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Author Topic: Tell us how you have coped with FLUSHES  (Read 778217 times)


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Re: Tell us how you have coped with FLUSHES
« Reply #15 on: January 08, 2007, 09:16:10 PM »

Hi Poppyrose & thanks for your kind words - about everything. The doctor prescribed an anti depressant called Venlafaxine HydrochlorideM/R capsules 75mg to be taken once per day, I had to have an ECG first to check my heart was ok, which it was so there was some good news. The Femal tablets started to help the hot flushes within about 2 weeks but I am wondering if this is because I have had some light spotting for the last week (my hot flushes seem to stop when this happens unlike Claire in Canada), I just hope that it is not a red herring. I will be 50 in July this year OH NO...& am not sure how far through the tunnel I am" as my periods have been irregular for abut 2 years now, but the flushes have been more frequent in the last 7-8 months or so, also late in 2005 I had a D & C & also had the Mirena coil fitted which has a hormone in it which is supposed to help with the meno's. My dear Mum died on 05/02/05 so coming up to the anniversary, I was with her when she passed away it was very peaceful but as she had been suffering from dementia for 3 years previousley it feels like you couldn't really say goodbye, but I think she knew we were all with her. I have a wonderful husband & we have been married for 4 years, I am lucky to have a "toyboy"  husband (he is 41) & he certainly keeps me on my toes & feeling young..... Thanks again for your help & kind words I know it is not going to be easy but knowing I am not the only one certainly helps.
Love Caz


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Re: Tell us how you have coped with FLUSHES
« Reply #16 on: January 10, 2007, 08:45:42 AM »

Hi poppy yes I am much improved!The GP I see is not the one I'm registered with and I saw her by mistake!I havent lived here for long.She is in her 50s and just helped me so much.When I see her its usually her last appointment on Friday and she always thanks me for cheering her up because I'm so positive.Its only because I feel wonderful in comparison to how I was and if I hadnt seen her who knows what might have happened?xx


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Re: Tell us how you have coped with FLUSHES
« Reply #17 on: January 17, 2007, 11:23:53 PM »

Pleased to say ladies, my hot sweats are still on the decline, really hope this is not a 'flash' in the pan :(


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Re: Tell us how you have coped with FLUSHES
« Reply #18 on: January 24, 2007, 09:08:37 PM »

I have just found your site and its so nice to read about other peoples experiences and to know you are not alone! I have been having night sweats for about six months now and I feel exhausted with them, I'm so tired. I have the odd one in the daytime but later at night they start and continue until morning. I am very interested in the starflower oil capsules and think I will give them a try, a trip to the health shop feels daunting with all the different things to try you don't know where to start.

Thank you so much Starflower ;) you have made my day!!



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Re: Tell us how you have coped with FLUSHES
« Reply #19 on: January 24, 2007, 10:22:30 PM »

Hi Shauny  ;D


So glad you found us and I hope this is the first of many posts and now that you have found us you need never feel alone again.  :D We are always here for each other and the support is unconditional.

I know these sweats can be really draining, it is not necessarily just the sweats is it? It is what accompanies them that can be equally as bad. I too have been suffering from them badly and evening seems to be the time when they get worse too.

I am glad you are going to try the Starflower that Starflower  :D has recommeded because I believe it really has helped me and it had done it quickly too. Although I have been taking menocool and using Natural Progesterone cream too, it wasn't until I commenced the Starflower that I saw a big drop in flushes and other vasomotor symptoms ie increased heart rate, skin ****ling/crawling. I am hoping that as time goes on that it will improve further (wish we had a smiley with his fingers crossed!)  ;)

Please let us know how you are getting on and I hope you manage to get some relief too.

Lots of Love Pops xxx :peace::peace::peace:



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Re: Tell us how you have coped with FLUSHES
« Reply #20 on: January 25, 2007, 08:14:40 PM »

 :scottie: ;D ;D

Hi Shauney!!

Just a note to say good luck with the starflower oil!!  I hope you have the success with it that myself and Pops have experienced.  I must say the longer I take it the better I feel!

