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Author Topic: Please help. New shaped oestrogel bottle. Is it possible to get a faulty batch?  (Read 41189 times)


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Another one here. Something stopped working and then I found this thread and thought Bingo! I asked to change to Sandrena and today is my first day. Was on 2-3 pumps of oestrogel and will start with 1.5mg of Sandrena and see how I get on.

I have also started taking a DIM supplement at the same time. Since starting oestrogen I have put on puffy weight, about 6kg, that I cannot shift. I tried cutting carbs/keto and removing all sugars and exercising much more but not even a lb dropped since the new year. Anyhow, that is for a different thread but it is wonderful to see that many have found Sandrena to be consistent and in some cases better. Fingers crossed.


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Hi Blythe,

We're all individuals but I'll tell you what worked for me in terms of Sandrena.

I was on 3 pumps of old Oestrogel, 6 pumps of new oestrogel...

I am now settled on 2mg of Sandrena split into 2 doses. So it's possible 1.5mg might be too much in one hit? Just see how you go.

In terms of weight loss, testosterone really helped. More energy and more strength (as well as lots of other benefits) don't know if its something you're interested in but I thought it was worth a mention.

Good luck x


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… definitely all individual 👍

I was on 4 pumps of the old Oestrogel which worked fine and have now transitioned to 2x 1mg Sandrena per day - I take them both at the same time in the morning (one on each thigh), seems to be ok for me.

(I have noticed 3 small blotches appear in a row on my right thigh when rubbing it in for a few seconds, heard this possibly meant it absorbs it better! I also appreciate advice earlier in this thread about using tips of fingers to rub in and not whole hand - has improved for me)

As an update on this thread in general - Besins got in contact after receiving the “faulty” bottles back via the pharmacy and had now asked permission to contact my GP as part of their ongoing investigations - wonder what happens then…
« Last Edit: April 10, 2024, 07:22:15 PM by Tynkabelle »


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Hi Blythe,

We're all individuals but I'll tell you what worked for me in terms of Sandrena.

I was on 3 pumps of old Oestrogel, 6 pumps of new oestrogel...

I am now settled on 2mg of Sandrena split into 2 doses. So it's possible 1.5mg might be too much in one hit? Just see how you go.

In terms of weight loss, testosterone really helped. More energy and more strength (as well as lots of other benefits) don't know if its something you're interested in but I thought it was worth a mention.

Good luck x

I am keeping everything crossed I will shortly have a testosterone prescription. I was referred to NHS menopause clinic and the specialist prescribed it but my authority needs bloody tests in order to ok that prescription. My bloods showed testosterone levels within normal range but I know it is an issue. I have a lack of interest in most things and no get up and go and I really need to have that back. Really hoping they will still prescribe despite bloody results but they have such a backlog so it could be weeks.

Turkish delight

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I'm here suffering the same as you all, at least we're not alone but I wouldn't wish all these Oestrogel problems on my worst enemy, If I had one...hehe!

I've had 3 bouts of plummeting estrogen after new round bottles. I blamed one on myself, because of using fake tan thought I wasn't absorbing...not so sure it was that now.

My blinking pharmacy keeps giving me the round bottles, they just keep on coming. Are we saying they are useless? Or half as good so use pretty much double?

Are any big wigs on to this with Basins or whatever the big cheese company is calling itself? They should rename themselves as NOestrogel(left so we're giving you hair gel instead in some old faulty doggy bottles, and hoping you don't notice your life has turned into utter shite for the past 2 years, that's alright ain't it!!)

I'm angry, I think it's a side effect of too much hair gel...haha!




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And another very dissatisfied oestrogel user!!!! Have been using and very settled for yonks on Oestrogel.  Didn’t connect the dots with the new shaped canisters until a couple of weeks ago after I was on my 2nd new bottle …. Palpitations and anxiety back, poor sleep, acid reflux (probably because of the anxiety), dry eyes, skin etc etc….. changed to Sandrena a week ago and beginning to settle.  Filled out yellow card but I’m surprised that only two batches have been recalled by Besins, probably more will be but expect they don’t want a riot on their hands ….. shameful, their profits were good last year, but I reckon greed is at the forefront of this …. hope everyone who is experiencing problems too is getting sorted xx


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Morning ladies

Just catching up on this thread!  Sorry but also glad more ladies have found their way here and have worked out something is amiss.  Besins have contacted me again wanting to contact my doctor, which I'm about to approve them doing, along with sending them a slew of blood test results.

Meanwhile I've been piling in the haem iron I import from America (this being meno lark isn't cheap!) so think my iron is back where it needs to be.  Cycle seems to have settled back to 28 days (after upping my dose from 5 pumps to 7 pumps and ill fated second attempt at Sandrena) - haven't blood tested again, as have had no idea what day of my cycle I've been on for a while after to whopping unscheduled bleeds (one trying sandrena, and one upping oestrogel dose) although I've been feeling odd for weeks now, and really really feeling the utrogestan, which I'm guessing is my E vs P ratio being out of whack.

Anyway, today is day 1 so as instructed I've snipped the corner off my 100 estradot to start on 75, changing every 72 hours, with a view to settling on 100 eventually.  I feel a bit jittery, but then I often feel jittery around my bleed as I have histamine intolerance, and I'm guessing I've now got some absorbable E on board, we will see.  Just praying I don't get the sandrena like jitters! 

I felt so well on oestrogel, I'm really bloody angry about all this, I can't afford all this instability (I know I'm not alone here) - what do they imagine mid life women do all day, knit?  Arrange flowers?  80% of the most powerful women in the world are aged over 50, can you imagine men in the same situation putting up with this nonsense??? I can't afford to be off my game, same as the rest of us, but it is what it is so I'm going to have to find my way through it.

