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Author Topic: Hello All -Going to see Prof Studd- advice please?  (Read 51807 times)


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Re: Hello All -Going to see Prof Studd- advice please?
« Reply #30 on: April 08, 2016, 12:36:17 AM »

Yes you do take then along side.  I got all these from my gp but I know some gps won't prescribe testim cos not licenced to use on women! ?


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Re: Hello All -Going to see Prof Studd- advice please?
« Reply #31 on: April 08, 2016, 12:21:55 PM »

Hi Freckles
I have been following this thread and would love to hear how you get on with the Utrogestan.  I m on the same regime (minus the testim) and find the Utrogestan makes me very anxious and depressed but I seem to be severely intolerant even to my own progesterone so it's not surprising.  I hope it all goes well for you though.
Panda xxx


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Re: Hello All -Going to see Prof Studd- advice please?
« Reply #32 on: April 08, 2016, 01:35:33 PM »

Freckles, hello from me too. What a very interesting post and I pray you start to feel better soon.
My female gp is around the same age as me (51) and is absolutely clueless about all things menopause related.
I had my thyroid removed 3 years ago as I had hashimoto's and was having horrendous symptoms. When they came back 3 weeks after I was told it must be something else. My own research led me to this site and that was when I realised everything I had been suffering from was hormone related. Even the letter from the rheumatologist describing my symptoms makes it plain to see. All results were normal but no one put 2 and 2 together and made 4!
After 5 years of horrible symptoms, 2 years of hrt and a very recent change from estradot to estrogel I'm praying things settle as I'm struggling to cope with the fluctuations at the moment.
My estradiol level was 383 pmol on 75 edtradot at day 26 but I was still symptomatic.
Lets hope we all get back to the people we were. Sending you my very best wishes x

Mary G

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Re: Hello All -Going to see Prof Studd- advice please?
« Reply #33 on: April 08, 2016, 07:29:12 PM »

Freckles, thanks for the update and glad it went well with Professor Studd.  Sorry to hear that you have osteopenia, thank goodness you have taken the necessary action to start HRT now and stop it getting any worse.

You do need to take the gel and Testim everyday as others have said and try taking the Utrogestan vaginally, it works better that way and has fewer side effects.

I hope you manage to get your GP to prescribe his recommended regime.  I can't think why they wouldn't particularly as Professor Studd is so well respected in the medical profession. 

Good luck and please let us know how you progress.


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Re: Hello All -Going to see Prof Studd- advice please?
« Reply #34 on: April 08, 2016, 11:02:13 PM »

Thank you all for the replies- really appreciated, especially for the advice to continue  with the other meds when I take the progesterone (Ultrogestan) for 7 days, as I didn't ask at the time.

I'm really hoping the regime will make a positive difference, not only for my chronic low mood and general anxiety, but the physical symptoms of thinning head hair, dry crappy skin and very brittle nails (which also add to low mood when I inadvertently look in a mirror!) I really feel I've aged in the last two years. The Femoston 1/10, which I've neen on for six years, in the past two years didn't do anything for me at all.

But at least I know my psychological problems are hormone related, my 12 year old GP knows bugger all,  and my recent x-ray done on my hips on the NHS which said everything was 'normal' was also crap ( albeit I know it's not the same as a bone density scan).

I am hoping my GP will prescribe all the HRT meds- if they don't, does anyone know if I have a right of appeal?  Or do I have to bite the bullet and pay for it all privately for the next few years (which will be a  big stretch for me financially)?

Interestingly, John Studd said I should try and see a male GP as he thought that they were more helpful with menopause problems than female GP's!

