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Menopause Matters magazine ISSUE 75 out now. (Spring issue, March 2024)


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Author Topic: Waiting for scan...  (Read 22600 times)


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Re: Waiting for scan...
« Reply #15 on: December 31, 2019, 04:25:09 AM »

Wow, that's terrible. I'm glad I chased it up so quickly. I'll ring the scan dept again in the morning to make sure they've got it.

I've taken some diazepam to try to sleep tonight, as well as the painkillers.  My body is doing really strange things. I keep getting odd shooting pains on the top of my left breast, and ****ling feelings at the base f my sternum..

Just trying not to freak out too much.   It will be what it will be

Jeepers xx

If I have learned one thing over the years, it is that benign conditions can still cause major symptoms. You most likely have something that is not sinister and is treatable. It is human nature to think the worst though. 


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Re: Waiting for scan...
« Reply #16 on: December 31, 2019, 07:22:39 AM »

Thank you yellow flower, I'll try to hang on to that thought.

Slept a bit better last night. Just got pressure pain in left side this morning, underneath my lower ribs. And a feeling that my bra is too tight.  I did manage to eat my dinner last night,

Jeepers xx


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Re: Waiting for scan...
« Reply #17 on: December 31, 2019, 11:25:30 AM »

I rang the booking line this morning.  They said as they only received the referral today (thanks GP surgery!), they would be sending it for assessment, and I wont hear anything before Thursday (tomorrow being New years day).  So still waiting, its like torture

I tried to apply some logic, and looked up that about 267 females in my age group get diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, so hoping the odds are in my favour.  However, went to the loo and my stool was loose, brownish/yellow, and I think oily, some bubble of oil seemed to ascend and create a film.. sorry I know its TMI

I am just clinging on by my fingernails at the moment.  My daughter has just left to jet off for a new year break, and I hugged her so close, feeling like things are about to change....

Jeepers xx


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Re: Waiting for scan...
« Reply #18 on: December 31, 2019, 12:13:15 PM »

Hi Sparkle

Thank you for your kind reply.  Yes, I do have my gallbladder.  I had some right sided pain earlier this year, and it was scanned at the beginning of April, came back okay.  The thing I remember about that scan is the sonogrpaher saying that she got a really good look at my pancreas.  She explained that in some people it curls behind other organs, but mine was clearly visible and all okay. 

But all organs were okay in April.  Obviously things can change, hence my complete terror

Jeepers xx



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Re: Waiting for scan...
« Reply #19 on: December 31, 2019, 02:42:28 PM »

I had an endoscopy in Aug 18, when they found a couple of spots of gastritis. 

It has crossed my mind that it could be kidney related too

I don't seem to be going to the toilet as often as before, and a couple of weeks ago I used to get so that I was almost wetting myself, and now I don't get that at all. As if my bladder is no longer getting as full for some reason

But here I go again, just wildly speculating.  ...


Yes, Birdy, you are probably right ♥️

Jeepers xx


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Re: Waiting for scan...
« Reply #20 on: December 31, 2019, 02:52:35 PM »

Have a good prod around your ribs, and see if there is a hot spot (pain wise not heat).

I strongly suspect that you have inflammation of the cartridge, where the rib/ribs meet the breast bone.  There is a proper name for this but I can't remember.  I had this a few years ago and it is extremely painful.  Couldn't wear a bra for months. 
« Last Edit: December 31, 2019, 04:20:20 PM by Shadyglade »


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Re: Waiting for scan...
« Reply #21 on: December 31, 2019, 04:58:46 PM »

Jeepers - please hold on to the fact that all was well in April when your pancreas was looked at then. Lots of ladies have made some very good suggestions about what might be causing the pain.  Fingers crossed you get the scan date soon x


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Re: Waiting for scan...
« Reply #22 on: December 31, 2019, 05:25:05 PM »

Hi Jeepers, have you supplied a stool sample for testing - just to eliminate things like campylobacter (food poisoning) etc. I had it last month & had terrible diarrhoea which was very watery at times. Stress can also trigger stomach issues. Your doctor is running these tests to find a possible reason, it doesn't necessarily mean it is something sinister.
Try not to worry xxx


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Re: Waiting for scan...
« Reply #23 on: December 31, 2019, 07:48:40 PM »

Just to add to what Birdy said, stress will give you all sorts of digestive issues, including diarrhea. I have been in your position in the past and everything was OK.


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Re: Waiting for scan...
« Reply #24 on: December 31, 2019, 08:20:27 PM »

Hi Jeepers
I'm finding some of your descriptions of pain very interesting. I have been having pains around my ribs too. I'm trying to not to worry as I had it in the past for a month and it went away. I can get sharp stabbing pain under my rib on the left side about 4 cm up away my bellybutton under my ribs. Sometimes on my top of my left hip.
But then I also get pain that moves around my back, sharp pain in my head, sometimes knees, and sharp pains in other areas of my chest and stomach and then there's my ovary problems. I also get a vice like pain around my ribs and back across my bottom of my bra.
This has been happening to me for a year comes and goes? I've been to the doctors a lot. And had blood test, X-rays, MRI see a rheumatologist.
I'm just hoping it's premenopausal related as no one can really tell me what's happening.
I too can get stressed and had stomach issues and piles issues for 3 months plus a bit off bleeding from the bottom and losing weight. I just keep going to the doctor, but i truly understand your stress.
Please let us know how you get on.
Sending love, hugs and prayers all the way from Australia
« Last Edit: January 01, 2020, 05:05:46 AM by Lyncola »


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Re: Waiting for scan...
« Reply #25 on: January 01, 2020, 05:18:56 AM »

