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Author Topic: Thyroid issues & support  (Read 27438 times)


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Thyroid issues & support
« on: November 30, 2022, 02:34:41 PM »

As thyroid concerns quite often arise on MM, threads on other topics sometimes get derailed when a thyroid matter comes up that needs in depth discussion &/or repeated posts to deal with.  For those who are understandably only interested in the original topic I imagine it can get frustrating when their thread gets cluttered with often lengthy posts that don't address the issue they raised.  Perhaps also guilt-inducing/inhibiting for those whose thyroid concerns have come to the fore & taken the thread off piste!  Sometimes this means the thyroid related discussion is continued via PM, but what's then discussed privately & potentially of interest to other members who could have valuable contributions to make, doesn't get aired.

So I wondered whether a dedicated thyroid thread might be helpful?  We do have many threads with thyroid in the title, I know, including a fairly recent one on interpreting thyroid test results, but the focus of that is narrower than I have in mind here.  Is there support for a general thyroid thread here, on which members can post all manner of thyroid concerns?  My thinking is PM will still be invaluable for anyone who understandably doesn't want to post their medical history, tests results etc publicly.
« Last Edit: November 30, 2022, 03:12:29 PM by Wrensong »


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Re: Thyroid issues & support
« Reply #1 on: November 30, 2022, 02:52:41 PM »

Hi Wrensong

I think that’s a great idea!

By thread, do you mean it’s own category like Post Menopause etc?

M x


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Re: Thyroid issues & support
« Reply #2 on: November 30, 2022, 03:03:36 PM »

Hi Marchlove, I was just thinking a potentially long-running thread, like the anxiety support thread or the poo thread, both of which members seemed to find helpful to go back to again & again.  Would that work do you think?  But open to whatever everyone thinks would work best, assuming that's OK with Admin.
« Last Edit: November 30, 2022, 03:09:29 PM by Wrensong »


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Re: Thyroid issues & support
« Reply #3 on: November 30, 2022, 03:53:49 PM »

Probably a long running thread as you’ve suggested would be best.

Then everything will be in one place.


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Re: Thyroid issues & support
« Reply #4 on: November 30, 2022, 04:26:38 PM »


I don't know which format would work the best because I'm only new here, but meno + thyroid issues are so interconnected that a specific thread for this would be great. Thanks so much.


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Re: Thyroid issues & support
« Reply #5 on: November 30, 2022, 05:09:57 PM »

Great idea, I'm sure many people will find it useful, I'm sure I will. I have Hashimoto's though not at a level that needs treating yet. If you think posting personal info on a public forum will put people off you could consider posting it in Private Lives.


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Re: Thyroid issues & support
« Reply #6 on: November 30, 2022, 07:16:59 PM »

I just thought if something thyroid comes up on an unrelated thread that needs addressing, rather than carry on taking that thread off topic it would give us somewhere to suggest we continue.  Also I think sometimes it can be a bit daunting for newbies to start their own thread & it's not obvious how to do it, so again a thread like this would give them somewhere to post thyroid related stuff where it's more likely to get answered by other thyroid members.  Good point about the Private Lives section.


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Re: Thyroid issues & support
« Reply #7 on: December 02, 2022, 03:19:14 PM »

Hi everyone, I'm a newbie here and was recommended to ask my question here as well as in the Newbie thread. There's a lot of background info here, my main question is at the bottom if you don't want or have time to read it all.

Quick Background - diagnosed hypothyroid (NOS) in Feb 2003 after the birth of my daughter and having been investigated for subclinical for a few years prior to that). All good on levothyroxine (T4) until Jan 2012 when I had an accident and was consequently diagnosed with fibromyalgia. Ended up bed and wheelchair bound for about 5 years during which I did a lot of research (when my brain allowed) and discovered that my fT3 levels were consistently lower than normal range and suspected poor T4>T3 converter so was given a trial of liothyronine (T3) on top of my T4 and it took a while to find the right levels but it changed my life completely. I was functional again and even managed to start strength training at the gym 3 times a week (which further helped with my pain levels).   

