :)


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Re: Vaginal burning
« Reply #28 on: July 28, 2014, 03:09:26 PM »

I believe it's used in Old Peoples' homes etc. too. 


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Re: Vaginal burning
« Reply #29 on: July 31, 2014, 05:04:11 PM »

Just when I thought I was getting relief the burning is back with a vengeance  >:( even the Yes water base gel is irritating the area, a perfect start to the bank holiday weekend :'(,  hilary66
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