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Author Topic: utrogestan/estrogel support group  (Read 743932 times)


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Re: utrogestan/estrogel support group
« Reply #900 on: January 06, 2017, 08:06:49 PM »

It gives me vivid dreams and also I am restless because it affects my bladder and have to get up to go to the loo! However I always feel groggy in the morning....Last cycle I eased myself into the 200 mg dose by having 2 days either side of 100 mg - so I think I had it for 13 days in all (vaginally).

Goosieloosie - what is your oestrogen dose because you should get fairly high absorption from 100 mg vaginally, so perhaps you are on a higher oestrogen dose? I do find that when I shorten my cycle the side effects do get worse. Currently I am on a long cycle of 6-8 weeks and that seems to give me time to get over the prog! I am only on medium dose of oestrogen and my doc is also happy with this.

Hurdity x
Hi Hurdity, I am on a 50mg Estradot patch & this has not changed in 11 months of using. My husband had suggested to me that I alternate each day with 200 then 100 then 200 and so on until day 12 if I can manage it? What is your opinion on this? Many thanks


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Re: utrogestan/estrogel support group
« Reply #901 on: January 07, 2017, 06:24:24 AM »

Yes I'm better on long cycle. I did try monthly for a while but after several months the side effects seemed to be getting worse. Its definitely beneficial for me to minimise my exposure to progesterone!

Hi stellajane can I ask what your regime is on a long cycle? I'm just wondering if it might suit me better than monthly? Thank you :)X


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Re: utrogestan/estrogel support group
« Reply #902 on: January 07, 2017, 09:38:36 AM »

GoosieLoosie - I once took progesterone on alternate days - this was several years ago and using Cyclogest (vaginal) pessaries - before utrogestan was available or well known. However I was trialling a continuous combined HRT with Estradot only at 25 mcg. I did this for several months and it certainly worked - I did not bleed at all during the time I was using it, so my body clearly adjusted to the fluctuating levels, although I was on a very low oestrogen dose.... I think it would be worth a try at least! Failing this if you are post-meno have you thought of stretching the cycle a bit and seeing if you can tolerate it for longer? This would need to be done under supervision but several of us are on long cycles.

Niamh - re the longer cycles - I am on this regime too but it really will work best if post-menopausal and then your own cycle won't kick in. It does not seem to be as popular with gynaecologists because of the increased risk of endometrial thickening (just as with shorter doses of progesterone ie 7 days also increases this risk). Whenever I have shortened mine (cycle) the progesterone has affected me more. It also depends on your oestrogen dose - it will work best on medium dose as otherwise breakthrough bleeding may occur. You would need to have a regular scan too but if you are able to (have regular scans) I can't see why you should not try - even if it was just 5 weeks (if you are post-meno).

Hurdity x


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Re: utrogestan/estrogel support group
« Reply #903 on: January 07, 2017, 10:00:41 AM »

Thanks Hurdity no I'm not post I'm 42 and saw Studd as a pms patient. I use 2 pumps of ostrogel and my own cycle has been suppressed by this I get no breakthrough of my own cycle or horrid fluctuations, I took a while though!! I think I absorb the gel really well and on my blood tests my ostrogen levels are high now so Studd said my own cycle is suppressed which has stopped my horrific pms. However i struggle with utro so I'm on his 7 day regime monthly. I might ask him about the long cycle as I see him this week. X


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Re: utrogestan/estrogel support group
« Reply #904 on: January 07, 2017, 12:02:29 PM »

The side effects of Utrogestan (for those of us who are progesterone intolerant) never cease to amaze me.  I am trying to shake off a nasty bout of flu that put me in bed for over a week, have lost about half a stone.  I delayed use of Utro (100 mg v-route x 12) for as long as I could - however - oh my goodness - all day, every single day I have suffered extreme nausea and some retching, the absolute worst black depression - the side effects have been most extreme.  I will never understand how even when taken v-route, Utro has such strong systemic effects - no way is it just "localised".  It is such powerful stuff, even at 100mg.

