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Author Topic: utrogestan/estrogel support group  (Read 742355 times)

Tracey E

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Re: utrogestan/estrogel support group
« Reply #1770 on: August 14, 2019, 05:12:24 PM »

I seemed to have settled onto my 7 days Utrogestan and 1.5 pumps of Estrogel. Even the Utrogestan this cycle doesn't seem too bad although I'm still a little weary. My only concern will be the possibilty of womb lining build up. I'm going have a scan shorty so we'll see. I may well knock the Mirena coil on the head and stick to this regime.

Still hoping Femseven will return, wishful thinking. ::)



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Re: utrogestan/estrogel support group
« Reply #1771 on: August 14, 2019, 05:20:29 PM »

Hello TraceyE , which fem7 did you take ? Conti or Sequi? I took sequi and now I take fem7 oestrogen patches only for 2 weeks and add utrogest (200mg) for two weeks. But was happier with the patches. What is your experience?

Lady lollipop

Tracey E

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Re: utrogestan/estrogel support group
« Reply #1772 on: August 14, 2019, 05:24:12 PM »

Hi, I took the conti. Tbh this was the only HRT that suited me. I did have trouble getting the patches to stick though so I can understan the issue.


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Re: utrogestan/estrogel support group
« Reply #1773 on: August 14, 2019, 05:36:08 PM »

Thanks dotty...and yes in aware hurdity has explained the sequi....i am.aware.....its just i was hopibg to get as far as the end of aug so can coubt 1st sept as a new.cycle..and when i think my.own period would have kicked in. I was just hoping to hold on until then as i see.
Hopefully hurdity may come along soon. Im due an utro this eve too  😣

Tracey E - so.very glad  yoire feeling a little better!  I hope i do sometime. Were tou on conti before the sequi switch? X

Tracey E

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Re: utrogestan/estrogel support group
« Reply #1774 on: August 14, 2019, 05:47:02 PM »

Thanks dotty...and yes in aware hurdity has explained the sequi....i am.aware.....its just i was hopibg to get as far as the end of aug so can coubt 1st sept as a new.cycle..and when i think my.own period would have kicked in. I was just hoping to hold on until then as i see.
Hopefully hurdity may come along soon. Im due an utro this eve too  😣

Tracey E - so.very glad  yoire feeling a little better!  I hope i do sometime. Were tou on conti before the sequi switch? X

Yes Femseven Conti prior to Bioidentical. After that 25 days Utrogestan reduced to 7 days due to side effects. X


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Re: utrogestan/estrogel support group
« Reply #1775 on: August 14, 2019, 07:23:03 PM »

Okay. Hopefully Tracey this will be youre sweet spot. As for supposed to be taking an utro this eve  but at a loss. Was hopjng hurdity or ladybt28 would be on to tell me if i can just stop utro from now....tonight..and add it back in 15.days (or if im best to wait until 1st sept and hope to bleed again then start)

Sorry started this. Also sorry i upped my gel as more worry to contend with ..should have left it at 2 easier then to just withdraw from the whole hrt trip! X
« Last Edit: August 14, 2019, 07:35:08 PM by Jmargaret »


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Re: utrogestan/estrogel support group
« Reply #1776 on: August 15, 2019, 09:15:03 AM »

New here - have been struggling with sudden increase in peri symptoms starting at the time of my last period (beg of July).  Was prescribed patches (FemSeven, one pharmacy near me still had them) but I had a horrible allergic reaction to the adhesive, so had to stop them, just as I felt they were starting to work.  After doing lots of reading round, just got back from GP and asked for estrogel and utrogestan, starting both today.

Really hoping these will work, I'm a mess at the mo, anxiety through the roof, not really sleeping, bad nausea, aches and pains.  I get anxiety anyway and this has just tripled it  :'(


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Re: utrogestan/estrogel support group
« Reply #1777 on: August 15, 2019, 09:25:20 AM »

Hello kaye....welcome to this group that has been a godsend. Im a newbie to hrt too and still navigating. Good luck with youre new regime...keep checking in to let us know hiw its going and for any support.

What is your regime with the gel and many pumps and are you on a sequi with the days and 100mg or 200mg etc?


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Re: utrogestan/estrogel support group
« Reply #1778 on: August 15, 2019, 09:32:33 AM »

Thanks Margaret - I'm on 2 pumps of the gel to start with and 12 days utro, so sequi, 200mg.  I'm slightly scared but trying to stay positive and hope this will work.


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Re: utrogestan/estrogel support group
« Reply #1779 on: August 15, 2019, 09:38:45 AM »

Bless you. I know the similar to you ...but on alternate day utro vaginally ..but need to swop to sequi asap. Loads of support here so keep checking in.xx


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Re: utrogestan/estrogel support group
« Reply #1780 on: August 15, 2019, 09:55:45 AM »

I actually have a quick question - DH has tried 2 pharmacies and has ended up having to order everything in. The gel will be available later today and the the utro tomorrow.  Will it be OK to start the gel this afternoon, rather than waiting until tomorrow morning?  I really want to get this started asap.


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Re: utrogestan/estrogel support group
« Reply #1781 on: August 15, 2019, 09:56:59 AM »

Yes im sure it will !  X


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Re: utrogestan/estrogel support group
« Reply #1782 on: August 15, 2019, 10:03:45 AM »

Thanks Margaret!  Bit bummed about the utro - doc said I could start with it today, after having done 1.5 weeks with the estrogen part of the patches before breaking out in the rash - I would have gone onto the phase 2 patches today.  Oh well, guess tomorrow will have to do...


