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Author Topic: Tibolone diary/experience  (Read 68028 times)


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Re: Tibolone diary/experience
« Reply #165 on: August 01, 2017, 08:03:39 PM »

Hi all,

Like Pollyanna, I've just completed my one month on Tibolone (I take Tib at 7am)...but unlike Pollyanna, i'm finding my one tablet daily has changed me in so many ways (for the better) my anxiety has completely gone, joint/hip pain, very low mood, dare I say my libido is back and no cheese sandwich for me now ;)  I have noticed a few night sweats, but I can cope with that. I feel ME again, before the menopause.  I didn't want to tempt fate, so haven't been on here unless it all went pete tong.  I last I've found an HRT that is suitable for me. Everything is still crossed....

Pollyanna, so glad you got to speak to Jan, she's lovely and very understanding.  I'm sorry to hear that you're not feeling great on Tib. I hope with help from the Meno Clinic, you find the right HRT for you. Don't feel alone, you have all of us on here.



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Re: Tibolone diary/experience
« Reply #166 on: August 02, 2017, 02:21:42 PM »

Haha... Claire, you make me laugh.  I sense we have a similar sense of humour. 

I'm sure my libido would be tickety boo, if I had a bloke in my life.  Never had probs with libido before.  Always been healthy in that department.  You never know, if the libido becomes super charged in a few months, I may be a danger to all men out there.

Brill that you're good on Tib.  Love to read the positive results that some people have on it.  That inspires me.   I think the changes in me are slow and subtle.  The skin on my body, and my hair have been amazing since I started Tib.  So, the cosmetic changes have been very positive, compared to the patches I'd been on for almost ten years.   

I'm sure I'm in a minority here but I hardly ever had night sweats or hot flushes.  The odd few i had, never bothered me.    For me it was always pain/low energy and the 'blues' that I used to get in puberty and pre menstrualy.

So ladies.......Saw Jan at the John Radcliffe today.  She is the first 'specialist' I've spoken to in the past 5 years, since moving from Bristol, who I had an intelligent conversation with, and who spoke to me about my particular concerns. 

I took along with me, various print outs of past Dexa scan readings, dates of hysterectomy, private consultants recommendations, etc, etc.  I wanted to have all the information for her.   

What was interesting is that when she saw my last serum oestradiol level result, she said it was very low, particularly as I'd been on Estradot for 9 years by that time.   My result was 83 pmol/L .   She mentioned that some women seem to have problems with absorption from patches and that I could be one of them.   Said gel was better delivery.   I do feel a bit frustrated that this wasn't picked up by my GP a year ago when I presented with a lot of joint pain.     

We left things today by agreeing that i continue with Tibolone for another two months, and then if I still have aches and pains, to use some Oestrogen gel along with the Tib.     

Let's hope that's the right way forward. 



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Re: Tibolone diary/experience
« Reply #167 on: August 02, 2017, 02:56:42 PM »

I wish my GP would have suggested some estrogen gel with Tibelone when I tried it as was having terrible flushes it did help a lot with anxiety for me maybe I should give it another go although I did put on weight while on it.


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Re: Tibolone diary/experience
« Reply #168 on: August 02, 2017, 03:00:44 PM »

It would've been interesting to see if I'd have felt better adding gel to Tib.  My night sweats came back

But I'm doing ok on gel and testosterone for now so I'll leave things be


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Re: Tibolone diary/experience
« Reply #169 on: August 02, 2017, 03:09:54 PM »

Yes, she suggested the possible use of gel with Tib, because I don't have a uterus/cervix, so not risk of endo cancer. 

I am intrigued though by what she said about some HRT patches, not delivering enough oestrogen and also some women not absorbing it.    I had been on Estradot brand for some many years but to begin with (ten years ago now) the doctor I had, prescribed Evorel.  The only reason I didn't stay on those is because the size of the patch was almost the same size as my bum cheek.  Ha!  Huge! 