Night owl I was really interested in your post appreciate its a few weeks ago. I too am intolerant to prog and use utro v route for 7 days I see Studd so this is his regime. He's even let me skip some months when I've been ill or simply unable to face it. I agree it is powerful stuff and I get a very good bleed. The side effects are just awful though but some months bearable other months I get the horrific depression, could sob all day, it always ruins my sleep though I hate the stuff but I have 2 little boys so have to plough on. Hope you feel better now :)

Hi Niamh - thanks, yes I eventually recovered, it took weeks!  Quite a few of us are progesterone intolerant - it's my main bugbear and once again I'm pondering coming off HRT as I so dread/loathe taking the prog - it seems to alter my brain chemistry so much these days.

And yes the side effects I've always found to be awful, but weirdly some months even worse than others - and yes I feel the same, could sob all day - also I get super-analytical about life and over-think more than I usually do.  Prog has an effect on the neurotransmitters and can reduce serotonin levels.  The last use was definitely worse having the flu virus. 

I'm in a different place on the meno journey - now 54 and c.10 years post meno - the regime is from the Panay clinic: Estraderm 25 patch and 12 x 100mg (no way can I do 200mg) Utro, v-route, 6 clear weeks inbetween use (sometimes I stretch it to 7), yearly endo scans.

Maybe Studd would consider the long cycle to give you more of a reprieve from Utro - but as Hurdity says, it's possibly more of a post meno regime, still worth discussing though - regular endo scans are key to the long cycle - it's trial and error all the way - hope you find a way forward. x


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Re: utrogestan/estrogel support group
« Reply #905 on: January 08, 2017, 05:40:27 PM »

Night owl I definitely find some months worse than others this month hasn't been that bad, my sleep improved on night 5... I have had a horrible mood drop today though and did feel like I was going to lose it this morning 😳 but always feel better in the late afternoon/eve..I've had headaches the last 2 days though and omg my appetite it's like I'm hungover I could eat for England 😬😂😂 only 1 more dose tonight thank God 👏👏x


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Re: utrogestan/estrogel support group
« Reply #906 on: January 08, 2017, 08:28:07 PM »

I'll report back on weds after I see him! So excited about popping that last one 😂X


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Re: utrogestan/estrogel support group
« Reply #907 on: January 09, 2017, 10:07:08 AM »

Thanks Hurdity no I'm not post I'm 42 and saw Studd as a pms patient. I use 2 pumps of ostrogel and my own cycle has been suppressed by this I get no breakthrough of my own cycle or horrid fluctuations, I took a while though!! I think I absorb the gel really well and on my blood tests my ostrogen levels are high now so Studd said my own cycle is suppressed which has stopped my horrific pms. However i struggle with utro so I'm on his 7 day regime monthly. I might ask him about the long cycle as I see him this week. X

Hi again - ah I see - not menopause then. If your blood levels are really high he may well not recommend a longer cycle as you may get more thickening and therefore some breakthrough bleeding if you go longer than 3 weeks unopposed oestrogen each cycle - and also you would then have to take progesterone for more days per cycle to ensure shedding. If your bleeds are quite heavy then it is likely not to be advised. However would be interesting to hear his views!

Hurdity x


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Re: utrogestan/estrogel support group
« Reply #908 on: January 09, 2017, 03:31:44 PM »

Thanks Hurdity he let me skip it one month as I was really ill so I went right from about 7th of I think June until 1st August with no progesterone. I literally got a 4 day breakthrough bleed on 26th July just before I took the progesterone...he did warn me I might but I was surprised I went so long! I'll see what he says I'd grin and bear taking it for longer if it meant a longer gap without. Feel unbearably sick today but at least I've done my 7 days now just the withdrawal to survive! I normally get about a 4 day bleed which isn't too heavy but I've had the odd heavier period of maybe 7 days and on the heavy side for the first 3/4 days x


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Re: utrogestan/estrogel support group
« Reply #909 on: January 09, 2017, 04:02:03 PM »

Hi Matildamouse - good to know someone else is doing the alternate day regime - and glad it is working for you.



