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Menopause Matters magazine ISSUE 76 out now. (Summer issue, June 2024)


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Author Topic: Tell us how you cope with joint aches  (Read 714831 times)


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Re: Tell us how you cope with joint aches
« Reply #300 on: September 24, 2011, 09:05:24 AM »

  I too get joint aches in hips, knees and worse of all feet.   I have to say that this was one of the most unexpected and shocking symptoms I've experienced so far.       

I'm trying to get my head around walking like my Nan when I'm only 41. 

Up to a couple of years ago I was very athletic, I could run 5 miles and cycle 100 in a day (just).  Now I hobble to the loo  :(
Is this really going to be the same for the rest of my life?  That's just not fair.
My OH is 44 and after a lifetime of being overweight & lazy, he's finally getting into fitness while I'm going the opposite way.  His libido is sky high as ever and I just don't want to know   :'(

I'm being kinder to myself, and crossing some stuff off my endless daily "to do" lists - I'm building in time to just sit in the garden reading a book instead of dashing around it weeding & tidying.

I'm also squirrelling a bit of the housekeeping money away for little treats to pick me up when I'm feeling esp. low:  a new lipstick or shoes  ;D



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Re: Tell us how you cope with joint aches
« Reply #301 on: October 18, 2011, 08:50:39 PM »

I have just found this site today after visiting the docs yet again yesterday with exreme joint muscle pain! I have had night sweats and hot flushes for 5 years or so now and insomnia the aches have been getting steadily worse . I cant move in bed for the pain and also walk like a 90 year old , actualy my gran is 96 and looks better than I feel   :-\ I have been researching alternative treatment , does anyone know about Maca and results also Menoquin? I feel lkie we could all spend lots of money trying things that dont work . where do we start ? after reading some info I will start with glucosomine , I cant take high dose anti inflamatory because of oteher meds :( Any advise would be great Iwas laid up for 4 days this month and most days its a real struggle !!


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Re: Tell us how you cope with joint aches
« Reply #302 on: October 19, 2011, 09:44:20 AM »

Hi Sunny

I don't know about Maca and Menoquin.  I, too, could hardly turn over in bed, particularly due to the pain in lower back and down the sides of my thighs.  I hobbled in the morning.  Uninterrupted sleep, could not get up in the morning and if I did any exertion I could be in bed for a couple of days with screaming pains throughout my body.  I could only walk about 500metres and I struggled to hold down my job.  I had to restrict travelling because I could not walk from one airplane to another in the airport.  Even a massage was extremely painful.   In the end, I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia.   At one point  had FM and also tendonitis - linked.  (I have posted this before so apologies for those who have already read it).

Believe it or not, regular Chiropractic, myofascial release, HRT for a year and very, very occasional anti inflamms (like naproxen or anadin express ibuprofen) has turned my situation around and it is so much better.   (although chiro is for skeleton, it has an effect on all the organs and muscles in our body if it is misaligned).  I am currently not taking oestrogen (stopped beginning August) and so far only little aches.  The again, I am not at chiro at the moment either.  I should really go every month as 'maintenance'.

My colleague at work told me yesterday about diclofenac with potassium (from Boots).  She was suffering similar and her joints were aching badly.  Her OH has an arthritis hip (both are still in their 40s).  They saw them advertised, bought it to try and took one pill.  They said they both felt as if they had a new body.  I have no experience of it though so it is word of mouth from them, but it may be worth considering on the extremely painful days if it is something you can take.

I am so sorry you feel so bad, Sunny and I don't have the experience of Maca or Menoquin. 
But perhaps some of the above is of help.



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Re: Tell us how you cope with joint aches
« Reply #303 on: October 25, 2011, 05:28:42 PM »

Yes be careful with anti inflammatories. I am suffering from a chronic pain condition in my feet legs knees elbows upper arms and shoulders, and the only thing which touches the pain is Ibuprofen. Unfortunately my kidney function deteriorated when I was taking them regularly, but is improving again now.  I have decided to 'sit' with my pain now, explore it more and see where it is taking me.  I have been practising mindfulness which involves breathing into the pain, non judgementally, and letting it go with kindness into the earth.  Worth trying . . . . . . . I am sick of painkillers, even tried Amytriptiline recently because I was so desperate for sleep, but I felt as if I was pinned down to the mattress by giant magnets under the bed!  The pain in my shoulders has been worse since from being so still all night.  The trouble was that my mind was active.  Torture.  Then my heart rate went up to 120 bpm all day. Went for some Bowen technique the other day which has changed things a bit, so might pursue that avenue for now. It is like drowning, looking for an answer. Probably it is all tied with the emotional aspects of the menopause.  The Bowen practitioner wants me to try EFT (emotional freedom technique), but don't want to swap and change about too much.  Keep smiling lovely ladies!!!   :) ;D ::)