It would be awful if my pain and problems with so called Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia were in fact, me being oestrogen deficient.  Jan Brockie had mentioned that I am very 'slight' and would need the oestrogen for my bones. 



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Re: Tibolone diary/experience
« Reply #170 on: August 03, 2017, 10:40:44 AM »

Wasn't expecting to do another update so soon but have noticed a couple of changes.
Firstly libido has dropped a bit and would say it's the lowest it's been since I started Tibolone. Still much better than it was pre Tibolone but a bit worrying. Also getting a few more aches and pains and feeling a little down mood wise.

The mood drop I think is because I've just come back from a fantastic holiday - frequently feel down on the return to work after so much fun!

The libido and aches makes me wonder if I'm not converting the Tibolone to testosterone as efficiently- whether this is due to holiday diet changes or there is a difference between Tibolone and Lival?  This is my second month of Lival and I have another 2 months to go.

I think I'll watch how the libido goes the next month or so and if it drops further pop back to the GP and ask forr a smidgen of testosterone- if she can't prescribe I'll ask to see the gynaecologist again. I have zero other menopause symptoms and had no androgenic effects from Tibolone after taking it for 11months so I'm hoping there won't be any objections to a bit of testosterone if things don't pick up.
S x


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Re: Tibolone diary/experience
« Reply #171 on: August 03, 2017, 10:56:06 AM »

I think I converted too much to oestrogen, one full pill started giving me the jittery feeling I get with high oestrogen, so to combat that I had to halve the dose.  Then came the night sweats, aches etc but my orgasms stayed good but never did get libido on it and I had low mood

Now I'm on gel I'm using 2.5 pumps successfully and testosterone has not only giving me orgasms but good libido too and aches are minimal and manageable

So far this regime isn't given me nasty androgenic effects but neither did Tibolone


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Re: Tibolone diary/experience
« Reply #172 on: August 06, 2017, 09:16:52 AM »

Haha Pollyanna, I believe we do!! ;D

GP's have 15mins consultation and boom...out the door, next!  They truly don't understand menopause, the effects, the symptoms that can take hold of us. You can't pigeon hole us with a prescription of "one size, fits all".  The Menopause Clinic said, not every HRT product is suitable to every woman. That ladies is what makes Woman Kind so GREAT! We are all different!!

In a little over a year, this will be my 5th HRT product and although I felt a little "blurgh" yesterday with a bit of joint pain, I still feel upbeat. I've not looked at my weight, but I know I've gained. I could never get on with the patches, the sticky wasn't sticky enough for me. I kept losing them in the shower or bath, so I used a waterproof plaster on top of the poor ar*e looked like a patchwork, especially as my skin reacts to plasters too, not great!  ;D

My understanding of Livial (contains a substance called Tibolone). Instead of containing hormones, our own bodies break down the Tib to make our own hormones.

Years ago, when I used the contraceptive pill, once a month I would wake up feeling sick, then as soon as I was sick, I was fine.  I didn't start my period until I was 16yrs and my mother thought by putting me on the pill it would regulate them, it did. I was on it until my last child was born in 94, then I stopped all together.  No more sickness.  I think my own hormone production was so very low, that could be the reason why the PILL or HRT, has been too strong for me?! Without a hormonal blood test (My Dr's wont do) I will never know or understand where my hormone levels are.  Which is a shame they don't do it, as it would give GP's a better understanding of which HRT they could prescribe, instead of the hit and miss approach, with months/years of upset, for the patient.

Being under the careful watchful eye of the Menopause Clinic, I can call them anytime and if they need to tinker with the HRT, they can.

Claire x  :-*


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Re: Tibolone diary/experience
« Reply #173 on: August 06, 2017, 06:49:02 PM »

Blimey.... I think I'm having one of those days where I want to quit Tibolone.

Symptoms now, after 5 weeks are, allergies galore.  Allergic rhinitis has flared up. Constant sneezing and blowing nose, bunged up sinuses, itchy eyes, systemic candidiasis.

