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Author Topic: Experiences of CBT  (Read 4312 times)


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Experiences of CBT
« on: April 25, 2017, 12:44:02 PM »

Hi Ladies, have a question for those of you that have had CBT! Just to introduce myself as I've been lurking here for a while but haven't posted anything yet. I've been experiencing perimenopausal symptoms for about 2-3 years resulting in anxiety, depression and self harm. I'm now on Kliofem and 50mg sertraline and following a course of counselling I'm in a much better place. The change from Elleste duet to Kliofem and the addition of sertraline has made a huge difference to me as I was experiencing quite severe monthly dips 2-3 days after I finished the oestrogen/progesterone tablets and moved onto the oestrogen only. The sertraline seems to have made me a much calmer more confident person. It's been suggested to me that I would benefit from some CBT so I'm asking, do any of you have experience of either group CBT or computerised CBT? I had the counselling through work but I can't have the CBT with them as I've used up my 'yearly quota'!


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Re: Experiences of CBT
« Reply #1 on: April 25, 2017, 02:05:21 PM »

Hi Paula50  I'm new to these forum too.  I've had group CBT a few years ago when sadly my Mom passed away.  I did find it helpful in refocusing the mind to think in a more positive way, plus hearing other peoples experiences and thoughts on how to handle situations.  I do think it depends on the group size we were a group of 6 which was ideal, the course last for 6 weeks and was for 2 hours.  A couple of members were very reluctant and therefore didn't get much from it, almost would bring the group down in thoughts.  But this was well managed by group lead.  I do think if you can go with an open mind then it can be a very positive and helpful thing to do for me in the group environment I felt I wasn't alone.  I still have my bad days, probably not helped by what my body is going through now!! But I still refer back to what I experienced.   Any questions specific questions feel free to ask :)


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Re: Experiences of CBT
« Reply #2 on: April 25, 2017, 02:41:15 PM »

CBT didn't do anything for me.  My problems began within hours of being born so were deeply engrained.  However, 1-1 talking therapy intermittently through 2-3 years helped enormously : vent, vent, vent! Discuss, decide, ditch.  By the time I had finished therapy I had forgotten why I went, I felt cleansed.  I don't believe in group therapy as it doesn't enable a person to be completely open. 

Browse round.  Make notes. 


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Re: Experiences of CBT
« Reply #3 on: April 27, 2017, 08:24:00 PM »

Hi there, I have had CBT and found it very useful but you do have to work at it. There are ups and downs and sometimes it feels like you are not getting anywhere but with work it does help.  There is a CBT for Dummies book which is very good. I did mine with a trainee counsellor and she was good. If you can go for it but as CLKD said it does not always work for some but if you don't try you will not know.  :)


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Re: Experiences of CBT
« Reply #4 on: April 28, 2017, 08:18:43 AM »

Hiya, this is my work field but I also speak from personal experience. Id like to reiterate what's already been said re just give it a go, and also that there is regular homework which if you work at it should give you helpful results. That said, it can depend on the therapist not the therapy I also agree that issues that are more imprinted (I.e from early infant/childhood) can present baffling symptoms which need deeper exploration.. But, cbt can help you work with the behaviours which arrive from the deeper issues in the moment'. Recently I have found an emerging approach known as ACT really helpful. (Has overlaps with cbt). There is a great workbook called 'get out of your mind and into your life' which helps you to notice the difference between things you can change and those you can't. It then has exercises to help you generate behaviours which serve you better and tolerate the pain of the things we can't change in this often difficult life. Also helpful to me were Jon karat zinn's book 'wherever you go there you are' which gives a little wisdom followed by a little exercise to try. Lastly there is a fab book and website with free downloadable audio resources. Google 'Kristin neff' to find it. Whatever shows up in therapy, it's important to have the skill of meeting it with compassion, Kristin is just amazing imo in how to do this.  Let me know if I can be of any help. I've had so much help on here, I'd be glad to give suggestions if I can 😊 Oh and I think groups can be excellent but are only as good as what is put in by its members-a6 week course isn't really long enough to build the trust needed to open up. X


