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Menopause Matters magazine ISSUE 76 out now. (Summer issue, June 2024)


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Author Topic: And so it begins  (Read 3018 times)


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And so it begins
« on: October 05, 2018, 11:16:34 PM »

I rang the Doctor for my blood test results and he told me I was perimenopause,as well as my blood/sugars being a bit high. So I have an appointment for 17th October. I'm new to all this,so what happens next?   

Thank you. Margaret.


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Re: And so it begins
« Reply #1 on: October 06, 2018, 09:50:45 AM »

Hi and welcome Freckles
Read up all the factual Info on this site to really get clued up.
Write down all your symptoms and questions and print out the info on the various hrt treatments for peri menopause from this site - take this to your appointment to aid discussion.
The GP may try to push ADs/SSRIs but you need to strongly resist this and make it clear that the NICE guidelines state that HRT is the front line treatment for menopause symptoms.
If you are prescribed hrt then see if you can get Femoston 1/10 as this is often better tolerated than Elleste (the cheapest hrt type).
I'm not sure what impact raised blood sugar will have on everything?? Are you carrying a bit too much extra weight? Can you change to your diet to help with this? Hopefully the doctor will advice about this.
Let us know how you get on. DGx


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Re: And so it begins
« Reply #2 on: October 06, 2018, 09:58:49 AM »

Don't let the blood sugar readings influence what you decide to try.  Ask for an appt. with a Practice Nurse to monitor readings.  Without knowing what your over-all diet is, plus exericse regime, a 1-off result probably means nowt.  Perhaps keep a mood/food/symptom diary to take with you?

If your GP is concerned about diabetes then this can be staved off by a good diet as eating well and regularly can drop the blood sugar levels. If there really is a problem ask to be referred to a diabetic clinic for practical advice, alongside treatment for menopause.  Which symptom would you like to ease first? 

Let us know how you get on.


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Re: And so it begins
« Reply #3 on: October 06, 2018, 04:21:07 PM »

What has been your main troubling symptoms?
A one off dodgy blood sugar doesn't mean much. If it was a blood test, was it fasting etc. It definitely would need follow up- usually something like a glucose tolerance test.
My main symptom for serious annoyance was the night sweats- went on hrt straight away- that was really interesting in that loads of weird stuff/ symptoms that had been going on for years!  That i never associated with peri went too.
Best thing since sliced bread- don't be fobbed off with er just wait n see, fancy some antidepressants etc etc. But i suppose you need to identify what symptoms are bothering you most to find a way forward


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Re: And so it begins
« Reply #4 on: October 06, 2018, 10:54:14 PM »

Thank you all for the replies and advice,it's much appreciated.  8)

There is a lot to be considerd with me as I have/had high bad cholesterol levels as well as high blodd pressure as well as having bad migraines(Since I was 14 years old.) I'm taking pizotifen 1.5mg and statins for high cholesterol.

Sgtvhilts. Yeah the blood test was a fasting one,they didn't tell me to but I have always done it for blood tests. I get hot flashes all through the day,night sweats and interupted sleep. What is ER?

CLKD. I have booked an appointment with the nurse. My diet is quite bad,eating on the go all the time as I am a chef so I don't get much time to stop and eat as I'm always on the go at work.

Dancinggirl. What are ADs/SSRIs? 

Thank you all again for this. Hugs. Margaret.  8)


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Re: And so it begins
« Reply #5 on: October 06, 2018, 11:47:09 PM »

Freckles 1971 Hello
ER as in  "er wait and see" "want some anti-depressants"   ;D  Sgtvhilts missed the speech marks but was just trying to get across that is what a lot of dr's say to fob us meno ladies!  Its quite common for dr's to be very unhelpful (boy am I being kind huh ladies !!?) Actually unhelpful dr's is an understatement and if you forage about this forum for long enough you will see just how useless they can be unless you go armed with loads of info.  Sgtvhilts was just trying to prepare you in case you ran into the local village idiot - there is usually one in every surgery  ::)  I really hope you don't get one - its frustrating and disappointing.

AD's = anti=depressants and SSRI's = Selective Seratonine Reuptake Inhibitors - which is a specific type of anti-depressant.
GP's like to hand them out because any anxiety or low mood meno ladies tends to be linked to depression when in fact it more than likely is a symptom of meno.  My comments are very cynical about GPs but that is because it has been my experience  :-\
I hope you have better luck and your dr is wonderful but a lot of us here have a bit of rough time with GP's - so we come to forum for a moan  ;) 
That' why it is always best to go prepared as Dancinggirl and CKLD suggest.  Welcome by the wat  :welcomemm:


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Re: And so it begins
« Reply #6 on: October 07, 2018, 12:00:26 AM »

Freckles 1971 Hello
ER as in  "er wait and see" "want some anti-depressants"   ;D  Sgtvhilts missed the speech marks but was just trying to get across that is what a lot of dr's say to fob us meno ladies!  Its quite common for dr's to be very unhelpful (boy am I being kind huh ladies !!?) Actually unhelpful dr's is an understatement and if you forage about this forum for long enough you will see just how useless they can be unless you go armed with loads of info.  Sgtvhilts was just trying to prepare you in case you ran into the local village idiot - there is usually one in every surgery  ::)  I really hope you don't get one - its frustrating and disappointing.

