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Author Topic: Health Anxiety - Irrational but I cant help it. Im so depressed  (Read 7862 times)


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Re: Health Anxiety - Irrational but I cant help it. Im so depressed
« Reply #15 on: October 04, 2018, 09:25:24 PM »

When my body didn't like a form of HRT (progesterone good old progesterone  ::) I had a mega kind of neurosis - cause that's what it is really... about everything except health!  I lost all my confidence, I got agoraphobic, couldn't answer the telephone (huge problem as I work from home and the telephone is huge part of my job!).  Couldn't sleep a wink. Worried that: I was going to lose every customer I ever had immediately over the following week, hubbie and I were going to be destitute, lose the house, have no money to live on when we retired, that the phone would ring and someone would tell me someone close to me had died, didn't want 21 year old son going to work in case he got run over on the way or was injured at work. Didn't want hubby to leave the house, turned off all the plugs in case the house burnt down, shook if someone came to the door - I couldn't do anything at all because I thought I had forgotten how to do everything! and very nearly convinced myself that my life was no over and I was better off dead -basically - turned into terrified jibbering wreck - I literally lost my marbles.  Stopped the continuous progesterone and it went away!

It's a terrifying experience - I've noticed from the comments here that the meno generally and reactions to some of the HRT can cause extreme anxiety and irrationality - you are not alone suzysunday.


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Re: Health Anxiety - Irrational but I cant help it. Im so depressed
« Reply #16 on: October 05, 2018, 08:19:00 AM »

Thank you so much.


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Re: Health Anxiety - Irrational but I cant help it. Im so depressed
« Reply #17 on: October 05, 2018, 12:41:10 PM »

When my body didn't like a form of HRT (progesterone good old progesterone  ::) I had a mega kind of neurosis - cause that's what it is really... about everything except health!  I lost all my confidence, I got agoraphobic, couldn't answer the telephone (huge problem as I work from home and the telephone is huge part of my job!).  Couldn't sleep a wink. Worried that: I was going to lose every customer I ever had immediately over the following week, hubbie and I were going to be destitute, lose the house, have no money to live on when we retired, that the phone would ring and someone would tell me someone close to me had died, didn't want 21 year old son going to work in case he got run over on the way or was injured at work. Didn't want hubby to leave the house, turned off all the plugs in case the house burnt down, shook if someone came to the door - I couldn't do anything at all because I thought I had forgotten how to do everything! and very nearly convinced myself that my life was no over and I was better off dead -basically - turned into terrified jibbering wreck - I literally lost my marbles.  Stopped the continuous progesterone and it went away!

It's a terrifying experience - I've noticed from the comments here that the meno generally and reactions to some of the HRT can cause extreme anxiety and irrationality - you are not alone suzysunday.

I am on 500mg of progesterone only and constant - transdermal. I have been on it for years at least 8. No Oestrogen
I had my bloods done and shown as oestro deficient with high stimulating hormone



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Re: Health Anxiety - Irrational but I cant help it. Im so depressed
« Reply #18 on: October 05, 2018, 07:34:43 PM »

How are you doing roseenglish?  Have you been to your gp today like you said.  Hope you are a bit better.


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Re: Health Anxiety - Irrational but I cant help it. Im so depressed
« Reply #19 on: October 05, 2018, 10:03:23 PM »

How are you doing roseenglish?  Have you been to your gp today like you said.  Hope you are a bit better.

Hello 😋

Thank you for asking

Yes I went. Explained my sensations and associated anxiety asked if any other woman had come with similar symptoms and she told me “no”
Which was upsetting as I hoped she'd tell me that it was not an unheard of symptom for meno
I took some literature about the nerve condition I'm worried about and she told me she HAD heard of it but was not privy to how to treat it,
She's going to read the info and make some calls to gynos she she believes are more familiar with the condition and then come back to me with a plan

In the short term I was offered a nerve blocker or HRT as my estrogen is deficient but I use a LOT of progesterone for 8 years
She gave me a short term course of HRT called Tibalone and told me to reduce the progression in large drops 200 mg per week to see if introducimg oestrogen helps me with the issue to my genital pa

I e been in tough with a lady here who had the same arousal sensations but she was shy to ask about it.  Bottom line she told me the symptoms were at their worst when her estrogen was at rock bottom and the symptoms got better as she balanced her hormones out so I hope that's what will happen with ne

I've taken 1 pill of tibolone tonight and I feel dizzy and sleepy
It's a steroid!!
Anyway ty for asking
Liz xx


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Re: Health Anxiety - Irrational but I cant help it. Im so depressed
« Reply #20 on: October 06, 2018, 10:09:49 AM »

As we age oestrogen levels drop off so I don't understand 'deficient'  :-\.  It's surely natural? 