In August 2020 (height of lockdowns) my GP (who has been very supportive) prescribed Evorel Sequi for my suspected menopausal symptoms - irregular periods, night sweats, unrefreshing sleep, mood swings, fatigue and brain fog. I seemed to getting on ok with it, most of my symptoms lessened/resolved although I have had non pitting oedema in my hands/ankles along with a puffy face from time to time. By June of this year, my hypothyroid symptoms had returned (having very gradually got worse for at least 18 months looking back now) - fatigue, increased pain, puffy face, brain fog, hair loss and loss of the outer third of my eyebrows. Problem being the cross over in my hypothyroid and menopausal symptoms so hard to tell what is causing which symptoms at times. My thyroid tests showed I was undermedicated - TSH 4.76 (0.27-4.20), FT4 9.1 (10-22), FT3 2.9 (3.1-6.8) despite being told that the transdermal HRT shouldn't affect my thyroid function. I increased my T4 and my latest results are now looking better although still not optimal with my T4 20% through the range and T3 54% through the range. I tend to feel best when my T3 is in the top third and T4 about 50% through the range. I'm making minor tweaks in my T4 doses to try to get there but I understand that things may have changed with regards to where I feel best now that my sex hormones are changing.

However, now that my thyroid levels are much better, I seem to be having major issues with the HRT. I had bloods done privately in August through Medichecks and discovered that my oestradiol was very high. I know that blood tests for oestradiol are not very useful as the levels can fluctuate wildly during perimenopause, but it did make me wonder if my initial symptoms were due to my thyroid levels being off so I decide to remove the patch to see how I felt without it.
Blood test 24th Aug
LH 17.5IU/L
Oestradiol 1,139pmol/L
I was ok for about 3/4 weeks and then the initial symptoms started again. Restarted the patches and started to feel better again within a couple of weeks but started to get mild oedema in my ankles/legs again. At my annual review in October, my GP changed me from the cyclical patches to continuous combination patches (Evorel 50 Conti) and that's when things started to go really awry. Symptoms as follows:
Difficulty passing urine at times along with bladder and vulval pain (using tampons can be torturous)
Non-pitting oedema ankles/legs
Puffy face
5kg weight gain
Increased allergy symptoms
Lack of appetite
Non existent libido
Low mood
Lack of concentration/memory
Increased generalised pain
Non restorative sleep
Return of occasional Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo

When I was getting my thyroid levels checked I thought it might be a good idea to have my my sex hormones rechecked while I was at it. There are 2 sets of results (2nd and 10th November) because of an issue getting some of the results, at which point I was in the luteal phase of my cycle (period started on 13th Nov). Both tests show high prolactin. 1st test shows high LH and FSH. 2nd test shows high oestradiol and testosterone. I'm led to believe that oestradiol meds and being hypothyroid can cause high prolactin - I don't think it's high enough to be pituitary tumour but need to talk to the GP about it next week.

Blood test Nov 2nd

Albumin 36g/L (35 - 50)
SHBG 111nmol/L (27.1 - 128)
FSH 19.2IU/L (1.7-7.7)
LH 29.9IU/L (1.0-11.4)
Oestradiol 1,051pmol/L (82 - 1251)
Testosterone 0.97nmol/L (0.29 - 1.67)
FAI 0.9% (0.2 - 7.1)
Prolactin 1,370mIU/L (102 - 496)

Results 10/11/22

Albumin 38g/L (35 - 50)
SHBG 114nmol/L (27.1 - 128)
FSH ***
LH ***
Oestradiol 1,660pmol/L (82 - 1251)
Testosterone 2.23nmol/L (0.29 - 1.67)
FAI 2% (0.2 - 7.1)
Prolactin 858mIU/L (102 - 496)

The symptoms have got so bad I've had to stop using the patches (now day 6 and symptoms have improved a bit but still there to varying degrees). I know chopping and changing so much won't be helping but I just want to try get some sort of hormonal balance. I believe that it's the progestin in the patches that I'm reacting badly to as the symptoms were less severe, coming and going when I was using it cyclically. I think I'd like to try body identical progesterone as well as oestradiol. Not sure of I'd be better using it cyclically or continuously. I've had a look and it would seem that my options are Utrogestan oral tablets (the vaginal capsules seem to be for fertility issues??) and Bijuve combination oral tablet but I have just done an IgG food intolerance test that shows I have issues with peanuts and soy (along with cows milk, whey and egg!) and am considering cutting them out my diet for a few months to see if my symptoms improve but there is a warning on the Utrogestan capsules saying they contain soya lecithin. Soy products can also cause issues for hypothyroidism. I was wondering if I was also perhaps showing signs of oestrogen dominance and the Bijuve contains 1mg oestradiol (double that of the Evorel 50) along with 100mg progesterone. I feel as if I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place. Having taken so long to get my hormones balanced enough to feel well, perimenopause has thrown everything into turmoil again.

