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Author Topic: How long after having worst meno symptoms to ceasing periods.  (Read 2625 times)


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How long after having worst meno symptoms to ceasing periods.
« on: August 23, 2013, 09:12:12 AM »

My meno symptoms are getting worse ie hot flushes, vaginal itching, extreme tiredness and extreme lack of energy to do anything, also feeling nauseous when my period is due usually on the day it arrives. Then I have my heavy period and three days of tablet taking to look forward to.
When or how long from your severe meno symptoms did your periods stop.

Thank you


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Re: How long after having worst meno symptoms to ceasing periods.
« Reply #1 on: August 23, 2013, 09:28:50 AM »

That's a tricky question Annie. Normally it is better to keep your periods for as long as you can because once periods stop is when symptoms can really begin. While you are still experiencing a cycle the symptoms of hot flushes and vaginal dryness are less but mood swings may be more of a problem. Once periods stop entirely then the lack of oestrogen can increase hot flushes and dryness. Symptoms are supposed to lessen once you get to two years period free.

How regular are your periods? Mine were irregular for around three years but then I went onto HRT so I am not sure when they would have stopped. Do you have hot flushes all the time - even when having your period?

Taz x


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Re: How long after having worst meno symptoms to ceasing periods.
« Reply #2 on: August 23, 2013, 09:34:32 AM »

My periods are still only a few days late - 7 days late. I will be 50 next May. The other thing is this awful dizziness I would not say a headache.  My hot sweats are still only on run up to periods. Have a few weeks when I feel normal. To be quite honest cannot wait to not have a periods had problems with those all my life and not a hrt fan.


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Re: How long after having worst meno symptoms to ceasing periods.
« Reply #3 on: August 23, 2013, 09:42:30 AM »

I would say that if you are having these symptoms already while you may still have a long way to go before your periods stop - if they are still regular it could be a few years before they finally give up - then you might want to re-consider HRT. I don't think that any of us think that we will need HRT but you have to weigh up the quality of your life at the moment.

Have you discussed any of this with your GP because it is always a good idea to get things checked out. You could be anaemic for instance if you are experiencing dizziness. Why not make an appointment as it's no fun to spend so much of your life feeling awful.

Taz x


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Re: How long after having worst meno symptoms to ceasing periods.
« Reply #4 on: August 23, 2013, 09:47:58 AM »

Also Annie - many of us took HRT initially because of the initial symptoms that you mentioned, but continue it long term because oestrogen deficiency - which is a result of the menopause - lasts forever and the long term symptoms can be equally debilitating, even though different from the earlier ones! As Taz points out the vaginal dryness  - in addition to thinning of bones, and other problems - can be mitigated through replacing oestrogen, so do give it some thought.

Hurdity x