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Author Topic: Holidays And Meals.  (Read 11822 times)


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Holidays And Meals.
« on: September 02, 2013, 05:51:08 PM »

I am going away on holiday soon but not really looking forward to it as what to have for a meal
is a nightmare for me.   I can't eat so many things due to IBS, nothing spicy, greasy or sugary.
I can't even eat salad.   :(

I can't go out for a meal due to my problem with food.  Anyone else with this problem
and if so what do you eat ?    I do miss fish & chips, baked beans, sausage, oh so many things. :'(

Ann x


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Re: Holidays And Meals.
« Reply #1 on: September 02, 2013, 05:56:40 PM »

Can I ask what kind of IBS do you have. If it's the runs kind then there is a herbal preparation called Tormentil by A Vogel. It stops the churning and the rush to the loo.
Might be worth a try. You can buy it online.



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Re: Holidays And Meals.
« Reply #2 on: September 02, 2013, 06:02:18 PM »

Hi Honeyb.
I get terrible stomach pains and the runs,  but it's the pain I can't cope with.
I think I have Interstitial cystitis too as I get awful "burning " pain in my bladder.


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Re: Holidays And Meals.
« Reply #3 on: September 02, 2013, 06:17:53 PM »

Tormentil is an anti spasmodic so it eases the cramps and stops the runs. I also had/have a stomach that sounds like a washing machine. It also stops that.
My sister has had her gall bladder removed and now has dumping syndrome which is very very unpleasant. She also uses the drops and on some days would not be able to leave the house without them. Have you tried Buscopan for the cramping. It can help too.

Sorry I can't help with the bladder problems.


Ju Ju

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Re: Holidays And Meals.
« Reply #4 on: September 02, 2013, 06:28:23 PM »

Yes, eating out can be a nightmare if you have food intolerances. In this country I have my favourite restaurants, where I know there will be something I can eat. If you are going to a country where English is not the main language, see if you can get someone to translate the foods you cannot eat so you can show this to the waiter. Nowadays there is so much awareness about food intolerance and allergies and in most restaurants, they are keen to check, advise and if necessary, leave out or substitute an ingredient. If they don't, we just walk out. Just ask, relax and have a wonderful holiday. 


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Re: Holidays And Meals.
« Reply #5 on: September 03, 2013, 03:38:29 PM »

It's awkward.  For YEARS I carried my own grub especially to his family because they would suggest a meal time but never stick to it  >:(.  I asked them to treat me like a diabetic who requires regular meal times but all I got was 'but you aren't'  :'(.

For YEARS we went self catering as I cannot risk food stuffs with onions.  I stick to 'safe foods' even now.  I have to be absolutely secure in my anxiety levels to even consider eating 'out'. 

Where are you going to?


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Re: Holidays And Meals.
« Reply #6 on: September 03, 2013, 05:15:22 PM »

We are going to Windermere in Cumbria,  it's self catering as no way can I eat out.
I too have to stick to regular meal times otherwise I start to feel really ill.

The problem is my  "safe" foods are so few,  if I eat any less I will fade away!
I just wish I could think of some other bland foods to try but everything is too greasy,
salty, acidic etc.  :(


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Re: Holidays And Meals.
« Reply #7 on: September 03, 2013, 05:56:59 PM »

If it's self catering then you will be able to eat what you eat at home.

How are you treating this because it won't get better on its own. My life was ruled by my stomach for years. Could not eat out, could not eat anything so fed up and took more and more pills. I eventually went to an alternative practitioner and got sorted. Ok it's not perfect but I can eat curry and Chinese food and garlic now.

You really need to try something to help.

Are you on any medication at all.



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Re: Holidays And Meals.
« Reply #8 on: September 03, 2013, 06:01:55 PM »

My diet is:

round of toast for breakfast or a croissant
sometimes I can face a smear of honey on the toast and usually butter

mid-morning - a cuppa - black, 2 sugars - with a bun of some type or a toasted tea-cake or Italian biscuits
lunch - light as possible : soup, salad usually cheese or ham ....... this is whether I am at home or out for the day

DH cooks our evening meals: for example, pasta lightly boiled in salted water, drained well - on a good day I can add cheese otherwise he fries strips of chicken/ginger/garlic
Dry curry is a good standby - lots of healthy spices in a stir fry chicken mix

Occasionally I can 'face' chish and phipps ..........

My stand-bys are: Dextrose tablets for energy; bottled fruit juices or fizzy water; tea; dry cream crackers; mixed fruits and nuts for nibbling, instant energy boost; LIVE yoghurt to help any gut irritations; Actimel ...... though I have 'gone off' those in recent weeks  ::).  Pancakes!

The trick for me is to eat before my stomach feels hungry as I still don't always recognise 'hunger'.   :-\  ........

Gives us a clue as to your diet?


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Re: Holidays And Meals.
« Reply #9 on: September 03, 2013, 06:41:49 PM »

I've been increasingly having stomach problems too and had IBS (diarrhoea kind) twice on holiday abroad this year.  I tend to get it if I eat too much and am trying to eat smaller amounts more often rather than a big meal all in one sitting.  I've had it at home with chinese too but again, usually if I've been too hungry and eaten it all.  I try to have some 'dry' foods during the day such as crispbread to soak up any foods which might make me a bit iffy, but have had to stop some things like brown sauce, tomatoes, coffee (only have a weak cup every other day) and I'm not very good with wine now.


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Re: Holidays And Meals.
« Reply #10 on: September 04, 2013, 07:31:32 AM »

My diet consists of   Breakfast -  Rice Cakes.  lunch -  turkey sandwich.(I can't eat cheese or ham)

Dinner - sweet potato, carrots, chicken or fish fingers.  All other veg is out.
I only drink water as anything else gives me pain.

I can manage a chocolate eclair but only ones from a certain shop (not real chocolate topping)

Any tips on what to try as this is really getting me down.   I have tried an alternative practitioner
but what they prescribed only made me worse.  :'(

Ann x



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Re: Holidays And Meals.
« Reply #11 on: September 04, 2013, 07:49:45 AM »

What did they prescribe?

Have you been to your GP and had any tests to rule out any nasties like an ulcer. I had an endoscope and a barium swallow long before I turned to herbal medicine.

Might be a good idea to get checked out as your diet is very limited.



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Re: Holidays And Meals.
« Reply #12 on: September 04, 2013, 07:51:54 AM »

I worked with a lady that had a problem with her stomach/bowels. She was going to the hospital for tests for a long time. If she ate the wrong thing was on the toilet for hours. She lost a lot of weight. She loved cakes and chocolate but couldn't eat them. I remember her saying that she can tolerate nuts (she used to snack on them during the day) and Jelly.
Perhaps you could try those?


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Re: Holidays And Meals.
« Reply #13 on: September 04, 2013, 08:15:43 AM »

Ann- you  need to find out what is wrong. Your diet is seriously lacking and can give rise to other problems. Do you take a multi vitamin supplement?



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Re: Holidays And Meals.
« Reply #14 on: September 04, 2013, 09:40:02 AM »

Honeyb,  Iv'e been to my GP many times,  had a barium enema, ct scan,  showed up I have
diverticulitus,  nothing can be done.

Taz,  I can't take a multi vit supplement as they upset my stomach.
It's the "burning" pain in my lower abdomen I can't cope with, especially after a bowel movement,
pain lasts for days, then another bm and pain again, it's a never ending cycle.

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