Has anyone here with hypothyroidism and/or food sensitivities had success with the utrogestan capsules? And other body identical oestradiol products?


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Re: Thyroid issues & support
« Reply #8 on: December 02, 2022, 07:38:43 PM »

Hello fabjellybean  :welcomemm:  It's good to have you with us but I'm sorry you've been having a difficult time of it.  Thank you for supplying the detail as it helps us to get a better idea of what might be going on.  That said, there is a lot to get to grips with  :o, so first I'll try to answer your bottom line question about Utrogestan & body identical oestrogen as that's more straightforward.  I'm also hypothyroid - nearly 30 years on replacement, currently T4 & T3, because of a conversion defect.  Also on HRT for a few years, but postmenopause & still working on balancing the two.

I really struggle with progesterone in all its forms, but for me Utrogestan is the worst, I sense because it's too strong for me.  That doesn't mean it won't suit you & many women on here get on well with it.  Some use Utrogestan vaginally to minimise side effects but I can't answer your soy allergy question I'm afraid.  There are also Cyclogest pessaries but I'm not sure how easily available these are, or of their ingredients other than progesterone.  I think one member has had them prescribed recently, but privately.  You could google them to see what exipients they contain.

The progestogen in Evorel Sequi & Conti, Norethisterone, is one of the more androgenic (testosterone derived) forms & many women find they don't feel good on this.  I used Evorel Conti for a couple of years as my first HRT postmenopause & was OK on it in terms of side effects, but didn't get good absorption & consequently poor symptom relief.

As for the oestradiol products, I find I get on best with the gradual release of patches, rather than once a day application methods like Oestrogel/Sandrena & Lenzetto (spray) which can give rise to peaks & troughs in levels.  We are all different in our responses, though my feeling is that hypothyroid women need as much stability as we can get in terms of other interacting meds.  I also find cyclical HRT harder to combine with thyroid replacement, for the same reason, but you may have no say in that until you are postmenopause.

The fatigue, oedema, hair loss inc outer third of eyebrows, are classic for low thyroid as you know.  Brain fog too, though of course this is also a meno symptom & I can't think there can be a more confusing combination than having a thyroid condition during menopause.  So yes, your being undermedicated on thyroid replacement at that time could explain all those symptoms.  To complicate matters I find oestrogen causes me to retain fluid, but progesterone is highly diuretic for me, again possibly because of their different effects on thyroid status, oestrogen effectively lowering active thyroid hormone & progesterone thought to boost it.  So times of high oestrogen may explain the intermittent oedema.

Unfortunately even transdermal oestrogen seems to mess with thyroid levels for those of us on both T4 & T3 - we have a few members here who have experienced that, including me & my bloods demonstrate it, not just symptoms.  You'll know that oestradiol causes an increase in TBG as the possible mechanism behind this situation.  Though most of the scientific literature states that only oral oestrogen has this effect, it seems likely that not enough research into the complex interactions between sex hormones & thyroid status has been conducted.

The constipation, weight gain & low mood that you experienced more recently also point to low thyroid, though again all can come with menopause too. 

I was found on pelvic scan to have urinary retention (as opposed to generalised fluid retention) in early peri while off T3, that resolved on restarting it, so your difficulty passing urine may be another feature of low thyroid.  It can also sometimes be a consequence of constipation (hypothyroid-related or not), due to the resultant bloating affecting the mechanics of emptying the bladder.  So it may help to do all you can to optimise bowel function.  Unfortunately both progesterone & it's more recently been recognised - oestrogen, can slow bowel function.

The bladder & vulva pain & difficulty with tampons are suggestive of the dryness & inflammation of GSM that happens to so many of us as sex hormone levels decline, but perhaps also an indication of infection.  A UTI could also cause urinary retention, so I'd speak to your GP about both bladder & vaginal symptoms if you haven't already & before you consider using progesterone vaginally.  Many of us find we need both topical (vaginal) & systemic oestrogen, so I would also ask about Vagifem (tiny pessaries) or Ovestin (cream) for internal use & the weaker Estriol cream (0.01%) for external application if you opt for Vagifem internally.  Sorry if I've missed mention of this in your post - I keep rereading but get sidetracked tackling something else!

