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Author Topic: Best non-running/walking weight bearing exercise?  (Read 15466 times)


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Re: Best non-running/walking weight bearing exercise?
« Reply #15 on: May 21, 2014, 03:05:37 PM »

Somebody spoke about this before, fairly recently I think. Have had quick look, but can't find it. Will try again & let you know. Maybe somebody else will remember.
« Last Edit: May 21, 2014, 03:13:25 PM by cubagirl »


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Re: Best non-running/walking weight bearing exercise?
« Reply #16 on: May 21, 2014, 03:16:46 PM »

Look up Aquaphor & swimming oldsheep.


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Re: Best non-running/walking weight bearing exercise?
« Reply #17 on: May 21, 2014, 04:56:34 PM »

That's what I use. Dipstick test (too late to send sample off) at the GP says mauve = infection apparently. They always use Trimethoprim which makes me ill, so have been given a week of amoxicillin.
Last time I was in South Africa my wonderful old GP was horrified that they use trimethoprim here and said amoxicillin doesn't work on UTIs but suppose I'd better take it! I'm nervous of ABs as OH had C Difficile from a course of them and at the same time, I had a one day, really violent diarrhoea bug that the specialist he saw said probably wasn't a coincidence.
Just hope some AB that doesn't work that well on UTIs doesn't complicate things.
She didn't think the pool could cause infection, just irritation.

I'll have to work this one out for myself I think - the swim thing. Off to France until Monday so impeccable timing!


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Re: Best non-running/walking weight bearing exercise?
« Reply #18 on: May 21, 2014, 05:39:26 PM »

I'm awful with antibiotics too. However, I do hope you don't suffer too badly whilst you are away. Drink plenty water, but guess you know that. Could you get some cranberry capsules/tablets before you leave. Might help.


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Re: Best non-running/walking weight bearing exercise?
« Reply #19 on: May 21, 2014, 06:32:03 PM »

thanks x

always tricky when you're travelling. We'll be flying out early and then on the road for a few hours, so most of tomorrow.
Feeling quite rough tonight now. Not helped by the wood floor installer leaving the whole lounge in a complete mess, with the skirtings bang in the middle, so am still sitting in the bedroom! Have a whole week's cleaning to look forward to. He did a good job but I won't miss him, his noise/dust/radio blasting!


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Re: Best non-running/walking weight bearing exercise?
« Reply #20 on: May 28, 2014, 08:15:20 PM »

had severe pain and pressure discomfort, and a runny tum this morning so went to the GP and saw a trainee doctor. She told me I shouldn't have been given amoxycillin as last time I had a UTI, the lab said it was resistant to it.
The GP who gave it to me a week ago was busy and didn't check my notes  ::)

Sent off a sample to the lab  - may be back friday, otherwise monday - and they have given me trimetheprim to take if I get a fever or back pain or it gets much worse.
I'm hoping to avoid more ABs. I never used to get tum troubles with ABs, just since my OH had C Diff from taking one, and I had one day of terrible diarrhoea at the same time he was ill, it seems to now happen. (I tested negative but his consultant said it was almost certainly a cross infection that my body threw off).
It's worrying all this AB resistance and stomach reaction to them. I've always taken them responsibly, finished the course etc.

chucked it down with rain, but was so great to see my close friends in France, one of whom is terminally ill. She's an incredible person.


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Re: Best non-running/walking weight bearing exercise?
« Reply #21 on: May 29, 2014, 06:02:12 PM »

Odd because I thought that C.Diff is treated with anti-biotics in high doses  :-\ (off to do a GOOGLE)

ADs can cause runny tums.  How about LIVE yoghurt?  Eaten and applied ……… eat large spoonfuls every hour and applying is cooling if nothing else, do keep pots separate though - 1 in the fridge, 1 in the bathroom  ;)

Chorlenated water can be drying ….. if you can smell the chemical then there's too much in the water!  The only answer is to stop swimming or use a saline pool ……….. is there a canine hydrotherapy pool in your area?  Might be worth asking  ;)

Your GP SHOULD HAVE CHECKED YOUR NOTES - info like that can be in RED at the top of each page, i.e. ALLERGIC TO PENICILLIN is on the top of mine  ::)


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Re: Best non-running/walking weight bearing exercise?
« Reply #22 on: May 29, 2014, 06:08:27 PM »


Apparently C.diff can be created because the ABs prescribed for certain conditions kill the 'good' bacteria in the gut and bowel therefore allowing the bacteria to breed quickly and produce toxins which is what causes the illness.  THis causes diaherrea which then spreads due to the C.diff spores  :o

"You will only need treatment for a Clostridium difficile infection if you have symptoms.
No treatment is needed if the bacteria are living harmlessly in your digestive system.

"Mild infection

"If you have mild symptoms of a C. difficile infection, it is best to stop taking the antibiotics that may have caused the infection, if possible. This will allow the natural mixture of bacteria to regrow in your gut.

"In many cases where the symptoms are mild, stopping the antibiotics is often enough to ease the symptoms and clear the infection.

