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Author Topic: Feeling unwell and desperate  (Read 4453 times)


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Feeling unwell and desperate
« on: April 12, 2024, 10:59:49 AM »

Hi ladies it's my first time posting on here and I'm desperate for some advice as I'm being blindsided all the time by medical professionals unfortunately. I know they're all stressed after covid and overworked but this is becoming intolerable to live with. I'm 52 years old and not on HRT.

Last year I became unwell out of the blue with unusual and scary symptoms and I called NHS 111 who directed me to the UTC Dept at my local hospital. I was told it was my probably my weight/hormones and a sedentary lifestyle by a rude female doctor about the same size as me! I'm active and walk a lot so that really offended me. I'm not excessively overweight either. The symptoms were a red ankle, burning and pins and needles in my legs below the knee accompanied by feeling virusy and just overall really strange and unwell. It had never happened before I've always been pretty healthy and eat well, no frequent takeaways and rarely drink/don't smoke. I only had my BP taken and sent home and told to see my GP. A few days later I felt even worse with pins and needles in my face and again referred to UTC Dept. I was asked what I was doing there and I said NHS 111 sent me because they thought it may be a mini stroke. I felt like I was wasting their time! Again sent home no tests except BP taken. In that time I had blood tests at my GP which came back ok and was told by her "maybe it's a virus". I asked for a menopause test but was declined. My symptoms subsided after about a week but the legs took a bit longer to feel normal. I didn't go back because no one was taking me seriously.

Fast forward nearly a year later and I have been ill again every day with the same symptoms since 10th March so into my 5th week? The first week I felt aches/pains which subsided and the second week my legs started burning again, pins and needles, heavy and a feeling of a virus. This time it felt worse like I was being poisoned. My body just felt inflamed all day every day it's hard to describe. Also fatigued and slept a lot. Some days have been worse than others and I had blood tests and had an appointment a week later to discuss the results. My virusy symptoms subsided a bit and so did the legs but only slightly. Also the inflamed feeling. I asked for a menopause test again but refused and this time was told as it's been nearly 2 years since my period and I don't get night sweats and hot flushes all the time I've probably passed my menopause. This didn't sound right after what some friends are going through and everyone seems to be on HRT except me! I asked what it could be and said maybe a new virus but what virus affects the legs?! I mentioned long covid but this was dismissed and I left feeling no clearer on what is wrong. She said she wasn't worried as I was feeling a bit better but is referring me for a head scan. (I had covid in Feb and have read it can affect your organs and central nervous system). I forgot to mention I have permanent Tinnitus since it all started in March.

I came away feeling anxious and down not happy with being dismissed for help in case it's menopause related so called reception to see if they could advise me and they're referring me for an appointment at a Menopause Clinic but that's in 3 weeks. I don't know even know if it's the menopause.

The last couple of days I seem to have gone backwards again and feel virally with all the symptoms and have just had enough. My legs are burning and my body is tingling all over like it's still fighting something. I never wake up feeling good or my normal self so it's causing so much anxiety and have never been anxious before!

I did read a few posts on here where women have said they feel ill with menopause so I'm hoping it's just that. A friend who works in the medical field said to me it could be M.E. after having covid but I really need to get a second opinion as it's just getting me down not knowing. Someone must be able to give a diagnosis as I know not all conditions are detectable with blood tests. I will look into it next week but I just wanted to ask on here to see if anyone else can relate before I lose my mind!

Any advice would be gratefully appreciated thank you! 🙏


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Re: Feeling unwell and desperate
« Reply #1 on: April 12, 2024, 11:15:54 AM »

Of course it's getting you down!  The NHS really is on it's knees and if 'they' can send patients away with an 'excuse' rather than referring or doing appropriate tests, it seems that we are over all being fobebed off!

If U had your last period 2 years ago with no bleed since, U may well be into menopause = last monthly bleed.

The fluey symptoms with leg problems may well be due to a spinal issue, i.e. something 'trapped'. 

R U able to remember how you felt in February?  Could it be long-covid i.e. symptoms that continue after 3 months without getting worse or improving?  Tinnitus may be due to low oestrogen, a lot of us have it so mayB look for the 'tinnutes' threads.  Although annoying it isn't dangerous, mayB get an appt with an audiologist who can give your ears a thorough examination.  My 2 appts cost £70.00, check up followed 3 weeks later by syringing.

Have a lookC at the long Covid reports for better advice. 

Also check your over all diet: how much processed foods do you eat for example?  Good that your exercise is OK.  But your strange symptoms should not be dismissed!



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Re: Feeling unwell and desperate
« Reply #2 on: April 12, 2024, 06:23:58 PM »

I wonder if you come under the 'we don't know' category. On the face of it it does sound more like a virus/long covid type of problem rather than meno though if they can't come up with anything specific perhaps youbcould trial low dose hrtcand see if it makes any difference? I haven't heard of pins and needles being a meno symptom, it does sound more like a nerve/virus issue to me (but I'm not a doctor and could be totally wrong).