I'm pleased that at least I know I have a bit of osteopenia,  so can treat that, and that all my symptoms are 'not in my mind', that I don't have to go on anti-depressants for ever (which I don't want to take) and despite low mood and lack of motivation  and energy for most daily activities, I still managed to get off my backside, find this site and see John Studd.
I'm pleased I have found someone who takes me seriously  Even if my HRT meds  need altering in the future, at least I'm finally in the right range of oestrogen that I have known I've needed for a couple of years.
Another numpty question MaryG- how can I take Ultrogestan vaginally when it's tablets? I'm guessing I'd need to ask for vaginal pessaries from Prof Studd?
EllaM, I too have Hashimoto's disease (but still have my thyroid)  and have always been sensitive to hormone changes (PMS for years, etc) so hoping I will feel better in about a month.  I know Hashimoto's is linked to hormonal issues and low mood etc.  Hope you start to feel better on Estrogel soon.  I was advised at Studd's clinic I should feel better in about three weeks and notice a positive difference in about 6-8 weeks.
Again,  a HUGE thanks for all the replies and advice- you have all been incredibly helpful and supportive and I can't tell how much I appreciate that.
But I am so pleased I saw John Studd- praying the huge increase in oestrogen levels  works for me
Will let you know how I get on with Studd's regime and any battles with my crap GP  re a NHS prescription.  xxx


Mary G

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Re: Hello All -Going to see Prof Studd- advice please?
« Reply #35 on: April 09, 2016, 12:13:12 PM »

Freckles, it's not a silly question, the Utrogestan capsules can be used both orally and vaginally, you don't need to ask for a different type to use it vaginally.  For no logical reason whatsoever, the UK does not licence Utrogestan to be used vaginally but practically everywhere else in the world does.  I have never seen a UK box of Utrogestan because I buy all my stuff over the counter in Spain (it's much cheaper and you don't need a prescription for any HRT medication) so I imagine your box does not mention vaginal use but all the foreign Utrogestan packages do.

Regarding your useless GP, you could try printing out the new NICE guidelines and insisting she prescribes it.  If she refuses, you can then refuse to leave the surgery until you see the practice manager and then insist they give you the prescription.  Give them a hard time!

I really don't see why you should have to pay for it but if all else fails, you will have to buy it yourself but I always buy mine in Spain where it is much cheaper but obviously this is only a good option if you happen to go on holiday there.  The Oestrogel costs about £8.00 in the UK and the Spanish gel costs about €4.00 so it is quite a difference.  Utrogestan is around €4.00 per box.

I think you will start to feel better very soon (probably in a week) on this new regime, it really is the best on the market.  The HRT you were on before was far too weak and oral HRT is nowhere near as effective as the Oestrogel.

Interesting what Studd said about female GPs.  I wonder if they are in denial because they fear what is coming their way very soon.  If only they would learn about the menopause and HRT properly, they would realise that much of the pain and misery can be avoided by getting onto the right type of medication at the right time.

I'm looking forward to hearing how you get on!


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Re: Hello All -Going to see Prof Studd- advice please?
« Reply #36 on: April 09, 2016, 02:29:01 PM »

Thanks MaryG. I have looked at the leaflet for Utrogestan and you are right, it doesn't mention you can use it vaginally.
Thanks for the heads up re buying it in Spain. It would be worth a weekend away in Spain just to stock up!
Fingers crossed my GP does prescribe the HRT for me.  I need to refresh my memory on the NICE guidelines  just  in case I have the wave them at my GP.
Will let you know how I get on the regime.  Thanks again.


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Re: Hello All -Going to see Prof Studd- advice please?
« Reply #37 on: April 09, 2016, 07:44:39 PM »

One more quick question- I saw that a lot of forum members are on the Estrogel/Utrogestan regime but not many on that regime with Testim (testosterone) gel. I have been prescribed a daily amount of 1/8th (pea sized) of a 50mg size tube.
I know what testosterone does for men, but just unclear why I have been prescribed it? 
Studd did ask about my libido, which has been on holiday for a few years, as a) I'm not currently in a relationship and b) been too low in mood  and looking crap to even think about dating. He did ask if I "flew solo" (his phrase!) regarding my sex drive even though I wasn't in a relationship, and I told him I didn't.
I was wondering if I've been prescribed it for that?
And if anyone had experienced any side effects on a similar dose?
I guess I am a bit concerned about possible side effects such as even more facial hair etc. 
Any experiences or advice really appreciated!  Thanks in advance. xx

Mary G

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Re: Hello All -Going to see Prof Studd- advice please?
« Reply #38 on: April 10, 2016, 06:37:15 PM »

Freckles, I'm on Testim too, prescribed by Professor Studd.  I use a very small bead everyday and I haven't had any adverse side effects.  Professor Studd nearly always prescribes testosterone as well and the Oestrogel and Utrogestan.  I'm not sure how much difference it has made to me but I take it anyway and my testosterone blood levels are back up to what they should be.  I would say take it anyway and see if it makes a difference, I doubt you will have any adverse effects on that small dose. 

