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Author Topic: Late period and cramping  (Read 7513 times)


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Late period and cramping
« on: April 13, 2013, 06:32:32 PM »

Hi girls, hope you are all having a great day so far. 

Just wanted to share a bit.  As I had posted on my introductory post in new members area, my period last month came for 18 days, not heavy at all, mostly bright red spotting, etc.  Now, this month I am on day 32 of my cycle and no period as yet.  For me, this is late.  My cycle is usually 25-28 days.  However, I have this dull cramping in my uterus and I wonder what that means.  I keep thinking it is my period coming but nothing yet.  However, I do not have my usual tender boobs to indicate an impending period so I don't know. 

I saw my doc yesterday for my "yearly" exam (have not been in 3 years to see him, he's also a cardiologist) and he gave me some names of a gynecologist to pick from.  I will try and schedule an appt.   for next month.  This doctor, being a cardiologist, wants to do a full cardiology workup, blood workup, so I will wait for next month when I can accumulate some more money,  ;D.  He did chest x-ray, EKG, blood work.  Next week I go for an echo and the following week I go for a nuclear stress test. Well...I did mention my palpitations at times and sometimes I get a pain in the chest (I personally think it is gas), but he says better be safe than sorry. 

Anyway, was just wondering why am cramping.  Am thinking if it is my period, why not come already.  I know am getting up there in age (47.... 48 in just 2 months..geeesh where did the time go, I still feel like 20 in my head but 80 in my body).  Not liking how am feeling lately at all, which is old... >:(

Take care ladies and have a good one.   Too lazy to edit  my post so sorry if there are any typos


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Re: Late period and cramping
« Reply #1 on: April 13, 2013, 06:49:33 PM »

Hi foxxy65

I've had this when a period does not come on time, I'm getting further between periods though and I've not had that this time - night sweats and hot flushes instead!  Your dr is being very thorough, at least you are having full MOT  ;D  I agree with your thoughts about where did the time go?  I can't believe I am now in my fifties  :o 


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Re: Late period and cramping
« Reply #2 on: April 13, 2013, 06:50:45 PM »

WOW, I just had a strong hot flash sitting here at my computer. This is a first like this.   I also got a funny chest ache with it, it felt like it was in my sternum like a bone thing, weird. What is going on.  Talk about scared.  I think I need to get out of the house, it is too nice and sunny out to stay in here thinking about my symptoms.   


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Re: Late period and cramping
« Reply #3 on: April 13, 2013, 06:52:08 PM »

Thanks for replying Lily, we both posted at same time.  :).  Am gonna go for a walk at the park.  My doc says I gained 30 lbs since last seen in 3 years.


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Re: Late period and cramping
« Reply #4 on: April 13, 2013, 06:56:02 PM »

I've not put on much weight, think it's because I'm feeling so nauseous a lot of the time and it's putting me off eating.  Enjoy your walk, it's really blowy here - good for blowing the cobwebs away though.


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Re: Late period and cramping
« Reply #5 on: April 14, 2013, 12:26:05 AM »

It actually started to rain while driving to the park so we went to the mall instead and walked around and shopped a bit there.  I also had dinner there.  Lily, I wonder why the nausea.  I noticed I am getting that nauseous feeling lately also. 

As for that chest thing I had today, I am convinced it has to probably do with costochondritis because it was on and off, worse with heavy breathing, and I touched a spot on my chest and pressed in a bit and boy talk about a pulsating ache in that one area that kinda radiated a bit.   


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Re: Late period and cramping
« Reply #6 on: April 16, 2013, 02:35:33 PM »

HI foxxy65

I think the nauseous feeling is just all a part of the whole hormone upheaval.  I have had another missed period this time and did not even feel like I was getting one, no cramps - had the night sweats and flushes bad for a week when I probably should have had period.  Hope your tests this week are okay.


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Re: Late period and cramping
« Reply #7 on: April 16, 2013, 09:44:53 PM »

Well my period started yesterday, day 35 cycle.  I guess this is normal for my age.  Will see what happens this times, as far as will it bleed for another 18 days or what.  I doubt it though.

On another note, I had my first cardiac test today, the ultrasound of heart, carotid arteries and abdominal ultrasound. Abdominal ultrasound okay.  The carotid showed a congenital deformity of the arteries in my neck but no big deal, they just bend a bit but blood flow is good. We already knew this though.  I also have 2 murmurs, we also knew this and they are still mild from 3 years ago.

However, the ultrasound also showed the left side of my heart as not pumping as strong as he would like it to pump, plus the walls are a bit thicker on that side.  He says he does not know why, but it could be the way my heart is, as I am not a petite woman (5'10" and ashamed to say I am about 40 lbs over my standard weight.  He also said it could be from a blocked artery not supplying that part of my heart properly so tomorrow I go for my nuclear stress test and we will find out what the problem is, he said.  I already have myself having coronary artery disease and will need a stent or whatnot.  Not the best news, but he did not seem overly concerned or maybe he did not want me to be overly concerned. 

Oh well, this is getting older and it seems that tests are no longer coming back perfect anymore. 

Just needed to vent a bit.


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Re: Late period and cramping
« Reply #8 on: April 16, 2013, 11:18:09 PM »

hi foxxy i was told once that the most dangerous thing about a heart condition is not knowing you have it.

once you know you have something, even mildly, your health is much better, you can take the right treatment and take better care of yourself once you know what any issues are.

try to think of it that way and it may bring down your anxiety......

hugs from afar

jemima x


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Re: Late period and cramping
« Reply #9 on: April 17, 2013, 12:33:00 AM »

Thank you Jemima, you are so right.  I guess none of us want to have anything wrong, but the reality is, we will all get something at one point or another. I so appreciate your words, it made me feel a bit better.  I think anxiety is our worst enemy.   :)


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Re: Late period and cramping
« Reply #10 on: April 23, 2013, 08:42:01 AM »

Thank you Jemima, you are so right.  I guess none of us want to have anything wrong, but the reality is, we will all get something at one point or another. I so appreciate your words, it made me feel a bit better.  I think anxiety is our worst enemy.   :)

so do i........if you suffer from panic attacks theres a brilliant book called 'self help for your nerves' by Claire Weekes which i swear helped me so much to overcome them when i was in my thirties........its on amazon



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Re: Late period and cramping
« Reply #11 on: April 26, 2013, 02:03:40 AM »

Thanks for the info on the book.  I am a highly anxious person, especially when under stress.