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Menopause Matters magazine ISSUE 75 out now. (Spring issue, March 2024)


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Author Topic: Tell us how you have coped with FLUSHES  (Read 746412 times)


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Re: Tell us how you have coped with FLUSHES
« Reply #570 on: July 24, 2012, 08:38:32 PM »

Does anyone feel really nauseous with a headache and feel faint when they have hot flushes ?

Thats just how I feel, and they seem to come one on top of the other, no sooner do I think to myself that I'm glad that hot flush is over and another one starts. At times I feel like I'm going to faint and thats frightening to be honest.


Anne B

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Re: Tell us how you have coped with FLUSHES
« Reply #571 on: July 24, 2012, 09:08:39 PM »

Oh Pea, isn't it horrible. I don't wish this on anybody but hearing that you experience the same at least makes me realise I'm not going off my head. Hoping that after I see this meno specialist on Friday that he agrees I need more oestrogen and can look forward to being flush free. Live in hope!


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Re: Tell us how you have coped with FLUSHES
« Reply #572 on: July 25, 2012, 07:20:25 PM »

Oh Pea, isn't it horrible. I don't wish this on anybody but hearing that you experience the same at least makes me realise I'm not going off my head. Hoping that after I see this meno specialist on Friday that he agrees I need more oestrogen and can look forward to being flush free. Live in hope!

When I tried explaining things to the GP and he was taking no notice I really thought I was loosing my marbles! This is probabaly going to sound wrong, like you I wouldnt wish this on anyone, but at least I now know its not just me.

Let me know how it goes on Friday  :)


Anne B

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Re: Tell us how you have coped with FLUSHES
« Reply #573 on: July 25, 2012, 07:58:26 PM »

Will do Pea. Have a good evening.


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Re: Tell us how you have coped with FLUSHES
« Reply #574 on: July 31, 2012, 10:24:50 AM »

Hi my first time on here... I took HRT (hormonin) for about 8 years after I had hysterectomy at the young age of 32, I managed very well for about 10 years, but felt really unwell and depressed when I hit 42 years and had problems with a stress incontinence. Doc said my hormone levels were way down and we decided on the HRT and it may help with the incontinence. I was fine with it had no side effects. But in my infinite wisdom decided to stop taking it when I hit 54 as I had been on it a long time and the HRT nurse said I ought to think about not taking it. My God what a mistake I have suffered with night sweats and constant hot flushing aching muscles especially before hot flush comes on, nausea, weight gain, no libido, sleepless nights, I could go on... I have tried sage, serenity cream, starflower and evening primrose (which did help slightly) black cosh nothing really helped. So went back to docs and he agreed in the end I could try the HRT again. Been taking it for a week now, slight headache for a few days, but seems ok now, and I have slept all night for the last 3 nights. Flushes down to about 2 or 3 per day, so fingers crossed it's starting to work. Sorry to go on !!


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Re: Tell us how you have coped with FLUSHES
« Reply #575 on: July 31, 2012, 03:21:17 PM »

Hi Scathy
Although trying without HRT for a while doesn't sound like a bad idea, I'm sure that you're right to go back on it. Some ladies do seem to find that they're ok without it later on into meno and I'll probably try weaning off it at some stage (I'm 52 and started it at 49) but if I don't feel good without it, I'll be back on it like a shot. My gp agrees with that and has patients on it in their 70s.  :)
Hope that things continue to improve for you.
You might like to introduce yourself on "New Members" as Newbies sometimes get missed in the middle of existing threads and others will want to welcome you.  ;)
Bette x


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Re: Tell us how you have coped with FLUSHES
« Reply #576 on: August 01, 2012, 12:27:08 PM »

Hi my first time on here... I took HRT (hormonin) for about 8 years after I had hysterectomy at the young age of 32, I managed very well for about 10 years, but felt really unwell and depressed when I hit 42 years and had problems with a stress incontinence. Doc said my hormone levels were way down and we decided on the HRT and it may help with the incontinence. I was fine with it had no side effects. But in my infinite wisdom decided to stop taking it when I hit 54 as I had been on it a long time and the HRT nurse said I ought to think about not taking it. My God what a mistake I have suffered with night sweats and constant hot flushing aching muscles especially before hot flush comes on, nausea, weight gain, no libido, sleepless nights, I could go on... I have tried sage, serenity cream, starflower and evening primrose (which did help slightly) black cosh nothing really helped. So went back to docs and he agreed in the end I could try the HRT again. Been taking it for a week now, slight headache for a few days, but seems ok now, and I have slept all night for the last 3 nights. Flushes down to about 2 or 3 per day, so fingers crossed it's starting to work. Sorry to go on !!


