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Author Topic: Mucus and Staining /Spotting  (Read 276423 times)


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Re: Mucus and Staining /Spotting
« Reply #1080 on: July 12, 2017, 01:32:35 PM »

Sparkle consider the flags waved for your sleep - I had a shocker on Monday night but miles better last night thank goodness!

Welcome tapnut! They're all mad here, I warn you!  ;D well done for immediately talking about food too - you're clearly going to fit right in!

Machair hope you enjoyed your home alone night - My OH has a couple of nights a week out as he does sports training and those are my nights to catch up on all my TV stuff!

SO nice that it's a bit cooler yesterday - I spent most of Friday and saturday outside and it was so hot I was really struggling!


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Re: Mucus and Staining /Spotting
« Reply #1081 on: July 12, 2017, 01:45:46 PM »

Just checking in, still on holiday. Everyone complaining about the cold while I'm walking about with short sleeves.

Sparkle., my sleep is the same, wake every 2 hours and then burn up between about 3 and 5. More sunburn type feeling then nightsweats which is new. Best sleep is after 6 am which won't be much use when I'm  back at work.

My period, if that's what it was, lasted the usual 12 days but only needed liners. Was hardly there at all. If this is the new normal I will be so relieved, but shouldn't tempt fate.

Jersey is lovely for anyone who hasn't been, would definitely recommend it.

Hope youre all well and welcome Tapnut!


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Re: Mucus and Staining /Spotting
« Reply #1082 on: July 13, 2017, 07:14:24 PM »

Sorry girls, been on the run!

Yep TheWorstWitch, we're all loony toons here,   :madeyes: :madeyes: :madeyes: :madeyes:   that's what peri does to you!

Machair, sounds like the FSH is still desperately trying to find a viable follicle, brownie points for the effort! Still, the consolation is that it's keeping any flushes and VA at bay so at least there's a benefit. You sound so much more upbeat about it all, which is tremendous to read. I know we've said it many times before but you're definitely nearly there, it's like deja vu reading your posts! xx

Sparkle, I've been doing the Horlicks run and I'm managing to get through now till about 5. Obviously still too early but better than nothing. I'm trying to keep myself as cool as possible overnight too which seems to help. That sounds like adrenal surges to me, that's what I get before the nighttime flushes, it's much more troublesome than the flushes because it wakens you so completely and frequently too.  I had a conversation with Tempest about this, can't remember when, I'll see if I can find it. Hope you feel better sweetie, get and buy that Horlicks. Anything is worth a try, hell I'd dance naked through Piccadilly if I thought it'd help in some way! xx

Lovely to hear from you nearly50, glad to hear all is well. I've never done the CI but know the French coast nearby very well. Fabulous shellfish along that coast! Enjoy the long lie-ins whilst you can and continue having a great time! xx

Well crazily busy few days here, osteo nearly killed me yesterday and all terribly sore today BUT have everything crossed that tomorrow things will be easier. Phew, it's no easy cure for sure!!

Love to you all and once again, good to have you join us TheWorstWitch and Tapnut xx


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Re: Mucus and Staining /Spotting
« Reply #1083 on: July 13, 2017, 08:54:44 PM »

No hot flushes Sparkle - could a period be on the way again? I don't think I could drink Horlicks - my father used to have that every night for years. Might try it though if it helps with sleep!


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Re: Mucus and Staining /Spotting
« Reply #1084 on: July 14, 2017, 06:37:01 AM »

That's interesting Sparkle did the hot flushes stop a couple of weeks before your last period and not return after it at all? If so it sounds like you are on an even keel with oestrogen staying at a more level point. If there is no mucus it probably isn't high, but just more level so it might be perfect for you for a while. From what I have read flushes occur when it moves from high to low or from medium to low, it is a change that triggers it. You can find an article here where meditation amongst other things is also mentioned as being very helpful, which I know you are a fan of as I am.

I thought I would post this link as I think it is really helpful for many of us in this boat. I did have night sweats just before a period in the very early perimenopause but recently not at all. In my case though I have too much oestrogen so I am probably in for a rocky ride soon as last month I had a drop and a migraine. I think I will be in the boat with you ER soon- hope you have room - do you think you have lemon drizzle on board as the article suggests eating regularly?  We'll have some with Horlicks!


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Re: Mucus and Staining /Spotting
« Reply #1085 on: July 14, 2017, 01:41:40 PM »

So ER are you on the boat for advice? So this week things are happening. CM was 5cm on 10th so high surge for sure, then days that followed I've been hungry, irritated, restless at night, and generally feel like you do with PMT. Yesterday CM was 4cm so still high levels and last night a faint pink stain- is this another period on the way or just hormones? Any thoughts? Today I am having a bad mood day but trying to stay calm. Mum has been taken ill again so the doctor has been called so it is a lot happening at once. I so want to get to the other side where you are ER- calmer waters.


