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Author Topic: Letting go  (Read 27209 times)


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Re: Letting go
« Reply #30 on: July 04, 2013, 10:08:57 PM »

I'm 49 and been on hrt since 42 ( am probably fully meno by now) and i have let go of
1.Wearing shoes that hurt ...i prefer to walk now than hobble around
Looking to impress men,.. Dont want another one thanks and not bothered if i ever have sex again,so why bother to try and impress

2.Growing plants and watering them... Last year found myself "tucking in" bedding plants in fleece at night o protect from frost. I then decided this was actually mental. In addition i no longer go watering bloody baskets every day and never actually seeing them cos its too cold to sit outside.

3.Wasting time doing stuff i dont like which i dont have to do ie going o parties, talking a load of twaddle cos u can only really do small talk t parties lest you offend, and coming home knackered when i would have rather stayed in had a cup of tea , and a bag o wine gums and watched question time!,

4. Preserving my dignity and putting on "front" ....bugger it, we are all the same underneath , lets not waste any energy trying to keep face.
To my reckoning if i was made this way, well thats good enough for me, and in the end a lot o lifes problems would not exist if there were less falseness in the world... As that guru robert palmer once said "there's no profit in deceit, honest men know that revenge does not taste sweet"
My rock n roll life style eh?!

Ps godbless to all xxxxxxi love you real people on here.


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Re: Letting go
« Reply #31 on: July 05, 2013, 07:01:23 AM »

This is a lovely, positive thread - a bit unexpected as I thought it would be sad (as in, upsetting, not 'Sad').

I've given up wearing makeup every day. I never used to wear it often, it was something I mostly kept for special occasions, then when I turned 40 I started wearing it more and more often - not much, not so it's obvious I'm wearing makeup, just enough to improve my natural face. The trouble with that is that then when you look at yourself without makeup you think you don't look as good so the makeup use becomes more frequent - despite having had several occasions where colleagues have commented on me looking lovely on the odd no-makeup days!! Now I rarely use it, which saves me both time and money!! BUT I'm not sure this is anything to do with my age or peri, I think it's more to do with my fiance constantly telling me how beautiful I am, and how he actually prefers me without makeup on, and also the fact that for probably the first time in my life, I don't give much of a rat's arse if other men find me attractive, I've got my boy and that's all I need! I do sometimes still wear it, but it's more likely to be because I feel a bit punk today so I want to wear black eyeliner or something.

I wish I could say I've given up obsessing about my weight for the same reasons, he adores me exactly as I am, but I haven't, particularly as I'm bigger round the middle now than I'm used to being - and nothing flippin well fits me any more!!

I'm working on giving up wanting to have a baby with my fiance (I have 2 adult children, he has no kids) - this is a constant struggle. Tomorrow I'm hosting my first ever supper club for 20 people, planning that has meant I've not thought about pregnancy for several weeks, which is brilliant, so this is obviously the way to go!

Probably the biggest thing I've given up since becoming peri-menopausal is being married to a man I don't like or love!!  ;D I had to meet with the ex-husband about the house sale last week - I look at him and I can't believe I was ever with him, I really don't like him at all! Funnily, since I left, loads of people have told me they didn't like him either, and could never understand why I was with him!!

Suzi Q

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Re: Letting go
« Reply #32 on: August 30, 2013, 04:08:50 AM »

Love that last bit Flori hehehehehe
Well my vice is my hair get that done every 5 weeks cut coloured my new one is chocky brown with bright redfoils 10!!
Ive given up bread which has stopped me wanting to PUMP and BURP lost about 5lbs as well
Sometimes I will say OK and Have a BLT I can work it out to 20 mins and I start belching
Given up most dairy hardly anything anymore dont eat red meat EWWWWWWWWW
Wear what I like always wore comfy shoes now i need GOOD ones so got Rockpoint exy but fantastic 4 walking RED 1s
Perfume love it wear it every day now not just for special in fact started wearing a lot of clothes in the daytime
I kept for special  its a special day every day. Dont shower every day now as my skin is dryer I use use bmoits now 2!
I walk cos I cant drive I dont go where I feel incomfy anymore I find an ex so as not too hurt people.
I cherish the odd weekend Friday and Saturday night alone as we dont get many of them
With friends Uly and sometime Sat and Sunday rides sooo busy. IM just loving the ones IM with xxxxxxx
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