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Author Topic: kliovance, feeling very low third week in and getting worse.  (Read 6093 times)


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kliovance, feeling very low third week in and getting worse.
« on: August 12, 2013, 02:06:14 PM »,22425.0.html

I hope this a link to my last message, ive been on the klivance for three weeks and my depression is getting worse, i do want to do anything but sit in a quite room and stare into space!!! should i stop?
I cant cope with this and im forever having to change hrt xx


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Re: kliovance, feeling very low third week in and getting worse.
« Reply #1 on: August 12, 2013, 02:35:53 PM »

Could it be the progesterone that's causing you to feel so low.

I have changed to utrogestan and my anxiety is much better. Some progesterones have horrid side effects. I am not sure about the one you are on though.



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Re: kliovance, feeling very low third week in and getting worse.
« Reply #2 on: August 12, 2013, 02:59:10 PM »

Hi lila

I agree with honeybun - I am very surprised you were given this one when the ones you have tried have given you headaches. It is most likely the norethisterone in the Kliovance that is the problem - it gives some women headches/migraines - it did to me. It is found in all the Klio combi preparations, the Evorel combi patches, the Elleste combi preparations as wel as Nuvelle and Climesse - although you seemed to be OK on Nuvelle? However our bodies do change with age too re sensitivities/hormone levels.

Do have a look at the menu on the left under HRT preparations and you will see what I mean - they are all listed and what they contain:

No HRT should make you feel depressed. If it does - it is the wrong preparation.

I too use Utrogestan which is the only bio-identical progesterone licensed in UK for HRT.

You would need a separate oestrogen with this - and since pills affect you and you suffer from headaches I would definitely go for a patch or gel - which also can give the higher doses you will need at your age.  You are on a very low dose for your age which cold also make you feel low. Estradot are very small and do not fall off easily (OK now and again) and changed twice weekly.

Personally at your age I would prefer to be on a cycle ( ie get a monthly bleed) which is what you would have been having anyway. This way you woud have just over two weeks of oestrogen and just under two weeks of progesterone. If all is OK with the utrogestan, the worst that could happen would be a few days pmt after you stop the utrogestan before it is out of your system - which you would have expected anyway with a monthly period.

Also as you are young have you been tested for tesosterone levels - the full test - could your prepature menopause be causing depleted levels in this horomone which can contribute to hormone related depression? I would urge you to ask for specialist advice which I presume you have not been getting since any specialist would have suggested patch/gel and utrogestan combo long ago given your adverse reaction to all the others!

Hope this helps

Hurdity  x


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Re: kliovance, feeling very low third week in and getting worse.
« Reply #3 on: August 12, 2013, 03:00:17 PM »

Maybe, ive made appointment for next week to see the doctor, i dont think i can stay on this i feel horrible, thanks for your answer xxx


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Re: kliovance, feeling very low third week in and getting worse.
« Reply #4 on: August 12, 2013, 05:10:17 PM » say it so much better.




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Re: kliovance, feeling very low third week in and getting worse.
« Reply #5 on: August 13, 2013, 01:27:17 PM »

Hi lila

I agree with honeybun - I am very surprised you were given this one when the ones you have tried have given you headaches. It is most likely the norethisterone in the Kliovance that is the problem - it gives some women headches/migraines - it did to me. It is found in all the Klio combi preparations, the Evorel combi patches, the Elleste combi preparations as wel as Nuvelle and Climesse - although you seemed to be OK on Nuvelle? However our bodies do change with age too re sensitivities/hormone levels.

Do have a look at the menu on the left under HRT preparations and you will see what I mean - they are all listed and what they contain:

No HRT should make you feel depressed. If it does - it is the wrong preparation.

I too use Utrogestan which is the only bio-identical progesterone licensed in UK for HRT.

You would need a separate oestrogen with this - and since pills affect you and you suffer from headaches I would definitely go for a patch or gel - which also can give the higher doses you will need at your age.  You are on a very low dose for your age which cold also make you feel low. Estradot are very small and do not fall off easily (OK now and again) and changed twice weekly.

Personally at your age I would prefer to be on a cycle ( ie get a monthly bleed) which is what you would have been having anyway. This way you woud have just over two weeks of oestrogen and just under two weeks of progesterone. If all is OK with the utrogestan, the worst that could happen would be a few days pmt after you stop the utrogestan before it is out of your system - which you would have expected anyway with a monthly period.

Also as you are young have you been tested for tesosterone levels - the full test - could your prepature menopause be causing depleted levels in this horomone which can contribute to hormone related depression? I would urge you to ask for specialist advice which I presume you have not been getting since any specialist would have suggested patch/gel and utrogestan combo long ago given your adverse reaction to all the others!

Hope this helps

Hurdity  x

Hi Hurdity, thanks so much for reply, ive been trying to understand it all before i wrote back, i guess my ME gives me alot of brain fog and i really find all the HRT preparations over whelming,i think i understand, i was on the gel but brought my ME on bad and so did one type of patch but i guess there are others to try, so would i look at having the patch on all the time and just taking the ustorgen ontop of that for so many days? xx


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Re: kliovance, feeling very low third week in and getting worse.
« Reply #6 on: August 13, 2013, 08:20:38 PM »

Yes that's what I would try - it's the most natural way to do it - ie using hormones that are body-identical so at least you will know that it is not a synthetic substance or something in the way that the estrogen is digested/metabolised that is causing the problem.

You would have the patch on all the time and if you wanted to re-start a cycle, then you would take the utrogestan for 12 days per month, which would be followed by a bleed 2-3 days later. The hormones are absorbed more directly into your system with a patch than pills and it is just estradiol. Any side effects that you had should settle after a little while as your body acclimatised to the new dose.

What were the symptoms of ME that became worse after using the gel and were they there all the time?

Honeybun - I'm just a bit long-winded and get carried away with explaining/suggesting things!

Hurdity x


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Re: kliovance, feeling very low third week in and getting worse.
« Reply #7 on: August 14, 2013, 08:50:19 AM »

Yes that's what I would try - it's the most natural way to do it - ie using hormones that are body-identical so at least you will know that it is not a synthetic substance or something in the way that the estrogen is digested/metabolised that is causing the problem.

You would have the patch on all the time and if you wanted to re-start a cycle, then you would take the utrogestan for 12 days per month, which would be followed by a bleed 2-3 days later. The hormones are absorbed more directly into your system with a patch than pills and it is just estradiol. Any side effects that you had should settle after a little while as your body acclimatised to the new dose.

What were the symptoms of ME that became worse after using the gel and were they there all the time?

Honeybun - I'm just a bit long-winded and get carried away with explaining/suggesting things!

Hurdity x

Hi Hurdity,
thanks for all this info, im at the doctors later so writing iyt all down, before i was on the everol conti patch and tried two gels, now all brought ME fatigue on which made me practically bed bound, I have had ME for 15 years and control it best i can by watching what i eat, ect i dont even use fake tans normal sun lotions ect as the chemicals would make me ill, even if i go out for a meal i normally have a horrible hangover feeling the next day and i dont even drink!!
My body is just super sensitive :(
This info is sounding really good and has given me hope, i gave the klivance one last go yesterday and within a hour felt low and teary.
Fingers crossed for today and cant thank you enough for this information and explaining x x x