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Author Topic: utrogestan/estrogel support group  (Read 743825 times)


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Re: utrogestan/estrogel support group
« Reply #1230 on: February 22, 2018, 12:19:28 PM »


I think I'm going through early perimenopause. In 36, but my mum and grandma both went through it early. My symptoms over the last couple of years have included insomnia, anxiety, depression, feeling disconnected, tingling, head pressure, fatigue, aura migraine, headaches, hair falling out, water retention/thick skin on bottom of legs, brain fog/poor concentration, cystic acne on my jawline. I generally don't feel great, but I am far worse before and st the start of my period. My periods have been erratic for some time. In the last couple of months I've been on my period for over two weeks and only had just over a week before it starts again.

I saw Dr Studd on Monday who prescribed 3 pumps of oestogel and testogel. I start progesterone in April.

I've just got a few questions:
Since starting the gels I have felt more anxious and a bit nauseous. Is this just my body getting used to them do you think? And is it likely to settle down?

Does it take a while to find the right combination?

Also, have you had similar symptoms on perimenopause? How long have the symptoms lasted?


D xxxxx

Hi DBean, I am 41 (42 in just over a week!) and have been on Prof Studd's regime for nearly 3 months for severe PMS (exhaustion and anxiety before and during period) and osteopenia (diagnosed at first Prof Studd appt). I saw Mr Neale Watson rather than Prof Studd. He explained that I might feel worse at first due to the hormone fluctuations and that it's the fluctuations that can cause anxiety/fatigue etc. So it might be that this is why you're not feeling too good right now. I know it's really difficult when you feel worse before you feel better but I'd recommend sticking it out if you can as once you do level out your hormones, you should feel better – this has certainly been the case for me.

Overall I feel much better after 2 and a half months, although there have been a few ups and downs whilst my body has adjusted. My first few weeks on 3 pumps of oestrogel were fine but then I felt extremely exhausted for a week, then had my period and continued to feel exhausted. I called Prof Studd's office to ask whether I should up the oestrogel (given my period had started) and the receptionist suggested I email Prof Studd. He got back to me the next day saying I should go up to 4 pumps. I did and felt much better. I then took the utrogestan vaginally for 7 days from 1st – 7th February (even though I'd recently had my period – Prof Studd said to still take it) and got on much better than I expected. I felt a bit snappy and groggy on days 6 and 7, but fine otherwise. I feel since I've got up to the 4 pumps of oestrogel my anxiety and moods have been much more level. I'm guessing the 4 pumps of oestrogel have been enough to supress my natural cycle so that the fluctuations are now less. I am amazed I've been OK on the utrogestan as I was expecting the worst (I can't tolerate the contraceptive pill). I'm hoping 1st – 7th March will be the same. I hope that hearing my positive experience helps x   


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Re: utrogestan/estrogel support group
« Reply #1231 on: February 22, 2018, 02:27:26 PM »

Lucyloo, that's really interesting that 4 pumps made a difference for you. I am on 3 and am wondering if 4 would help. I am feeling a lot better than I was but still feel anxious and a bit low at times despite really good self care. Thank you for sharing your experience x


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Re: utrogestan/estrogel support group
« Reply #1232 on: February 22, 2018, 06:21:06 PM »

Hi! Having a bad day today, been taking utrogestan 100 mg at night for 6 days now by mouth, but feeling rubbish, I have such a muggy head and feel so nauseous, could this be the utrogestan? I'm also using the estrogel and testogel, will this feeling pass. I'm looking after my 7 month old grandson today who is teething and I just feel so rough, roll on 6.30pm....... just wanted a moan.... Thanks

Hi there - yes like 4mesons - I have never taken Utrogestan orally and nausea and foggy head are well known side effects that are worse with oral route. How long each month do you take it for? I find the muggy head is always there on the utro phase even when taken vaginally.

Hurdity x


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Re: utrogestan/estrogel support group
« Reply #1233 on: February 22, 2018, 06:25:17 PM »

Peony -  I couldn't see your reply at first because it was inside the quotes of my post, so thought there was nothing but realised it was there!! Sorry to hear about all the bleeding and all the best with your investigations - let us know how things go.

