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Author Topic: Tinnitus  (Read 19688 times)


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Re: Tinnitus
« Reply #15 on: July 24, 2022, 09:32:11 PM »

I put my little finger down my R ear this morning as there was deep itching - out came a plug of wax  :o (hope you are not eating supper)

I am aware of buzzing 'outside' both sides of my head at the back  ::).  Would it be wise to get your GP to refer you sooner rather than later, after all you can cancel the appt. 2 weeks prior should symptoms improve, giving the appt. to someone else.
I will let the GP know this week if things don't get better but I am assuming that the wait for an appointment will be long (months not weeks. That's why I am considering a private appointment.


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Re: Tinnitus
« Reply #16 on: August 11, 2022, 06:47:20 PM »

I put my little finger down my R ear this morning as there was deep itching - out came a plug of wax  :o (hope you are not eating supper)

I had to think about this for a minute. I read it as 'I put my finger down my rear'...
Odd place to find wax I thought  ::)


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Re: Tinnitus
« Reply #17 on: August 11, 2022, 07:44:08 PM »


 :lol:   ..........


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Re: Tinnitus
« Reply #18 on: August 30, 2022, 07:24:58 AM »

Hi Groundhog,

I developed tinnitus in february of this year.

Mine is bi-lateral tinnitus and I think it's noise induced.

With tinnitus I believe magnesium glycinate can help, my dr put me on amitrypline 20mg but my sleep pattern is far from perfect now.

Tinnitus does spike sometimes and obviously anxiety/stress spikes it.

Sometimes deep breathing meditation and muscle relaxation can help.

Are you on HRT by the way?


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Re: Tinnitus
« Reply #19 on: August 30, 2022, 04:57:45 PM »

Do any of you with tinnitus also have underactive thyroid? In my recent A & E visit, the doctor gave  this as a likely cause. I am still waiting for a follow up appointment. I keep getting promises which are then broken

My searches have found quite a bit on the subject. Here are 2 of  them

It seems that it is not unusual for women over 50 with underactive thyroid to suddenly experience tinnitus with loss of hearing even if it is already being treated.


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Re: Tinnitus
« Reply #20 on: August 30, 2022, 06:14:34 PM »

Ah, no I haven't.

I've had a blood test done, which I don't think was connected to underactive thyroid.

Interesting though.

I do have an interesting book  called 'rewiring tinnitus; it's by an american gentleman who has meniere's disease and he approached his very intrusive tinnitus by meditating on his tinnitus. His basis was that our brains' view any sudden and intrusive noises as being dangerous and so focuses on them.

By focusing on the noise of the tinnitus through meditation, your brain starts view the noise as no threat and eventually loses interest in the noise; a bit like air conditioning unit when it's on, or a clock ticking in our living room.

I do take amitrypline 20mg and find that really helps as well.



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Re: Tinnitus
« Reply #21 on: August 30, 2022, 07:44:34 PM »

People who have damaged their ears due to loud music cannot rid themselves of tinnitus .  A friend was a great festival goer ...... from 17 until we aged together in our 50s.  She now has to avoid public places where there is noise from all directions, has hearing aids which she is unable to use in public places but doesn't regret her gadding about.

Mine is there all the while, occasionally it gets louder so I am more aware.


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Re: Tinnitus
« Reply #22 on: August 30, 2022, 07:49:15 PM »

yes that's true.

the amutrypline i tske just quietens it.

can i ask how you manage to sleep with your tinnitus.

i slept great prior to developing tinnitus.

even though my tinnitus is not too loud and i use sound distraction my sleep is terrible. it takes me ages to nod off.



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Re: Tinnitus
« Reply #23 on: August 31, 2022, 08:07:56 AM »

Sometimes if I lay heavy in the pillow I can hear my heart beating in my head  ::) but in general, although I am aware of the tinnitus which seems to be outside the skull, I drop off without too many problems. 


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Re: Tinnitus
« Reply #24 on: August 31, 2022, 05:19:14 PM »

yes that's true.

the amutrypline i tske just quietens it.

can i ask how you manage to sleep with your tinnitus.

i slept great prior to developing tinnitus.

even though my tinnitus is not too loud and i use sound distraction my sleep is terrible. it takes me ages to nod off.


Hi Discogirl,
I've had tinnitus for about 6/7 years possibly more.
You do get use to it eventually (well at least I did).
I had a cholesteatoma removed but that didn't stop the tinnitus, but was a necessary op to prevent meningitis.
I do still hear the buzzing/hissing but only when I "search" for it or I get an ear pop.
Hope you find some relief & somehow learn to live with it - it was such a struggle for me because I am a very light sleeper but I do manage ok now.
Cazi x


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Re: Tinnitus
« Reply #25 on: August 31, 2022, 05:58:42 PM »

hi cazikins

your absolutely right.

it doesnt bother me half as much as it used to. only if im stressed tired or if theres a change in the weather unusually.

my sleep pattern is still all over the shop its not the tinnitus that keeps me awake though as my tinnitus is quite mild touch wood.

thanks so much for your encouragement



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Re: Tinnitus
« Reply #26 on: September 01, 2022, 08:40:35 AM »

Hi Groundhog,

I developed tinnitus in february of this year.

Mine is bi-lateral tinnitus and I think it's noise induced.

With tinnitus I believe magnesium glycinate can help, my dr put me on amitrypline 20mg but my sleep pattern is far from perfect now.

Tinnitus does spike sometimes and obviously anxiety/stress spikes it.

Sometimes deep breathing meditation and muscle relaxation can help.

Are you on HRT by the way?

No im not on HRT disco girl.  Mine developed after I had sepsis / serious surgical complications which required lots of antibiotics , I’m told the latter is probabky the cause.
It’s manageable but a recent holiday in a lodge caused it to spike massively.  I mention lodge as it had high ceilings and I’m not sure if that made things worse or just the stress if go8ng away,  it has settled but still there always x


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Re: Tinnitus
« Reply #27 on: September 01, 2022, 03:01:05 PM »

Hi Groundhog,

I hope you're ok after sepsis and yes your correct I believe antibiotics cause it as well, although sometimes there's just
no cause.

Lots of things can cause tinnitus to spike and it could have been the going away and the stress from that.

Some foods do cause mine, almonds can cause my tinnitus to spike, as can cloudy and rainy weather.



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Re: Tinnitus
« Reply #28 on: September 01, 2022, 07:07:31 PM »

It’s a strange condition isn’t it and really annoying.  I had surgical complications and sepsis , nearly died, seven years ago now. Never fully recovered.  I was given gentamicin which I now know can damage the ears, probably had no choice at the time but I could certainly live without it. Almost ruined the holiday as it was much more noticeable although I’m not sure if it was the ambience of the lodge. Probabky the stress of go8ng on holiday with my husband ha !
I’ve never associated a spike with food or weather but it could be.  I’m awaiting a mri on my head now so God knows what that will show up !  Seems everytime I have a test of any kind it finds something unrelated 🙈🙈🙈

Do you use any white noice machines disco girl ?


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Re: Tinnitus
« Reply #29 on: September 02, 2022, 07:51:44 AM »

Hi Groundhog,

You've certainly had really tough time, and yes you didn't have an option.

I've had tinnitus since february and I do find that it doesn't bother me half as much as it used to.

I use rain sounds at night and I do take magnesium bisglycinate which seems to help relax me as well.

Let me know how you get on with your mri.

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