Just waiting for the libido to gallop into action and all will be well!!

starflower x

PS so is my other half! 


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Re: Tell us how you have coped with FLUSHES
« Reply #21 on: January 27, 2007, 10:34:51 AM »

Hi everyone.  My hot flushes have diminished since taking HRT. After about three/four days I certainly felt so much better.  I have a spinal problem and have to take morphine everyday morning and night and I always thought it was when my back pain was so bad it made me sweat like mad.

Since taking HRT i feel so much better and the hot flushes seem to have gone.  I get very hot in bed at night and have to sleep on top of the bed which anoys my husband who curls up in the quilt, but i can cope with that.

I had a hystorectomy when i was 34 i am now 54 and i thought that i would not have the menopause as bad as this. Mood swings the feeling that life is not worth living so on....  Does any one know how long all this lasts for or is it just different for everyone!

Does certain medication make the menopause worse!

I would appreciate any help that anyone can offer.



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Re: Tell us how you have coped with FLUSHES
« Reply #22 on: January 28, 2007, 04:30:42 PM »

Hi Chris

I had a hystorectomy when i was 34 i am now 54 and i thought that i would not have the menopause as bad as this. Mood swings the feeling that life is not worth living so on....  Does any one know how long all this lasts for or is it just different for everyone!

Does certain medication make the menopause worse!

I'm sorry that you are going through this, I know it is hard to make sense of it all sometimes. I too had an early hysterectomy and I too thought menopause? What menopause? I thought if you didn't give in to things then you would not suffer the symptoms (then I woke up LOL)

Unfortunately no one can say how long all this will last as each one of us is different and each one of us will adjust differently to decreasing hormone production. But Chris, one thing for sure is that it is *not* going to last forever, we all of us *will* get through this. I try not to think about how long it is all going to last as I find it depressing, as I cannot do anything or even judge it I refuse to give it head room  ;) For one thing who is to say that you will not be one of those ladies that will go through quickly? It happens a lot more than you think it does.

Morphine is from a group of medications called opioids. One of the side effects of morphine is that it can cause histamine release, which causes itching of the skin and nose and a flushing of the skin, so I would say that this medication could have an effect on menopausal symptoms. Probably the best person to ask about this would be your doctor.

With regard to the quilt problem at night, have you thought about using two single quilts on the bed instead of one? This way your hubby can have a heavier tog and you a light one, if you got identical quilt covers then it would hardly notice in the day, or you could cover them with a bedspread/throw, I have thought about stitching two different tog quilts together so I could have the lighter and he the heavier. I do have the two single quilts on the bed though as I just cannot bear heavy covers on myself.
Mood swings are part and parcel of the menopause for *some*, I know this is a real hard one to get a grip of. If I feel one coming on (and I normally can) then I revert to breathing exercises and breathe my way through it and the feelings causing the mood swing start to lessen, if I can I will also remove myself from the situation which is causing them. It isn't easy, sometimes it is jolly hard, but it is obtainable. I also find that explaining why something has really upset me at a calm time to someone is beneficial and can help diffuse a situation before it gets out of control. I know sometimes when I have snapped I have seen the total look of bewilderment on my partner's face, so if I do not actually tell him what the problem is then he is never going to know and is like to keep repeating it.

The unpleasant feeling of thinking that life was not worth living is yet another reaction to decreasing hormone production, it is another symptom of menopause called 'gloom and doom'. You are not alone Chris many of us suffer with some degrees of this, from mild to severe. I had it and it got so badly I ended up suffering some unpleasant panic attacks. One of the most important things you can do for yourself if you do find yourself thinking like this is to actually recognise these feelings for what they actually are and once you do this you start to remove the fear from them and then you can start to get yourself out of it. I cannot say how much deep slow breathing can restore you and if you let it, it can do it quickly too. I did not want to take anti-depressants, for me it wasn't an option as ultimately I knew these feelings and recognised them for what they were and so did not think that anti-depressants would help me as I knew that at some point it was only me that would be able to get myself out of this. however, if you are feeling like this then I would advise that you have a chat with your doctor, I know it isn't easy and you probably do not want to, but please talk to someone if you think these feelings are getting out of control and don't forget you *always* have us on here, ready to help support you. (((Chris)))
Reading a little of what you have been through this past few years and now coupled with the menopause I am not surprised you feel like this sometimes, but you are not alone, we do understand where yo are coming from and a lot of us have been there before you, the upshot of this of course is that we have been through it and can categorically tell you that this does get better too.  :)

You say you are taking HRT? I am wondering how long you have been on it and if it is worth you popping along to your doctor, the dosage may need tweaking or reviewing and this may be all that is required to help you get back on an even keel.