I know it well. Used to get it years ago, and it's back with a vengeance.

Also gaining weight now. 6lbs over the past few weeks.

Don't seem to get hunger pangs, but stick to my normal healthy diet.  The weight gain is definitely fluid.

Hair that was looking great to begin with on Tib, has now gone brittle and lifeless. My hair is always affected by medication. Although it was never this fragile in patches.

I'm also really really tired with no motivation....not normal for me.

I have noticed, due to feeling 'blah', I'm not reacting to things as much.  That might be seen as a good thing, but I feel like a zombie.

Not so good.

What a bummer.

Haven't taken a pill today as am feeling so rubbish. I'll see how I feel tomorrow but if hate the allergies. I feel like I'm loaded with cold.....only I'm not.



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Re: Tibolone diary/experience
« Reply #174 on: September 23, 2017, 08:27:02 AM »

Hi All!

Pollyanna, how did you go with halving your dose?



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Re: Tibolone diary/experience
« Reply #175 on: September 23, 2017, 09:02:01 AM »

I think Pollyanna has left

When I was on Tibolone I halved my dose as I was feeling jittery.  It helped that but it then gave me back night sweats x


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Re: Tibolone diary/experience
« Reply #176 on: September 28, 2017, 01:44:36 PM »

Hi all,
Well happy anniversary to me..........on Tibolone a year  :cake:

Since my last post the libido has increased slightly but still a bit lower that I'd like.  Mood picked up and feeling very stable - no anxious/panic episodes at all.  Feeling very much 'like me'.

Energy still good, although I have had a couple of evenings where I've felt knackered for no real reason.  I was given Lival for past 3 months and I'm not sure that there isn't a subtle difference.  I've seen my GP for a check up and she said it would be worth asking for Tibolone for the next 3 months.  She did say she's still not had anyone experience the crazy libido surge I had within such a short time after starting it and she's reluctant to add extra Testosterone into the mix..... yet.

Re Vagifem and Ovestin.  I've dropped the Vagifem and just use Ovestin now.  I'm not sure I wasn't having a bit of a reaction to the fillers creating occasional BV.

Hair - no real increase in body hair - well I'm not being completely honest, I have 3-4 extra hairs on the back of my forearms - yes I am that hairless that I've noticed these, but they are very fair  ;D

Very occasional flushes - and almost not noticeable - if I'm going to get one it'll be on waking.

The other thing I've noticed is a reduction in tinnitus and dry eyes (contacts more comfortable for longer).

I'm still getting a few aches & pains in my lower back/pelvis region, very like what I used to get pre meno, so I think that may be an indicator that Tibolone is working well & I just need to strengthen my back a bit - staring Pilates soon.

Weight has crept up a little but my diet went to pot for various reasons, but I'm getting back in control now - chocolate covered raisins do not count of 1 of my 5 a day, neither does a glass of wine!

Otherwise all going well, and the longer I've been on it the more consistent have been the result - less peaks and troughs.  For me, it probably took 8-10 months for the best stability, so it might be worth keeping that in mind if you are trialing it.


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Re: Tibolone diary/experience
« Reply #177 on: September 28, 2017, 03:32:21 PM »

Brilliant Sooze !


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Re: Tibolone diary/experience
« Reply #178 on: September 29, 2017, 12:13:18 PM »

That's fantastic Sooz!


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Re: Tibolone diary/experience
« Reply #179 on: September 30, 2017, 08:32:21 PM »

After a week of Tibolone, i started spotting, but lasted less than a day...anyone else?

And because I'm still having the horrendous anxiety I've started to split the pill, and take half in the am and half in the pm (this is post spotting too) - was wondering if many others have done this and did it help?

I've also had another blood test - all hormones this time, not just the big two, iron and vit D studies, and full thyroid with antibody check.

Is there a thread on thyroid on here? I've looked but can't seem to find one...

Thanks everyone xx
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