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Menopause Matters magazine ISSUE 75 out now. (Spring issue, March 2024)


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Author Topic: dreams  (Read 40953 times)


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Re: dreams
« Reply #120 on: December 12, 2016, 07:22:33 PM »

My sister was very ill at age 18 months, 9 years and again at 18  -  with rheumatic fever. 

In my dream last night I was searching for my Mum and a pram …….. but I couldn't find her in the crowds.  The crowds were really relaxed, milling along dry pavements.  She had, without telling me, taken my ill brothers  :-\ to a Hospital, pushing them for apparently miles …….. but hadn't bothered telling me. 

In real life when I was very young Mum did indeed take my sister away in the pram, the message then, given to the teachers, was that I was to go home on the bus and not walk with them - it never got to me so I was left at the School Gate, waiting.  Eventually my Dad turned up in the car ………….

At this time of year I get flashbacks.  My brain is always stressed, dragging up stuff I had forgotten  :sigh:


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Re: dreams
« Reply #121 on: April 03, 2017, 09:57:42 PM »

Over the weekend I shredded paper work relative to my surgery in the 1990s.  Hence the dream:

I was in a Ward with people milling around; a Consultant stood in front of me saying "you have a lump in your breast" then she walked away.  I hadn't had an exam. nor mammogram.  Next thing, DH and I are in Finland  :o with heavy suitcases. Dad was trying to park a caravan: not the 1 that he owned in real life but a HUGE brute of a thing ....... Mum sat saying nowt in the passenger seat.  Next I could see the Consultant playing netball, a game she used to relax new medical students, as you would   ........    and thought "She should be arranging surgery if she thinks the lump needs removal" ...... but apparently she didn't do operations, her boss was responsible but she didn't seem in a hurry to find him. 

Then I was sorting through a packing case trying to find a suitable nighty.  Towels; under-wear; socks; writing paper  :-\ but no nighty.  DH was telling me to 'get on 'cos the Boss might be along' and I quite frankly, was more worried about my nighty  ::)

Do you wonder I'm fuddled all day  :D - wonder what tonight's little gem might be.



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Re: dreams
« Reply #122 on: April 04, 2017, 02:58:02 PM »

I was busy last night.  One really rapid dream was about family some alive, some not.  In the dream I saw them driving by here but they have never visited ....... I saw the car brake sharply before reversing.  My uncle and aunt got out and dashed in here, pleased to see me. Cups of tea were made and drunk.  The other persons that were in that car didn't come inside.  They went away ..... then my aunt came in with a large bouquet of flowers "for your Mum" then went again.  Mum did mention in November that she no longer sent presents to this particular aunt  ::) .

Another was in my grandmother's property where the windows were all open.  She was complaining that people were entering at night ..... the dream meandered as they do, it turned out that someone had come inside, taken and copied a key to the back door so that they could gain entry at any time.  I was chasing that person away, shouting loudly  :o !  Then I went round to shut and lock windows and doors.

I didn't want to wake this morning, far too tired  :-\


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Re: dreams
« Reply #123 on: April 05, 2017, 03:51:58 PM »

Last night: I was in a field by a river with a friend from way back.  We were happily chatting.  As it got chilly we decided to drive away but I suddenly found that I had to re-load the car.  It took ages.  Then I found that the tide had come in so there was 1 bridge which stretched into the distance and fog so that I couldn't see if anything was already on it.  Next thing I was in a large hall, un-loading the car with jewellery etc..

After a while people were coming up to look at what I was offering for sale only to find that instead of the jewellery being pick up and look at, it was actually embroidered into a table cloth  :-\ : WT?


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Re: dreams
« Reply #124 on: April 05, 2017, 07:05:19 PM »

Yep.  I want to stay asleep to finish the dreams but wake shattered  :-\


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Re: dreams
« Reply #125 on: May 06, 2017, 07:41:45 PM »

Yesterday I briefly thought of a friend who breeds Huskies ..... last night my dream with busy with them: she had 5 to walk of different colours but didn't think that I could handle 1.  So I was charged with finding a dog walker [another friend requires someone to care 4 his new puppy] which meant wandering around in the dream.  Finding out what it would cost, how often the dogs could be walked, how far they would be walked: all the while knowing that I am quite capable of handling a Husky  :'(.  It went on and on and ........ I woke feeling shattered.


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Re: dreams
« Reply #126 on: May 09, 2017, 12:15:18 PM »

Two nights ago I walked miles in my dream, across the Fens.  I could see Churches that I know but couldn't reach them.  The dream began by a woman banging on our door and telling me that I knew who she was but the name and voice meant nowt  :-\ - she opened the door and pushed a dog into the room - "you've got the Dalmatian from the list!" ..... said dog bounced into the house but none of the dogs in the dream wagged their tails  :-\

I think we were walking across the Fen in order to find the owner.  Down very straight roads with a dyke on each side, past a barn where I could hear a dog barking: "I wonder how often the poor thing gets fed and watered" went through my mind.  Then we found a street of bungalows (the village I was in until age 3) and a scruffy Jack Russell joined in the walk - don't know where the Dalmatian had gone ...... it was getting dark so I suggested to Himself that we head to those Churches as we didn't have a torch.  We walked and walked and Himself did ask what we would do with the JR ......... we never found out the names of the villages we went through ........