Meanwhile remember that you are *not* alone and we are all here to support you. Chin up  :-* :-* :-*

Lots of Love Pops xxx :peace::peace::peace:



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Re: Tell us how you have coped with FLUSHES
« Reply #23 on: January 28, 2007, 09:53:34 PM »

Hi Poppyrose & Starflower,

Just wanted to say thanks for the support, its nice to know there are others out there when you need some support and a kind word and now I don't have to bore my better half with my symptoms, if only they knew!!

I will let you know how I go on with the starflower tablets, fingers crossed.



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Re: Tell us how you have coped with FLUSHES
« Reply #24 on: February 05, 2007, 04:55:55 PM »

Hi there,
I found this forum last week and have found it really helpful. I am 54 yrs old and plodded on with night flushes (not sweats as such), poor memory and concentration for 18 months, I tried various alternatives but nothing really helped, in the end I conceded defeat and my GP started me on a low dose of HRT, this helped with the 6 trips to the loo every night (down to twice/night), but I was still wandering around in short sleeves when everyone else was in 2 layers of clothing. The dose was increased and the symptoms  improved but along came the aching joints, and quite severe fluid retention, I was unable to wear most of my footwear and overall I had gained nearly a stone in weight despite making an effort to be careful. My GP changed me from tablets to patches and reduced the dose, lo and behold, the night flushes came back, but the fluid retention significantly improved. Last week I spoke to a pharmacist friend and he suggested I stop, I know that HRT is very helpful for loads of ladies and that is brilliant, but it just doesn't seem to be for me. Having read this forum last week I went out and bought some Starrflower Oil, the health shop assistant was very knowledgable, she suggested I use a high dose (3000mgs) to start with and lower it later as it may interfere with the balance of Omega 3. I have lost 5lbs weight in a week ! yes! the joint aches have gone and I have not been aware of any night flush for 4 nights! I really wasn't expecting any result for a few weeks, but I feel a big improvement, it's wonderful, long may it last. Thank you for all the comments on the forum, they have been a big encouragement.



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Re: Tell us how you have coped with FLUSHES
« Reply #25 on: February 10, 2007, 10:47:56 AM »

Hi Dibley  ;D

 :welcomemm: Sorry I am late welcoming you.  :foryou:

I read your post with great interest, you are right of course while HRT is great for some it is not too good for others, just like any natural remedy too. For some it just takes time and trial and error and for others, they just hit on something immediately which helps them, just goes to prove what unique individuals we all are.  :) :) :)

I was particularly interested in reading your experiences with Starflower Oil.

Starflower ( another lady who posts on here) has been taking these for some time and was so impressed she told us all about them on here, thank goodness she did too (((Starflower  :-*))). I decided to give them a go, wasn't expecting much as I am one of these people that nothing seems to work or it works for a short length of time then stops working. Within a short space of time I noticed a reduction in  my flushes and night sweats and have not yet been taking it for that long, so as time progresses I hope it may help a little more as it gets into my system properly.
The past few days I have noticed that my flushes are increasing again *but* I do not think this is the fault of the Starflower oil, I think it has more to do with the fact that I have been under an incredible amount of strain and have not been eating or sleeping properly and *stress* is a HUGE factor to us in perimenopause. Even so, I find that I have been able to cope fairly well and wonder if this also has something to do with this Starflower oil too?

Hope you continue to feel well and please keep us all informed as to how you are doing and look forward to reading more posts from you whenever you feel like it.

