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Author Topic: Mucus and Staining /Spotting  (Read 276554 times)


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Re: Mucus and Staining /Spotting
« Reply #15 on: May 08, 2016, 02:56:31 PM »

Yes I have read this before- it is excellent. What do other late meno ladies feel about all this- Sparkle/Kathleen anyone else- maybe those who finished later or are still trundling along-any thoughts? How many of us have or have had these high oestrogen signs with mucus/spotting and breast tenderness not related to mid cycle peaks, and should we be running to our doctors to get our linings checked if we do, in other words is it normal and common to have this?
« Last Edit: May 09, 2016, 07:08:51 AM by Machair »


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Re: Mucus and Staining /Spotting
« Reply #16 on: May 16, 2016, 05:56:26 PM »

Any news on your biopsy Elizabethrose? Hope you are doing ok.


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Re: Mucus and Staining /Spotting
« Reply #17 on: May 16, 2016, 07:06:39 PM »

Oh you are kind for remembering me!

I'm away at the moment, which is great because it's taken my mind off of the dreaded waiting game! They said 4-6 wks which seems ridiculous and I'm sure that bad news tends to slip through more quickly. I will be checking the mat on my return home on Friday!

I hope you're feeling good at the moment. I'll let you know my news when I hear.

All good wishes.


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Re: Mucus and Staining /Spotting
« Reply #18 on: May 16, 2016, 07:33:11 PM »

Hi Sparkle

Don't panic about thickened lining, it doesn't sound as if you've got raging oestrogen highs at the moment. For me that usually means copious cervical mucus, really swollen painful breasts, for lengthy periods of time. My problem is that the oestrogen has been unopposed for so long because of frequent anovulatory cycles and I've been having major oestrogen highs. All seems very much calmer at the moment!

Maybe everything is really slowing for you now, it's got to end for us soon!!I'm finding that I'm getting the signs that a period is coming but it just doesn't happen. My jeans feel far too tight at the moment as I'm so bloated. I've read that this can go on for years after menopause. I am 151 days today (whoop whoop!), better start planning my menopause party!


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Re: Mucus and Staining /Spotting
« Reply #19 on: May 16, 2016, 09:32:32 PM »

What is happening with your periods Sparkle are they lighter? Mine are so light now they are only a panty liner required- I think I am on the home straight but you never know!


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Re: Mucus and Staining /Spotting
« Reply #20 on: May 17, 2016, 06:41:45 AM »

Menopause parties - up and down the country! x


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Re: Mucus and Staining /Spotting
« Reply #21 on: May 17, 2016, 10:09:07 AM »

Perfect Sparkle at last I think you are reaching a calm place!


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Re: Mucus and Staining /Spotting
« Reply #22 on: June 03, 2016, 09:15:42 AM »

How are you doing Elizabeth- any news on your biopsy and what are your cycles doing now? Hope all is ok, and that you will be the other side soon! Also could you say what the pattern of spotting was with these anovular cycles, was it at random with the mucus like mid cycle,  or more like a light short period after the mucus subsided or just random spotting here and there?
« Last Edit: June 03, 2016, 09:29:08 AM by Machair »


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Re: Mucus and Staining /Spotting
« Reply #23 on: June 03, 2016, 10:34:48 AM »

Hello ladies.

I've just caught up with this thread. I'm 59 now and  was still having regular and heavy periods until I was 54 so I guess that puts me in the later than average menopause bracket. I used to have noticeable ovulatory mucus and although I didn't keep a note of changes during peri I do recall that all  secretions disappeared when my periods stopped and before starting HRT.

 I had some bleeding last year and a hysteroscopy showed a slightly thicker lining but everything okay, the bleeding was put down to the HRT and a reduction in dose resolved the problem.

I am six years post meno now and have been fiddling with HRT for three years. Like many ladies I look forward to entering calmer waters!

Wishing you well.



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Re: Mucus and Staining /Spotting
« Reply #24 on: June 03, 2016, 11:12:26 AM »

I'm off to the hospital in about ten minutes to get my hysteroscopy done under a general anaesthetic. I hope like you Kathleen I'm just found to need my hrt tweaking. Glad yours showed   nothing serious. I'm a ball of anxiety right now, I never used to be like this but I think it's the fear of what might be found.... :'(
« Last Edit: June 05, 2016, 11:47:01 AM by linz57 »


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Re: Mucus and Staining /Spotting
« Reply #25 on: June 03, 2016, 11:32:21 AM »

Hi Machair

Hah, still no news! I have truly given up worrying about it now as I'm utterly convinced that bad news really does shoot through the system more quickly.