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Re: utrogestan/estrogel support group
« Reply #1783 on: August 15, 2019, 10:03:57 AM »

Hello! my first post. Sorry to jump in on this, but I have a question :) I have to have combination hrt and prefer the patches, but the only one available is not high enough dose and I'm still suffering menopause symptoms. I've just asked my nurse if I can carry on using the patches (which deliver oestrogen and progesterone) and "top up" with oestrogen gel. Does anyone else do this, and do the pumps deliver different doses? Thanks for any advice!
Em :)


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Re: utrogestan/estrogel support group
« Reply #1784 on: August 15, 2019, 12:18:33 PM »

Forgive me cutting and pasting, just posted this in newbies, but figuring out this forum and spotted this thread too.  I've just seen Prof John Studd and am starting his regime, but I'm a bit of a complicated case I fear.  Sorry this is chapter and verse!

Hi All

Pleased to be here.  I recently had a polypectomy and D&C at ChelWest after nearly a year of banging on the door of the NHS to get my symptoms taken seriously.  Two years of very heavy periods, and horribly jittery symptoms at mid cycle and just before my period.  Finally got bumped up the list when I had two irregular periods (long cycles, been 28 days on the nose all my life) and then a period that wouldn't stop, followed by one that wouldn't start.  On the long bleed, I took 10 days of 100mg utrogestan in the end, which stopped the bleed, but my period didn't start, which Chelwest gynae said indicated I didn't have enough of my own E.  He also said he felt I was anovulatory - I'm using ovulation sticks - I'd say he's right.  His thought was I'd need three pumps of estrogel.

Also need to add that I had a total thyroidectomy for Graves, Hashis, graves opthamology, and cancer in 2011 after TEN YEARS of misdiagnosis and then two years of mis treatment.  German Endo professor saved my life.  Took me a loooong time to get stable, and in the end I went DIY (with my endos blessing) and have been pretty stable on Natural Dessicated Thyroid hormones (the BHRT of thyroid) since about 2013.  My thyroid results are good.  Had a bit of a wobble in April and had to switch brands due to a reformulation issue, but other than that, all OK.  I also have anaemia, and heavy periods been a bloomin' nightmare, as I have to shovel in so much iron, otherwise I get jittery symptoms there too.  So I manage, but being thyroidless means I'll never be the same, 'you just take a pill and you're fine' being a woman hating lie imho!

Long story short, the NHS gave me the hard sell on Mirena (they must have asked me fifty times, including when wheeling me into theatre, despite me saying no, no, no, nope, no way! repeatedly - so much for no means no, the NHS seems to think it means maybe!) as I had a very hard time on the combined pill, and the prog only pill, and had a hideous time with prog cream a while ago (on some quack theory of a naturopathic doctor) and as I told my NHS gynae, after the thyroid hell, the NHS was never ever manipulating my hormones ever again.  He said 'fair enough' and agreed with my plan to see Prof Studd (who used to be his boss).

Saw the Prof, who said he felt my jitters were 'formication'.  My bone scan was terrible, I'm 46 but have the bones of a 70 year old woman, osteopenia in both hips and my lumbar spine.  Yikes!  No libido, tired, angry, weepy, foggy, up and down like a fiddler's elbow.  So he prescribed (like he does for everyone I think) 3 pumps of estrogel, 1 x pump tostran every 3 days, and utrogestan 100mg days 1 - 10 starting Oct 'to give you a breather'.

So far so good, except three pumps gave me vertigo, I was literally listing like a drunken sailor, and the tostran gave me a banging heart.  He called me back, said start on one pump, and build up weekly.  Meanwhile I've decanted some tostran into a little squeezy nozzle bottle and now taking a tiny pea dab every day, that seems to have sorted out the heart racing.  His nurse did tell me as someone who is 'sensitive' I might do better on a lower dose daily amount, seems she was right.

Sorry so long.  So, I'm exhausted, is this normal?  I'm also a bit shaky, sort of trembling in my arms and legs.  I went up to two pumps last night as directed and did feel a weird calm as I woke up, before the crushing fatigue started up again.

Also, when my blood results came back, my estrogen was 1,575!  I had the jittery symptoms on the day he drew the blood, so I'm thinking it's not 'formication' (low E symptom) but an excess estrogen / histmine response (I get a rash, I need to take anti histamines, I feel vibraty, like I've got adrenaline rushes, I shake inside and out, my heart races)?  From chatting on mumsnet, some peri women do seem to suffer more on the estrogen spurts than the crashes?  I'm defo getting lows as well, but it seems to be the highs that are hard to deal with.  I also had the jitters on the day ChelWest tested my E, and it was 1,100 then as well, which does seem to confirm my hunch?

So sorry for chapter and verse, but does it get better?  what's the rationale for putting in more E when you are getting days of high E, does it override your own cycle (happy days if it does, I feel tyrannised by my own body)?  Does the fatigue lift?

Also my hunch is I'm going to need sequential from the get go, as much as I dislike the side effects of utrogestan (beyond 7 days I get really down, pile on weight, feel foggy) as the P does seem to stop the jitters on these high E days.  It does make sense in terms of my cycle, at the point where P should kick in is when they start.

If you're still here after all that (thank you!) is there anyone else getting these E spurts in Peri?  I am for sure getting low E days as well, and I'm seeing really changes in my skin, which would suggest that low E is a problem too, but it's these foul buzzy days that are doing me in!


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