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Re: Tell us how you have coped with FLUSHES
« Reply #577 on: August 01, 2012, 12:32:00 PM »

Hi thanks for the welcome, will introduce on the newbie section.
Have gone back on to the Hormonin, as I had no trouble with that last time. Still feeling ok, only 1 tiny flush today and slept like a log last night. Fab, looks like I may be getting my life back.


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Re: Tell us how you have coped with FLUSHES
« Reply #578 on: August 10, 2012, 05:30:58 PM »

I've just found this site and the forum - thank goodness. I believe I've just started the menopause as I've experienced the night sweats for the last 10 days with just one or two days of daytime hot flushes. Waking four or five times a night is not doing me any good at all - I look as if I haven't slept for months. My husband won't sleep with the window open - "its winter for goodness sake, who has the window open in the middle of winter? Are you mad?" Tonight I'm sleeping in the spare room with the window WIDE open...
I saw the post re Starflower Oil and will definitely try it. I've always thought I would try to get thru the menopause as naturally as possible without resorting to pills, etc but after the last 10 days, I shall be going to the doctor tomorrow to see what options there are. The very thought that this could last for 2, 5 or 15 years is too hard to believe. And my husband agrees!
Hi AllyMac I too have just started with night sweats and hot flushes during the day.  I am really tired from the disturbed sleep and want to try to manage before trying HRT, but I am having a lot of flushes at work which is a bit bothersome.  Like you, I am dreading having symptoms for even 2 years never mind 5 or 15!  Someone posted about star oil, think I will try it.  I am nearly 50 and until last month was still having periods, but think I am going to miss this one as it's a week late now.  I have missed one every 6 months or so for the past 2 years, but never missed more than one.  Keep posting and we can compare how we are getting on.


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Re: Tell us how you have coped with FLUSHES
« Reply #579 on: August 10, 2012, 11:10:22 PM »

Hi Flushtered and welcome from me. I think you should introduce yourself, you will be made very welcome, think you may have been missed here.
Eddie. xx


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Re: Tell us how you have coped with FLUSHES
« Reply #580 on: August 16, 2012, 05:15:03 PM »

I am not coping. which is why i joined this site today, I am having as many as five a hour, my GP wont give me HRT. but yesterday at work I almost passed out, went dizzy, and clammy, there is no air in our office and it was very close, I came home and proceeded to "flash" all day, keep waking up, and feel very tearful, and anxious, when i saw my Gp he just upped my ant-depressant dose. but now I feel worse, i have no energy, and feel like I am going Mad, any advise


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Re: Tell us how you have coped with FLUSHES
« Reply #581 on: August 16, 2012, 05:40:54 PM »

Hi Melsbabes

Welcome to the forum  :welcomemm:
Has your GP given you a good reason why you can't have HRT? If not I would change doctors!
Hrt can be very effective in relieving flushes. I think many GPs don't understand how debilitating meno symptoms can be for some of us  >:(
Could you see a different GP within the practice? I know where I go they all have different views on HRT, luckily I'm with one who is happy to prescribe me local oestrogen (ovestin cream) for as long as I want it.

Make an appointment asap and don't be fobbed off.
Have a browse through the menu to the left of the screen regarding HRT. If you have some knowledge of it that will help you plead your case.

Good luck, let us know how you get on.

Catweazle x


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Re: Tell us how you have coped with FLUSHES
« Reply #582 on: August 16, 2012, 06:24:25 PM »

Hi Melsbabes
Good advice from the others - try a different gp or ask for a referral to a meno clinic.
Bette x


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Re: Tell us how you have coped with FLUSHES
« Reply #583 on: August 21, 2012, 12:48:09 PM »

Thank you, have now got HRT but he was very reluctant, to give it me, suggested I would get Cancer and wouldnt come off it when he said, still feel bad and cant find a well women clinic near me, so made appointment to see younger doctor, but he was also reluctant to give me HRT. is it a cost thing do you think?


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Re: Tell us how you have coped with FLUSHES
« Reply #584 on: August 21, 2012, 03:58:21 PM »

I think it's more that some gps aren't up-to-date with the latest research, melsbabes.  :( The cancer risk theory has now been debunked but often gps' opinions seemed to depend on what the thinking was when they trained. My gp said that the older and younger gps are often more anti-HRT, it's the ones in the middle who are keener. Go figure!
Bette x
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