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Menopause Matters magazine ISSUE 76 out now. (Summer issue, June 2024)


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Author Topic: Are we over medicated  (Read 9419 times)


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Are we over medicated
« on: March 26, 2015, 06:07:12 PM »

I have been thinking a lot lately about the number of drugs that our doctors prescribe, throughout our lives, but particularly as we get older.  Are they all necessary and do some cause us harm?  I ask this as I come from a family who avoid medication if possible.  My parents (90 and 97 years) only take blood pressure and water tabs, and over the years have rejected or come off others.  Other family members take drugs for ailments such as asthma and blood disorders (absolutely necessary) but again try to avoid other drugs e.g. statins. 

I wondered how many of the ladies on the forum are on regular meds, HRT and otherwise, and if they feel totally comfortable about it.  Do some drugs cause as many problems as they alleviate and are the doc trying to 'cure' old age?

What do you all think?
« Last Edit: March 26, 2015, 06:11:57 PM by rosebud57 »


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Re: Are we over medicated
« Reply #1 on: March 26, 2015, 06:12:15 PM »

Good thread and yes, I think generally people in the UK are 'over' medicated.  How much of that is due to insistence from patients or how much is from repeat prescriptions?

Several years ago when a friend's Aunt was moved from one area of the UK to another, her bag of tablets was left behind somehow.  After 3 days of not taking most of what she had been swallowing for several years, she was less confused, much happier, more mobile  ::).  The new GP took a recent history and only prescribed what was necessary.

Someone I have met a couple of times told me last week that he had 'insisted' on a course of ABs for a cold - and the GP had written the prescription   :bang::  and this person has no family history of chest problems, nor has he ever had asthma etc., yet we are being warned by the Government of the day that within a few years, bugs will be resistant to ABs so 'we could be in danger'.

Often we find that we are prescribed 1 drug, then another to counteract the side-effects of the 1st, then ……..


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Re: Are we over medicated
« Reply #2 on: March 26, 2015, 06:21:01 PM »

My mum was a perfect example of over prescribing. We referred to her concoctions as uppers & downers.

I take meds for BP, asthma & anxiety. All fairly low doses. My hubby & brother have both refused statins, having read research at great length.


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Re: Are we over medicated
« Reply #3 on: March 26, 2015, 06:26:46 PM »

I (aged 61) take a Beta-blocka (40mg) at night plus 5mg AD night and morning.  Plus have an emergency pill for anxiety if necessary.

If I get a headache/back pain/tooth problems I take Nurofen immediately otherwise I get queasy.  If I have sciatica I take Nurofen before a brisk walk which usually releases any nerve pain. 

Mum as far as I know at 88 doesn't take anything except Bonjela to put under her 'plate' and Paracetamol as necessary.  His Mother did, she had 'water' tablets every morning due to a raised white coat BP  ::).

GPs get paid to give statins ……… as they do 'flu injections …….

DH  (62) doesn't take anything other than the occasional 'gel' rubbed onto a painful muscle spasm. His older brother however  ::)

I think it's the same in the Vets. surgery too  :-X


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Re: Are we over medicated
« Reply #4 on: March 26, 2015, 06:35:47 PM »

I try and avoid taking tablets as much as possible.  I don't like side effects, cost of prescriptions.  Although I don't have a high pain threshold I have to be in a fair bit before taking tablets.  The only meds I am on is Amitriptyline for facial pain.  I have come down from 50mg to 20/30mg.  I keep trying to reduce the dose further but after a few weeks I find the pain getting worse but will still keep trying every few months as hate the idea of being on meds for rest of life. 
I have no problem with others taking tablets - we are all different. 
As far as antibiotics - thankfully haven't had to take any for a couple of years.  Interestingly, a few years ago I had a severe facial infection (lost hearing and nerve damage done), was put on high level steroids and antibiotics on and off for 8 months and my immune system all but crashed!  I think partly infection, partly too many antibiotics and other tablets at the time.
However I do take a concoction of vitamins, menopace etc.  Assume that doesn't count  ;)


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Re: Are we over medicated
« Reply #5 on: March 26, 2015, 06:35:56 PM »

I'm lucky in that I've rarely been ill so have managed to pretty much avoid overdoing the drugs - my kids are the same. I tend to grab for natural remedies first before medication and eat healthily - any meal out of a box or tin is banned and we load up with good protein and fibre.  As per a previous post, we've recently found relief for my daughter's eczema in her teens and it wasn't in any of the lotions or potions she's been prescribed, but simply by cutting out dairy.

Unfortunately my mum has had long issues with varicose ulcers (big holes in her legs basically, constantly bloody and weeping). There can't be much medication she hasn't tried in the 60 years she's suffered with these and the doctors are constantly trying new treatments on her - to very little avail. This is in addition to heart and other drugs, she literally rattles with everything she takes.  I really really wish she was less nervous of a natural route, despite drugs having let her down for so long she constantly holds onto the hope that something will work. I'm sure it will but I suspect it won't come in a branded box (call me a cynic).  Recently she was admitted into hospital because of a clash of medication.