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Re: Experiences of CBT
« Reply #5 on: April 28, 2017, 09:13:52 AM »

Thank you all for your replies.
Think I will give the group CBT a go. I'm not the most out going of people and can't help but feel that having to try to open up in a group would actually be good for me.
I agree with you Peacegirl, I've had a couple of sessions of counselling now, both 6 sessions long and the first time especially I felt that the 6 sessions wasn't enough. Felt a bit like I'd been cast adrift! It was my counsellor that suggested that I should try CBT after my last 6 sessions.
Oh the joys of the menopause
 :) :)


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Re: Experiences of CBT
« Reply #6 on: April 28, 2017, 10:21:17 AM »

I was given 6 weeks CBT on the NHS and it was useful but woefully inadequate.  I think it is fine if the problem is short term stress.  It teaches you coping mechanisms when faced with stressful home/work/life situations and I still use the techniques. 

However it is no good if the problem is long term rooted in the past or childhood.  I went to a psychotherapist for 12 months after my 6 weeks of CBT and only then did things start to be helped.


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Re: Experiences of CBT
« Reply #7 on: April 28, 2017, 12:46:55 PM »

I agree with babyjane.  No way could I ever have been honest about my problem, due to being told that "The GP would laugh if I rang him for that" .......... so I learned to hide the problem.  However, comparing 'notes' with others - as on here - can be really useful and I suppose that 1 can tell as much/little as necessary.  However, in my job it was impossible for me to consider group situations, too well known and living in a small village 'news' would soon have spread  :-\

Do let us know how you get on! 


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Re: Experiences of CBT
« Reply #8 on: April 28, 2017, 03:40:22 PM »

I agree with babyjane.  No way could I ever have been honest about my problem, due to being told that "The GP would laugh if I rang him for that" ..........

CLKD, you've reminded me of something years ago, nothing to do with meno.  Hubby and I had been married for a couple of years and I'd been feeling a bit out-of-sorts, so I went to the doctor.  A male GP, may have been a locum.  I told him what I'd been feeling, he answered me and then he called me a "funny little woman".!!!  >:(   Two weeks later, on holiday in another part of the country, another GP told me I was pregnant!   It all made sense, but being ridiculed by that other man went down like a lead balloon.          (Sorry, off-topic completely!)


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Re: Experiences of CBT
« Reply #9 on: April 28, 2017, 03:41:41 PM »

Hormones ?  ::) ..... did U go back to the GP and make your point  8)


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Re: Experiences of CBT
« Reply #10 on: April 28, 2017, 03:43:35 PM »

Oh yes, definitely hormones.  No, I didn't want to see him again!


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Re: Experiences of CBT
« Reply #11 on: April 28, 2017, 04:20:01 PM »

What a horrid patronising Man.  I would have made a complaint, but then I like making complaints  ::)


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Re: Experiences of CBT
« Reply #12 on: April 29, 2017, 12:48:43 AM »

Hello Paula50! I'm new to peri as well. CBT and Zoloft have helped a great deal. I am not a very out going person, but I find group therapy very beneficial. I think it's because everyone is there with a problem so there is no fear of being judged.


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Re: Experiences of CBT
« Reply #13 on: May 09, 2017, 09:18:25 AM »

Thank you all for your replies.
I'm now booked onto group CBT starting the 22nd June and I have to say I'm looking forward to it!
I'll let you all know how I get on.
All i need to do now is sort out these damn palpitations!


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Re: Experiences of CBT
« Reply #14 on: May 12, 2017, 11:12:46 AM »

Hope it goes well I paid for 10 sessions of private one to one cbt for a long list of issues but sadly it didn't help at all just wasted my money but I have friends who tried it and it did wonders it's always worth trying. I've tried everything for 4 years for my lack of sleep and still no better but I don't regret trying or all just in case
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