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Author Topic: Elleste solo 1.25mg patches  (Read 3312 times)


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Elleste solo 1.25mg patches
« on: July 10, 2013, 01:49:54 PM »


I have just been prescribed the above by my GP. I have suffered for over 2 years with night sweats, lightheaded and now hot flushes. I have no uterus but still have my ovaries. I was wondering if anybody has used the above and if so what were the results. I am still reluctant to stick it to my skin, silly I know. Any info would be appreciated



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Re: Elleste solo 1.25mg patches
« Reply #1 on: July 11, 2013, 02:02:00 PM »

Hi shrpye

I can't find that dosage amongst the patches listed... it is quite a high dose - having looked it up is it the Elleste 40 mcg one? The patches are normally listed in terms of the daily dosage ie per 24 hours???

Lots of us here use patches and I am sure that one is as good as any!  All patches like this contain estradiol - but the different makes vary in size and possibly how well they stick. Not sure what the results are you are wondering about?

All oestrogen patches will be effective in reducing sweats and flushes caused by depleted oestrogen so go for it! I use Estradot and have justbeen reduced from 50 mcg to 37.5 mcg but maybe will increase again (I am 60).

Good luck and let us know how you feel.

Oh - and don't be put off by the marks left behind on your behind!  Some women remove them (the marks) but I just leave them and have a patchy look to my rear!!!

Hurdity x


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Re: Elleste solo 1.25mg patches
« Reply #2 on: July 11, 2013, 10:37:22 PM »


Thank you for your reply, it is the 40mcg patch. When I asked about results I suppose I meant the benefits like cessation of flushes, sweats I get dizziness also I am hoping this will all start to settle. How long before it kicks in to start feeling a bit more normal?

I already have one patch mark I out it on to low and it wrinkled up and I had to remove leaving behind a nice square of blue linen fluff from my trousers

Sharon x


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Re: Elleste solo 1.25mg patches
« Reply #3 on: July 12, 2013, 08:54:56 PM »

Hi sharon

I felt the benefits of the patches within a few days. Sorry to hear it didn't stick well - once you get the knack of where to put them and getting them to stick you should be well away. if you don't get on with this type then I do recommend Estradot which are a tiny patch and stick very well - and you can stick them on part of your bottom where it doesn;t rub off. You just have to be extra careful in hot weather. You are supposed to use a warm hand and pressure to get them to stick in the first place so when it's hot and sunny they can become dislodged more easily if you are not careful.

Several of us on here have mentioned we develop a habit of surreptitiously feeling down there just to make sure the patch hasn't come adrift!!

Hurdity x