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Author Topic: Stomach / GERD / heartburn - whatever it is. Help!  (Read 60748 times)


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Re: Stomach / GERD / heartburn - whatever it is. Help!
« Reply #45 on: October 31, 2023, 05:22:50 PM »

It's difficult to weigh up all of the risks versus benefits isn't it. I'm on 20 mg but would like to drop down to 10mg. If I don't take it I risk oesophageal cancer and if I do I risk stomach cancer etc.

I found milk always set mine off together with anything fried, onions and tomatoes white bread and cakes. Fizzy drinks are a no no and, of course, chocolate  :(
Taz x


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Re: Stomach / GERD / heartburn - whatever it is. Help!
« Reply #46 on: October 31, 2023, 06:07:58 PM »

Clkd my gastro said rebound lasts for 2 weeks when stopping ppi. Might be worth seeing where u are at after two weeks  :)


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Re: Stomach / GERD / heartburn - whatever it is. Help!
« Reply #47 on: December 08, 2023, 08:13:39 AM »

I have also tried to find the reason for my acid reflux/heartburn. I was diagnosed with IBS years ago but always had bouts of acid reflux since I was young. In recent years the feeling is mostly in the middle bottom of my ribs and even painful to touch when pressing against. I stopped eating chocolate, eating out, drinking alcohol, and i have been vegetarian most of my life. The hardest is coffee, now i can't even drink decaf as it makes it worse. I am also on continuous HRT, I tried vaginal Utrogestan but that caused bleeding and I read that sometimes it doesn't make difference regarding acid reflux.

I have been reading about possibly having low acid, tried using apple cider vinegar but it hasn't solved anything. One thing that helped for a while was Silicea gel. It really solved the problem but just for a while and it didn't make a big difference when I tried it second time. I  would recommend it though.

After all of this, I have been on esomeprasole and then omeprazole for 5 weeks now. It has made it better but the pain is still here and occasional heartburn feeling. I have been referred for a blood test and a scan.

It is just so difficult to understand why this is happening when I have been so careful. It is so interesting to read this thread and I will try also some of the diets mentioned. I must admit that the Fodmap diet really helped me when I suffered from IBS, it is very restrictive and difficult when you prepare food for the family but maybe that's the way to go.


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Re: Stomach / GERD / heartburn - whatever it is. Help!
« Reply #48 on: December 08, 2023, 08:59:07 AM »

Stella - I totally understand your situation.

I've done lots of trials this year with my hormones. I can categorically say my stomach issue flares (badly) when I introduce a hormonal change. Then I'm stuck with it for ages. Food has absolutely nothing to do with mine.

I've had to stop all hormonal support to eradicate my latest flare. Now I'm approaching any hormonal changes very very slowly. Which obviously makes the hormonal side of life very difficult.

For me, I cannot take utrogestan at all. It is too big a dose, too hard a hit. Triggers my stomach massively, and it won't calm until I remove all added P.  I'm under a bhrt clinic, so have dose choices.

It's an awful position to be in. Xx



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Re: Stomach / GERD / heartburn - whatever it is. Help!
« Reply #49 on: December 08, 2023, 11:21:52 AM »

I'm sorry it has been so hard for you, hope the dosage will be adjusted for you with bioidentical hormones. It's awful to have to stop with everything, hope you will be ok on your new prescription. Maybe that will be the way forward for me too, just can't face constant hot flushes again xx


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Re: Stomach / GERD / heartburn - whatever it is. Help!
« Reply #50 on: January 11, 2024, 10:05:08 PM »

If the lower sphincter was relaxed - would this show on endoscopy? Anyone know?

No you won't be able to tell from endoscopy. To check the sphincter you will need an esophageal manometry test.

I have similar feelings to you and was diagnosed with gastritis and hiatus hernia which had caused ulcerated oesophagus. I'm on omeprazole but when the hollow feeling develops my consultant has given permission to change to esomeprazole for one month which sorts it. I don't like being on a PPI but the ulcerated oesophagus was very painful ( and could lead to cancer) and I also hate the hollow feeling which is  just like hunger pangs. Mine was always worse during the progesterone phase but I'm oestrogen only hrt now due to having had a hysterectomy so things are easier. One thing, though, is that gastritis and the hollow feeling is often linked to stomach ulcers. Have you had any investigations?

Taz x

I get that hunger feeling. My GP tells me its usually caused by irritation to the stomach lining. He and the gastric man tell me to double up omeprazole for a shirt time. Funnily it's worse with stress. I had it a lot waiting for my endoscopy but not had it in the 2 months since. I'm on 20mg omeprazole a day for Barratts. You've reminded me to contact the gastric consultant about the cancer link.


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Re: Stomach / GERD / heartburn - whatever it is. Help!
« Reply #51 on: April 20, 2024, 06:48:51 AM »

Just wondering if anyone else has tried testosterone for reflux. I have been taking it for a month and it seems to have cured mine. I think mine was caused by hrt. Oestrogen relaxes the lower oesophagual splincter and testosterone improves muscle tone. Just posting in case this helps anyone else.
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