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Author Topic: Worrying scan results  (Read 82 times)


  • First Flush
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Worrying scan results
« on: July 26, 2024, 09:22:09 PM »

I had a scan yesterday and dr has called today to say I’m being referred on an urgent pathway. Obviously I’m very worried.
The scan says my endometrium was 16mm with a coarse texture, areas suggestive of cysts and areas suggestive of polyps. Nothing in one ovary, couldn’t see another. No free fluid.

Ive been on HRT for two years on and off because of heavy periods. A tiny bit of gel and progesterone but because of heavy bleeding the dr replaced this with continuous protocol HRT as she said I was probably not doing any bleeding naturally and it was a withdrawal. The continuous HRT made me bleed heavily every two weeks so I requested a scan to rule out anything. I stopped HRT altogether at the end of June as I couldn’t cope with another period and work at the same time. I’ve had no menopausal symptoms since stopping (I did expect hot flushes etc)
I’m thinking my womb lining might have thickened ready to bleed but no bleeding yet. I don’t know if I’m bleeding naturally or HRT related.

Any reassurance would be good, I’m panicking a bit now about cancer. Thanks.


  • First Flush
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Re: Worrying scan results
« Reply #1 on: July 26, 2024, 10:44:58 PM »

Any advice? I just can’t sleep…


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Re: Worrying scan results
« Reply #2 on: Today at 12:56:45 AM »

Try not to worry. They refer soooo many people via this urgent pathway. It’s just protocol for a thickened lining but the vast majority of time it’s just that and nothing more. They just have to check it out.

They might offer to fit a Mirena whilst they have a look so consider that. It will thin the lining and stop all bleeding and you could restart estrogen…

If you search in the box on this forum you’ll see loads of accounts of women referred urgently due to thickened lining and it’s very rare for it to be anything serious.


  • First Flush
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  • Posts: 3
Re: Worrying scan results
« Reply #3 on: Today at 03:38:21 AM »

Thank you. I’m wondering whether to restart the HRT as I probably don’t have enough natural progesterone for a bleed. And if it’s thickened in a few weeks it might be better to have a bleed. Does anyone think this would be a good idea?