Yes, I had high prolactin levels long before peri, though no one linked it with being hypothyroid at the time.  I believe you are right that the two can go hand in hand.  Don't quote me on that though - long time since I looked into it.   I would definitely still ask your GP about it as your level is really quite high, as you say.

Low libido can be helped by getting the right balance of oestrogen & testosterone, but again this can be more complicated for hypothyroid women because of the influence of SHBG.  It's also not surprising your libido should be low with all you are coping with in terms of other symptoms.

It's a long time since I was in peri & I'm hoping one of the members who's more up to speed about that stage will be along to advise on how best you can manage your HRT needs accordingly, but we are usually advised to use cyclical regimens until postmenopause. 

High oestrogen will almost certainly not be helping your thyroid situation & I found the erratic fluctuations of peri to be really very difficult with the thyroid complication, so you have my sympathy.

I'm sorry this doesn't answer all you need to know, but one of the great things about the forum is that someone else will almost certainly come along to help out with the bits I haven't addressed.  And perhaps with differing views on the bits I've tried to!

Meanwhile  :hug: for all you are coping with.
« Last Edit: December 02, 2022, 10:34:38 PM by Wrensong »


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Re: Thyroid issues & support
« Reply #9 on: December 03, 2022, 07:50:55 AM »

Hi again fabjellybean, a couple more thoughts. 
the Bijuve contains 1mg oestradiol (double that of the Evorel 50)
  The chart in the attached BMS link shows the equivalent HRT doses for oral & transdermal products.  As you'll see 1mg oral oestradiol is considered a lower dose than that given by a 50mcg patch, but it will vary according to how well you absorb from the various products.

I would think it's possible that the often stated increase in TBG caused by oral oestrogen could have a greater effect on your thyroid status than oestrogen from transdermal methods, but as I mentioned earlier, from what's been reported by hypothyroid members on here, this relationship seems to be less typical in women on both T4 & T3 like you & I.

I'm not sure why your testosterone is raised, though hypothyroidism is said to cause this in some women (postmenopause), being hypothyroid can also lead to low T levels.  I don't know how high it would need to be before PCOS might be considered.  It's a condition I know very little about & I can't find anything very useful on it this morning.  Maybe talk to your GP to see what she thinks about your raised testosterone level.

As your endocrine situation is quite complex I wonder whether a menopause clinic or endocrinology referral might be helpful if you & your GP feel this could be worthwhile.
« Last Edit: December 03, 2022, 08:20:52 AM by Wrensong »


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Re: Thyroid issues & support
« Reply #10 on: December 03, 2022, 08:41:47 AM »

Hi Wrensong,
Thanks for your reply on a different thread. I’m not sure how to PM you. So thought I would just reply here. I appreciate the information and like the idea of this thread. Thanks to everyone who is so knowledgeable - am learning a lot. And I love how none of you are negative or have scary responses like on some Facebook groups - which I have now unfollowed as they are just too scary and too unhelpful.


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Re: Thyroid issues & support
« Reply #11 on: December 03, 2022, 10:46:24 AM »

Hi dibradley.  I think you'd have needed to reach 10 posts before you could send a PM but now you have reached that number so hopefully if you want to use that facility in future you will now be able to.  You can click on the blue "my messages" tab, then "messages" & select "new message", entering the member's name in the "to" box, then typing your message in the text box as you would a post.  Sorry - not being in messages option at the mo there are probably stages I'm missing out, but don't worry about remembering how now, you can ask anyone on the forum if/when you want to send a PM & they'll tell you how.  I also only use the forum on my laptop so not familiar with any differences that may apply using it on a phone.

We all know how unnerving & frightening a time menopause can be, so we try to give reassurance, support & strike the right balance in exchanging accurate info & personal experience with as little ambiguity as possible, in the hope this will help empower others, while avoiding causing unnecessary worry.  Nothing that is passed on here can be a substitute for expert medical help, but sometimes a snippet from those who are living with menopause can shed a little additional light that helps someone progress.  Please never be afraid to ask about anything, we are all learning from each other, there is a wealth of experience & wisdom here & nothing is too trivial, nothing taboo.