If I'm totally honest, my gut reaction to all of this is that the thickening was due to a normal endometrial build up as a result of high unopposed oestrogen levels. I think my body is adept at clearing the endometrium though. My anovulatory bleeds are exactly like a normal period, I've never had spotting, aside from a very slight show at ovulation and I don't get this with an anovulatory cycle. I get stomach cramps, extreme bloating and the dreaded migraines with both my ovulatory and anovulatory cycles. The latest gynae was the sort who liked to talk but didn't listen or doubted what you were saying. It doesn't phase me dealing with people like that because everything I've experienced has been meticulously dissected by others, probably more experienced, who confirm all of my beliefs. I know what my body is doing.

The transvaginal scan I had done was 4 weeks into a cycle and I bled about three weeks after. There was bound to be some thickening. That was way back in July last year, it's taken them an age to process me through the system. They can't have been that worried!

I am 169 days today. I am having frequent oestrogen surges where this pesky body is doing it's damnedest to stimulate any old follicle but no bleed. The hot flushes and night sweats calm when the oestrogen surges and then slip back in with a vengeance when it drops.

Unfortunately I've been plagued with migraines for the past week and a half which have rather wiped me out but that is always an indicator of changing hormone levels. New symptoms of nausea and dizziness have sneaked in as well: I thought I'd done with pesky nausea it's quite debilitating. Oh the joys!!

How are you doing with your cycle?

Thanks Kathleen, it's always interesting to read other late menopauser's experiences. Wishing you good luck with the HRT, hope it sorts your problems.

Sparkle, are the pains from your ovaries? I've always got these at ovulation though I have also very occasionally got them with anovulatory cycles. (I always imagine the poor follicles are screaming out in agony at the levels of FSH pummelling them!!)

Yesterday I was fed up, drained from the constant migraine, but today my 'ok whatever!' attitude has returned. It keeps me sane!!

Good luck girls, let's see who makes it through first!!



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Re: Mucus and Staining /Spotting
« Reply #26 on: June 03, 2016, 11:36:53 AM »

Oh hi Linz57

Just seen your post. Please don't worry about your procedure, honestly, it's a walk in the park with a GA. You'll wake and all will be done and dusted, not like my experience without anaesthetic!!  :o

Hope all goes well, I'm very sure it will x


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Re: Mucus and Staining /Spotting
« Reply #27 on: June 03, 2016, 01:57:29 PM »

So glad all is well Elisabeth Rose. I am like Sparkle - feel hormonal a lot of the time with surges of mucus and sore breasts for a few days then quiet again. No spotting recently or bleeding at all but feel like a period could arrive.
I think my problem is that I expected to follow my friends and to be post by now. Did the gynae you saw ask about your age or mention your family history Elizabeth?- as this may be relevant as you often follow your Mum in terms of the age you start meno. I wish I had this information as I might be calmer!


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Re: Mucus and Staining /Spotting
« Reply #28 on: June 03, 2016, 02:23:41 PM »

My mother went through at 45, my grandmother at 39! When my peri started at 41/42, my GP was convinced I would follow the same pattern. Hah, 15/16 years later............

I suppose we all live very different lives to our mothers and grandmothers. I have never smoked, I don't drink alcohol, eat really really well and up until the migraine kicked in, led a really busy active life. Who knows, perhaps I followed my father's side of the family, for that I have no history other than that they were great migraine sufferers.

Machair, like both you and Sparkle, I regularly feel that a period is going to start, Today my jeans are positively bursting: tomorrow I could slip into them without a problem.

This journey has forced me to develop a que sera sera sort of attitude. I really do take each day as it comes now otherwise lunacy could set in. I honestly thank goodness that I am a very upbeat sort of person, because otherwise it would have been difficult to cope. One thing is for sure, we will get there, eventually! Haha, I heard my daughter talking to someone the other day and she said, "Well if I'm anything like my mother I'll hit menopause at 93". If it's that long coming I am truly not going to be a happy bunny!!


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Re: Mucus and Staining /Spotting
« Reply #29 on: June 03, 2016, 04:16:14 PM »

Hi Sparkle,

I'm really sorry to hear that you are feeling so low, this is a real journey isn't it! Hormones greatly affect my daughter's mood too and she really finds Mindfulness helps some times. She has learnt to recognise the signs, tries to be proactive, and pulls out her mental exercises and yoga mat and tries to slog through. I really feel for you x

As far as the holiday is concerned I'm sure the change of scenery and pace will help you feel better. When we are feeling poorly it's very easy to feel we can't manage anything. I use the motto, if I'm in bed with a migraine here, I might as well be in bed with a migraine there! At least when you have a good day the walking and change of scenery are really uplifting. We had a week away about three wks ago which turned out to be a delight - I really hadn't been looking forward to it. It's a real bonus then!

I hope you have a lovely time, buy a brilliant book to thoroughly absorb you and enjoy lots of lovely pub lunches!

I wish you well x
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