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Author Topic: Advice needed re. tingling and what to take for it  (Read 15142 times)


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Advice needed re. tingling and what to take for it
« on: August 05, 2014, 08:56:51 AM »

Morning Ladies

Posted a few weeks back re. tingling in my feet and at the tip of my nose.  Bloods all fine and doc decided it was anxiety and prescribed AD.  I am very anxious with terrible panic, but my problem is that I am still finding it very difficult to believe my tingling symptoms are caused by the anxiety.  I do understand about the tingling whilst hyperventilating, but my tingling is almost constant.  Was on holiday a couple of weeks ago and it just never ceased at all.  In fact whilst away I developed a tingle at the tip of my tongue.  When I walk and it tingles I start to sometimes feel a small vibration in my foot.  When I was away I also had a strange sensation up the back of my calf which came on every 5 mins of so, just for a split second, but made me stop in my tracks, (and bring on a panic!).  My feet are terrible today and I can feel the pulses at the end of my fingertips.  My nose tingles and it feels like I have hairs stuck to my tongue.  Also, the inside of my mouth is sore (sides of cheek) and I, now and again, feel like my lips are on fire.  My question is this...
   Has anyone else had these symptoms and found that Citalopram helped, or... has anyone else had these symptoms and found something else that helps.   I am absolutely petrified of taking the AD, as I seem to react badly to any form of medication.  I took some Kalms last week (thought I'd give that a go first), and felt absolutely spaced.  Even Camomile Tea, which I am drinking at the moment, makes me feel like I've had a sleeping tablet!  I feel like going back to the doc and asking one more time for more tests, but I know they'll just tell me to take the ADs first.  I've even thought about going private for tests.  I am sitting feeling like I have ants crawling all over my feet and I'm starting to reach the end of my tether.  I know tingling is a symptom of menopause, but can't understand if this is the case why I would be given ADs for it.  Advice please?! (Doctor has never mentioned the word Menopause or hormones ever!!!, just anxiety)

Thanks for taking time to read.

meno lesley

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Re: Advice needed re. tingling and what to take for it
« Reply #1 on: August 05, 2014, 09:15:03 AM »

One of my first meno symptoms was tingling in hands, feet, nose and back of neck. I still get the back of neck and occasional nose tingling but am on hrt and think it is definitely hormone related for me. How old are you and have you any other meno symptoms? X


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Re: Advice needed re. tingling and what to take for it
« Reply #2 on: August 05, 2014, 09:31:48 AM »

Hiya Lesley

I'm 50 and other symptoms are that periods are completely haywire.  That is, they just never seem to go away.  I'm now into my third week of a bleed, having had a two week break between the last.  Not particularly heavy, more now brown and mostly when wiping after having the loo.  Really sore boobs today too!! Panic (almost an agrophobic feeling of spinning when in open places, supermarkets, etc.) and anxiety really bad and unable to shift my horrible wobbly tum!!!  Not fun at all, but it's defo the tingling that is my worst symptom.  It has been almost constant every day for the past two months.  I don't, though, seem to get flushes or night sweats (YET!!).


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Re: Advice needed re. tingling and what to take for it
« Reply #3 on: August 05, 2014, 09:49:16 AM »

Not saying you have PA - but you said bloods were fine - but did they check you B12 levels?
Lowered B12 can be more likely if we avoid milk, cheese, eggs, red meat, fish and fortified cereals.



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Re: Advice needed re. tingling and what to take for it
« Reply #4 on: August 05, 2014, 10:49:37 AM »

Very interesting peegeetip,

A couple of years ago I had the same symptoms and was B12 was checked then.  When I went back to docs this time, she looked at my notes and said that as my B12 was fine then, she was sure it would be fine now.  I didn't actually get tested again.  Don't know whether I should go back again and ask for the testing.  Feel such a hypochondriac.  Don't really know if when you are B12 deficient the symptoms perhaps would remain with you constantly rather than disappear. 

meno lesley

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Re: Advice needed re. tingling and what to take for it
« Reply #5 on: August 05, 2014, 10:57:51 AM »

Poor you, it is horrible when all sorts seem to be happening. It may be worth asking for a hormone test at doc to see if you are menopausal. I know for me that my periods were as you are describing and then they stopped altogether. I had a few years of hot sweats then was hit by all sorts happening, thought I was going mad. I use hrt and a low dose of amitriptyline which helps me.

Lesley x


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Re: Advice needed re. tingling and what to take for it
« Reply #6 on: August 14, 2014, 10:50:54 PM »

I have had tingling mostly in scalp but odd one over body. I was also told anxiety which no anxiety meds helped. Eventually got estradot and it disappeared over night. Unfortunately Only lasted fir 2 months then returned. Still trying to get a hrt to settle but if I do get anxious it does make it worse. Thought I was going mad my gp argued it was not hormonal. It's hard to explain to someone how distressing the feeling is. Good luck x


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Re: Advice needed re. tingling and what to take for it
« Reply #7 on: August 15, 2014, 11:36:10 AM »

I also have been driven mad with tingling but mines is in my head & scalp very occasionally in body. I know mines is hormone as started a patch hrt and disappeared. Unfortunately it has returned and trying to get an hrt that helps. I also through time know that anxiety does make it worse but not the cause. It seems to be trial & error ti get one that works for me. Good luck I thought I was the only one to get this as doesn't seem common. See if you can get a referral to a consultant ir a menopause clinic x


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Re: Advice needed re. tingling and what to take for it
« Reply #8 on: November 03, 2014, 05:39:06 PM »

Just wanted to send you some sympathy as I have had this a lot too, and know how disturbing it can be - especially as it's not a well known hormonal symptom, so you can't help asking yourself if it's 'something else'. I did try Amitriptyline which is an old fashioned AD known for helping with nerve pain but, to be honest, the side effects were horrible - increased appetite, tiredness and palpitations (plus it didn't help the tingling, though it did help my back/arm/rib ache).