I don't do FB, but sounds as though you are better off avoiding any groups that are not what you need right now.  Keep posting as you are far from alone with it all & there is always someone here to hold out a hand.
« Last Edit: December 03, 2022, 10:49:27 AM by Wrensong »


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Re: Thyroid issues & support
« Reply #12 on: December 03, 2022, 03:19:41 PM »

Thank you so much @Wrensong for your help with such comprehensive information. Having finally got to grips with my complex thyroid situation (there's now not much I don't know about it), I've been completely thrown by perimenopause. I've been finding it really difficult to find good, reliable information about complex cases, so greatly appreciate your knowledge and expertise as well you taking the time to share it with me. I'm delighted to have found you. My GP is very supportive and I'll speak to her next week about everything that's been going on. I didn't mention the mild, intermittent side-effects at the review and am now wishing I had. Finally after 6 days without a patch, my oedema went down and the crippling anxiety I was feeling has gone (those were my most unbearable symptoms). I put half an Evorel 50 patch back on last night to see how I get on with a lower dose of just the oestradiol so I can report that back to the GP and so far so good (mild swelling but no worse than yesterday). I think you're completely right about the slow release products being better for me so I'm hoping to stick with the oestradiol patches (although perhaps might be better with the Estradot that has 25, 37.5 and 50 doses) and now that my thyroid levels are better, it would appear I don't need as high a dose of oestrogen?? I'm actually wondering if my symptoms to start with were low progesterone rather than oestrogen. My body is so sensitive to minor fluctuations in hormones it's a total nightmare (I have to do minor tweaks in my T3/T4 to get where I need to get to because of side effects from big swings). I vaguely remember having some issues with the combined contraceptive pill (pre-hypothyroid diagnosis) and saying at that point that I really wasn't looking forward to the menopause, when in actual fact it's perimenopause that's being the biggest pain (so far!). I have found that splitting my T3 and T4 doses has helped me balance my thyroid hormones (much reduced dips in energy through the day and not taking 2 hours to come to of a morning). I take half my T4 at 6am (set my alarm and go back to sleep when I'm not feeling anxious) and the other half before bed at 11pm, my T3 I split in 3, taking ~1/3rd at 6am, 11am and 4pm. This lets me fit in my supplements without causing any absorption issues (B vitamins, probiotic and ashwagandha at 9am, Vit C and iron at 1-2pm and Fat soluble vits, magnesium glycinate and co enzyme Q10 at 7pm). And having just written that, the only recent addition has been the ashwagandha which I started 2 weeks before I had my review and was changed to the Combi patches. I'm now wondering if that has been causing issues as it's an adaptogen. I'll cut it back out for a while until I get myself on an even keel and then I can reintroduce it without having to wonder what is doing what. I tested my iron, vitamins and magnesium in August too with mixed results (magnesium was extremely low and everything else was sub-optimal so room for supplementation for maximum T4 conversion).

I'm hoping the bladder issues are just being caused by the constipation (I am also taking max Tramadol doses daily for a back issue that I've been referred for and although they haven't caused constipation before, I know they have the potential to so are probably adding to that. I'm hoping they can give me a nerve block or something that will let me keep functioning without them. The testosterone being normal one week and then so high the next is really confusing. I was ready to ask for testosterone gel after the first result as it was expected given my complete lack of libido and poorer function at the gym but now I'm totally thrown. I certainly don't have symptoms of high testosterone and suspect that's because my FAI is still low with most of it being bound. This is from the GP Notebook webpage "SHBG may be increased via thyrotoxicosis, oestrogens and liver failure. This increase in SHBG levels leads to an increase in total testerone concentrations. Despite changes in the SHBG, free testosterone levels generally remain within the normal range because of feedback adjustment of gonadotrophin secretion. There is an increase in SHBG capacity with age." I've started using senna to try to help things stay moving naturally and I'll discuss the vulval pain/tampon issues with the GP next week.

I don't seem to have symptoms of high prolactin (tender breasts [other than just before my period starts] and leaking nipples) but the GP notebook says the following:
"This is a hormone produced by the anterior pituitary gland. Prolactin is a polypeptide hormone composed of 199 amino acid residues.
Synthesis: synthesised by cells of the pituitary (lactotrophs) and only small amounts of prolactin are stored in the pituitary gland
Release: under inhibitory dopaminergic control and stimulatory thyroid releasing hormone (TRH) control
-increased release at night
-in females - increased release during puberty
-androgens may have a modest inhibitory effect on release
-released in response to stress e.g. exercise
-prolactin levels are high during pregnancy - oestrogen causes an increase in numbers of lactotrophs
-during lactation, suckling of the breast results in an increased release of prolactin
-breast - milk protein synthesis and excretion in ducts and lobules
-contraceptive effect - seen with high levels of prolactin
-has no established function in males
What level of prolactin is significant?
-mildly increased prolactin levels (400-600mu/L) may be physiological and asymptomatic but higher levels are usually pathological
-very elevated levels (above 5,000mu/L) usually imply a prolactin-secreting pituitary tumour
Note that reference ranges vary between laboratories.
Notes: prolactin secretion varies with time, resulting in serum levels being 2-3 times higher at night than during the day. The levels of prolactin in
normal individuals also tend to rise in response to physiological stimuli, including sleep, exercise, pregnancy and surgical stress."

