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Author Topic: Tinnitus  (Read 19617 times)


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« on: July 09, 2022, 07:42:16 PM »

Hi ladies,
Haven’t posted in a good while but I do pop in occasionally.
My health continues to be a rollercoaster but the latest thing to join the party is tinnitus and hearing loss. It started after my catastrophic surgical outcome and has been annoying but nothing more.  In recent months however the tinnitus has got worse and is now very distressing.  Wondering if any one else has it and is it just a case if putting up and shutting up 🙈🙈
Got so many other things going on, the stress bucket is full to overflowing and this is really upsetting xx


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Re: Tinnitus
« Reply #1 on: July 09, 2022, 08:57:18 PM »

Hi ladies,
Haven’t posted in a good while but I do pop in occasionally.
My health continues to be a rollercoaster but the latest thing to join the party is tinnitus and hearing loss. It started after my catastrophic surgical outcome and has been annoying but nothing more.  In recent months however the tinnitus has got worse and is now very distressing.  Wondering if any one else has it and is it just a case if putting up and shutting up 🙈🙈
Got so many other things going on, the stress bucket is full to overflowing and this is really upsetting xx
  I have it at the moment. It has been ongoing for 3 weeks. I thought I had an ear infection (based on previous experience) but antibiotics haven't helped. Part of my cause is muscle tension at the top of my back on the left but that isn't the whole story. My hearing is definitely impaired slightly on the left.  At the moment I am taking ear drops for a fungal infection but I am not sure whether they are working or not. A swab taken by the GP found nothing wrong.


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Re: Tinnitus
« Reply #2 on: July 09, 2022, 09:55:28 PM »

Thank you Katejo , it’s horrible isn’t it and one extra thing to deal with.
Mine came on a few years ago but this week is much worse .

Thank you for reply x


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Re: Tinnitus
« Reply #3 on: July 09, 2022, 11:50:31 PM »

My tinitus was a left over from Covid first time round, suffered upper respiratory, nose, ears etc. Used white noise at night, rain on the roof of a caravan was my favourite to get to sleep. 2 years later don't notice it anymore, just got used to it I guess.
I've read stress can make it worse.


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Re: Tinnitus
« Reply #4 on: July 10, 2022, 12:06:14 AM »

I've had it for about 30 years following an ear infection. In that time the tinnitus hasn't got any better or worse but I do have some loss of hearing in that ear that is only going to get worse. I find it much less intrusive with the passage of time. I only really find it irritating now when I'm trying to listen to something quiet and it's drowned out by the noise of the tinnitus. In the early days mine was accompanied by loss of balance and severe vomiting.


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Re: Tinnitus
« Reply #5 on: July 10, 2022, 08:21:07 AM »

Morning.  Have a lookC at the UK based Tinnitus support group.


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Re: Tinnitus
« Reply #6 on: July 10, 2022, 10:28:06 AM »

If you haven't already seen an ent specialist it might be worth doing so. I think in most cases there isn't much they can do about though.


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Re: Tinnitus
« Reply #7 on: July 10, 2022, 01:45:57 PM »

Thank you Katejo , it’s horrible isn’t it and one extra thing to deal with.
Mine came on a few years ago but this week is much worse .

Thank you for reply x
  I am due to fly tomorrow and a GP said I shouldn't if I had an ear infection. However the lack of success of AB together with the negative swab results mean I am going ahead with it I am still taking the course of fungal ear drops. I always get stressed before I travel and often things improve once I am there. I previously used to get UTI'S but that is much better now. The ear trouble seems to have taken over  😁
When I get back from this trip, I am going to try a new treatment for my back tension problem to see if that helps the tinnitus
I have already asked for an ENT referral but might go private if there is a long wait.

Ibuprofen does reduce my tinnitus symptoms. Obviously I can't take those continuously but will b4 my flight tomorrow.


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Re: Tinnitus
« Reply #8 on: July 10, 2022, 03:45:30 PM »

If people have been regular concert goers or played in groups for years   ........    tinnitus is a >can't think of the word  >:( <


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Re: Tinnitus
« Reply #9 on: July 15, 2022, 11:53:21 AM »

Damaged lug hole CLKD.  ;D

Which I have. I’m sure my tinnitus is from blasting out music when I was a teenager.
No hearing loss so Ive been told, just the same old tone, day in day out.
I need the radio, or tele on just to drown out the noise, at night, I use a fan in the bedroom so I can listen to the whirling sound instead of what’s in my ear!  ::)


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Re: Tinnitus
« Reply #10 on: July 15, 2022, 11:54:36 AM »

Tnx jillydoll  ;D

I find that if I wiggle the ear with a finger that it pops and the background noise disappears, but not for long  :-\


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Re: Tinnitus
« Reply #11 on: July 23, 2022, 06:36:01 PM »

Thank you Katejo , it’s horrible isn’t it and one extra thing to deal with.
Mine came on a few years ago but this week is much worse .

Thank you for reply x
  Here is an update on mine. I did my Berlin trip and the ear was fine on the flights but, since getting back, my tinnitus and loss of hearing have been worse.i saw a GP again and have been given a stronger AB  Co Amoxiclav which I have only used once before (for a persistent UTI years ago) but I don't think it is going to help this time. The buzzing around my ear is really irritating me at the moment. It us more external than internal but it moves around. Has yours improved at all?


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Re: Tinnitus
« Reply #12 on: July 24, 2022, 08:36:17 AM »

That's how my tinnitus sounds, like it's slightly outside my head  ::) but it ain't.  Why does the GP think ABs will help  :-\ rather than referring you to an ENT Specialist?

How was your holiday, we have a thread ;-)


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Re: Tinnitus
« Reply #13 on: July 24, 2022, 07:45:03 PM »

That's how my tinnitus sounds, like it's slightly outside my head  ::) but it ain't.  Why does the GP think ABs will help  :-\ rather than referring you to an ENT Specialist?

How was your holiday, we have a thread ;-)
  I asked for AB's because my 2 last bout of tinnitus was caused by an ear infection and the AB did work. It still feels that my ear is blocked. If this AB doesn't work, the next step is an ENT referral but heaven knows how long I will have to wait.  I am considering paying privately if I can find one. I will write something about my holiday later.


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Re: Tinnitus
« Reply #14 on: July 24, 2022, 07:47:26 PM »

I put my little finger down my R ear this morning as there was deep itching - out came a plug of wax  :o (hope you are not eating supper)

I am aware of buzzing 'outside' both sides of my head at the back  ::).  Would it be wise to get your GP to refer you sooner rather than later, after all you can cancel the appt. 2 weeks prior should symptoms improve, giving the appt. to someone else.

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