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Author Topic: Tell us how you cope with vaginal dryness  (Read 878240 times)


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Re: Tell us how you cope with vaginal dryness
« Reply #1050 on: June 28, 2019, 02:10:20 PM »

Can anyone offer advice please? I am on the last day of a 2 week daily regime of Estriol before starting twice weekly for VA. Over the last couple of days it has really burned when I've applied it - both internally and externally and this morning I'm on fire. I'm not particularly dry and the very sore patch at the entrance to my vagina (the original reason I went to the GP) seems a little better. Could this be a reaction to the cream? I'm also feeling a bit swollen in the vulva/vagina if that doesn't sound weird. Or could this just be the ‘plumping up' effect of the Estriol?
So many questions!  Has anyone else felt like this and is it possible Vagifem will be a better bet or will it do the same? Also feeling nauseous, but probably just hyping myself up. I really don't want to not have oestrogen.
Thank you for any help. x
   I had a really bad reaction with Estriol. Felt as though I had a UTI and was getting up to go to the loo at something like half hour intervals. Vagifem is working much better for me.


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Re: Tell us how you cope with vaginal dryness
« Reply #1051 on: June 28, 2019, 02:14:16 PM »

Hello everybody,

I have a question about blood in the urine with VA.

DancingGirl mentioned this could happen - in a post from last year which I can't find now.

I've had microscopic blood in my urine for a few months (it was between 5-10 red blood cells per field and now is up to 25-30). I saw a urologist when it first happened (We thought I had a UTI - and that's how it was discovered - no UTI though). He did different types of urine tests and an ultrasound but stopped short of a cystoscopy. He said he couldn't find a urological cause for the blood but that maybe it was to do with low hormones but that I knew more about that than he did (yes he said that).

Anyway, one of my main complaints with VA aside from the vaginal and perineal burning, is urethral pain and pain with peeing (sorry, all this is very TMI I know)

Anyway, my question for everyone and particularly for Dancinggirl (I wish I could find that post) is has anyone else had this?

I have just found a urogynecologist where I live and will try to see her as this is really worrying me (ie I am in full-fledged panic mode) but would appreciate thoughts in the meantime from anyone who has had blood in their urine with VA (that was not an infection).
this may be too late to help you but I have only just read your questions. I had microscopic blood traces in urine for a long time. I was referred to a nephrologist at 1 point who decided that she wasn't too concerned. She gave a possible explanation which I don't have to hand now. However I now suspect that it was caused by VA. That wasn't suggested as a reason at the time.


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Re: Tell us how you cope with vaginal dryness
« Reply #1052 on: June 28, 2019, 05:14:31 PM »

Thank you Dancing Girl and Kkay. I had a hunch it could be something in the cream causing irritation as my vulva wasn't the problem to start with but is now very sore. I suspect it could be to do with the fact that the cream works it's way out during the day so is always in contact.
I have YesVM which I was planning to use after the daily dose of Estriol as I didn't want them to interfere with each other so I'll go ahead with that tonight. Also off to by some Actigel.
I have a review appointment with my GP on 8/7 which will give it time to settle but I'll certainly ask to change to Vagifem.
I'll let you know how it goes.
Thank you again. x


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Re: Tell us how you cope with vaginal dryness
« Reply #1053 on: July 04, 2019, 11:40:41 AM »