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Re: Health Anxiety - Irrational but I cant help it. Im so depressed
« Reply #21 on: October 06, 2018, 11:29:12 AM »

From reading here roseenglish I belive dizzy and sleepy is pretty normal in the first couple of weeks with Tiblone.  I haven't take it myself but loads of ladies here complain of that when starting out on it.  It does settle. 
Forgive me for asking again why are you only on progesterone and nothing else?  Oestrogen is the feel good homone out of the two, progesterone is the one that causes most of the problems, bloating, depression, weepiness and generally makes you feel rough.  The real factor in the menopause is that the oestrogen levels drop significantly and so you get the flushes, depression, lethargy etc  Our bodies when we are fertile balance both, as we get older its like a see saw and the oestrogen drops leaving more progesterone around to make us miserable. 

When taking HRT as I understand it if you have a womb the progesterone bit is only there to ensure that the lining of the womb sheds and does not thicken causing its own problems and to get the balance back again because we are putting the oestrogen back in our bodies. 

The Tiblone is likely to settle - stick with it I know that's really really hard when you feel so bad already you don't want to add any new symptoms but most likely it will actually make you feel better if you can get over those first weeks.  :yes:


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Re: Health Anxiety - Irrational but I cant help it. Im so depressed
« Reply #22 on: October 06, 2018, 02:24:22 PM »

From reading here roseenglish I belive dizzy and sleepy is pretty normal in the first couple of weeks with Tiblone.  I haven't take it myself but loads of ladies here complain of that when starting out on it.  It does settle. 
Forgive me for asking again why are you only on progesterone and nothing else?  Oestrogen is the feel good homone out of the two, progesterone is the one that causes most of the problems, bloating, depression, weepiness and generally makes you feel rough.  The real factor in the menopause is that the oestrogen levels drop significantly and so you get the flushes, depression, lethargy etc  Our bodies when we are fertile balance both, as we get older its like a see saw and the oestrogen drops leaving more progesterone around to make us miserable. 

When taking HRT as I understand it if you have a womb the progesterone bit is only there to ensure that the lining of the womb sheds and does not thicken causing its own problems and to get the balance back again because we are putting the oestrogen back in our bodies. 

The Tiblone is likely to settle - stick with it I know that's really really hard when you feel so bad already you don't want to add any new symptoms but most likely it will actually make you feel better if you can get over those first weeks.  :yes:

Because I self diagnosed myself as being "estrogen dominant" donkeys years ago. I read that estrogen was the stimulating hormone that causes rage, insomnia, anxiety etc and Progesterone was dubbed as "Natures Valium" the calming hormone that relaxes us and it was backed by so many case studies and tests to show all the benefits of prog and all the negatives about estrogen. This was all on the website that sold natural progesterone cream so i knew they were biased but at the time id made a certain kind of sense to me, and so I used more and more to combat the symptoms of PMS, insomnia, anxiety, rage (never had rage in my LIFE before then) I was slapping so much of the stuff on me following the website advise as the theory was to apply enough prog to make it the dominant hormone and then slowly reduce the prog to create a balance.
Each time you increased the prog cream the estrogen symptoms would flare and this was apparently normal and would pass.

Here is the link:

When I went to my doctor yesterday and told her I think I am using too much prog and needed so estrogen she turned to me and said
"You think?! ... you know I could tell you off, I respect your intelligence and self research but you are quite stubborn and have gone down this path of belief that estrogen is all bad and progesterone is the "cure all" and here we are"

I started crying not because I was angry or upset but because I know she was correct.

I had not even explained to her at that point the issues I was having. I am devastated she told me no other woman had approached her with the symptoms I am having. I so hoped to find more women like me. I know there are at least 3 women on these forums that either had it and it just vanished no treatment or got 90% better when they got their hormones balanced. One lady knows all about it and thinks she had a cross over from Sexsurge/PGAD but told me she was a lot better

I PRAY I am over thinking this I PRAY this will be just a hormone balance issue. Nothing would make me happier.

Sorry vent over.

My estrogen at the last test was <18 
« Last Edit: November 26, 2018, 01:39:42 PM by Roseenglish »


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Re: Health Anxiety - Irrational but I cant help it. Im so depressed
« Reply #23 on: October 06, 2018, 02:55:48 PM »

Pre-menstrual syndrome is in the 10-14 days prior to a bleed.  Once the period begins the symptoms go.  Until the next cycle.  Symptoms can be eased by eating correctly, every 3 hours 24/7.  Maybe have a look-see at the NAPS web-site, I may have suggested already  :-\

Years ago is how long because the body alters.  Particularly during The Change.  What would you have liked your GP to discuss with you?  Is there a Practice Nurse with menopause knowledge?  Did she explain why other ladies haven't presented with similar issues?

Ladybt28 explains it really well  :thankyou:  I may have suggested keeping a mood/food/symptom diary to chart how you are feeling.  Something concrete to keep an eye on issues.  [so tired 2day].

With Forums such as this when problems are presented, one takes suggestions and decides which are appropriate.  Puts to 1 side for later consideration or ditches completely.  We are not medics but are willing to share experiences.  Maybe it's the progesterone that is causing your problem.  What have you decided to do ?