Hurdity x


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Re: utrogestan/estrogel support group
« Reply #1234 on: February 22, 2018, 06:51:20 PM »

Hi ladies feeling really low at the min I am not sleeping too well been to doctors for my first month check she told me to see how I feel on my 3 day break and to up the oestrogel I know I need to get used the hormones again but not liking feeling like this  😥

Mary G

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Re: utrogestan/estrogel support group
« Reply #1235 on: February 22, 2018, 07:08:18 PM »

LucyLoo, it's good to hear that you are feeling so much better, it seems that 4 pumps of Oestrogel are needed to get the formula right to override the cycle for women with hormonal anxiety.

Crazywomen, I would take that advice and try increasing your gel dose and see if it makes a difference. 


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Re: utrogestan/estrogel support group
« Reply #1236 on: February 22, 2018, 09:37:30 PM »

Lucyloo, that's really interesting that 4 pumps made a difference for you. I am on 3 and am wondering if 4 would help. I am feeling a lot better than I was but still feel anxious and a bit low at times despite really good self care. Thank you for sharing your experience x

Hi Mindfulmoomins, thank you for your post and for sending me a personal message about the 4 pumps of oestrogel - I'm sorry but I can't reply to your personal message yet as I haven't posted 10 times - I will reply as soon as I have enough posts!

It's interesting about the 4 pumps of oestrogel. I've read quite a few ladies (both peri and menopausal) saying they feel a bit jittery and anxious on higher doses of oestrogen but this hasn't been the case for me. I put on all 4 pumps in the morning - 2 on my shoulders and upper arms and 2 on my inner thighs.

My theory is that I've needed to up my oestrogen to override my own hormone ups and downs as I'm still menstruating. My oestrogen levels felt too low at 3 pumps after a while as I was exhausted and had a period. I therefore think my own hormones were going up and down in the background. At 4 pumps I've had more energy and felt better in myself. I'm also sleeping fine (unless I'm worrying about something - but I've always been a worrier!)

I also felt OK during the 7 day utrogestan phase (apart from needing the loo in the night which I understand is a common side effect of the utro, especially when taken vaginally.) When I first went up to the 4 pumps of oestrogel I did get thrush like symptoms. I googled it and found that high oestrogen levels can cause these symptoms. Two weeks later I started on the utrogestan vaginally and felt really sore down below- I think it was a combination of the thrush symptoms and the utro together. I stuck with it though as I was so relieved to not feel too bad emotionally on the utro - I'm normally awful with progesterone. Since I've finished the utro phase the thrush symptoms have stopped. I had a bleed 7 days after the utro which has been quite heavy, but similar to my normal periods. So overall I'm feeling happy on the 4 pumps and hopeful that the next utro 7 days will be OK (1st - 7th March).

I should add I'm also rubbing in a pea sized blob of testosterone each morning to my outer thigh. I started rubbing in very small amounts as I was worried about side effects but I'm now up to a large pea sized blob and feel it is helping my libido. I've had no negative side effects.

When I emailed Prof Studd he was very happy for me to go up to the 4 pumps of oestrogel. I have my 3 month follow up appointment in a few weeks (I think I'm seeing Michael Savvas) so I'll check whether I'm OK to continue. I'm also going to ask about having annual scans to check my uterus lining, but given I've had a good bleed following the 7 days of utro I'm hoping I'll be OK.

Thanks for your message Mary G - I do think 4 pumps is helping to over ride my cycle and therefore stopping the hormonal anxiety/exhaustion symptoms x


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Re: utrogestan/estrogel support group
« Reply #1237 on: February 23, 2018, 06:30:28 AM »

its so interesting reading everyones experiences and realising you are not alone. I'm a little concerned as I have been put on utrogestan every day of the month, so I never get a break, even though I have been having light periods every 3/4 months before this. I'm just wondering whether I should be on a regime that gives you a period as I haven't gone the full year, just not sure what that is with the Utrogestan as everyone seems to take it for different amounts of times!!!!
I'm also feeling so dizzy and nauseous at the moment, feel like I'm pregnant! lol - I know I'm not, just hoping it gets better as my body gets used to it as its only been 7 days..... fingers crossed
« Last Edit: February 23, 2018, 07:18:33 AM by robotwars »

Nellie Noo

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Re: utrogestan/estrogel support group
« Reply #1238 on: February 23, 2018, 07:39:42 AM »

So ...have just done my first week of utrogestan orally .. never again ! Had the worse acid reflux !  (Which i didnt have on femseven  Sequi )  So i might now try the vaginal route. The other thing i have noticed is terrible itching ...which on the pamplet says to report to your doctor ! 😳