Hi, I am very new here and I am hoping that some of you might have had experiences that mirror mine and can just help me to work out what to do. I know we are all different and am not asking for specific advice, but sometimes the experiences of others can be really informative.
I have VA - I have had it for some time (I am 64) but it really hasn't given me many problems so I have tended to ignore it. But it does make speculum examinations exceedingly painful. So when I got the summons for a smear test last year I went to my GP who prescribed me Estriol 0.01% vaginally, the usual regime (every night for two weeks and then twice weekly) for 6 weeks. I followed the instructions to the letter despite it giving me quite strong lower abdominal pain, like the old pre-period pain I used to get. Four weeks in I started bleeding old blood. I went back to the GP who said that maybe I was getting a bit too much oestriol and to stop using it and get the smear test done asap. Did this, got the smear test done (wasn't too bad), negative result. But I carried on bleeding. The nurse who did the smear test said she'd seen the remains of a little blood coming through my cervix so I assumed that the Estriol had set my old fibroids off. I got referred for a hysteroscopy, an awful, awful experience which I have struggled to put behind me. The consultant who did the hysteroscopy said she was certain that the bleeding had not been from my fibroids but from the dry vagina and to carry on with the Estriol, because I probably hadn't used enough!, but that if I had further bleeding she'd resect my fibroids. To my mind the Estriol had caused the bleeding and there was no way I was going to end up with major surgery for using something that I could just stop using, so I ignored her advice.
Recently however I have started getting yellowish vaginal discharge, sometimes brown tinged, i.e. probably with a bit of blood in it (nothing like the bleed I had on the Estriol). Went to my GP who very firmly told me it was probably VA and I had a choice between using Estriol to see if the symptoms went or going back for another hysteroscopy. No contest! I am back on Estriol. But I am really scared I shall bleed again in which case I'll end up back in the hysteroscopy clinic (cue hysterics!!). I am currently on week two of the loading dose and have to admit that I am not using the full whack of a tubeful each night, neither am I putting it as far into my vagina as I can as I was instructed. I haven't had the pain I had before but I am quite uncomfortable - feel as if my vagina is going to fall out! GP has told me that once I have finished the loading dose I can reduce the amount right down. But because I am not sure whether it was too little Estriol or too much that caused the problems last time I don't know what to do - whether to carry on using half to two thirds of a tube for a bit longer than the two weeks, or to reduce the amount asap. I'd do anything (well almost) to avoid another bleed and hysteroscopy.
Well even if none of you have similar experiences, it has helped to write all this down. I am so sorry for the long post guys. I promise they'll all be shorter from now on! Can anyone identify with this?


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Vagifem help please
« Reply #1054 on: July 05, 2019, 10:56:33 AM »

I have been on vagifem for 2 yrs with having to do only one reload about 12 months ago. but this May i had to do the reload again thinking that it was because i had dropped from one pess a week from 2 which was recommended. I went on holiday so prob ony did the reload for 10days and then back to twice a week, but after having sex just once once it al came back again and has been here for the last month. I phoned my doctor and he said i could try the reload again but its 10 days in now and still sore. He didnt really seem to know whats going on as he wasnt the original doctor who prescribed it to me (she has left). I had to wait on the phone whilst he looked it up. Also i hate having to go to a male doctor who doesnt understand VA. I dont think my atrophy is is that bad as im still plumping up with bits all intact im just so confused and worried that i have taken so much vagifem....But i will probably have to go back next week and i dont have much faith in him. Was thinking of maybe paying for a private gynacolagist but its so expensive. Anyone got any advice please or experienced the same?


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Re: Tell us how you cope with vaginal dryness
« Reply #1055 on: July 05, 2019, 11:05:59 AM »

Poor you Wrennie,. not much time to write at the moment but if you ever need another hysteroscopy then ask you have it under a general anaesthetic.  I had hysteroscopy last year and was terrified and found out on line I could have GA, no one else told me.  I had no problems getting one when I asked and  I came home the same day.


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Re: Tell us how you cope with vaginal dryness
« Reply #1056 on: July 05, 2019, 11:48:21 AM »

Thank you suzysunday, I shall. It'll probably be a case of flatly refusing anything else!


