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Author Topic: Headaches - what to do?  (Read 10764 times)


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Re: Headaches - what to do?
« Reply #30 on: February 11, 2020, 08:42:22 PM »

Thank you - me too :) It's earlier in the month than usual but then whatever's normal now??

I have had the same symptoms too rather than the flushes etc. Acid reflux started in my early 40s, dizziness has been awful. I use prochlorperazine if it gets really bad with nausea.

I think you've probably just confirmed that it doesn't matter which regime you're on, headaches aren't helped much by HRT! You're not weird at all  ;) x


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Re: Headaches - what to do?
« Reply #31 on: February 12, 2020, 06:53:14 PM »

Thanks Shropshirelass for the update. No miracle cure for headaches then. I cannot take hrt so cannot judge if my headaches would improve taking it. For some reason in the last week I've suffered from migraines,hot flushes and boy my insomnia it terrible🙄wtf is going on🤔I just feel so tired all the time and that then causes me to have a headache so it's a vicious circle. A few of my friends that are going through menopause aren't getting headaches or half the symptoms I'm getting. Oh well never mind rant over lol. Mogster how are you feeling?


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Re: Headaches - what to do?
« Reply #32 on: February 13, 2020, 11:56:32 AM »

I am in hell...shoot me now :'( :'( headache since Monday and OTC are not cutting it for very long. Alternating paracetamol and ibuprofen, having to take prochlorperazine for nausea. Stomach is upset, I'm itchy, (plus bitchy!), period cramps.  I've done 7 days of utrogestan now and I cannot do any more. Waiting for a phone consultation with my GP since Monday, hopefully will be today.

Back to the drawing board - or possibly Femiston or nothing!!


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Re: Headaches - what to do?
« Reply #33 on: February 13, 2020, 01:18:23 PM »

Sorry you're not feeling better Mogster. You have my sympathies. My head's bad today too, started yesterday and kept me awake. The pain killers haven't touched it, but fortunately I haven't got the accompanying stomach issues. I've been bleeding for 7 days so goodness knows what's going on with my hormones. It's so depressing when you don't know if there's an end in sight. Hope they come up with something to try x


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Re: Headaches - what to do?
« Reply #34 on: February 13, 2020, 03:58:25 PM »


Thank you for your kind wishes :) 3rd lot of painkillers and a generous smearing of 4head has seen it off for now! Sorry you're having a bad day as well, nothing worse if it keeps you awake because being tired will just magnify everything. I did ask the Dr about painkillers and she suggested aspirin was good. I haven't taken aspirin since the Junior version haha. Worth a whirl?

The doctor did luckily call me at lunchtime and we had a chat through the options. She was not happy for me to have taken only 7 days of progesterone so I'm going to do 7 more of femiston and then go back on with that. She actually mentioned the Mirena to me, but I'm not sure it's a good thing if I seem to be so intolerant to progesterone! I'm seeing my own doc on 25th in person so I can talk to him in more depth.

Other than the Femiston, it's pretty limited options-wise if utro does this to me.

Hope you feel better soon too x


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Re: Headaches - what to do?
« Reply #35 on: February 13, 2020, 05:16:38 PM »

Glad you're feeling a bit better, I'm still not good, but just about copable. My dr wanted me to have the mirena but no way am I risking it, if it made things worse I'd have to wait to have it taken out and I'm too big a wimp to have it fitted in any case! I didn't think they were particularly recommended for headaches, but I guess it would give a consistent dose of progesterone. I know they suit a lot of people. Have you tried evorel sequi, that's suppossed to be available again very shortly (finers crossed)?


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Re: Headaches - what to do?
« Reply #36 on: February 13, 2020, 06:00:03 PM »


I'm with you on the mirena - none of my local surgeries do it here so it would mean going via family planning clinic or equivalent (or private) and if I react badly I would want it out quick too!! The only positive is no pills and that the progesterone is levenorgestrel which was in the birth control pill i took in my 20s/30s without issue. No guarantee it will be the same now though is there!? The target is always moving...