Cubagirl - I'm with your hubby and brother on the statins front, we must be reading the same list of books :-)

GG x


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Re: Are we over medicated
« Reply #6 on: March 26, 2015, 06:58:36 PM »

GeordieGirl - has your Mum used honey under wraps on the ulcers, or leeches to cleanse the area?

I was along while accepting that without ADs I wouldn't get out of bed.  Until someone pointed out that if I were a diabetic  :-\ …….. now DH and I have a Life again ……..



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Re: Are we over medicated
« Reply #7 on: March 26, 2015, 07:10:10 PM »

OH won't take statins either, well, doesn't take pills willingly at all.
Awkward when he HAS to use blood thinners for a while after heart procedure (not statin related issue).

As a matter of interest, the Dr who wanted him to take statins would not contemplate HRT for me!

Getting back to the thread, I think we are over medicated


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Re: Are we over medicated
« Reply #8 on: March 26, 2015, 07:11:20 PM »

I have mixed feeling to be honest....good topic rosebud.

My mother at nearly 93 takes a blood pressure pill and one low dose AB, she does take a calcium supplement and that's it apart from some vitamins as her diet is a bit limited.

My sis however takes a lot. She had a brain tumour in her 20s and takes cortisone, thyroxine and a load of other things....if she didn't she would die.

Hubby had a heart attack so he takes three daily heart pills but is also diabetic and injects insulin four times a day.

As for my kids....I did everything I could to keep them off ABs. You could probably count on the fingers of one hand the amount of courses of ABs they have had. I just don't beleive in taking them unless absolutely necessary.

I take half an HRT patch and one beta blocker. The only other time I take anything is when my stomach plays up and I can't get off them quick enough.

So we are a family of two halves. Some that would die without their meds and the rest of us that take as little as possible.

Different strokes really.

I hate pills and the side effects, and try to avoid if I can.

I also think it's the society that we live in today. We expect a solution, something fixed/sorted now and we want a pill to do that. So perhaps it's a lot to do with us as much as the doctors we see.

« Last Edit: March 26, 2015, 07:20:48 PM by honeybun »


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Re: Are we over medicated
« Reply #9 on: March 26, 2015, 07:23:22 PM »

Ah yes........

OH doesn't do pills, I on the other hand do, to be specic:
HRT patches
D3 calcium tablets
However I also require-
Gabapentin to reduce neuropathic pain
Tramadol for when gaba doesn't quite work

I do try to minimise the amount of any medication I use


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Re: Are we over medicated
« Reply #10 on: March 26, 2015, 07:45:14 PM »

I must be put on the naughty step then  ;)

I take water tablet
BP tablet
Hrt tablet
In morning

Tea time
Vit D3

Night time AD

I don't like taking them but that's what it has to be  :-\


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Re: Are we over medicated
« Reply #11 on: March 26, 2015, 08:25:47 PM »

Hello rosebud and yes, good topic.

I suppose the crux of your question lies in the word 'over'. I think most people only take the medicine they believe they need in order to be well. I agree with another lady who recently said that she would eat furniture polish if she thought it would make her feel better!

Some time ago I was told that as an Ulcerative Colitis sufferer I would need to take a particular drug for life. I decided I could manage without and I was doing fine until another period of illness persuaded me that the drugs were necessary.

My attitude to medication also changes, sometimes I think my HRT patch is doing a good job and sometimes I'm convinced it is making me feel worse.

One last thought, one of my neighbours was complaining of back pain so I suggested he take a painkiller but he said he wouldn't as he didn't like taking any kind of drug. Now this is a man who smokes roll ups and drinks a bottle of wine every evening. So not only does he use nicotine and alcohol daily, he relies on them to get him through the day. When I mentioned this to his wife she said there was no contradiction as the tobacco he buys is chemical free! You couldn't make it up!

As a comparison and for anyone in a similar position I currently take:

- two Mezevant tablets daily to treat UC
- fish oil capsules and olive oil to treat UC
- Venlafaxine AB for menopause
- Evorel Conti 50 mcg patch for menopause
- I've been prescribed Beta Blockers which I only take on occasion but I may re think this as I feel so on edge atm.

My husband takes BP meds but nothing else (his hip is hurting but he won't take anything for it !)

Wishing everyone well no matter the size and contents of your medicine chest.



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Re: Are we over medicated
« Reply #12 on: March 26, 2015, 08:39:52 PM »

Hi Kathleen I'm the furniture polish lady !  ;)


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Re: Are we over medicated
« Reply #13 on: March 26, 2015, 09:42:02 PM »

I would take heroin if I thought it would leave me anxiety free but know that such drugs bring their own problems  :(


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Re: Are we over medicated
« Reply #14 on: March 26, 2015, 09:48:30 PM »

Maybe a spliff then CLKD !  ;D
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