A friend of mine told me her doctor had said water retention can 'touch' nerves and cause these sorts of pain. I think that could well explain why I get it worse before I come on.

Hope it's calming down for you now? B


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Re: Advice needed re. tingling and what to take for it
« Reply #9 on: November 04, 2014, 08:28:18 AM »

Hi Briony,

Thank you for your concern.  Tingling still a problem unfortunately.  Had B12 check and that was fine, had hormone levels checked and nurse said I would hear if there was anything noteable, and have heard nothing!  The tingling is, perhaps, slightly better  (I bet I wish I'd never said that) but what I have now is an almost constant feeling of crawling and ****ling under the skin which turns into the most horrendous itch.  It feels like I'm being bitten all over at random spots from head to toe and everywhere inbetween. Clawed myself stupid in bed last night much to hubby's annoyance, and did have some slight sweats going on.  I think my period is coming too (really sore boobs and feel very bloated). I do agree that because it's not one of the 'normal' symptoms that you tend to think it might be something else, you google, you panic, anxiety sets in and on goes another list of symptoms!!  I did have an MRI and am awaiting an appointment with a neurologist, as doctor thinks I will be less anxious when he rules out all the serious illnesses I think I might have.  I know if someone told me that what I have is DEFINATELY menopause I would feel a bit better in that my anxiety may not be so bad. (If that makes sense).  Hope you are well.
Take care x


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Re: Advice needed re. tingling and what to take for it
« Reply #10 on: November 05, 2014, 08:47:22 AM »

I don't know if this is relevant, but for the past three months I've had a tingly left foot and my body feels like it is vibrating.  I saw GP who said it was anxiety and post-meno (I'm 56).  He gave me ADs, but I haven't taken them.  Strange things is, I don't get any symptoms when I'm driving, going for walk, deeply engrossed in a film/tv/good book. When the symptoms started, I was quite worried about both my children, but things have settled down with them now, but I still get the tingling.


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Re: Advice needed re. tingling and what to take for it
« Reply #11 on: November 06, 2014, 09:44:28 AM »

Hi Holidaymaker

I wondered if you were still getting the tingling symptoms or you'd found something to help.  I would be interested to know.


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Re: Advice needed re. tingling and what to take for it
« Reply #12 on: November 06, 2014, 10:51:51 AM »

Marge, Hi,

Unfortunately I'm still getting the tingling.  Although it doesn't seem to be so bad in my feet (at the minute), I feel it in my legs and up my arms, like I'm getting ****ed by needles and ants crawling on my skin, which then turns into an itch. Like you my Doctor said anxiety, although this was for the tingling in my feet.  The skin crawling is a newer symptom, but all my bloods were normal.  My Ad's are still sitting in the cupboard, untouched, as I'm yet to be convinced this is all down to anxiety, although I do admit to suffering from anxiety and panic attacks (just dont think the creepy crawlies and tingling are that).  Tingling and 'formication' (the crawling feelings) are less common symptoms of menopause, and even though you are post meno, perhaps you are experiencing some sort of dip in hormones.  Like you too I had a wee bit extra anxiety at the start of the summer, when probably the first of my symptoms started, but that also has gone, but symptoms still here!!
And no, I also don't notice it as much If I'm up and about.  I've started taking a good Omega 3 supplement and also a 50+ multi vitamin as I cant see them doing any harm.  I see the Neurologist in 4 weeks so I will be interesting to here his views on this.  Will keep you posted. 
Take care


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Re: Advice needed re. tingling and what to take for it
« Reply #13 on: November 06, 2014, 12:08:28 PM »

Thanks Holidaymaker, one of the comforting things is to know you're not the only one, although I wouldn't wish it on anybody.  Do let me know how you get on and good luck!


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Re: Advice needed re. tingling and what to take for it
« Reply #14 on: November 06, 2014, 06:24:19 PM »

How are you getting on Holiday Maker? Have you had your MRI yet? Every time I read one of your posts, I think I could have written it! I too get the crawling skin - it's like 1000 ants running across my back. I did find one site which said this is uniquely a low estrogen symptom. I also get a horrible, tight squeezing sensation at the top of my arm which really scares me. I went for a nerve conduction test and the physician who did it could find nothing wrong, but said he'd come across many ladies in the their 40s with similar symptoms who linked the pain to their menstrual cycle. At the time I dismissed this and headed back to my doc determined to find out what dreadful disease was causing it, but looking back, it makes sense. Still no hot flushes for me - I so wish there was a definitive peri test so that I could stop worrying!    :o x
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