It took many years and many attempts to find a HRT method that worked and did not give me severe headaches after a few months. My current prescription which I have been on for a few years is combined Estradoil 1mg/norethistrone acetate 0.5mg. Kliovance. I had been on it for four months and the headaches started again and in desperation to find a solution I started halving the dose. Basically I snap the tablet in half and take half a day. No more symptom and no more headaches. My GP is concerned that I am not getting the protection that a full dose of progestogen would offer. In addition, I have also been diagnosed with fibromyalgia and I suffer from very bad fatigue and almost constant pain. I have seen it suggested that too little Oestrogen can cause fatigue and wonder if half a dose is contributing to the fatigue. Does anyone have any experience or better still can point me to some scientific date about halving the dose.