It's me again,
So guess what I found myself doing at my Mother in laws today goggling pancreas's, now I'm concerned too. Only about where the pain is and weight loss.
Three weeks now with on and off pain, but I put it down to hurting my ribs, which happened at the same time. The rheumatologist told me 45 minutes off exercise a day is not enough for my back problems so increase it by 15-30 minutes. I believe I did too hard exercise with my resistance band :(
My ribs are very slowly getting better after being bad for two and half weeks.
I will try to contain my worries and wait another two weeks to see if it improves with my ribs.
Before Christmas it seems like I was at the doctors every week. I feel sad and like I'm going mad because I'm always there complaining about pain in my body. I get days where I hate myself and my body. And I feel bad because it cost me money I don't have.
Sorry to let this all out on your post Jeepers. I feel better talking to you ladies, as I feel you all understand.
Hugs and kisses to everyone  : :-*


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Re: Waiting for scan...
« Reply #26 on: January 01, 2020, 07:53:54 AM »

Hi ladies

Oh my goodness, what would I do without you all, you are all really amazing. I'm trying to think that it could be any one of this lesser things.

Yesterday I got an appointment from the hospital to see a consultant in the gastrointestinal dept next Monday. I was really happy to get that date. Also, I'm glad that they are not just sending me for a scan, but will get the chance to talk to the specialist, rather than just get scanned and go home.

Last night I was at a NYE dinner and dance , I didn't really want to go, but I did, and I felt normal for a few hours. I did eat, drink and dance, and actually enjoyed it. I've had some pain this morning, and very loose bowels (not yellow though this time). Freaked out a little thinking I was getting bowel urgency in the middle of the night, but actually it was 7.15 am, so sort of my normal time.

  In a way I feel like it was worth it for my mental health , if that makes sense.  I figured if it is something serious, I need to grab a few happy moments when I can. 

Lyncola, I am very sorry if I have triggered you, and I hope your ribs get better soon. How are you feeling today? 

Anyway, I do feel guilty for last night, trying not to feel like that. But I am focusing on next Monday, I'm so scared, but glad of it too.

Thank you all so very very much everyone , I am so humbled by the support I am getting. Happy and peaceful new year to you all.. ♥️

Loads of love




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Re: Waiting for scan...
« Reply #27 on: January 01, 2020, 09:16:51 AM »

Hi Jeepers,
I don't think you have trigger me.
 I've had it on and off for 3 weeks now. Today is one off my more constant pain or dull pain days. Bothers me more then active or sitting, doesn't bother me when I'm flat in bed? It strange how it's started up again when I injured my ribs.
Before then a good month of nothing and I had at least one bad patch last year. Strange because it started low stomach area left and right across my stomach for about a month, then it moved up a pain band but now under my belly button for about a month then above my belly button, then under the ribs for about a month then got better just odd random pain, now for the last three weeks under the ribs again 95% off the time on the right side.
I have mentioned it before to my doctor. The strange thing about my is I get pain in other areas too. But at the moment it's my mainly ribs and back.
Jeepers can I ask what you think about this?
When the internet talks about pancreas and pain under your ribs, do they mean pain under your ribs right deep inside you or you can feel your ribs on the outside and the pain is below that?
Because I've got the I can feel my ribs on the outside and the pain is below (next to my right ribs)
The internet is so confusing  ;D
I myself will go to my doctor in the next week or two. I'm hoping as my ribs improve so will this pain just below my ribs.
Please let us know how you go on Monday. I'm sending love and positive thoughts your way
« Last Edit: January 01, 2020, 09:44:51 AM by Lyncola »


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Re: Waiting for scan...
« Reply #28 on: January 01, 2020, 01:55:08 PM »

Hi Ladies. I have just read this thread with interest as I have a PhD in Health Anxiety unfortunately...
Jeepers - your messages mirror exactly what happened to me a few years ago. I had a sharp, ****ly pain under my
left ribs for about a month. Bad wind. Worrying bout it ruined a holiday in Valencia. I fixated on it 24/7 and also kept prodding
that area. I remember phoning the GP back home in secret whilst pretending to go to hotel reception to get more milk for the
room. I was so worried I felt sick, convinced myself my ribs were showing. By the time I went to the GP I was convinced
there was something serious.    And guest what ( but we all know don't we). It was just inflammation of the stomach which
had irritated my ribs (made worse the kind GP suggested by my constant prodding irritating the sensitive intercostal muscles between
the ribs). Ten days later it had all gone and I move onto thinking I had dementia for the next 3 months.

Also it seems too obvious but all that rich food and drink in the build up to Christmas = increased acid = stomach lining a bit sore.

But I do know until someone in a white coat says to you ' you are fine' there is very little anyone can do to ease your worry.

I have had a relatively worry free 3 months since I was convinced I had throat cancer back in October (turned out to be scorched by drinking too hot soup). Now after three nights of being aware of my heart vibrating like a mobile phone on vibrate I too am a wreck.  Nearly went to A & E at 3am. Constantly touching my heart area.  Better during the day but a worry nut job from 10pm to 6am. Until I get an ECG I will be convinced I am seconds away from a heart attack. 

I was so sure I was on a better path. Typical cortisol / progesterone surge + winter darkness = HA.

Thanks as always for listening ladies.  :-*



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Re: Waiting for scan...
« Reply #29 on: January 01, 2020, 03:10:35 PM »

Jeepers - This may resonate with you....
I just Googled ' vibrations ' on this site and read a post from ages ago which made me feel
better as the symptoms were just like mine - then I realised I had actually written it!

The panic, the certainty that 'this time' something is ' really' wrong, the cycle of getting checked out. It was all there.
Have a look at some of your old posts and you may be reassured that it is the pattern of health anxiety that you are in
rather than having something seriously wrong.  When you see someone else going through the same cycle of HA it seems so
obvious but when you are in the middle of it it is so hard to shake.
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