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Author Topic: What Do You Take for Depression?  (Read 14311 times)


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What Do You Take for Depression?
« on: April 18, 2013, 09:34:19 AM »

I hate to even say the word depression. I'm not a depressive sort of person but my "low" feelings are getting considerably worse. I spent most of last week in bed. I originally felt that I just didn't want to take anything particularly as those I know who have taken stuff say it just makes them feel fuzzy, but as it is getting so much worse I am willing to give anything a go. If any of you have found something that helps please share!  I am going to mention it to my GP. I would have mentioned it on Monday but she had a trainee in with her and I didn't want to go into loads of detail. I'm sure my husband dreads coming home. I have no interest in cooking (my fav thing to do) and no interest in anything else come to that. I'm weepy too (more than usual!). I follow Dr Christian on twitter and he insists that the only benefit of anything herbal is to the seller! If you have found that something has really helped, I'm be rvery grateful of your advice! Thank you xx


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Re: What Do You Take for Depression?
« Reply #1 on: April 18, 2013, 09:38:43 AM »

Oh there are lots of ADs out there but nothing is a 'quick fix'.  Sometimes it takes 2/3 months to feel a real difference in mood.

The brain is an organ which often needs support.  I fought against taking ADs for years - lost years for DH and myself  :'( - but acceptance was difficult.  I have to take a low maintenance dose for Life.

The anomoly used is, if you were diagnosed a diabetic; or on heart tablets; you would take medication?  So why do we depressives fight against taking a small pill once or twice a day?

Years after diagnosis I told people I had worked with in the 1970s - and got the "I didn't think you were the depressive type, you were always so 'up'." well what is a depressive 'type'?  My depression is organic, complicated by clinical depression, it is also on both sides of my family.  One reason why I remained childless.

Have a chat with your GP and see what is available to you.  You may find that 2-3 years treatment will lift your mood so that you can see the wood for the trees.  It will help you deal with any menopause symptoms and the everyday niggles!



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Re: What Do You Take for Depression?
« Reply #2 on: April 18, 2013, 09:44:14 AM »

Thanks for your informative reply. I guess the reason I feel unable to accept the depressive feelings is that for all of my life until now I have been a very happy soul. I know it is the menopause causing this. I have read on here that people have felt worse on medication and a good friend of mine really suffered, feeling worse on the pills than off them so I guess this is my main concern.  I don't want to end up unable to function but I know I have to do something. I will speak to the GP about it... x


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Re: What Do You Take for Depression?
« Reply #3 on: April 18, 2013, 10:41:02 AM »

Yep.  People react to all kinds of medications.  Because we are each an individual.  I suffered intense nausea with one AD very early on, another made me feel like I was walking on 7" heels - Elton John in Tommy anyone  ::) and that was after 3 days!!!! eventually my GP and I found something which suits.  I am tired sometimes as a side-effect and my head feels woozy sometimes but that is far better for DH and me than my laying in bed, deeply afraid, unable to eat/drink/take any interest in stuff ..........

Suzi Q

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Re: What Do You Take for Depression?
« Reply #4 on: April 18, 2013, 10:43:41 AM »

Jin the club love untill 2001 3.40pm Remberance Sunday I was a happy chappy
Got thorugh pre meno meno and poist meno started at 36
But a family tragedy and illness brought me to my knees never thought Id ne happy ever again
Thought life sucked no joy life like that all over NO of course its wasnt
I took ads took about 1 month to work I had therapy for 3 years but that was diff to meno
Theres nothing herbal out there sweetie if there was that person would be richer than Bill gates
Go to GP sit talk write down everything you feel
Everyone has a story about pills same as everyone has a story about childbirth
He may out you on Beta Blocas and a mild Diazapam for a month or so
Dont be scared of tihngs you read if they scare you then leave it go to see GP thats what they are there for xxxxx

CLKD how true wise lady Listen to her OK  lifes to bloody short look at the poor sods in Wako today and Boston
take charge go thats a good girl big hygs xxxxxxxx


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Re: What Do You Take for Depression?
« Reply #5 on: April 18, 2013, 11:05:05 AM »

I disagree that there is no herbal help.

St John's Wort is widely prescribed in Europe for mild depression.
You can't take it if you are on HRT but it can and does help.

Are you on HRT just now. It's possible that could also be an option.



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Re: What Do You Take for Depression?
« Reply #6 on: April 18, 2013, 11:28:15 AM »

What lovely responses! Thank you! I'm on vagifem so not sure if that would affect the St John's wort?  Yes I too have had some sh*tty things happen lately and I know a lot of it could be that,but I've suffered tragedies and upsets before and never felt quite as low as this.  Honestly, I am annoying myself feeling like it, I could hit myself around the garden with a shovel.  I've also got quite bad hair loss which is making me feel my hormones are well and truly up sh*t creek!! I DID lose some hair when my dad died and have suffered with it on and off since. I actually sell wigs and hairpeices for a living so I know all there is now know about any little fillers and stuff fortunately!!  My hair brush is really full every time I use it. So along with the depressive feelings (and practically forcing my husband out of the door!) lots of other issues are present.  Things feel quite bleak,  I could help write all of Morrissey's songs.

