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Author Topic: Weird Type of Tiredness  (Read 4232 times)


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Weird Type of Tiredness
« on: July 14, 2014, 08:59:26 AM »

Hello ladies, I wonder if I could pick your brains? Of late I've been experiencing a type of tiredness that feels a bit different and I'm wondering if it is another meno symptom or something else. Despite HRT I am still having flushes which we know are draining but now I seem to feel so tired all the time. I wake up early and if I try and doze later I find that I'm just starting to relax when a surge of adrenaline/anxiety brings me round again and wakes me with a jolt. Do any of you ladies have a similar experience? It seems odd to be tired and yet unable to relax properly.

I've been taking 10mg beta blockers three times a day to stop the heart palpitations and that has worked, but now I'm wondering if the drugs are causing the tiredness. I'm also a bit run down as I have a chest infection but I'm holding off taking antibiotics as I don't want to get an upset stomach.

Any thoughts or suggestions would be gratefully received, especially as I'm beginning to worry that I have a horrible illness and even though I tell myself that is just health anxiety kicking in, it sure doesn't help!

Good grief, there's always something isn't there.

Take care ladies and wishing everyone well.



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Re: Weird Type of Tiredness
« Reply #1 on: July 14, 2014, 10:30:40 AM »

Hello Kathleen,
Sorry to hear that. :hug:
I sometimes get that sort of tiredness when I'm feeling depressed and anxious.
I can be dogged tired,try to go to sleep, and then suddenly jolt awake with anxiety.
I get all jittery too,restless legs and all that.
I have just put this down to my anxious state and usually when I get well again I'm fine and can relax.
I'm having a blip at the moment,but one week on from increasing my AD I do feel better than I did.
Just need to get rid of this flatness I'm feeling now.
Sending you a  :bighug: and hopefully someone will be along soon with some advice.


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Re: Weird Type of Tiredness
« Reply #2 on: July 14, 2014, 11:20:27 AM »

I have been taking 40mg Propranalol for years, on 1st I cut it down to 20mg at night.  Because my head wanted to stay asleep when there were chores to be done  ::) ...... but the axniety is present on waking and stayed back-ground all of yesterday  :-\ so will add 20mg in the morning if we have an event to attend.

The tired feeling is across the top of my skull somehow <shrug>


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Re: Weird Type of Tiredness
« Reply #3 on: July 14, 2014, 12:54:49 PM »

Hello Dyan and CLKD and thank you for taking the time to reply.

Dyan - I think I am having a bit of a blip atm. I'm feeling depressed and tearful with some irritability thrown in! I used to get the jitters a lot and I started HRT late last year because the jittery sensations had been constant for six months without let up and I'd had enough.  After two weeks they had gone.

I also take an AD, Venlafaxine, 35.7mg twice a day. I was interested to read that you have found an increase in your AD helpful so maybe I should think about doing the same.

I think I'm just getting myself into a state, worrying about my health etc as I feel so yuk and a bit defeated by it all. On a more positive note I usually feel better in the late afternoon /evening so there's always hope I guess!

CLKD - Sorry to hear that you are feeling tired too, rubbish feeling isn't it. 

Thank you once again for your replies ladies and I hope you both feel much better soon.
Take care.


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Re: Weird Type of Tiredness
« Reply #4 on: July 14, 2014, 01:05:05 PM »

My worst time is mornings, by evening I'm a 'different' person.  What I did learn was not to say 'yes' to anything asked of me in the evenings, but to wait until mid-morning before I would commit. 

I think when we feel 'off' we focus more on how we feel  :-\ ……… certainly having halved my BB recently the anxiety in the morning makes my brain go 'oh no, not again' but by lunch time it's better. 

Have you kept a food/mood diary ?  jotting it down, as sharing on here, can help  ;)  :tulips2:


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Re: Weird Type of Tiredness
« Reply #5 on: July 14, 2014, 05:17:10 PM »

Kathleen- yes, I feel better later in the day and get to bedtime and think,
" I feel normal".
Come morning I wake and it starts all over again until it gets where I feel 'normal' on waking and all through the day.( if you know what I mean ;D)
I certainly feel a lot better now than I did this morning.
Hope you are feeling a little better yourself  :)
 :bighug: X

CLKD- you are so right about when we feel off we focus more on ourselves.
Also that feeling, "oh no not again,that is so true ;D X



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Re: Weird Type of Tiredness
« Reply #6 on: July 14, 2014, 06:47:19 PM »

This sounds familiar with me also. I am on hrt patches and get this kind of tiredness often, the wakening with a jolt can be quite severe sometimes so much so i hurt my neck the other week.
I use to be a morning person but find them difficult on wakening up at the moment and don't start to feel normal until i have had my bath. In fact yesterday morning i felt so tired i had an energy drink (something i never drink)
which helped. Just another meno problem i feel.


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Re: Weird Type of Tiredness
« Reply #7 on: July 14, 2014, 06:58:05 PM »

I am very tired in the mornings and never used to be - but not tired in the evenings. I am quite groggy in the morning and need two large mugs of tea ( brought by my husband!) before i can stir. It;s very annoying as I always used to be awake early.

I also wondered if anything was wrong but had blood tests and all OK so just put it down to age/ meno and maybe some sort of hormonal shift ( not necessarily the female ones) - not sufficient to cause health problem but enough to notice eg thyroid, blood sugar metabolism or something.

I am on HRT but still on a cycle and still feel morning tiredness even when on the oestrogen only part. I'm 61

If you have a chest infection that is bound to make you feel tired! Make sure you're having a good diet with plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables etc, fish, nuts pulses, whole grains, dairy and iron, calcium rich foods etc so that you are not deficient in anything.

Hurdity x


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Re: Weird Type of Tiredness
« Reply #8 on: July 14, 2014, 07:06:29 PM »

I also feel rubbish in the morning. Combination of anxiety and very stiff knees. Also my IBS has been playing up.
I have found making a cuppa and taking it back to bed helps me come round a bit.
I get up and feed the dog, make my tea, get my kindle and head back to bed.
I sleep reasonably well but waken very early.
A slower start to the day helps a lot.



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Re: Weird Type of Tiredness
« Reply #9 on: July 14, 2014, 07:12:13 PM »

Hurdity I had to laugh when I read your post about needing 2 mugs of tea( brought by your husband) ;D
I am exactly the same. ;
My DH has been bringing me  2 mugs for years now,even before the meno. ;D
I have to have it sweet too.Just those 2 mugs with sweeteners first thing in the morning.


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Re: Weird Type of Tiredness
« Reply #10 on: July 14, 2014, 07:47:41 PM »

Sweeteners  :o  bin them! they are known to cause problems!  proper sugar is best, though I swear that sugar isn't as sweet as it used to was  ::)

I was a morning person for years …….. had to be in my teens as my bus left the village at 6.30 a.m.  :o …. not home before 5.30, long days with homework after.  My need for sleep came in my late 20s/30s ……. now I try to sleep for as long as possible  ;)