Jules I also.try not to dwell on things when I feel so exhausted. So it really is as you show from your last few days, , a balance and no day, or hour is the same is it?
I try a bit of exertion, then rest, then more of the same. When I went out for a few hours last week it took me 2 or 3 days to recover so I know I did far too much. So back to the little bit at a time. I had been avoiding regular exercise, as I knew when I did essential walks, like to the local shop, I was shattered. But I have just begun a little bit of light yoga again,and some stretching exercises, just a few minutes each time and then have to really say to myself STOP. Because you feel ok, so do more, and then if course you are not ok.... Learning and listening to my body.
So I am hoping for just a little slow walk tomorrow. I kind of say to myself try one ' big ' thing each day, be it a walk or extra house work, and then anything t on top of that is a bonus. And keep reminding myself not to compare to how I was or how I would like to be, because this is me right now,can't afford to waste energy on what ifs.
I do love postmenos quite about holding your bird lightly.
Take care