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Menopause Matters magazine ISSUE 76 out now. (Summer issue, June 2024)


Author Topic: Pressure in Head/Hearing Loss/Pulsating Vision  (Read 4566 times)


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Pressure in Head/Hearing Loss/Pulsating Vision
« on: April 11, 2014, 11:58:59 AM »

Hi ladies, I was wondering if any of you can help.  I am 47 and into my 3rd month of Evorel 75 patches (though sometimes cut them down a bit), together with Utrogestan 200mg 12 days per month.

A few years ago I noticed my hearing was deteriorating.  I had tests last year and I'm now the proud owner of a hearing aid. I only use this when attending meetings at work as I don't want to rely on it.  And if I start to get on people's nerves asking them to repeat things I will start wearing it all the time!  I also suffer with tinnitus and now have a constant "wooshing" noise in both ears.  Lately I have noticed that my eyes have started to pulsate a little.  My head does not feel part of my body.  I am constantly tired, bunged up, sneezing and now my eyes are getting blurry.

I have been extremely stressed at work lately.  I have not had my blood pressure checked for a while but it has always been low.  My thyroid has always been "within normal limits". 

I am seeing the GP later on today but wondered if anyone has an idea what could be causing this and whether it is anything to do with the menopause/HRT as my young, male GP isn't very clued up on the subject.

Look forward to hearing from any of you x

Ju Ju

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Re: Pressure in Head/Hearing Loss/Pulsating Vision
« Reply #1 on: April 11, 2014, 03:46:45 PM »

Hi, no answers, but hopefully your GP will do all the usual checks, blood pressure etc. Let us know how you get on.

I do wonder if you have answered your own question though. Stress causes many health issues, but there are things you can do. Do you look after yourself? Do you take breaks at work? Do you eat properly? Have you someone to talk to so you can sort out what's important and what's not?  Ju Ju xx


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Re: Pressure in Head/Hearing Loss/Pulsating Vision
« Reply #2 on: April 11, 2014, 06:09:38 PM »

Thanks for your response Ju Ju. You are right in that I was answering my own question. My GP has signed me off work for 2 weeks due to stress. Plus my blood pressure was quite high.

I'm finding it difficult adjusting to hrt; although it has been brilliant for hot flushes, night sweats and insomnia, my anxiety & moods still fluctuate and this hasn't been helped by the pressure we are all under at work with less staff and more workload (NHS cutbacks).

Thanks again x


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Re: Pressure in Head/Hearing Loss/Pulsating Vision
« Reply #3 on: April 11, 2014, 06:50:30 PM »

I've been seeing a retina specialist for torn retina and mentioned I had mild pulsating vision.  He simply said "normal".  A man of few words, but maybe that will be reassuring.


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Re: Pressure in Head/Hearing Loss/Pulsating Vision
« Reply #4 on: April 11, 2014, 06:52:51 PM »

It sounds like you have ostosclerosis. It can cause a gradual hearing loss in women and apparantly HRT can aggravate it. I also have it to a degree and I find that I cannot tolerate the Utrogestan 200mg it makes the tinnitus so much worse, the 100mg seems fine though. I use the gel as this is a more friendly type of hrt, so you may have to look at changing. Do you only get the vision probs when you are on the Utrogestan cycle as this can be a side effect. I find that my eyes get quite sensitive to bright light when I am using it... oh the joys. Do you find that the aid is helping?


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Re: Pressure in Head/Hearing Loss/Pulsating Vision
« Reply #5 on: April 12, 2014, 11:56:15 AM »

Trey, that's reassuring, thank you. My GP said i need to have an eye test so will get one booked in.

Cassie, yes I have otosclerosis in my ear. But I had this problem before I started HRT. The tinnitus is always there even when not using utrogestan but I'm unsure if it makes it worse, same for the vision probs. I will check it out next time. the hearing aid isn't too bad tbh, it's very discreet and my hair hides it. I don't use it all the time tho.

Thanks for your help x