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Re: utrogestan/estrogel support group
« Reply #910 on: January 09, 2017, 10:01:05 PM »

Thanks Fullmoon. It was nearly 18 months of trial and error, hit and miss etc before I tried this regime on a holiday where I mistakenly did not take adequate progesterone capsules. In my opinion the fact that I am 2 years post menopausal now plays a big and positive role to ensure no spotting etc


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Re: utrogestan/estrogel support group
« Reply #911 on: January 13, 2017, 10:52:05 AM »

Am I going mad or have I read on here something about a really mood drop/dip 5 days post stopping utro phase? I'm sure I've had it before and read withdrawal has been OK until today when I've noticed a real mood dip, irritable, flat...bleed started it just to do with my body stabilising as the prog leaves my system? I hope so!x


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Re: utrogestan/estrogel support group
« Reply #912 on: January 13, 2017, 12:02:37 PM »

Someone did say they experienced this and wondered if it was due to the prog. This woman was taking synthetic prog though. If your bleed has started though then it sounds like this could be responsible? I mean if it had taken 4/5 days for your bleed to start this implies that the prog is still in your system. The physiological changes (from removal of the prog) presumably take a while to fully take effect  :-\. Hopefully you will feel better soon :)

Hurdity x


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Re: utrogestan/estrogel support group
« Reply #913 on: January 13, 2017, 12:45:04 PM »

Someone did say they experienced this and wondered if it was due to the prog. This woman was taking synthetic prog though. If your bleed has started though then it sounds like this could be responsible? I mean if it had taken 4/5 days for your bleed to start this implies that the prog is still in your system. The physiological changes (from removal of the prog) presumably take a while to fully take effect  :-\. Hopefully you will feel better soon :)

Hurdity x

Thanks Hurdity I always get my bleed the morning of the 4th day post stopping so last dose was Sunday night bleed came Thursday first thing...mood drop today day 5 :(

Studd also wants me to use 3 pumps of gel, I use 2 but I don't really see why, my own cycle and hence my pms has been suppressed (saw him for pms) I feel good no symptoms when just on ostrogen only issue is prog as I'm intolerant. I really don't see why I need to use 3 last time I did it made me anxious and jittery 🤔 I feel flat today so maybe it would help that but I don't normally do think it's prog withdrawal x


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Re: utrogestan/estrogel support group
« Reply #914 on: January 18, 2017, 02:18:17 AM »

Hello ladies,

This is all so helpful.

I'm not sure if I should post my question here or on the VA thread, as its a progesterone - VA question, but here goes.

I'm back on Estrogel as of three months -after being on Tibolone for a couple of years -  and take  progesterone in the form of oral Duphaston, 12 days every 3 months. (I do frequent scans and my doctor is fine with this).

I developed very bad VA on the Tibolone as was not given anything local, with bad burning inside and out but mainly bladder irritability and pelvic pain. I live in India and couldnt find Vagifem (its not sold here) so I had to use horrible Premarin cream. This works to an extent. I also went back to Estrogel, about 2 1/2 puffs.

Here's my question: I was sort of managing until I got a tooth abcess this week and am having to take Ampicillin (tooth comes out Thursday).  I am always reluctant to use antibiotics because I find they affect estrogen uptake. I also in my wisdom, decided this was the time I should take Duphaston. Two days into Ampicillin and Duphaston together and I feel AWFUL.

My bladder is going insane with  constant urgency and pelvic aching. I had to sleep sitting up last night and managed exactly 4 hours sleep.

Does this sound familiar?

I am wondering if I should stop the progesterone til I've finished the antibiotic (3 more days) and then restart it.

The good news is I've managed to get a supply of Vagifem and intend to start it every other day as soon as the progesterone cycle is over.

Any thoughts appreciated greatly.
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