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Re: Mucus and Staining /Spotting
« Reply #1086 on: July 14, 2017, 03:03:28 PM »

Hi ladies, thanks for the welcome. I'm finding all this is new to me about mucus and spotting at different times of the month. Feeling very confused and don't know what's going on with my body!
I think I must be at least mid-peri, as I've gone through a phase a couple of years ago where my cycles shortened to about 23-25 days, then got more and more variable -28, 35, 16, 46, 28 etc, and now they are lighter and further apart and totally hit and miss, no idea when or if I will actually get a period. I'm only 45 but my mum was all done with hers by 45. She had heavy bleeding, flooding etc but I never have. I had a ruptured ovarian cyst and emergency op to remove most of my right ovary at age 32, but no other probs.
Currently on day 33 since last bleed, which I don't even know if it counts as a proper period as I had just finished a course of norethisterone to delay my period for our holiday. Had lots of long stringy mucus all last week, now its bloodstained, more like a period is due but not got itself revved up properly. I would say I've had some water retention and breasts a bit swollen but not really sore. The crashing exhaustion has wiped me out for about 3 weeks, on my days off I've been going to bed at every opportunity, or having a lie down as I'm just like a slug. I'm about to start HRT tomorrow as night sweats and feeling constantly boiling and harassed have been getting annoying.
How do you all keep a track of estrogen surges and how do I know if I'm having one? Also keeping track of mucus, patterns of tiredness etc? Do you use charts or just a diary? I think it would help me understand a bit better what's going on but I don't want to get all worried about it! Thanks everyone, it's been so interesting reading everything and also lovely how you all support each other. Rachel


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Re: Mucus and Staining /Spotting
« Reply #1087 on: July 14, 2017, 03:58:46 PM »

Hi sparkle, thanks for the message. I like that -expect the unexpected, or the new norm. You have to accept that you can't control everything and go with the flow - or lack of flow!.
I might try keeping track a bit better of what's going on, just to see if I can see any sort of pattern now, and remember to take my emergency kit in my handbag, spare knickers and some pads/tampax etc. All the time instead of when you rationally knew your period was due. I'm hoping my system will like HRT as I can't cope with feeling so tired, it's not me at all. I used to be SO busy and always on the go, but now I can Hoover just downstairs then I'm wiped out for the rest of the day.
Some of you mentioned you sleep badly but then go off about 6, I've had that too, I toss and turn and wake up dripping, then finally go off into a deep sleep about 6 then have to up before 7! No wonder we are tired.
Machair I hope your mum is ok, and sparkle, have you tried the Horlicks yet? Did it help? X


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Re: Mucus and Staining /Spotting
« Reply #1088 on: July 14, 2017, 04:15:15 PM »

I've had that sleep thing too Tapnut it is mad - deep sleep at 6am- no good with a Shih Tzu that wants you to get up to go for a walk!

Mum is at home- Dad is her carer, but she is chair bound and has three carers and needs a hoist as she can no longer stand. She has vascular dementia and no longer knows who I am. She gets one infection after another. It is very sad. Dad is 86 and is finding it all too much as he is ill with cancer treatment ongoing.

Having a sugar craving day but have resisted so far - good thing I am nowhere near a John Lewis or that rose petal cake would have my name on it!


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Re: Mucus and Staining /Spotting
« Reply #1089 on: July 15, 2017, 10:53:22 AM »

Tapnut, I've been taking my basal temperature each morning to try to keep track of things as I find it quite difficult having periods which are so wildly unpredictable.  I've become a little more attuned to my body's signals but am still pretty rubbish at it to be honest.

Really strange that we can get a deep sleep after 6am, don't understand that at all. A combination of mad dreams, flushing and feeling wide awake but tired is very strange. Between 11pm and 3am I wake up so many times. Will put Horlicks on my list :) My sister does say this improve eventually so here's hoping.

Had a great holiday, lovely to be away. Definitely feel a change after that period which wasn't really a period. My hot flushes are more intense and more frequent than they were. Still think this is the least worst of my symptoms and if it means I'm closer to the end then bring it on! The Jersey breeze helped no end - noticed the French tourists were wrapped up like it was December while the Scots were too hot with tshirts on, haha.

Back to auld claes (old clothes) and porridge as my mum would say - have eaten so much rubbish during that holiday!

Machair and sparkle, any sign of an impending period coming for either of you?  ER, how's the back?


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Re: Mucus and Staining /Spotting
« Reply #1090 on: July 15, 2017, 04:36:07 PM »

That's rotten sparkle, you don't sound good. I'm sure it'll just be a blip as you were doing so well for so long. The lack of sleep really doesn't help so I really hope Horlicks works for you (forgot to buy mine today so I'm as bad as you!)

Have napped loads of times today, will never learn on holidays as I walk far too much and end up exhausting myself. According to my phone I did over 50 miles in 5 days which is just stupid really. I do enjoy it at the time though  :) Touch wood, hot flushes not as bad now. Hope you all have a lovely Saturday evening.


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Re: Mucus and Staining /Spotting
« Reply #1091 on: July 17, 2017, 08:09:09 PM »

Hope everyone's doing ok - are you feeling any better sparkle?

I am drinking my first ever Horlicks at the moment - it's actually quite nice. Weird that it has taken me nearly 50 years to try it!


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Re: Mucus and Staining /Spotting
« Reply #1092 on: July 18, 2017, 06:54:48 AM »

Oh no sparkle, sorry to hear that. You'll feel wiped once your migraine lifts so take care of yourself for the rest of the week. Is it still as hot with you?

If only you could get a good night's sleep, I'm sure that'd make a difference. Horlicks made no difference to my sleep unfortunately, hoping these hot flushes aren't a permanent feature now. It really does feel like as  soon as you get rid of one awful symptom, another one takes its place.

Hope you have a better day


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Re: Mucus and Staining /Spotting
« Reply #1093 on: July 18, 2017, 07:28:07 AM »

Sparkle my heart goes out to you this must be dreadful. Do you think it is hormonal or CFS? I am thinking hormones as you haven't seen a return to the night sweats, but maybe you have had a fall enough to trigger a migraine. Take care of yourself and I really hope things improve soon. Sending you lots of love and hugs. :foryou:


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Re: Mucus and Staining /Spotting
« Reply #1094 on: July 18, 2017, 07:58:29 AM »

I haven't been on the forum much as I've been feeling poorly but just wanted to say I hope things improve for you really quickly Sparkle. Feel better soon  :tulips2:
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