Suzi Q

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Re: What Do You Take for Depression?
« Reply #7 on: April 18, 2013, 12:01:15 PM »

Hun it may help for a while but when you have massive amounts of Serotonin and adrenaline
ABSO coursing through your body beleive me St Johns wort wont do a thing

Lynne I just googles STJW and Vagifem this is what it said

Taking STW with Vagifem can cause ser side efects sick headaches flu like symptoms
Also JW with Vagifem or HRT causes the hormones to be used far quicker making the HRT and Vagifem less effective
Do not use STJW while using Birth control pills as it makes it inefective

This was not the Vagifem site either
I wonder how many women are having problems with the Pill and HRT and Vagifem and also use STJW?
I would advise anyhone who wants to take any suppl to check with Chemist tell them what medicines your taking they then can check in UK MIMS book see if its safe or better still see GP


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Re: What Do You Take for Depression?
« Reply #8 on: April 18, 2013, 12:05:02 PM »

Thanks for this.  In the past I've taken a lot of herbal remedies and haven't found them useful but I don't want to offend honey bee if they are working for her as we are all different!  I will see my GP about it.. but would have liked an easy option I guess!  x

Suzi Q

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Re: What Do You Take for Depression?
« Reply #9 on: April 18, 2013, 12:12:33 PM »

Hey Im sure HUn wouldnt be offended would you HUN
Everyones different we all have our own ways of drealing with things and thats a good thing
Google it yourself  yourself Type in Does taking St Johns wort have side affects with Vagifem
See what it says
I have to be honest I dont beleie in Herbs or sups except for the old fashioned cod liver oil
Malt extraxt if your tired and run down Cytatan B 12 complex to get your apetite back
Thats it Im a beliveer in 3 veg 2 fruits a day and everyone can do it you can buy a drink of it mixed in any supermarket
BUt I respect other peoples views what they feel is good for them thats why the world is so fab we are all different


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Re: What Do You Take for Depression?
« Reply #10 on: April 18, 2013, 12:30:02 PM »

Yes I agree with you totally. I have used loads of herbal stuff in the past it has just not worked for me.I'm all for anyone taking or using anything they find useful though - it's such a huge thing that it must be working for some.  Will google it as you suggest! Thanks!


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Re: What Do You Take for Depression?
« Reply #11 on: April 18, 2013, 12:36:32 PM »

No not offended at all.

Really surprised to read about the Vagifem link to SJW. I did know about the  pill and HRT.

Some of my in laws are in Germany and I have been told that GPs there prescribe SJW for mild depression so obviously they have the evidence that it works.

Have you considered HRT Lynne. Oestrogen does help with low mood.



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Re: What Do You Take for Depression?
« Reply #12 on: April 18, 2013, 12:42:12 PM »

I would consider HRT.. I will see what my GP says.  I'll keep you informed!! x


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Re: What Do You Take for Depression?
« Reply #13 on: April 18, 2013, 02:02:48 PM »

I understand that St John's Wort is not prescribed in mainland Europe  :-\  ...... Germany was one of the first countries to stop using it.  This was about 5 years ago.

Herbal rememdies rarely work for chronic conditions, however, the placebo effect does.  They may well work for conditions with no diagnostic basis.  If they were useful they would be on the NHS  ;).

Better to go with proven medication and get stable so that one can see the wood for the trees.  Then as one begins to feel more in control, by all means try herbal remedies, however, one needs to be absolutely sure what the active ingredient is and how much AI is in each tablet  ;)


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Re: What Do You Take for Depression?
« Reply #14 on: April 18, 2013, 03:16:01 PM »

I found this report.

. John's Wort versus other antidepressants

      De Smet (1996) also studied hypericum extract in opposition to standard synthetic antidepressants. In his study, he used "the comparator drug in daily amounts below or at the lower end of the usual dose range".  All of these studies lasted less than six weeks and as De Smet noted that it takes at least two to four weeks of taking St. John's Wort for it to produce some noticeable effects.  In this study, the beneficial effects of St. John's Wort appear to be equal to those of the prescription medications.  These findings also suggest that the herbal medication may be safer than prescription antidepressants and cause patients to comply easier.
    Linde, Ramirez etc. (1996) found the hypericum extracts to be as effective as standard antidepressants in helping alleviate depression.  In this study, there were some trials that compared single hypericum preparations to standard antidepressants and some trials of combinations compared to the prescription antidepressants.  In the single hypericum preparations, 63.9% of patients responded positively while 58.5% responded with the standard medication.  In the combination trials, 67.7% responded to the hypericum extracts while only 50% responded to the synthetic drugs.  The scores on the Hamilton depression scale were a little better in those patients that had taken the single preparation hypericum than those who took the synthetic drugs, once again proving that St. John's Wort is as effective as, if not more, than standard antidepressants.

    In Ernst's study (1995), he too found that St. John's Wort is as effective as the standard antidepressants in the treatment of depression.

    All studies seem to indicate that hypericum extract works as well as if not better than standard prescription antidepressants.  I could not find any studies that contradicted this theory. All trials seem to point to the idea that St. John's Wort is the herbal equivalent of the synthetic antidepressants but without all of the negative side effects.

Another report says

Hypericum is Not Just Another Roadside Weed By: Nancy Kobielak

St. John's Wort is becoming increasingly popular in the treatment of mild to moderate depression throughout both Europe and the United States.

St. John's Wort is being prescribed eight times more frequently than the leading prescription antidepressant in Germany. Presently, St. John's Wort is being taken by more than twenty million consumers in Germany. What can a "Roadside Weed" do for you"?

Well, St. John's Wort, thought of as a troublesome weed by some, is proving helpful to millions of people now suffering from the effects of depression. Recently an article in Newsweek Magazine as well as a feature segment on the popular ABC Network TV show 20/20, have assisted in bringing St. John's Wort to the forefront of public awareness as an alternative herbal therapy.

There are two major reasons for the popularity of St. John's Wort as an herbal remedy for depression. First St. John's Wort produces results equal to or better than synthetic antidepressants in the treatment of mild to moderate depression. St. John's Wort has far fewer and less serious or intense side effects than synthetic antidepressants.

I am not suggesting that there is no need for ADs but for some this could be the place to start.

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