"Moderate to severe infection

"If you have symptoms that are more troublesome, such as severe diarrhoea or colitis (swelling and irritation of the bowel), you may need to take an antibiotic that can kill C. difficile bacteria.

"The first treatment will usually be metronidazole, but vancomycin or fidaxomicin may be used as an alternative in severe cases. This should ease the symptoms within two to three days, though it can take around 7 to 10 days to make a complete recovery ………… "

Do you drink Actimel-type yoghurty drinks?  These are supposed to line the gut, some people swallow the acidophille (sp) tablets …………

Did you get to France?


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Re: Best non-running/walking weight bearing exercise?
« Reply #23 on: May 30, 2014, 07:10:09 AM »

Yes thanks, got to see my friends in France.
I tried a short swim yesterday because had a lot of (other) pain.
I used the aquaphor but it seems to cause burning and a pinched feeling of the last bit of the urethra. Are there any alternatives?

Going to ring the doctors today to see if the urine culture test results are back. Hopefully not another 3 days of trimethoprim!

Yes, my husband took strong ABs for his C. difficile. And then took £90 probiotics VSL3, which the specialist told him to. They are not NICE approved in England but are on prescription in Scotland apparently!


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Re: Best non-running/walking weight bearing exercise?
« Reply #24 on: May 30, 2014, 02:57:25 PM »

C.Diff is a horrible infection especially when it affects people who are already ill. My poor dad suffered so much before it killed him. A truly horrible few weeks which I would not wish on my worst enemy. In my opinion it is not taken seriously enough by some hospital staff and there are not true figures either as to how many people are affected. My dad died from it but it was only what it did to his body i.e. perforated septic bowel which was shown on the death certificate - no mention of C.Diff at all. I tried to get this altered but to no avail which left me wondering how many people do die from this but it's never logged.

Taz x


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Re: Best non-running/walking weight bearing exercise?
« Reply #25 on: May 30, 2014, 04:43:53 PM »

Oh I'm so very sorry Taz.

I just read a short piece in Wired about a new tech co that's working on a super strength probiotic to counter C Diff. They call it an ecobiotic. I hope they succeed; early days.
It seems obvious that the way to combat it in an era of resistant A.Bs is to strengthen the immune system of those who either are at risk of it, or have it.

On a trivial note, my tests came back "satisfactory". At my doctors, the results they give you are either that, or "see doctor". That's how the resistance to amoxycillin slipped by - I wasn't aware of it. Suppose no time to explain to patients, especially if they are getting better.
We are now down to 2 doctors at the surgery, with an ever expanding no of patients. The only good one works 3 days a week. The trainee docs are from Kings or Lewisham so probably ok unless you have anything complicated. London! I'd not work here either if I were a GP.


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Re: Best non-running/walking weight bearing exercise?
« Reply #26 on: May 30, 2014, 11:08:57 PM »

Trainee GPs are on a 6-months rotation usually, in that they do 6 months in each speciality throughout the NHS system.  They are usually kinder  ;) as they haven't sussed the system yet and are still keen  ::)

Taz that's awful.  My Dad had MRSA twice apparently. 


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Re: Best non-running/walking weight bearing exercise?
« Reply #27 on: May 31, 2014, 11:43:28 AM »

just seen Amazon has started selling the v expensive probiotic that the specialist recommended, VSL 3.
Their price is over £35 cheaper than the pharmacy  :o

awake all night with severe, nagging back pain and in both sides and lower ribs. I have no fever. My urine test result from weds was ok.
I do have bad IBS (hiccups, coated tongue, blocked tum) and I know my fibromyalgia is reacting badly to a week of antibiotics. So another day plonked on the sofa with a hot wheatbag on my back.
Suppose I'll worry if I start running a fever.
I'm hitting the D Mannose big time and revolting peppermint tea.

Just shows you - start a thread about exercise options, then I can't exercise at all for quite a bit!  ::)


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Re: Best non-running/walking weight bearing exercise?
« Reply #28 on: May 31, 2014, 04:08:15 PM »

Oh poor you .........  :foryou: ..........

Is that sore area dryer than usual?  Have you thought of LIVE yoghurt applied the moment you get home from your swim?  Bit difficult to take a pot with you  ::).  At least your urine test was clear which indicates that this is probably more of a VA type problem?

I don't like mint unless it's on new potatoes, I have trouble cleaning my teeth due to the flavour  :D ...... however, spearmint is much more preferable. 


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Re: Best non-running/walking weight bearing exercise?
« Reply #29 on: May 31, 2014, 05:52:30 PM »

excuse ignorance, but what's the difference between peppermint and spearmint? OH asked me yesterday and I have no idea.

Nagging pain and slight nausea still going on and ribs are sore to touch. I am going to try to get the GP to check my kidneys as recall the one GP saying a few years ago that I had stage 2 kidney disease and not to worry about it, only for a physician I saw for something else to say the ratio (?) was within normal range so not to fuss either.
Me, not fuss  ;D I was born to worry.
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