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Re: utrogestan/estrogel support group
« Reply #1239 on: February 23, 2018, 08:59:23 PM »

its so interesting reading everyones experiences and realising you are not alone. I'm a little concerned as I have been put on utrogestan every day of the month, so I never get a break, even though I have been having light periods every 3/4 months before this. I'm just wondering whether I should be on a regime that gives you a period as I haven't gone the full year, just not sure what that is with the Utrogestan as everyone seems to take it for different amounts of times!!!!
I'm also feeling so dizzy and nauseous at the moment, feel like I'm pregnant! lol - I know I'm not, just hoping it gets better as my body gets used to it as its only been 7 days..... fingers crossed

I'm losing track of everyone but you shouldn't be on continuous Utro if you haven't gone a full year without a bleed. It won't do you any harm but it could mean firstly that you bleed at unpredictable times, but more to the point - if you are feeling dizzy and nauseous and taking it orally - you are needlessly suffering these symptoms because you are also taking it every day! Most women would not want to use it vaginally every day especially if in a relationship so if you want to prevent the side effects and have a regular withdrawal bleed then taking it cyclically, and vaginally may be the answer. Some docs will prescribe it continuously if you have suffered extreme pms and peri-menopausal mood swings - as it will even these out to some extent. I suppose it depends what you are most seeking relief from and whicu method makes you feel better for more of the time?

The licensed dose is 12 days x 200 mg orally per 28 day cycle, or 100 mg orally continuously every day (or 25/28 days) - if you are post-menopausal. The variations are for those who are progesterone intolerant to some degree and under medical supervision.

Hope your body acclimatises soon but if not you might like to vary how you take it....with approval of your doc.

Hurdity x



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Re: utrogestan/estrogel support group
« Reply #1240 on: February 25, 2018, 04:23:23 PM »

Thanks Hurdity. its funny you said it will make my periods unpredictable as I came on on Saturday.... think I might email the consultant and see what she says.....


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Re: utrogestan/estrogel support group
« Reply #1241 on: February 27, 2018, 06:40:45 AM »

Morning silly question again I am on the 1 to 25 days when do I start again I have got a break through bleed when do I start the utrogestan again x


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Re: utrogestan/estrogel support group
« Reply #1242 on: February 27, 2018, 09:33:42 AM »

If you started it on the 1st of the month then you start it on the 1st again


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Re: utrogestan/estrogel support group
« Reply #1243 on: February 27, 2018, 01:50:03 PM »

The end of my road with utrogestan. Which is sad as it made me feel so well in myself but the bleeding was unbelievable. At the weekend it looked like people had been murdered. The clots were huge . I saw my GP after the bleed before this one and an emergency referral was arranged for the gynae dept. Saw the consultant today he did a trans vaginal scan and all I have is one small fibroid and a thin uterine lining ( presumably because the rest of it was all over the bed, bathroom floor etc etc.) He has taken an endometrial biopsy for completeness but said won't be anything bad all looks too healthy. Utrogestan caused my bleeding. I was on 3 pumps of oestrogel and 1 100mg Utrogestan vaginally 25.days out of 28 so correct dosing.  I don't know why some women react like this because I have found other bleeders posts. He put in another Mirena coil which I had had several without problem previously so hopefully thats the end of it because I could not go through another  bleed like the last two and am now anaemic. He did give me the lecture that I should stop HRT altogether because have been on it about 17 years but I have never smoked, don't drink so I guess you choose your risk factors.  I am traumatised by those last two bleeds, it was like starring in your own Quentin Tarantino movie. I hope this Mirena works as well for me as previously and sharing my experience may help someone else at some point.


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Re: utrogestan/estrogel support group
« Reply #1244 on: February 27, 2018, 05:40:26 PM »

Morning silly question again I am on the 1 to 25 days when do I start again I have got a break through bleed when do I start the utrogestan again x

If it's 1-25 days utrogestan that's 1-25 of a 28 day cycle so you take 3 days off (ie days 26, 27 and 28) and start taking again and counting day 1 after day 28. If you keep to the 28 day cycle then it should be the same day of the week each time.  What day of the cycle did you get the breakthrough bleed and are you post-menopausal? If not then breakthrough bleeding can occur at any time and you might be better off on the 200 mg x 12 days proper cyclical regime, unless there was a specific reason for you to take it nigh on continuously?

Hurdity x
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