Hey all,
Hope you're all well.
Just a quick one. I've been on HRT for 3-4 years, settling on patches and the mirena coil about 2.5 years ago. No problems once the coil had settled.
Pretty sure I'm still peri, I can sense my body trying to have a cycle and there are the odd clues of what's it up to - discharge, etc.
Last few weeks though I've had bad 'period' pains, not something I really had when I was menstrual but I'm having to opt for ibuprofen just so I can concentrate on work. The cramps might be accompanied by nausea but that could also be the rattling bucket of supplements I'm on now. I'll monitor that one.
Googling says cramps are a thing and I should cut out caffeine, alcohol and salt which I'll try. Always good to reach out though.
Thanks in advance,