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Re: Feeling unwell and desperate
« Reply #3 on: April 12, 2024, 07:36:52 PM »

MayB get yourself to a Physiotherapist?  If your GP isn't listening then a physio. may be able to check your walking gait, your general stance, give advice on to exercises that may help.  Pins and needles = Carpal Tunnel = in pregnancy is certainly hormonally related and some do mention CT in peri menopause.

Posture as well as bad foot wear can certainly impact from head to foot and if a nerve is trapped or annoyed  then pins and needles may be troublesome. 

I believe that we can self refer to an NHS physiotherapist there days.  It may be worth while paying if necessary for peace of mind. 



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Re: Feeling unwell and desperate
« Reply #4 on: April 13, 2024, 07:13:45 AM »

Hi I had lots of random symptoms and I was very unwell. No one could work out what was wrong with me ! It all turned out to be due to menopause.

I had burning sensations in my forearms; electric shock sensations in my legs; tingling in my fingers; pins and needles; …. the list goes on and on.

Go onto Google and look up ‘ pins and needles and menopause.’ You’ll find out how oestrogen deficiency affects the nervous system.


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Re: Feeling unwell and desperate
« Reply #5 on: April 13, 2024, 09:20:41 AM »

Thank you ladies. I’m not sure how to reply individually if that’s possible. In reply to CLKD thanks for your advice and I will look into an audiologist and physiotherapist. The only thing is these nerve issues appeared only when I started feeling virusy and disappeared again last year when I had this for a couple of weeks. Yes the NHS are on their knees and I feel bad criticising them but I’ve hit rock bottom too and desperate for help. I rarely bother the GP’s as I’m usually healthy. I don’t feel it’s spinal issues because I don’t get back pains or twinges and I’m active all day, not just on walks with my collie so this is all new except for when it first appeared last year. Obviously my walks and activity levels are harder to maintain this time around feeling so bad with feeling virally and the added fatigue but I have a varied diet, some of it organic and wholegrain, no ready meals except maybe a takeaway twice yearly. Basically very little processed food really and I mostly cook from scratch. I literally woke up 10th March feeling a bit run down. I did a bit of research about long covid and according to WHO there have been 200 reported side effects and a lot of them are similar to what I have so I am going to get a second opinion, even 3rd if I have to. Feeling ill every day for 6/7 weeks on the trot is starting to make me feel panicky because I see no light at the end of the tunnel having no diagnosis or support from the GP’s. I started to feel a bit better a few days ago then went down. I’ve never had a “good”day and the tinnitus is permanently present.  A little is known about long covid but I will try and go private if I can sort some funds. I felt ill in Feb for 3 weeks but it didn’t affect my lungs thankfully. I tested negative but still felt virally for a bit longer and then mainly fatigue. Then I was fine for about a month. I thought long covid is just where it takes longer to recover but a friend of mine got covid, recovered and then fell ill again with covid weeks later. Some health websites are saying it can come back in waves but you still test negative. It could be menopausal and I really hope so but knowing my luck it’s long covid or something rare! It’s weird how my bloods came back ok except slight inflammation but if they tested me for meno maybe it would show really low levels of oestrogen or something. Other friends have been tested just seems to be me! It’s hard to describe but my body feels inflamed inside as well as burning legs and all the other symptoms. :'(

Dotty = I’m sorry to hear that you suffered badly too, if no one could work out what was wrong did you get tested privately for menopause in the end and how long were your symptoms for? Did you feel virally, and your body inflamed along with the pins and needles? I will read up on the effects on the nervous system thanks for the tip.

Sheila - thanks for your reply I feel it could be virusy too but this is a long slog, I asked the GP if it could be long covid but she just seemed to be dismissive and said something about since Covid 19 other viruses are surfacing or something along those lines. Now just waiting for a head scan referral letter. I have heard pins and needles being a meno issue but this is a whole range of symptoms lasting several weeks so we’ll see. Someone must have answers it just may take some time and I’m definitely going to ask to go on HRT even at a low dose. I can’t cope with this much longer I’ll try anything!

Thanks for your advice and support so far ladies it means a lot  :-*


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Re: Feeling unwell and desperate
« Reply #6 on: April 13, 2024, 09:55:07 AM »

Hi OohBetty72….i suffered for years and was very unwell . Doctors said i had ME / CFS….basically cos they didn’t know what was wrong with me. I just felt ill, very ill. I had loads of random symptoms but nobody joined them altogether. I tried everything and paid a lot of money out. In the end I diagnosed myself …. suddenly I realised what was wrong with me. But still the GPs refused to acknowledge that my symptoms were due to menopause. I was tested for everything under the sun ! I finally got on HRT and the dose they gave me did nothing. I paid to see a private specialist and he listened to my story and confirmed that my horrendous symptoms were due to menopause. He prescribed Oestrogel, Utrogestan and testosterone and slowly I began to get better. I won’t say it was a miracle cure but it gave me my life back. I’ve had problems along the way and I’m sure that I suffer from PTSD because of what I went through. xx


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Re: Feeling unwell and desperate
« Reply #7 on: April 13, 2024, 12:42:40 PM »

Hi OohBetty72

I'm post meno and also developed literally overnight random symptoms. I had no symptoms really in peri, my last period was about 2018. In 2020/2021 I started getting night sweats in which the sheet was soaked and occasional panic attacks but I could cope. Then in 2022 out of the blue I got tinnitus in one ear (which is now permanent) although thankfully, it comes and goes and I really don't notice it that much, then I got insomnia and chronic anxiety, and like Dotty, I really believe I have PTSD as a result of my symptoms.

