Hi NannyOgg
My understanding from what I've read is that it varies greatly from woman to woman how long menopausal symptoms go on and that what HRT does is to mask the natural symptoms of menopause caused by the hormonal changes whilst your actual menopause process carries on in the background for however long that takes. My understanding is that all the while you take sequi HRT you will have 'forced' periods, not related to the natural menopause going on in the background and will only know if your natural periods have stopped forever if you come off it long enough to find out.
So in my case, what I'm thinking is I'll give it a couple of years and then come off and see how I am. If the symptoms are still there I will go back on it. Some ladies on here have been on HRT for 10 years or more. I imagine at some stage the GP will want to review things anyway but at the moment mine is saying I can stay on it as long as I want. I never want to go back to how I was feeling at the start of this year so I am in no hurry to come off!
My GP has said that once a full year has passed since my last natural period I can switch to conti HRT and not have 'forced' periods. I'll look into the pros and cons of that when I reach that stage in August.
With HRT it seems to be trial and error and waiting long enough to see what happens when you try something new. There also seems to be many diffferent combinations of types of HRT to try which compliicates things even more. The good news is there are some ladies on this forum who really seem to know their stuff and so if you do decide to try HRT and then find your regime needs tweaking down the line, they can give you detailed advice about what to try based on your specific circumstances. I've also found keeping a symptom diary invaluable for helping me keep track of changes, positives, negatives etc.
Bottom line from me is HRT has worked a miracle. I didn't want to go on it - resisted for quite a while, (tried menopace, cutting out caffeine, all sorts of things and nothing helped) and I don't like the idea of being on it for decades but stacked against those emotional symptoms before I started taking it, well give me HRT and quality of life any day :-D xxx