AD's = anti=depressants and SSRI's = Selective Seratonine Reuptake Inhibitors - which is a specific type of anti-depressant.
GP's like to hand them out because any anxiety or low mood meno ladies tends to be linked to depression when in fact it more than likely is a symptom of meno.  My comments are very cynical about GPs but that is because it has been my experience  :-\
I hope you have better luck and your dr is wonderful but a lot of us here have a bit of rough time with GP's - so we come to forum for a moan  ;) 
That' why it is always best to go prepared as Dancinggirl and CKLD suggest.  Welcome by the wat  :welcomemm:

Thank you Ladybt28 for the reply and information. So far I have only been to the Dr for a talk about what my sypmtoms are and to explain all the treatments. I was at the nurse for blodd tests and got confermation about the menopause from the Dr.  I have made an appointment for both Dr and nurse to get more blood drawn and to get started on treatments. So fingers crossed all goes well.  8)

I have been reading the guidance on menopause in the work place PDF. There's a bit that made me laugh. It says about the tempeture and ventilation in the work place! I work as a chef,it's always hot and fast paced in the kitchen. ;D

Thank you again Ladybt28.  Hugs. Margaret.


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Re: And so it begins
« Reply #7 on: October 07, 2018, 12:23:03 AM »

Hi Margaret, and welcome 😁

Another reason they'll do full blood tests for everything, is that very often type 2 diabetes and or thyroid issues can present with symptoms very similar to meno type symptoms. In the case of insulin resistance (the stage before type 2 has fully developed) an optimal diet can go a long way to stabilising blood sugars and stave off developing fully blown diabetes. If you have thyroid issues, very often you will see an endocrinologist to help manage those too.

If those things are within normal range (or well controlled with medication, etc) on a blood test, and you're around the right age, then symptoms alone should give the doctor enough information to describe you as peri/menopausal. And the guidelines suggest to manage the hormonal ebbs and flows of this time. Once these are under control, and the anxiety and depression are not, then is the time to look into additional treatments such as ADs, counselling etc

It's a journey alright! Good luck with it all xx


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Re: And so it begins
« Reply #8 on: October 07, 2018, 07:23:17 AM »

ADs/SSRIs are types of anti depressant and can sometimes help with flushes if a women can't take HRT for health reasons. Unfortunately many GPs prescribe these first, instead if HRT, in the misguided belief that these are less risky. HRT is very low risk but it can be trial And error till you find a HRT that suits you. However ADs/ SSRIs can have some nasty side effects(as I have experienced) and can be tough to come off.
I do hope you have a good GP who will give you the right treatment. Just go to appointments clued up and prepared. Good luck. DG x


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Re: And so it begins
« Reply #9 on: October 07, 2018, 02:35:00 PM »

Hi all
I post on an ipad and it never prints quote marks & most punctuation. I seem totally illiterate- it is the gadget- i swear!
Er - means , um, like a pause, when you are trying to think of the next thing to say.
Gps = er , um fancy some antidepressants,, as I haven't a clue what to do next or is it un er ibs
Lol you get the picture


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Re: And so it begins
« Reply #10 on: October 07, 2018, 02:53:51 PM »

Technology hey  ::)

Give me a quill and ink  ;)


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Re: And so it begins
« Reply #11 on: October 07, 2018, 04:23:25 PM »

Oh yes Sgtvhilts  :)  we get the picture - too many of us have been in the frame!  ::)  I hope you're not offended that I said the punctuation was missing it's just that Frackles1971 is new to all of this and delightfully does not know what to expect.  I am really hoping and praying on her behalf she doesn't get to hear those phrases but the cynic in me doesn't hold out much hope....although the women who have problems post on here - I am hoping there are millions out there who haven't had to deal with a brainless GP or is that wishful thinking....????


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Re: And so it begins
« Reply #12 on: October 07, 2018, 08:44:12 PM »

Of course no offence taken- there is very little that offends me truly and certainly not anything like that. Tough old bird with very broad shoulders. Lol.


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Re: And so it begins
« Reply #13 on: October 07, 2018, 09:20:47 PM »

Hi Frckles, if haven't done so already read the 'advice for husbands' pinned post. You may find you have symptoms you hadn't associated with meno.


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Re: And so it begins
« Reply #14 on: October 07, 2018, 10:30:33 PM »

sheila99. Good evening,and thank you for the advice. I have read the first post so far of the advice for husbands. One question. Is it still premenopause if a lady hasn't had a period for almost a year? It's just that I haven't had mine in almost a year now and I was a bit muddled about that.

Thank you lovely ladies for all the replies,help and patience with me as I ask what I think as stupid questions.

Hugs.   Margaret.
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