I'm on hrt and as Dotty also said it isn't a miracle cure but it does help. My gp gave me amitryptline 10mg for nerve pain, it doesn't sedate me so I take it in the morning, however what I've found does help sometimes relax me in bed if I struggle for sleep, is Reakiro 25mg cbd gummies.

« Last Edit: April 13, 2024, 03:17:06 PM by discogirl »


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Re: Feeling unwell and desperate
« Reply #8 on: April 13, 2024, 01:06:59 PM »

Hi discogirl…. sending you a hug …. sometimes it helps to write down what’s happened, just like we just have done. xxx


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Re: Feeling unwell and desperate
« Reply #9 on: April 13, 2024, 03:16:10 PM »

It really does Dotty. Hope you're keeping ok. sending hugs back x


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Re: Feeling unwell and desperate
« Reply #10 on: April 14, 2024, 10:27:30 AM »

Sorry ladies I will reply in more detail later my son visited yesterday and today having issues with my phone charger! It's all so reassuring so sending thanks and hugs  :-* x


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Re: Feeling unwell and desperate
« Reply #11 on: April 14, 2024, 01:49:36 PM »

Hi again Dotty and Discogirl thanks both for your replies. As much as it sounds like it's been a horrendous journey for both of you it does give me some hope as it's been 5 weeks today since this nightmare started. Every day I wake up ill with all the same symptoms I mentioned before, the worst feeling I'm fighting a virus, hoping the next day I'll feel normal again but yesterday just had a complete meltdown for the first time. I'm strong but this has been beating me. Until I read your responses knowing it could be menopause related so your support is really appreciated thank you 🫶. It's exhausting being ill for so long and not knowing what's wrong as I'm sure you've both experienced. All I know is it "maybe a virus". I have never had a virus like this in my life! I really don't know why the GP's show little support for us women. Especially when the ones I've seen are female! It's enough to send you crazy. 🤪

My appointment to discuss the menopause is not until May but I'm going to push for a second opinion sooner for these symptoms just to make sure nothing has been missed. I may get an appointment with a private GP if I'm still getting nowhere. I can't cope mentally with this until May. I'm sorry it's caused you to both experience PTSD you've had to suffer so long without answers or support. (Thank god for this group!). I can see how that can happen but it shouldn't!

I think even if I was told it's ME/CFS/Meno or long covid at least I'd know there's light at the end of the tunnel even though I know all the above can be a battle for years. I had no idea menopause can make you feel this bad though, the doctor I saw seemed to suggest two symptoms being hot flushes and night sweats and because I wasn't having those regularly I'm over the meno! I do get both occasionally but just randomly. I'm probably post menopausal but women can have symptoms for years I've heard.

I've taken a note of what treatments you've both tried and will write them down for when I see the GP or a specialist.

Dotty - I'm not sure how long ago this was but may I ask who your private specialist was? Just in case they're within reasonable travelling distance to me and I'm getting no joy elsewhere. If not don't worry. Also you say you diagnosed yourself - were there any particular medical websites that were more helpful or do you mean from hearing other women's on menopause forums? I've found the NHS and other UK sites not very  informative when it comes to more rare menopause symptoms.

Thanks again ladies, sending hugs to you and everyone who has given advice and support so far 🤗 ❤️ xx


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Re: Feeling unwell and desperate
« Reply #12 on: April 14, 2024, 02:00:45 PM »

Could it be a b12 deficiency?


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Re: Feeling unwell and desperate
« Reply #13 on: April 14, 2024, 03:00:14 PM »

Thanks Applejack but the doctor said my B12 levels were fine but my Vitamin D levels are very slightly low but I can't see that making me feel this unwell. I'm going to start taking Centrum Multivitamins for 50+ women and see if they help. I've never been a vitamin taker before but at this point willing to try anything!


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Re: Feeling unwell and desperate
« Reply #14 on: April 14, 2024, 03:36:13 PM »

I have burning legs, pretty badly really, but that came ca 20 years of them swelling which started with peri...  It's vascular caused by swelling which is genetic.I now wear compression stockings (knee-high) everyday.. You could try if your legs swell..?

But if you are 52 and have strange symptoms you can't put your finger on, my bet is it's hormonal!

Is your mother alive so you could ask..?
« Last Edit: April 14, 2024, 04:24:57 PM by orrla »
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