It is so important to have a balance on the forum, it gives much hope and encouragement to other ladies that have been knocked sideways by the start of menopause.  :)

Lots of Love Pops xxx :peace::peace::peace:

ha ha ha, this just made me laugh!

Just read this by Rosebush - Sorry I fell in late (It's my age you know!  ::) :P LOL)

Re: Tell us how you have coped with FLUSHES
« Reply #17 on: January 17, 2007, 11:23:53 PM » Quote 

Pleased to say ladies, my hot sweats are still on the decline, really hope this is not a 'flash' in the pan

Very droll Rosebush LOL

« Last Edit: February 10, 2007, 10:51:40 AM by poppyrose »


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Re: Tell us how you have coped with FLUSHES
« Reply #26 on: February 10, 2007, 07:33:46 PM »

Hi All
As I am taking HRT I have been avoiding most of the menopausal sypmtoms. Although just before my 'period' I have one or two night sweats. Of late the number of days I experienced these have increased. I had seen adverts for a duvet which cools and warms, called Climarelle. It gave an explanation that it contained these tiny beads which liquify and absorb the heat when you become hot, throwing it back out later when you cooled down.
Well I could not believe the amount of night sweats and the length of them, I think the duvet went into a meltdown overload. In my soporific stupor I thought if I throw it off then when I recover my cold skin it is going to disperse all of this heat so I just lay sweating, I kept it on for 2 weeks before throwing it onto the spare bed!
Anyway I complained and got the reply it does not work for everyone (and of course as usual I am the only person ever to complain) . However my point was that it should not have an 'adverse' reaction and  it was extremely expensive.
My husband really liked it, to be fair it was cosy and they did offer me my money back.
I was concerned that it was been marketed to cool as well as warm and there are are a lot of desperate hot women out there, that may think this is the answer to there prayers
I really hoped they were going to come back and give me advice of how I could make it work.
I know there is another product called Chillow, I don't know if anyone else has tried any products like this.
Flutterby :)


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Re: Tell us how you have coped with FLUSHES
« Reply #27 on: February 10, 2007, 09:22:40 PM »

Hi Flutterby  ;D

Well funny you should mention this product, someone told me about this on here I can't remember who it was, I am really sorry it is my meno-smog and stress overload and I can't remember, I really don't mean to be rude.  :-*
I was thinking of getting one of them, now I don't know whether to chance it or not.  :-\ :-\ :-\
The chillow, my fab son-in-law bought me one of these, but it doesn't really work for me either! You have to activate it by tipping water inside it! Have you tried a small Marks and Sparks hand held fan by the bed, they have a little stand attached to it so you can either hold it or stand it. They are the most powerful little fans that I have come across to date and they are my little helper's, I just could not manage without them. I have one by the bed, and one in each of my handbags and one in the kitchen and one in the lounge. I have a desk fan in my office so don't need one there, but they really cool me down quickly. My grandchildren love them too, they can't hurt them as the blades are soft plastic and it amuses them. I found one from my local chemist that has lights on and when it is spinning the lights make all kinds of different pictures, it looks like an electric kaleidoscope! (I love it too LOL)  ::)

Why is it that all these products promise the earth and very rarely deliver? I wonder how they can claim this? How would they work for some people and not for others, I wonder? doesn't seem right to me, but maybe I am becoming very cynical as well as grumpy?  >:(

Lots of Love Pops xxx :peace::peace::peace:


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Re: Tell us how you have coped with FLUSHES
« Reply #28 on: February 11, 2007, 06:30:10 PM »

Hi Pops :)

It helps knowing there are other cynical (or shall we say intelligent ladies who question) around.
Mind you I am also grumpy sometimes.
I am now trying sage leaf 300mg 3x a day, would be interested to know how long it took other users to get some relief



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Re: Tell us how you have coped with FLUSHES
« Reply #29 on: February 12, 2007, 11:51:11 AM »

The Climarelle products, yes that was me, saw them in an article in the paper.  Glad now I didn't buy any as you say it's very expensive. Welcome the forum BTW Flutteryby, you too Dibly  :welcomemm:

Chris  :)
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