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Author Topic: Falling apart at the seams - bowel issues  (Read 412 times)


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Falling apart at the seams - bowel issues
« on: April 25, 2024, 05:43:43 PM »

I feel like it's one thing after another. I've always had a delicate stomach aggravated by stress and anxiety. I started to have bowel urgency and waking early to go to the toilet whilst waiting for my hysteroscopy. I thought it was probably down to the acute anxiety I was experiencing. However, 4 weeks on, things haven't improved, in fact it's got worse and I'm getting regular bouts of pain. I also get a stitch feeling lower right abdomen which I thought was gynae related but now I'm not so sure. I have also lost a bit of weight again but this might be because I'm worried about the effect food will have on me and therefore eat small portions. I enjoy food and have a mainly plant based diet, maybe too much roughage. I haven't had much of an appetite of late.

I'm due the biennial poo test so thought Id wait and see if that comes back clear which I expect it to and there is no sign of bleeding.
I really don't want to go down the colonoscopy route. I don't think the purging is good for the gut microbiome and I don't want things to get even worse. Could it be a side effect of the mirena? Seems improbable as my headaches have actually improved with it rather than evorel conti I was previously using.

Don't know what to do for the best. I do a daily food chart and symptoms and Ive noticed I'm worse when I have lots of legumes. Ive not eaten meat for 35 years so much of my diet has always centred around lentils which Ive been able to tolerate albeit with some wind!

Sorry for the long message but it's getting me down



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Re: Falling apart at the seams - bowel issues
« Reply #1 on: April 25, 2024, 08:17:48 PM »

Hi there,

Not sure if it helps but I was getting urgent bowel movements up to 4 times a day with bloating/wind etc for over 3 months.  Had the poo test, all clear. However my boobs were getting heavy & sore so decided to reduce oestrogen and fortunately the bowel issue went away.
I was getting wild fluctuations on Lenzetto.

Hope your bowel test is all clear but if you think high oestrogen could be the problem then it’s maybe worth thinking about.

E x


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Re: Falling apart at the seams - bowel issues
« Reply #2 on: April 26, 2024, 07:23:41 AM »

Hi, could write a book about guts and the bowel,all my adult life I've had issues. I think we become less tolerant of certain foods as we hit menopause,I was always told I'd IBS but it's a very general diagnosis, actually found out only a few years back I have a wheat intolerance,which I probably had many moons ago but was told it was IBS, I also have slow transit now,which gives you an urgency to rush to the loo,sometimes I JUST get there in time.
I eventually got an appointment via NHS for a food allergy test,all of which was ok but the dr told me to try an intolerance test,which I did and wheat and almonds were off the scale.
The tests are expensive but if you do do one,make sure it's a blood test one