Got a story to tell for the magazine? Get in touch with the editor!
Hi ladies,Haven’t posted in a good while but I do pop in occasionally.My health continues to be a rollercoaster but the latest thing to join the party is tinnitus and hearing loss. It started after my catastrophic surgical outcome and has been annoying but nothing more. In recent months however the tinnitus has got worse and is now very distressing. Wondering if any one else has it and is it just a case if putting up and shutting up 🙈🙈Got so many other things going on, the stress bucket is full to overflowing and this is really upsetting xx
Thank you Katejo , it’s horrible isn’t it and one extra thing to deal with.Mine came on a few years ago but this week is much worse .Thank you for reply x
That's how my tinnitus sounds, like it's slightly outside my head but it ain't. Why does the GP think ABs will help rather than referring you to an ENT Specialist?How was your holiday, we have a thread ;-)