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Author Topic: Horrendous coccyx pain  (Read 8229 times)


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Horrendous coccyx pain
« on: April 28, 2020, 04:02:43 PM »

Hi all, just wondered if anyone else has been experiencing coccyx pain. My physio said its connected to the menopause?? I'm not a professional but I can't see the connection.  Basically since may last year had coccyx pain which would come & go but since xmas it hasn't gone away and has got much much worse and is so painful. I have a coccyx cushion, doesn't help, I've tried hot & cold, didn't help,  prescription ibuprofen gels, still no help, I'm currently taking naproxen & zapain, I have been given tramadol but it makes me feel really sick. I'm  limited with exercises as I'm currently waiting to go in for my 3rd knee arthroscopy ( that's a whole new story) . I've  been generally in good health until my knee problems started just over 2 years ago  now I feel like I'm falling apart. I'm going to ask if my doctor can give me a call on Saturday ( only day she works) and ask her for stronger anti inflammatories.  Has anyone else had this with the menopause? I'm  in my 4/5th year of menopause.
Thanks in advance  :)


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Re: Horrendous coccyx pain
« Reply #1 on: April 28, 2020, 04:08:13 PM »

Also meant to say, they always put everything down to weight, one of the first things they say, well I've lost a stone & half since xmas, hopeful to lose same again and it's got worse. Yes I'm overweight but not horrendously.  I'm  11st 12lb now. :)


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Re: Horrendous coccyx pain
« Reply #2 on: April 28, 2020, 04:15:38 PM »

Yep.  Hormones.  As oestrogen levels drop muscles may become lax = aches and pains.  I had an accident on mine when I was 12-ish and it niggled for years.  Didn't associate it with hormones but when I was constipated which equalled that time of the month  ::).  After my injury I had to sit on a cushion for months which was embarrassing.  Have you a rubber ring to put your bottom into to relieve pressure on the area?


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Re: Horrendous coccyx pain
« Reply #3 on: April 28, 2020, 04:29:33 PM »

Hi, I fell down the stairs from top to bottom 15+ years ago and pain was pretty much the same, I mentioned this to physio but she doesn't think its connected.  I have a coccyx  cushion, with the v wedge at the back, doesn't help at all, feels like it puts pressure on it!    it's so painful, nothing seems to help, it even hurts when I'm in bed :'(


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Re: Horrendous coccyx pain
« Reply #4 on: April 28, 2020, 04:55:24 PM »

Hi. I have bad coccyx pain. I have had it for 10 years since I had my last child.

I finally got an xray and cortisone injection after it was found to have fused the wrong way. It must have happened during childbirth. No doctor would take me seriously for 8 years!!! Now it's too late to mend.

On the plus side the cortisone helped immensely. You need to ask again. Ask for an xray to be sure. X


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Re: Horrendous coccyx pain
« Reply #5 on: April 28, 2020, 05:51:59 PM »

Years ago this injection was done under GA under X-ray control to get the correct place.  Means that the patient is relaxed too.


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Re: Horrendous coccyx pain
« Reply #6 on: April 28, 2020, 06:00:00 PM »

I had an x-ray a couple of weeks ago, heard nothing from docs, I mentioned to physio and she said she had the report & it said no abnormal bony structures. They are treating me down the inflammatory route, but naproxen is just not touching it, she put me on meloxicam (didn't work either) for just over a week but I got terrible mouth ulcers so she put me back on naproxen with tramadol, but that makes me feel sick. I've gone back on zapain as I have this for my knee. It really gets to me sometimes,  I just cry , I said to my husband,  I really don't know how much longer I can cope with this, I do have a high pain barrier, but it's really pushing me to my limit. It feels like it burns as well :'(
Thank you both :)


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Re: Horrendous coccyx pain
« Reply #7 on: April 28, 2020, 06:23:52 PM »

It's chronic.  What we don't realise is how much the coccyx actually moves.  How are your bowels?  Constipation won't help. 

Every time we breath, move, turn over in bed, sneeze ......... get an inflatable swimming ring rather than what you are using?  The wedge may be too solid .  How do you lay in bed, maybe a pillow under each bum cheek/thigh to ease the coccyx off the bed.


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Re: Horrendous coccyx pain
« Reply #8 on: April 28, 2020, 06:39:19 PM »

Hi, bowels are fine, not constipated.  I've just bought an Emma mattress, been using that since last week, before had good quality really thick mattress. I use a pillow between my knees at mo to help with that problem, it feels bruised so whenever its touched it hurts. Its excruciating when I stand  up and hurts when I start walking, slowly gets better after moving. You would think I was 100 if you saw me getting up off the sofa and having to stand for a moment. Sometimes I sit on my hip with my good leg underneath,  I know I shouldn't but I just need a bit of comfort. I will try the round ring and see if thats any better.
Thank you :)


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Re: Horrendous coccyx pain
« Reply #9 on: April 28, 2020, 06:49:03 PM »

That's how I used to sit when mine first occurred. I was in a bad absoute agony.

Like I say, the only thing that has helped was a cortisone injection. It wasn't pleasant at the time and it was agony for a few weeks after. But it has has helped. I'm pretty sure it just treats the inflammation because it obviously can't correct my fused bone. Could you ask for an injection? Or perhaps get one through the physio. I had to go to see an orthopedic consultant for mine. I can go for another if it wares off too much.

Considering how much agony I was in, it doesn't bother me too much now. X


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Re: Horrendous coccyx pain
« Reply #10 on: April 28, 2020, 06:50:15 PM »

CLKD mine was certainly not done under a general. Ouch.
« Last Edit: April 28, 2020, 07:29:54 PM by CrispyChick »


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Re: Horrendous coccyx pain
« Reply #11 on: April 28, 2020, 07:27:02 PM »

If l sit too long on a hardish seat, pain in my coccyx when standing up is agony. However, this does not happen all the time; it seems to come and go. At the moment, l'm in a good patch.


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Re: Horrendous coccyx pain
« Reply #12 on: April 28, 2020, 08:00:30 PM »

One can request under a GA! otherwise how would 1 relax  :-\

Also it has been known that that tail bone can be manipulated under GA to relax it a bit ....... worth asking for an Orthpaedic appt.


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Re: Horrendous coccyx pain
« Reply #13 on: April 29, 2020, 09:31:54 AM »

Hi, I'm  going  to ask doc on Saturday  but it won't be seen as an emergency so I probably won't be referred for an injection.  I will definitely be asking for a different anti inflammatory.  I'm sure there's stronger ones than naproxen.
Thanks all :)


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Re: Horrendous coccyx pain
« Reply #14 on: April 29, 2020, 10:22:50 AM »

No, it probably won't be seen as emergency, but if you can get an orthopedics referral now to get you in the waiting system.......
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