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Author Topic: interesting follow up gp appointment!  (Read 7805 times)


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interesting follow up gp appointment!
« on: March 13, 2015, 01:10:04 PM »

Just to let people know how my appointment went this am after surgery rang me to say dr would not be represcribing my hrt that gynecologist put me on until he had seen me !

I'd never seen him before ,he was very young but pleasant enough,he then told me he did NOT have to prescribe me the hrt as it is only licensed in the UK for use in controlling hot flushes which I don't have ! It is not licensed for treating anxiety,palps,low moods,awful feelings that I get and I know many others here do to.As he is the one signing prescription it is ultimately his responsibility! He then went on to tell me all about the risks,did I understand the implications etc,did the specialist tell me the risks. I said yes I was aware but I had to live for now not what might or might not happen in the future as at present life wasn't worth living like this until New hrt regime is sorted out and I get settled like I had been for last 4 years on it ! Explained that now I was  55 now and my own levels had bottomed out so obviously needed tweaking from what  had been on. He told all about this medical report and that one categorically linked increased cancer risks ,when I said but it also gives protection against heart disease ,bones and colon cancer he didn't answer ! Told him about this site and Dr Currie and that there were numerous medical papers out there and h was only quoting the negatives he said he had worked with a Dr Ian Currie gynecologist ! Anyway the upshot was he signed prescription begrudgingly and said to think of coming off it and trying alternatives ADs ,CBT,etc. Said I had already started mirtazapine ,which he was delighted about ,but that I wasn't in a good place at the moment to consider cbt.

I sincerely hope I don't have all this hassle getting prescription going forward!

Naturally I will discuss this latest debacle when I see my specialist next week !

Any feedback from you lovely ladies much appreciated .xx


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Re: interesting follow up gp appointment!
« Reply #1 on: March 13, 2015, 01:59:30 PM »

There's lots of feedback I'd like to give HIM! >:(

I just don't understand his logic! So, it's ok to take HRT, with all it's horrendous risks, for hot flushes, but not anxiety? Because..??
Surely his responsibility ends with making you aware of the risks?
Who exactly was HRT developed for, if not for the menopausal woman?

I'm baffled, I really am.


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Re: interesting follow up gp appointment!
« Reply #2 on: March 13, 2015, 02:18:55 PM »

Yes it's OK to prescribe for hot flushes because that's what is licensed for !


I think what he is implying is if he prescribe it for me for anxiety etc and I were to get some form of hrt related cancer he could be held liable as he shouldn't have given it to me for any other symptoms only hot flushes ! Well that's how it came across to me . Next thing they will be getting us to sign waivers !

Like you I just despair. :-\


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Re: interesting follow up gp appointment!
« Reply #3 on: March 13, 2015, 03:28:49 PM »

Bloomin typical!!

I cant understand the glee to get us onto AD's!!

"when I said but it also gives protection against heart disease ,bones and colon cancer he didn't answer"

funny that - my doc did the same! no answer to the protective points

JUST to point out too.

HRT is also licenced to treat osteoporosis and its prevention.
HRT is licenced to treat menopausal symptoms not just "flushes".  :( :o >:(
So perhaps he should get the full story before he tries to give you his rubbish.

Glad you got him to agree after all that c***.
What did he prescribe btw?


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Re: interesting follow up gp appointment!
« Reply #4 on: March 13, 2015, 04:08:34 PM »

GPs & HRT, don't get me started!  :bang:

Makes no difference seeing a female GP either, in fact I've found them to be worse. I'm lucky I'm now on low dose, but in just over a year's time I'm certainly going to be pressured into coming off it completely as I turn 60. I have meno clinic in 3 months & going to see what she suggests.


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Re: interesting follow up gp appointment!
« Reply #5 on: March 13, 2015, 04:15:45 PM »

Oh heck that's all you needed.

I think I must be very lucky with my surgery as not one doctor has been against prescribing. The nurses positively promote it and get you into see a GP if they think it would help you.
Two of the older nurses have left now but when I first asked about meno symptoms one of them told me that her and a colleague we're doing a blood test experiment to see how hormones change day by day. They were being encouraged by the GPs who were very interested in the results. The outcome from this was no women at my surgery is blood tested before HRT being given ....they go on symptoms alone.
Great surgery all round to be honest, can't fault them at all.



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Re: interesting follow up gp appointment!
« Reply #6 on: March 13, 2015, 05:03:36 PM »

Oh heck that's all you needed.

I think I must be very lucky with my surgery as not one doctor has been against prescribing. The nurses positively promote it and get you into see a GP if they think it would help you.
Two of the older nurses have left now but when I first asked about meno symptoms one of them told me that her and a colleague we're doing a blood test experiment to see how hormones change day by day. They were being encouraged by the GPs who were very interested in the results. The outcome from this was no women at my surgery is blood tested before HRT being given ....they go on symptoms alone.
Great surgery all round to be honest, can't fault them at all.


It begs the question - if one surgery can offer this kind of standard of service, why can't all surgeries?

So pleased you have a great practice, HB - must make the world of difference.



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Re: interesting follow up gp appointment!
« Reply #7 on: March 13, 2015, 05:11:31 PM »

My specialist has changed me on to femoston conti but is suggesting tricyclic oestrogen only for 2 half months months with a vaginal progesterone for the last part as I seem to not do well with continuous progesterone.