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Re: Tell us how you cope with joint aches
« Reply #304 on: October 25, 2011, 06:21:07 PM »

Hi Sandi, sorry to hear of all your pain - I was also worried about taking too many anti-inflamatory pills because of my kidneys. Although my gp seemed quite happy to prescribe me a pot of 100!! I like the sound of mindfullness, are you able to explain it a bit more?
Oh and you did make me laugh at your description of the magnets under the bed - not really funny I know, sorry
Keep smiling  :)
Purplenanny x x


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Re: Tell us how you cope with joint aches
« Reply #305 on: October 26, 2011, 10:03:00 AM »

Hi Sandi

I relate to what you have written.  My daughter and I have also tried Bowen and had results with that.  EFT would sit alongside it although you may wish to see what results you get from each.
Bowen will re-train your muscles to go back to what they were.  EFT would deal with the issues which cause the pain, so that ideally would keep the muscles etc. in the re-trained position.  So both should work side by side (simplified).

I like your mindfulness approach.  I am aware of it but had not tried it.  Thanks for reminding me of it.  It would be good to read more about your technique if you will post.



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Re: Tell us how you cope with joint aches
« Reply #306 on: October 26, 2011, 12:37:57 PM »

Hello again,

The mindfulness approach is based on a Buddhist practice which is basically being in the here and now with whatever is going on for us in each moment. Most of the problem with pain is that we don't want it, so we develop what is called secondary suffering, whereby the "not wanting the pain" becomes the focus and causes more distress on top of the pain.  I recently did a 2 day mindfulness course at the Manchester Buddhist centre (I am not a Buddhist, but uphold a lot of Buddhist principles and beliefs). I was in a tremendous amount of pain, particularly my right shoulder which made participation really difficult and quite a challenge, as their was a large practical component to the course, and I was very uncomfortable in any position on the mat, so spent most of the time changing position and getting quite despondent and 'cross' with my painful joints - they spoilt the course for me.  Since then I have been doing the body scan meditation CD from the course every day, and I have been using the technique of breathing into the pain with love and light, then letting it go to the earth, non judgementally with love.  I still struggle but it is certainly helping.

The steps of mindfulness re: pain are to:-

1): Awareness of moment-by-moment actual sensations - to pay attention to what is happening moment to moment, and not what we thought it was.  This keeps our mind focussed on one thing at a time and prevents the mind 'wandering'.  Needs practice!

2): Move towards the unpleasant - this means seeking out the unpleasant (like me exploring the pain), and simply be with it without trying to 'get rid of it' or make it less.  It helps to avoid resisting the pain, which is what most of us do.

3): Seeking the pleasant - shift our focus to become aware of the pleasant sensations moment to moment,   ie - the softness of the pillow, the warmth of my body, the lovely room I am lying in, the sunshine outside on the roof tops etc., etc.

4): Broadening awareness to become a 'bigger container'. - this broadens our field of awareness to include and hold both the unpleasant and pleasant.  Like pulling back a wide angle lens to look at your world.  We can then allow everything to come into being and pass away without clinging on to the pleasant, or pushing away the unpleasant.  We can then 'be' with whatever comes along.

5): Choice - from the wider perspective, we can then move onto what we choose to do in response to the experiences we are having.  How we respond can make a huge impact on our lives.  I know myself that when I feel as if I am drowning, looking for answers, trying this drug and that, this therapy and the next it is when I am in most distress.  By choosing to think differently, act differently, I now realise that I can still have a good life despite all this 'stuff' going on. 

Not easy.  Very difficult at times, especially like last night when I was still awake at 3 am with pain in both upper arms and legs.  But . . . . . . . I am practising, and they say that practice makes perfect!  Good luck ladies.

The above information is taken from the Breathworks Mindfulness course called 'Introduction to Mindfulness as a Health Care Intervention to promote self management.

Useful info:  Jon Kabat-Zin speaking on mindfulness
His book Full castrophe living is really good
Living well with pain and illness - Vidymyala Burch

I am a physio by trade (now off work, as I work in cardiac rehab and cannot lead the classes and do my job at the moment).  I have spent many years 'treating' women & some men who were struggling with chronic pain.  I never dreamt that I would be one of them!!

