Welcome. "At your age" ........ That is rather a sweeping statement from your GP without much substance. Replacement alters our knowledge of where we might B in "The Change".
Peri are the months prior to the last bleed = menopause. Peri can be when we notice all those odd symptoms
. Some find that keeping a mood/food/symptom diary of use.
As oestrogen levels drop the body may become dry: inside and out; nostrils, deep in the ears, vagina, skin as well as muscles may become weak = aches and pains. Over the counter medication should ease the latter, as well as a good diet, regular exercise and fresh air. Also do check your foot wear because as we age the insteps may 'drop' so our usual shoes etc. may not be as supportive leading to pain from the neck downwards as the spine compensates.
In case I forget: and I probably will do -
In the mean time m make a list of your worries, why is your GP asking to see U in 6 weeks? Be aware of vaginal atrophy which many medics have no knowledge of, 4warned is 4armed. There are threads here about that 1!
Ask away.