Having now looked at the Nhs own website to see what hrt is used for and also looked on here and other websites to see what hrt is licensed for dr this morning was talking utter b........ s ! I feel like printing it off and stuffing it under his nose and say READ THAT !

I'm so angry !  >:( :hotflash:


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Re: interesting follow up gp appointment!
« Reply #8 on: March 13, 2015, 05:18:14 PM »

Gps get for prescribing ads thats why they are so keen to prescribe but not for hrt !


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Re: interesting follow up gp appointment!
« Reply #9 on: March 13, 2015, 05:18:28 PM »

Hi dazned

Sorry to hear that you had all this hassle with your GP. I do sympathise - I had a very unsatisfactory visit with my GP yesterday that was quite depressing as she was very anti-HRT in over 60's.

At least you have your prescription for the time being and surely they will need to heed your specialist's views without lecturing you every time? I only started HRT when I was a little younger than you!

Most importantly - I hope you feel better soon with your new prescription!

Hurdity x


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Re: interesting follow up gp appointment!
« Reply #10 on: March 13, 2015, 05:38:37 PM »

Hurdity how did you leave it with your Gp,did they agree with you in the end ? Hope you got sorted xx

My specialist is adamant there is a miniscule extra risk whilst on hrt , and says our quality of life is what's important. I could get run over tomorrow ,get mugged whatever,all life has risks !

I know how you feel if you want to stick with your treatment you stick to your guns ! They can't do this to us,life is hard enough.

Big hugs to us all xx


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Re: interesting follow up gp appointment!
« Reply #11 on: March 13, 2015, 06:06:56 PM »

It was horrible. I went to the doc about exhaustion and achiness, and what I think are ovarian twinges. She has ordered some blood tests and then lectured me about how the body wasn't designed to have oestrogen until you are 60 + and there are definite risks, because it is stimulating the ovaries. Her actual words were "It can only turn nasty and let's hope it hasn't done so already". She made me feel awful, like if I got ovarian cancer it would be my fault  :( . She said I should be thinking about stopping HRT as soon as possible despite a gynae I saw about bleeding problems a couple of years ago being happy for me to continue. She had already ticked the review of medication though  :). Didn't seem to know the products I'm on eg "Are you still on..." peers at screen..."micronised progesterone?" as if it was some alien weird treatment!

She was very dismissive about the tiredness and said I might be doing too much exercise and it was to be expected at my age - and to give up exercise classes for a month (if blood tests were clear) and then if I wasn't any better it was probably fibromyalgia which no-one could do anything about, and then I could just take painkillers (which I don't need)!

Sorry that's a bit off tack but she really did not have a sympathetic manner at all - she doesn't like me anyway because I had to asked her to prescribe utrogestan a few years ago and she hadn't heard of it so shles always on the defensive because she knows very little about menopause - but somehow I don't feel I can even contradict her because of her brusque matter of fact manner.

We have another lovely part-time female gynae GP who is the same age as me and I've known for (30) years - but her appointments are booked up for weeks as everyone goes to her for gynae stuff!

It's appalling how the treatment we receive is so different isn't it and depends on individuals and their views as well as their manner?

Hurdity x


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Re: interesting follow up gp appointment!
« Reply #12 on: March 13, 2015, 06:29:15 PM »

I had an almost identical conversation with my GP. He said that there is no evidence that HRT relieves psychological and emotional symptoms and suggested that I try Ads. I also said that I had been on this site and there had been lots of comments which said otherwise, at which point he said, 'Oh yes, many of my patients report that they feel better mood-wise when on HRT! I declined the ADs, not because I don't think that they have their uses but because my symptoms are clearly hormonal and vary throughout my cycle. I am feeling better 'ish now that I'm taking some herbal stuff and having acupuncture but will be back to a different GP if/when I feel worse. I feel really angry that we are not being listened to and I am certain if this affected men, it would be a whole different ball game.  >:(


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Re: interesting follow up gp appointment!
« Reply #13 on: March 13, 2015, 06:38:07 PM »

Hi dazned

Sorry to hear that you had all this hassle with your GP. I do sympathise - I had a very unsatisfactory visit with my GP yesterday that was quite depressing as she was very anti-HRT in over 60's.

Hurdity x

We must have the same GP Hurdity!! Actually, the menopause clinic was the same which I found very surprising. I also get really annoyed when fibromyalgia is mentioned as a cause for tiredness. Yes fibro can cause tiredness but there are other distinctive symptoms.  Hope you get some answers soon.

Taz x


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Re: interesting follow up gp appointment!
« Reply #14 on: March 13, 2015, 07:05:48 PM »

Although my surgery is very pro HRT, they give warnings and do want women to cut down with a view to coming off at 60.
That is the one thing that seems to be by 60....if you can get on in the first place.

I kind of see the point of being on a no bleed HRT as we get older because that mimics what nature dictates. Not easy if you don't tolerate progesterone well though.

I have constantly complained of tiredness for the past couple of years....bloods done and all is would seem there is no answer.
Perhaps this is a natural ageing process....perhaps we have false expectations of what we should/want to be able to do. I do see women who seem to have much more get up and go than me but perhaps like me they just keep pushing themselves and are as knackered as I am.

Maybe we need to be more accepting of the limitations that being older brings, and change our lives/habits to suit.


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