Hope this helps
« Last Edit: October 26, 2011, 12:46:06 PM by sandi »


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Re: Tell us how you cope with joint aches
« Reply #307 on: October 26, 2011, 12:40:05 PM »

Thank you so much Sandi.  Really appreciate that.   Fx


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Re: Tell us how you cope with joint aches
« Reply #308 on: November 09, 2011, 09:55:32 PM »

I could have wept when I found this forum! I've been on HRT for two years now but have been advised to cut down and come off it because it was causing breast problems.
Since I've started cutting down I've been getting night flushes again, I can't sleep, but the neck and shoulder pain is awful. I don't like taking too many anti-inflammatory pills and pain killers so I've been struggling along feeling wretched, thinking it was somehow 'all in my head'. I'm a full time carer for my 89 year old Mum but lately she's more sprightly than me!

The local women's hospital advised evening primrose capsules and also red clover, but I've only been taking them for the last two weeks. I find heat pads and massage help the pain, but not so good when you're having a hot flush!

Going to sit and read through as many of your posts as I can.


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Re: Tell us how you cope with joint aches
« Reply #309 on: November 10, 2011, 12:29:02 PM »

Hello Astolat

Welcome!  You will find a friendly bunch on here with loads of experience and advice to benefit from.
have a look round the say hi in the Newbie section.



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Re: Tell us how you cope with joint aches
« Reply #310 on: November 10, 2011, 02:47:22 PM »

I'm reading this thread and relating to a lot of it. Although I'm not officially perimeno, I have many of the symptoms and joint pain has been a problem for as long as I can remember. I used to get sore hips for a day or two when I started my period, then about ten years ago, the soreness came and went around midcycle too. Since then the situation has gone from bad to worse, and some months I hobble for a good two weeks :(. My hips, knees, ankles and everything in between can suffer - and sometimes i feel it in my finger joints. I've had all kinds of blood tests with nothing conclusive coming from them , so I grin and bare it.

This past month has been one of my worst. The pain at night is horrible and like others, it can be hard to turn over! Arghhh! Happy I'm not alone, but sorry to know others suffer with this too. You all have my sympathies!


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Re: Tell us how you cope with joint aches
« Reply #311 on: November 15, 2011, 10:00:43 PM »

Hello Astolat

Welcome!  You will find a friendly bunch on here with loads of experience and advice to benefit from.
have a look round the say hi in the Newbie section.


Hi Firewalker
Thanks for your reply, I've posted in the newbies section too. Everyone on this forum seems really friendly; I was amazed at the number of people who responded to my first post, and I'm thankful I've finally found the support and information I need!


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Re: Tell us how you cope with joint aches
« Reply #312 on: December 13, 2011, 04:52:03 PM »

Hello everyone
Although I look at posts on here, I never thought I was actually going thro` change until last 2 weeks.  I am 53.  Flushes started with a vengenace,  I started taking Femerelle and the flushes have decreased significantly but then the pains started and my God they are intense.  This week my back is so bad I can barely walk.  Getting up from the chair is a nightmare, I feel about 110.  Turning over in bed is awful.  I have suffered with a bit of arthritis in the past in my knees and fingers but this is beyond pain.  Is this what I have to put up with for the next ????? years?
I may stop taking the Femerelle to see if that is bringing on the pain.  I have tried Ibuprofen - no effect.

I know it will all have been said before, but dont we women go through enough without all this at our age?   ???
Partner says I should try HRT but I really dont want to.  Does it not just put off the inevitable?



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Re: Tell us how you cope with joint aches
« Reply #313 on: December 13, 2011, 05:10:48 PM »

Hi Wendy,
I can completely relate to what you are saying as I have suffered really badly with painful joints that has actually affected my mobility very badly. Also at night is terrible, waking every hour. I dose myself with painkillers but then they make me feel really horrible.
It got me down so badly I went on HRT and I felt as though I had found a miracle cure! Within a few days I had relief and my whole wellbeing is so much improved. Not being in so much pain has made me feel 'me' again.
It has not gone completely, I do still take the odd painkiller, but nothing like before.

I am having trouble with the 'bleeding' side of HRT but feel I am just on the wrong type. So, as soon as that is sorted I should be ok!

Do consider HRT, I was worried about long term but to be quite honest the time now is important.

Good luck. Purplenanny x x


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Re: Tell us how you cope with joint aches
« Reply #314 on: December 14, 2011, 08:28:00 AM »

Thanks for that reply.
My partner wants me to try HRT and with this pain as bad as it is I am getting very tempted.  I was lying in bed this morning crying because I cant face going on in this sort of pain.  Then feeling really selfish because millions of people go through daily life in pain for allsworts of reasons.
  Thinking of going to Docs this morning to ask his  advice.
I have tried Ibuprofen but they dont touch it at all.

Thanks again
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