Will keep you posted, and now I know today is day 1, will book a test.



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Hello all

Update number 2, well I got the Sandrena like jitters on Estradot, really chemically revved up feeling, so took patch off and it subsided within an hour or so, so I'm now on day 3 of 75 Evorel and so far so normal!  My sleep is LOADS better according to my fitbit and I look so much better, my skin is all glowing and bouncy already, so it's defo doing something.  Feel a bit tired and scatterd, which I assume is just shift in hormones, and not enjoying the nice dark fluff that's attached itself to the edges of the stupidly big patch on my behind, but in the grand scheme, not complaining!

Too soon to say, but so far so hopeful, blood tests booked for a couple of weeks hence (and now I know my day 1 I'll start testing during bleed moving forwards).



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Getting stuff somewhere optimal seems bloody hit and miss sometimes.

I'm now on 10 pumps TEN PUMPS of this Oestrogel. 5 pumps AM and 5 pumps PM. I am managing to get 4 pumps on a thigh, rotating around it - and then 1 pump on a butt cheek. I don't really want to put it on my arms as I don't want to contaminate veins or boobs.

I am doing better than I've done in ages, well, since starting HRT and all this began really. I still have the occasional bad night here and there but overall I am getting much better sleep. I might need to go higher and not sure what happens then  ;D ;D ;D I go through a bottle of gel in under a week.....

Turkish delight

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Hey Joziel,

So glad you finally feel some stability and are doing better. If it takes 10 then it takes 10, we are all unique.

The top outer arms and shoulders are ok for putting gel on, don't see any issues and I absorbed best there.
The bottle instructions mentions putting it there and down to the wrist if needed.

I have switched to butt as I want to put fake tan on my arms this summer,
if in fact, the big shiny thing in the sky makes an appearance this all, still waiting!

I will say my switch up from 6 to 7 pumps has only been a week but I am feeling the benefits already. Better sleep, heaches have left so far....and less of a cotton mouth dry mouth feeling.

« Last Edit: April 26, 2024, 03:42:37 PM by Turkish delight »


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I’m struggling too with the new Oestrogel.Old bottle was on 4 and half pumps.Now 6 pumps and still dry eyes and low moods.I went to my GP and apparently a lot of women have complained about the new bottles!Problem is I don’t absorb patches,in fact I don’t absorb very well below the waist.Its always the outer arms.Im so upset its changed.I was doing so well on the old bottles


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Hello all

Update number 2, well I got the Sandrena like jitters on Estradot, really chemically revved up feeling, so took patch off and it subsided within an hour or so, so I'm now on day 3 of 75 Evorel and so far so normal!  My sleep is LOADS better according to my fitbit and I look so much better, my skin is all glowing and bouncy already, so it's defo doing something.  Feel a bit tired and scatterd, which I assume is just shift in hormones, and not enjoying the nice dark fluff that's attached itself to the edges of the stupidly big patch on my behind, but in the grand scheme, not complaining!

Too soon to say, but so far so hopeful, blood tests booked for a couple of weeks hence (and now I know my day 1 I'll start testing during bleed moving forwards).


Hi Reb,

I know it's early days, but I am so glad to hear you're having some success with Evorel. I feel so bad that I recommended Sandrena. All my friends who ditched Oestrogel are very happy on Sandrena apart from one (who got terrible migraines on it) and she is very happy with Evorel. Please let us know how you get on. And I'm guessing if I ever get fed up with sticky Sandrena, I might well suit Estrodot if it gives similar results.

Take care xx

Turkish delight

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I just went to my Pharmacy armed with both style bottles and asked if they could Please just provide the old-style bottle.

He said he would try which tbh was more than I had expected.

My prescription was already waiting for me which was super fast as it only just got signed off by GP and I was trying
to get this request in before they filled the script. Anyhow, lucky me bcz I got 4 old-style bottles by chance this time.

He also then handed me a flyer printed by Basins with photos of the 2 different bottles on it and it said something to the tune of.....

Hey nothing to see here, both bottles are the same contents so don't worry your little heads, just use it dosing as before and as though it works the same.

They really do think we are the idiots, it's not them it's us!



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Thought I would just add a comment in case it helps anyone thinking of switching to Sandrena. My advice is slow and steady wins the race. I switched from four pumps of oestrogel ( old style) about a month ago. I started with 1mg of Sandrena then went to 1.5 and then seem settled on two. I take 1.5 in the morning and 0.5mg in the evening. It was a bit bumpy to start, a few hot sweats in the night, feeling a bit jittery etc but I think whenever you swap it's to be expected while the body gets used to it. Anyway fingers crossed it's going to work for me. x


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I just went to my Pharmacy armed with both style bottles and asked if they could Please just provide the old-style bottle.

He said he would try which tbh was more than I had expected.

My prescription was already waiting for me which was super fast as it only just got signed off by GP and I was trying
to get this request in before they filled the script. Anyhow, lucky me bcz I got 4 old-style bottles by chance this time.

He also then handed me a flyer printed by Basins with photos of the 2 different bottles on it and it said something to the tune of.....

Hey nothing to see here, both bottles are the same contents so don't worry your little heads, just use it dosing as before and as though it works the same.

They really do think we are the idiots, it's not them it's us!



I will be very interested to hear if you find these new old-style bottles better. It's not Oestrodose is it, with Oestrogel labels put on over the top?  I wonder if they have come from the same factory as the cylindrical ones and they are still using the new formula of gel but in the previous style of bottles. They might dispense the gel correctly but most of us on here think the gel itself is different. It would be wonderful if the old stuff was still being produced but I am not hopeful.
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