I wish I could take Evorel Sequi but norethisterone was a nightmare for me so I would not want to have that again.

Hopefully you can rest and relax now it's home time :)

I don't know what the doctors are like in your area but we have about 2/3 week wait to see a GP unless you are lucky enough to get through to the surgery and on the list for a same day. I'm just not sure I've got the tolerance at the moment to keep back and forth trying things out, just so tired of it all. I'll probably feel differently once I'm over this little blip!!xx


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Re: Headaches - what to do?
« Reply #37 on: February 13, 2020, 06:45:56 PM »

I'm hoping to try femseven when they come back into stock at the end of the year, hopefully, as I've heard good things about them. It's a shame with the mirena that there isn't something with that drug in you could try before committing to it. So few options. My GP's pretty good, it's hard to get an appointment but he asks me to book  appointments in advance (4-6 weeks) depending how I am, so I've usually got one in the pipeline, though I still have to ring early in the morning to get an appointment for two weeks ahead.


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Re: Headaches - what to do?
« Reply #38 on: February 14, 2020, 10:36:34 AM »

Morning SL

Well...the headache has finally "jogged on" - it's so lovely not to wake up with a thick head. Possibly coincidental that no utrogestan last night. I took a Femiston at bedtime, not before noticing a little pink tinge to the loo paper though (sorry TMI). So it could have been my own hormones having a little circus early!! I'm going to carry on with the Femiston for the remaining 6 days though and then just start again on the next pack.

I don't think there is anything with levenorgestrel other than BC pills. Its a great idea to book appointments in advance, now I have the on line booking system I think I will do the same and at least I can cancel if all is well.. Nightmare eh?

Femseven is the patch the doctor first tried to source for me too. Maybe I'll try something else when the shortage situation improves, for now, stable is the aim.

Hope you're feeling brighter too x thanks for all your support this week and sorry for whining!!  :thankyou:


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Re: Headaches - what to do?
« Reply #39 on: February 14, 2020, 06:35:34 PM »

So glad you're feeling better Mogster, I'm really struggling. Head is so bad, worst its been in months. Ive had ibprofen, paracetamol, sudafed and olbas and nothing has touched it. Just had a hot bath and immersing myself in hot water gave temporary relief. Feeling so fed up. VA seems be having a flare up too. Nightmare.
Hopefully, with your cycle kicking in you will have some relief for a while. I just don't know what's going on with me atm. Thanks for being there, it's really nice to have someone to talk  to who understands x


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Re: Headaches - what to do?
« Reply #40 on: February 14, 2020, 09:27:40 PM »

Shropshirelass Sorry to hear your headache is back with a vengeance. it's so debilitating when you getting them constantly. Can you take aspirin as I find this along side paracetamol can work a treat sometimes I've got mirena coil and I've had no issues with it. I cannot take hrt as it made me feel so ill though the progesterone in the coil doesn't seem to give me any issues. I had yet another headache today though not migraine. I'm finding that I can wake up headache free and as the day goes on bang one comes along. it's so annoying as I've got to make sure I've always got plenty of tablets with me. Honestly it's like Boots the chemist in my handbag😂 I'm really hoping I get away suffering with VA,can't be doing with that as well as all the other bloody symptoms!


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Re: Headaches - what to do?
« Reply #41 on: February 15, 2020, 11:20:10 AM »

Morning SL

Oh no, how are you feeling today? Have you managed to get some rest and out of pain yet? Sorry to hear about the VA too. (lol I nearly typed VAT there, hazard of the job haha). I had one pain free day and yet woke up with another headache this morning. No messing about 2 paracetamol down the hatch at 4.30 am. I do think that this may be partially down to the low barometric pressure though. Possibly. It's at bay for now but you're always on edge waiting for the next twinge.

My natural cycle is having a bit of a party now. Not a full period but enough to need a liner. I'm now wondering whether I need to carry on with the progesterone for 5 more days if my lining is going. I know how fed up you are SL, I'm sick of this taking over my life. Hopefully today is a better day for you and you can relax at home.