Last night: the dream has gone but I have woken tired so must have been busy again >sigh<


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Re: dreams
« Reply #127 on: May 09, 2017, 11:29:25 PM »

The last two nights the big dreams have been back!

In fact the night before last when I woke it took me some minutes to establish that it was a dream, so life like! Checking my fitness band the last few nights I've had a lot of deep sleep which is unusual of late. Last week I was waking early and this week it's hard to wake up!

I don't know if it's related but I'm feeling very tired at the moment, fatigue tired. Just wondering if it's connected with not being outside so much now the cooler weather has kicked in Downunder, so I'm not sitting outside at lunch, cafes etc. Started taking the Vit D tablets again and see if that helps!

Seems the deeper I sleep, which is supposed to be good for you, the more tired I am the next day! Guess the body is playing catch up?


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Re: dreams
« Reply #128 on: May 10, 2017, 01:03:40 AM »

Have not had nightmares since I was a child really but have had some experience if these since being in menopause, pretty scary.  What a rough road this is what with the lack of sleep and the disturbing sleep. Surely some medical breakthrough will have to come in the future to relieve all of this misery!



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Re: dreams
« Reply #129 on: May 16, 2017, 10:16:29 AM »

I was dreaming about Dad last night.  He was waiting admission to a Ward for a routine op., he was side-by-side with another man on separate trollies in a room with white walls, no windows so artificial light.  No bell to push.  No toilet.  Nowt.  Mum flitted in and out muttering.  I wandered around various Wards to find out if there was a toilet close by 'in case', couldn't find Staff anywhere but plenty of activity in the background as well as patients in mixed Wards.  Found a closet but it was too narrow to get a wheel-chair or bed into  ...... saw a large rat  :o [Mum has rats in her garden]. 

I decided to buy a newspaper so that we could pass the time on the crossword .... then couldn't buy a pen!  No Staff.  The Consultant and a very young boy wandered in to that room by which time the other man had gone / where / ? It went on and on and ........  :-\

I'm knackered  :'(


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Re: dreams
« Reply #130 on: June 06, 2017, 10:04:44 AM »

I was busy giving a Lecture on Menopause to GPs - lots of people in white coats as well as members of the public who wandered in and out of the Hall.  As I walked to the back of the hall  :-\ I was telling my "You can do this, don't panic, you are in charge here!".

I was really explicit about how GPs aren't up to date with what symptoms for ladies mean, "Many GPs still think that when a lady stops her periods and has hot flushes, that is menopause, they have little idea as to the other symptoms ladies can suffer".  I was wandering round and a line of ladies muttered MM Forum, MM Forum and I turned round and said "Don't give me away will you" - I didn't recognise any >phew<.

Apparently I gave Lectures on 3 consecutive days  :-\ ........ quite successfully from what I remember  ;D

Suzi Q

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Re: dreams
« Reply #131 on: June 08, 2017, 01:54:50 AM »

I dont seem to dream much but when i do they are like a normal story.
Which is a bit scarey.  Only sometimes the dreams people and places change.
Im sure i do dream but its only the real ones i remember and i do remember them.
Which is even more scarey lol


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Re: dreams
« Reply #132 on: June 08, 2017, 04:16:15 PM »

Nice to C U on board Suzi Q!  If I don't finish the dream I don't want to wake up  ::)


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Re: dreams
« Reply #133 on: July 20, 2017, 11:12:00 AM »

Last night I was really busy  ::)

We were at an antique fair but didn't know any of the Dealers except one from the BBC.  It was in a HUGE house/chataux [too much le Tour] and some dealers were packing up their wares even though it was open for an hour yet.  I was wandering in the various rooms which were nicely decorated.  Outside.  Back in.  Sun was shining.

I met the owners somehow during the meander as well as a chipmunk  :o and a JR - when the JR chased the chippie it turned onto it's back with feet in the air, playing 'dead'  ;D.  There was also an old wrecked car in the woods which went back to the 1920s apparently his grand-father had crashed it into a tree ...... and died as a result.  It wasn't in the area open to the public but the owner took me to see it and I identified the type of car  :o  8) ........ in the mean time, Himself was looking for me and I couldn't remember where we had parked the car  ::) nor remember how to switch on my mobile  >:( :(.  The JR kept running in and out of the mansion and bite the end of my finger at one point  ::) - then the alarm went off leaving me fuzzy headed, wanting to complete the dream.



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Re: dreams
« Reply #134 on: July 20, 2017, 03:46:55 PM »

In my dreams if I'm not trying to find a loo, I'm spitting teeth.  :-\
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