Blood samples were taken on waking at 8am so I'm guessing this will have increased the amount and that it's been caused by a mix of high oestrogen and my thyroid levels not being quite optimal for me. The higher testosterone in the 2nd sample helps to explain the prolactin reduction. Possibly a feedback reaction with my body trying hard to stay balanced. 

The endo who prescribed my T3 is a diabetes specialist and I'm not sure how much help he would be with menopause (if he hasn't already retired). I will ask to be referred to the local menopause clinic if my GP feels out of her depth. I suspect this is going to be another journey of trial and error, then repeat. My GP was happy for me to start the continuous treatment because I had been on the cyclical for 2 years so hopefully she'll be happy for me to try a natural progesterone on continuous with a lower dose slow release oestrogen which will let my body adapt more easily I feel. I would rather use it vaginally too to help reduce the side effects so hoping she will prescribe one of the other brands that doesn't have the soya in them. I saw someone on a thread here mention Lutigest as an option. I'd rather try that before going down the oral Bijuve route as I think you're right in that it will probably cause me more issues with my thyroid, as it is well recognised as affecting thyroid dosing. Tbf there is a warning on the Evorel that it will interact with levothyroxine and liothyronine so unsure why endos believe that it's only oral preparations that affect them. I realised on reading the Menopause Matters page on the different preparations after posting that 1mg oral is considered lower than the 50mcg transdermal and I certainly seem to absorb well by the transdermal route, and not sure about how well I'd absorb the oral preps. I'm also not sure how I'd manage taking the oral preparations away from my thyroid meds given my split dosing so would rather avoid that if I can.

You really need to have the mindset of a detective when you have thyroid problems, never mind adding the complications of (peri)menopause so thanks again for your help. I'm much clearer now in what I think I need to do moving forward and what to discuss with my GP next week. All the research that I have done with regards to my health spurred me to start an MRes in Health Research. I'm currently completing my last module before I start my dissertation so I'm on the home straight providing I can keep the brain fog symptoms at bay. The link between fibromyalgia and hypothyroidism has been my topic of particular interest (and probably what my dissertation topic will be around) up to now but I'm now I'm thinking that I should be looking at menopause in amongst that too.     


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Re: Thyroid issues & support
« Reply #13 on: December 03, 2022, 06:03:23 PM »

Just found more info about prolactin and maybe that has actually been causing some of my issues. Main symptoms here include Irregular cycles, Vaginal dryness and Fatigue. Autoimmune conditions are associated - Hashimoto’s disease, Lupus, Rheumatoid arthritis, Psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis. I have had active psoriasis for 4+ years now (diagnosed first when I was 12) and as far as I know haven't had high enough thyroid antibodies to diagnose hashimoto's but 20% of patients never have hgh enough antibodies. I'm waiting for copies of medical records to try to work out what was tested and found 20+ years ago. So maybe my vaginal issues haven't been low oestrogen at all. OMG it's all so confusing. Am I actually perimenopausal??? Or was I just suffering from undermedicated hypothyroidism back in Aug 2020 and thereafter dealing with the side effects of hyperprolactinaemia with the increased oestrogen and I shouldn't be touching HRT yet?? Arrgh!!!! Then again, why the increase in menopausal symptoms when I stopped the patches for a month. Being stuck between a rock and a hard place doesn't come close...


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Re: Thyroid issues & support
« Reply #14 on: December 03, 2022, 07:38:30 PM »

Hello ladies.

I just wanted to say that this thread is a great idea given how many of us have thyroid issues. Excellent suggestion Wrensong!

I look forward to keeping up with all the posts on this topic. Given all the information that has appeared so far we will all have science degrees soon alongside fabbellybean lol!

Take care ladies.

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