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Re: Health Anxiety - Irrational but I cant help it. Im so depressed
« Reply #24 on: October 06, 2018, 07:56:00 PM »

I hope that the use of oestrogen will balance out these awful feelings you are suffering.  I was on tibolone for 18 months and it made me feel tired and aching all the time and the acne was bad!  I hope it levels things out for you. There are many references to pgad on line which maybe you have  seen.   It's tough  your gp hasn't heard of it.  Have belief that things will improve but it may be slow and sometimes you feel you are going backwards, but believe you will get your health back.  It's hard I know as I don't feel as though I've made any progress in 3 months!  Had a miserable letter off my gynaecologist not happy about not having a second biopsy and have to see him in a couple of weeks!  Feel awful and anxious now.  Just have to plod on.  All the best to you.


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Re: Health Anxiety - Irrational but I cant help it. Im so depressed
« Reply #25 on: October 06, 2018, 08:26:11 PM »

Just seen on your other thread that you have seen the online stuff and that it frightens you.  There are probably other things it will be, maybe meno related.  Hope your gp gets you some answers. Not knowing is really frightening.


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Re: Health Anxiety - Irrational but I cant help it. Im so depressed
« Reply #26 on: October 06, 2018, 09:51:17 PM »

Just seen on your other thread that you have seen the online stuff and that it frightens you.  There are probably other things it will be, maybe meno related.  Hope your gp gets you some answers. Not knowing is really frightening.

I've joined a secret Facebook support group with 300 members worldwide.
It's a very unique disorder which effects everyone differently.
The hardest part is trying to live with the anxiety and depression I'm getting from the symptoms.
It waxes and wanes but I'm aware of it down below like a constant itch that can't be scratched. I've tried once a day 4 days in a row still feel it.
The last 3 days at around the same time I have what I can only describe as a hot flush/anxiety attack/arousal all at the same time... heart is racing and I'm aching with lust but head is racing with panic...the panic and heat comes first I think .
I lie on bed on my side and just wait it out ... counting flowers on the wallpaper or distraction techniques, it slowly fades my heart calms down and then I get cold and sleepy l

So, people still trying to tell me it's normal, how they wish they had what I have because their libido has dwindled

All I ever wanted was for people to either be so kind as to pm me or reply and tell me they had an extreme high libido like mine and it's not unusual or unheard of.
I had one kind lady who said she had it for 3 weeks and it passed. Others have been quite cutting and told me to stop over thinking it.

Anyway sat in two camps  hope it's meno and it will move with time or it could be PGAD which often happens to women at peri and menopause time and how long it will last is anyone's guess as it's caused by various things, the perineal nerve, pelvic congestion, undiagnosed UTI.. cysts on the base of the spine...

Sorry I'm rambling ... if you ever want to chat or connect PM me. It would be good for me to listen to other people's problems take my mind off my own.

I was on the phone to a brave lady from the USA. Suffered for 16 years ONLY just been diagnosed ! Had nerve blockers which gave her 5 days relief but then it all returned. She's fighting for more


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Re: Health Anxiety - Irrational but I cant help it. Im so depressed
« Reply #27 on: October 06, 2018, 10:25:18 PM »

Nobody can seriously understand unless they have felt this. Someone saying lucky you is such a massive insult they have no idea. Keep positive this is a symptom of unbalanced hormones don't think of pagd I did and drive myself mental worrying. It will get better slowly I am just glad you are confident enough to discuss this matter it will be affecting other people who are too embarrassed discuss this . I did discuss this with a few people who found it appropriate to laugh at the situation which made it easier to suffer in silence x


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Re: Health Anxiety - Irrational but I cant help it. Im so depressed
« Reply #28 on: October 07, 2018, 05:23:13 AM »

Nobody can seriously understand unless they have felt this. Someone saying lucky you is such a massive insult they have no idea. Keep positive this is a symptom of unbalanced hormones don't think of pagd I did and drive myself mental worrying. It will get better slowly I am just glad you are confident enough to discuss this matter it will be affecting other people who are too embarrassed discuss this . I did discuss this with a few people who found it appropriate to laugh at the situation which made it easier to suffer in silence x
Thank you Donna. Xxx I live in hope because of your experience and willingness to be open with me


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Re: Health Anxiety - Irrational but I cant help it. Im so depressed
« Reply #29 on: October 07, 2018, 05:44:58 AM »

Nerve spasms in my body, a really uncomfortable,  draining feeling.   Sometimes a good long walk makes me feel better.  Just had my letter from the gynaecologist today, 6 weeks after biopsy.  Says I need another cos they didn't get any tissue the first time.  I can't face another so having  a scan instead. The gynaecologist is not happy with me not having another biopsy and if he thinks the scan is not OK he won't prescribe hrt vaginal cream.  Without that my VA is not very manageable.   So really anxious like I have been since July.

Sorry I don't mean to be insensitive but are you getting the nerve spasms in your genitals? It's just with you saying body I wasn't sure.
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