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Re: Tell us how you cope with vaginal dryness
« Reply #1057 on: July 08, 2019, 09:01:58 PM »

I am 53 and stopped having periods almost 4 years ago. I was perimenopausal from the age of 44.  I have been using vagifem for about 3 years and whilst it helps I do have to revert to using it everyday for a fortnight about twice a year. I still find sex painful. If we want to have sex I have to use a medical grade silicone lubricant which is a bit messy and hard to wash off the sheets but I find the water based lubricant useless. I have had an internal and an ultrasound to make sure there was nothing else untoward going on and thankfully these didn't find any abnormalities. I have had a very low libido since the menopause started and several attempts at HRT in different forms and strengths haven't helped and I had lots of problems with side effects so I gave up for about 18 months.
I have been back to the GP as I think a divorce might be on the cards if I can't muster some enthusiasm for sex soon! I am now on Sandrena 0.5mg and Utrogestan 100mg daily to try and reignite the spark. Fingers crossed that this works and that I don't have the same problems with side effects. If not the GP has said she will refer me to the consultant. I'm not sure what other options there are.


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Re: Tell us how you cope with vaginal dryness
« Reply #1058 on: July 22, 2019, 10:57:48 PM »

I use estrogen cream, KY gel and I've now started hrt patches as it was a feeling of constant infection even though I had no infection there. Plenty of ky gel for sex and actually my gynecologist told me that sex can help as it stimulates the blood flow.


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Re: Tell us how you cope with vaginal dryness
« Reply #1059 on: August 07, 2019, 01:52:39 AM »

I'm not! At 68 I ended up with severe VVA.  Have been on Vagifem for 3 months but pessary is causing sores.  Doc. put me on Estragyn as well.  Certainly helped with vulva discomfort but just don't know what to do about vag.  Will Vagifem eventually make the walls more elastic?  How long does it take?  I am miserable and wish it would all end so I can get back to normal life.  I am not sexually active so painful sex is not an issue.  Is there anything else I can try?  Dr. says estrogen is the only way to address underline condition.  Any advice would be greatly appreciated.


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Re: Tell us how you cope with vaginal dryness
« Reply #1060 on: August 07, 2019, 07:06:45 AM »

Hi Whatsupwiththis

It can take many weeks before Vagifem will work it's magic. You may need to use it almost daily or at least 3 times a week to speed things up a bit. You do need to use vaginal moisturisers as well on a daily basis - SYLK or the YES products are the best and you can get these online. Don't use moisturisers at the same time as Vagifem or it can affect absorption.
Sadly women are not warned about VA - I firmly believe that local oestrogen should be offered to every women when meno starts to help prevent the horrid symptoms.
DG x


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Re: Tell us how you cope with vaginal dryness
« Reply #1061 on: August 07, 2019, 07:58:06 AM »

On top of transdermal HRT gel I use Vagifem pessaries and YES Vaginal moisturiser. Both of these really help with keeping my vaginal from drying out day to day.  But require added lubrication for sex. I'm fortunate in that I don't get infections etc.


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Re: Tell us how you cope with vaginal dryness
« Reply #1062 on: August 07, 2019, 12:12:21 PM »

Thx Dancing Girl.  Question:  why do you need moisturizers as well?  I thought that was the whole purpose of Vagifem?  I am so new to this and getting overwhelmed with it all.  I guess I'll continue the Vagifem and see how it goes.  Sucks!


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Re: Tell us how you cope with vaginal dryness
« Reply #1063 on: August 10, 2019, 07:45:06 PM »

It's quite common to need more than vaginal hrt. I use Ovestin at night and YES VM ( moistriser ) during the day and for sex. I couldnt manage without it. Ive also started on Multi gyn Flora a couple of times a week to keep my thrush-type symptoms at bay. I plan to insert it the day after sex as I get a flare up after sex. Its really a case of whatever you need as an individual. X


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Re: Tell us how you cope with vaginal dryness
« Reply #1064 on: August 10, 2019, 09:33:02 PM »

Thx Dancing Girl.  Question:  why do you need moisturizers as well?  I thought that was the whole purpose of Vagifem?  I am so new to this and getting overwhelmed with it all.  I guess I'll continue the Vagifem and see how it goes.  Sucks!

I use Vagifem  (3-4 times a week) and Evorel Conti. Sometimes apply Olive and Bee or VM moisturizer in the mornings but don't need it every day.
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