Catlover it's funny you mention aspirin, as this is what the GP suggested to me, also interesting about the mirena and that you tolerate the progesterone ok! Which HRTs did you try which affected you? Do you still take oestrogen to accompany the Mirena? Yes, headache/migraine can come on so fast, my handbag is also laden with 2 x painkillers, anti nausea meds, magnesium and a 4head stick to smear on my head. Tiger balm is also good and similar, if you've not tried that.

It sometimes makes you wonder if it's all worth it, trying to balance everything. It's almost like I've got FOMO about being on HRT now, because I'm terrified of getting osteoporosis. I hope the theory is right, that the symptoms get worse the nearer you get to actual menopause. I'm not sure I will do very well if the other stuff now starts coming in, hot sweats and everything on top of this.

Love to you all x



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Re: Headaches - what to do?
« Reply #42 on: February 15, 2020, 12:03:08 PM »

Hi both, head is a bit better, kept me awake again but has eased off a bit now, so isn't pounding. VA is quite bad though. Seems too much of a coincidence so I guess its all related. I will try asprin, anything is worth a try and like you two, my handbag, workbag etc are stuffed full of pills and snacks to stave off nausea! I'm not sure about symptoms easing off at menopause. I should be menopausal and I seem to be getting worse, though it's hard to say where I am. I've read the body can have a last attempt before finally going into menopause proper so maybe that's what it is. Not only is eveyone different, but it also seems to be a bit random individually (for me at least).

Hope your headaches improve as the day progresses. Wishing you both well, can't even go for a walk with storm Dennis!


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Re: Headaches - what to do?
« Reply #43 on: February 15, 2020, 12:34:39 PM »

Hey SL
Glad you're even the slightest bit better. Mine is still niggling off and on, made myself feel a bit sick by having a latte :(  Just tidied out my medicine cupboard to see what I've got. Enough paracetamol to bring down a rhino, some long lasting ibuprofen, anti nausea meds and a pack of soluble aspirin. Maybe something topical for the VA?

I'm guessing due to your user name you are a lot further west than me (E Anglia) so Dennis is probably in full swing there. It was breezy but dry and mild first thing so I took myself out for a walk early doors and I'm glad I did. 5000 steps by 8am! Wind has definitely picked up here and showers on and off.

A nice day to curl up indoors with a book and a cat or two :)


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Re: Headaches - what to do?
« Reply #44 on: February 15, 2020, 02:06:43 PM »

Hi there - all of you mentioning hormonal headaches. Do you know if they are migraines? I suffered with the hormonal headaches - sometimes lasting 3 days - for years but very late on I discovered they were in fact migraines. After an even longer time  later and relatively recently someone suggested sumpatriptan and these really are magic pills - i have not suffered since I now get these on repeat. Over the years I have got to know when I'm getting one of these migraines as the night before I don't sleep and keep waking either with a slight headache or a characteristic fuzzy or tight head. Since having the triptans if I take one in the night or early in the morning (when I get these heads) it will often prevent the headache developing - sometimes need to take another one the next morning and perhaps some paracetamol at night but they have changed my life!! From experience - if I've left the headache and just eg taken a paracetamol or two in the morning thinking it might not develop into the migraine - it almost always has done by which time the triptans are less effective although I still take them - but sometimes you get a bit of a rebound so it goes into a fourth day. Last time I just took half a tab two mornings running and it really stopped it! Learn to get to know your headaches and their pattern - how they develop and fade and you might be able to do the same. I had the nausea and all of that with the migraines and the horrible persistent needling headache which often ends with intense painful sensitivity on one sdie of my scalp/head. Also light and sound sensitivity. Do consider trips if you think yours might be migraines. I can't believe these were not suggested to me by the docs years ago as I have mentioned my headaches on several occasions over the years. Ibuprofen gives me horrible nausea so can't really take those.

I hope this helps someone get relief from these beasts!

Hurdity x
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