I don't think many women get Testim on the NHS, it's usually Oestrogel and Utrogestan if you are lucky!


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Re: Hello All -Going to see Prof Studd- advice please?
« Reply #39 on: April 10, 2016, 09:55:29 PM »

There was an article quoting Prof Studd in 2-day's Telegraph supplement.  Seemed a bit disjointed to me  ::).

No question is silly on here ………..


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Re: Hello All -Going to see Prof Studd- advice please?
« Reply #40 on: April 10, 2016, 10:09:01 PM »

Thanks Mary G- much appreciated! That was reassuring to read.  I'll see how I get on- got to anticipate an argument with my rubbish GP prescribing all or any of the regime.
Thanks too CLKD- will see if I can find a link to the article. 


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Re: Hello All -Going to see Prof Studd- advice please?
« Reply #41 on: April 11, 2016, 07:47:41 AM »

Freckles - just be calm yet firm with your GP.  He/She should get a letter from Studd and they are supposed to carry out his instructions. Good luck DG x


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Re: Hello All -Going to see Prof Studd- advice please?
« Reply #42 on: April 11, 2016, 04:05:10 PM »

Thanks Dancing Girl- my GP practice seems to be a law unto themselves sometimes, where common sense and effective medical care have gone on holiday!
Will let you know how I get on. 


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Re: Hello All -Going to see Prof Studd- advice please?
« Reply #43 on: April 14, 2016, 10:12:36 PM »

Apologies in advance if I should have posted this on another thread- if so please let me know and I will copy and post it there.
I don't want to upset anyone!
I am getting anxious about seeing my GP to ask to have the Estrogel gel, Utrogestan 100 mg and the Testim from my crap GP.
I know Prof. Studd has written to my 12 year old GP to ask that I'm prescribed the regime on the NHS (and I realise that Testim isn't licensed for women in the UK). The bone scan at Studd's clinic showed I had osteopenia in my left hip (which a few months ago my crap GP when I complained of years of left hip pain just advised me to see to a private osteopath and prescribed nothing!).
Given my GP  says she likes to "wean you ladies off HRT"  as she was advised by the senior female GP at the surgery and prescribed me liquid AD, which I don't want, I am hoping for the best but preparing for the worst!
I've looked at some other forums  and some folk say the GP is within their right to not prescribe Studd's regime if it's not within their budget? Or that they might say if I paid privately to see Studd they don't have to agree to his advice and prescribe on the NHS?  Is that right? Seems that the regime is not that more expensive than standard HRT patches.
Basically I am looking for any advice to counteract any potential arguments my patronising GP (they all seem to be rubbish at my surgery) may have to decline prescribing the HRT? Can they refuse me? Would I get anywhere if I made a complaint if they do?
Any specific advice or suggestions from you knowledgeable posters would be very appreciated.
Freckles x


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Re: Hello All -Going to see Prof Studd- advice please?
« Reply #44 on: April 14, 2016, 11:26:48 PM »

Reading the guidelines issued by the Mid Essex clinical trust in 2013  for an example, it does seem to suggest that your GP is not obliged to prescribe what a private consultant has prescribed if you weren't referred by them, if the drug isn't one that they would normally prescribe or is contrary to their usual clinical practice. It is all about clinical responsibility and your GP could argue that as you have had a private consultation that for this " episode of care" it is Studd who is is the person responsible for your prescriptions and you are responsible for funding them. If the GP agrees with the prescription I think they can issue one, but then they become responsible for being the prescriber and you'd run into whether they are prepared to do this if they a) don't know enough about it b) don't approve of HRT and so on x
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